Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ On the Offensive ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vegetables and Space Goons

Chapter 4

A/N: I told ya I'd explain it in the next chapter so now I'll explain it before you get too confused. Well, every sayain matures as they get to be sixteen, like develops their sexual senses... What makes being a teen trouble. They develop before, but they don't get the hormones till 16. Like, the urge to mate gets really bad at the exact second each sayain was born only they are 16 years old. They also get a mark to show that they have come of Age. Well! Each sayain has a choice to hunt (their mate) for their birthday celebration or they can learn to control their urges to a fine scale since they won't have a mate. Like, Radditz chose to, but he has a plan about that... And that's for later...

Side-note: Lena's 15 1/2, and as innocent as a baby. Somewhat, even babies hit right? BUT you CAN'T hit them back...*hehehe, PRANKS are gonna happen! Tempers are gonna fly high!* And with that little piece of knowledge stuck away in the back of your mind, you may now continue.

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A PRODIGY OFF FLYING PEN'S CRUEL FATE? She came up with the concept I filled in the rest. Though most of this is still MINE, but I will give Flying Pen her due so no one gets pissed...


Sakura switched the intercom in her room, aboard the ship, so that she could listen to King Vegeta and Frieza's conversation in the main hall. She listened intently for any reason to kill Frieza as she changed into her pajamas. All she heard was that Frieza would arrive at the next meeting of the king's console which Sakura would be attending, as she is now one of the king's military council, of course. It would after her weekend away. Her dad's weekend.

Lena began pulling her PJ's shirt over her head as the boys bashed into her room. The door swung open, and she tried to hurry to pull her shirt down, but it was stuck. Panic was now an option. She squirmed to try to pull it down further, and it took a minute to get it pulled down completely. Peter and Prince Vegeta stared up from their dog-pile on the floor. Sakura pulled her shirt down fully with a relieved sigh. She turned around, and faced them. Had they seen anything? She wondered to herself briefly. She gave them both a soft kick to their jaw, and said. "I didn't expect you two to be on time, for once." She saw them both look as if the sleep-over was canceled. "Alright..." She sighed. "You both can still stay the night."

Peter and Prince Vegeta slammed their knuckles/fists together, in our terms a 'high five' with their knuckles instead of their palms.

Lena sighed again at their behavior. "Peter. I thought you were going on 16, what are you doing still wanting to come to a GIRL'S slumber party? Don't you want to be preparing for your Coming of Age party on your birthday?" She asked with an eyebrow raised in interest.

Peter smiled at her. He loved... answering her questions. "Well, as I see it, I have less than a half year left to have the most fun I can... I really don't know what to expect next year... I heard you go through horrible changes, and you want things that adults want... like..." He trailed off in a whisper.

Lena leaned in close to him, Prince Vegeta at her side doing the same. "Like what...?" She coaxed. Peter looked into her eyes. Then glanced at Prince, and back to her. He stared deep into hers, and she didn't notice Vegeta had gone away from her side in her trance.

"Like, kissing!" He blurted out finally as Prince slammed a pillow down on her head.

A pillow fight erupted like always. It continued for sometime later when King Vegeta swept passed the open door. He stopped, and looked in on the merciless destruction of the pillows.

His voice echoed in the room. "Looks like you need some more pillows..." he managed to utter over the screams and laughter then he trailed off to the closest closet for some more for them to sleep on. He came back into the room with three cushy, new pillows. He heard a murmur of thanks from each of the three then he continued down the hall. During the pillow fight the door was kicked shut, and a pillow was completely destroyed. Feathers everywhere!

Lena fell on the bed exhausted. Peter and Prince on either side after her. "You guys are too rough with me!" she panted. Peter turned on his side to face her. Lena was red faced, and breathing hard. Lena noticed him out of the corner of her eye. "What are you staring at? You've been acting weird for sometime now... What's wrong?"

Peter coughed, and Prince came to his rescue. "He was trying to wink at me to start another fight, but you got in the way."

"Lucky me..." She muttered, blankly ignoring any other reasons, as she got up off the bed. She headed to her bathroom, and Prince scooted closer to Peter.

"Why were you staring at Lena? Honestly...now..." Prince asked in a whisper.

Peter sighed heavily. "Lena's pretty, and I can't stop staring at her. I know she was prettier when she was younger, but -"

"And we had fun pranks pulled on her for that!" Prince cut in with a chuckle.

They both chuckled a moment, and Peter started up again, "But, now she's a different kind of pretty. I just-"


Radditz entered. "Lena? Is something wrong?!" He said then stood confused at why Peter and Prince were on Lena's bed. "Why are you guys there? Where's Lena?" He said in a mellowed voice.

"Lena is in the bathroom, Radditz." Peter said quickly, pointing a finger toward the bathroom, to avoid being pummeled for information. At that second, Lena left her flowery smelling, yellow bathroom.

She was putting her spiky onyx hair back up as she saw Radditz. "Hey, Radditz, I didn't know you were coming to this sleepover? Just wanted to join in the fun?..." She taunted.

Radditz entered the room, and shut the door behind him. "Well, I..." He said beginning to blush. "I was passing by, and heard whispering so I came into get in on the secret." He spatted out, but Lena wasn't stupid enough to fall for that. He was hiding his true intentions for entering her room, but, again, she choose to ignore any other reasons.

She smiled, acting coyly. "Please stay, and have some fun. How was your 16th birthday party? Sorry I couldn't come, my job, you know. I had to cover for your dad." Lena came, and sat at the foot of her bed. She patted the space beside her to let Radditz know he was welcome to sit down. He came over, and sat on the bed next to her. Prince and Peter at their backs.

"My birthday was great! I had presents as usual, but-..." He ended his sentence abruptly.

She thought this odd of him. "Is something wrong?" She looked around him to see if something bit him make him stop. She saw his tail swishing close to her. She innocently grabbed it then began to inspect it to see if that had been bitten, or something. Radditz's back went ridged, grabbed the sides of the bed, and let out a hiss/purr. Lena let go immediately, stunned. "I... I'm sorry." She began as he unclenched the sheets.

He huffed out. "It's ok... you didn't know."

"Know what?" She said as all three of them leaned in closer to the recovering sayain.

He choked. "Uh, New-Ager stuff... I shouldn't tell ya."

Lena leaned in close to him as she curiously swayed her tail back and forth. "Please, tell me Radditz... You can tell me. You've known me since I was born..." Her voice seductive.

Radditz severely detested the position he was in. He didn't want to lie to them, to her especially, but how could he tell them about stuff he just recently could control. (hormones, he's a true sayain teenager now) He so wanted Lena to do that again, but he wanted Peter and Prince Vegeta out of the room so he could purr as loud as he wanted. Lena wouldn't understand. He fought with himself as Lena nudged closer to him. She wouldn't know what Coming of Age can do to you, The only person I could tell would be Peter. I don't want to tell her. She won't understand for 6 more months. She won't need to know until she's sixteen too. "Lena. You'll find out when you're sixteen." Lena pouted, and Radditz resisted kissing her. Prince snickered in the background which made Lena punch him off the bed. Radditz was head-over-heals in love with her. Lena pouted with her full bottom lip out, and Radditz almost couldn't resist. He turned away from her, and spoke to Prince and Peter. "I think we should watch some movies..." He insisted. He got up and went over to Lena's screen. He popped in a disc from her collection. Lena stopped pouting, knowing it wasn't going to work. She was going to try again later. She just headed over to the couch where Radditz had made a comfortable, spread out half across her long sofa. Lena came, and sat on his legs. He didn't mind her there, she was light. He arced (cupped) his legs, and she fell into the little pocket he had created. His legs were in a semicircle, pinning her to the sofa. Peter popped on the other side of the couch, and lied his head against the armrest, and Prince Vegeta leaned against him, his head on a pillow- that's about to be brought. Lena used her ki to hover over the pillows, unused, and two blankets. Lena moved Radditz to the back of the couch so she could be in front, so she could see, after getting out the pocket he created. She wrapped her self in one blanket with Radditz and Prince Vegeta came, and leaned on her while sneaking some of the blanket for himself. Lena leaned back into Radditz, because he a muscular, comfy guy.

"What do I look like? A sandwich?" She said irritably as the movie began. Lena rested her head on the pillow. "That's a lot better." But it still didn't move Prince Vegeta. She said as she shifted her weight under him. Radditz unconsciously wrapped his tail around her waist.

Some hours and movies later, Lena waited until Peter and Prince Vegeta were asleep, and then she moved Prince Vegeta over so he could lean on the sleeping Peter. She covered them both in Peter's blanket as Radditz came back from exchanging the movie for a new one. The opening credits rolled past as he sat back down where Lena was waiting for his warmth and cushioning. (She's only 15 or so, a sayain child. She just curls up like any other kid would.) He sat back down and put his legs up, not creating a pocket this time. Lena returned to laying on her side; sandwiching him between her and the couch. His tail once more snuck possessively around the bottom of her rib cage.

Lena moaned because it tickled. Radditz stiffened, men you know why. "Radditz?" She said as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"What?" He said, worried at what she was going to ask him.

Lena looked up into his eyes. He was already looking down at her. "Why do you wrap your tail around my waist?"

He blushed vividly, and stuttered. "I... I... My tail was cold." He lied. Lena set her hand on his tail that was loosely on her stomach now then ran it's length to her side (against the fur.)

"Your tail isn't cold." She observed, but Radditz's answer was a soft, low purr. "W...what?" She stuttered as a moan escaped his lips after her torture had stopped.

"I...I..." He stuttered in a gasp then slowly began to get a hold of himself then spoke again. "I would prefer if you didn't touch my tail." He said with great hoarseness. Lena got a horrible thought. She seized Radditz's tail, and before he knew it, she had him purring again, rather loudly this time. He quickly whipped his tail out of her hands. "I said DON'T touch my TAIL." Lena looked petrified. She was gawking... His words had made her snap out of her trance, and she shut her mouth. She gently placed her hand over her lower stomach. (This is like a little kid getting like this. She is semi-oblivious to stuff like this.) Radditz gaped at the thought. Could she be feeling the same warmth that I am? Could she be feeling what I feel? He stopped, and without another thought, he snatched her up in his arms. His tail curling up tight, right under her breasts. His teeth, canines, gently scraped her neck. Lena gave an unconscious moan, and the heat in her stomach intensified to unpleasant highs.

"Radditz, stop." She gasped. "Please, stop." Pleading with him to make the uncomfortable, hot feeling go away. Lena's tail seized his own as she couldn't breath. He was crushing her. "Radditz!" She huffed out. "You're... chocking... me." Her voice becoming strained. She said as her air supply was cut fully off. She couldn't inhale anymore. She had to get him off, the heat, in her stomach, gone completely. The true sayain in her awakened. Only thing she was thinking about was nothing at all; all rational thought was purged form it. Her head dropped from its extended, shocked position then she whammed it up into his temple. Lena slowly began to feel her painful head as conscious thought returned. She looked up to where she last could remember Radditz last, her lungs began to fill with air, and he wasn't there. She looked down to trace his descent, and found him on the couch. His head bloody. Lena knew he had a thick skull. She raised her hand to her skull's side. Immense pain, and blood awaited her touch. Her heart sank as she felt much blood. There was no time. She had to get herself and Radditz down to the rejuvenation tanks before she couldn't make it anywhere.

She hauled Radditz over her back, and ran out of the room. With her heart pounding as hard as her head, she quickly shot forth to the infirmary. As she ran her legs started to get heavy, her eyes drooped, she was starting to pass out. The blood seemed to flow slower from her wound now, but she didn't have time to think of why. "MRS. POTTS!" She cried out urgently, as she raced down the hall. Her legs were becoming heavier now. "MRS. POTTS!!!" She tried again desperately. She rounded the corner as one infirmary door to opened, Lena didn't look up from her continuingly slumping position as her run slowed. She knew someone was there, and that they could help her. As she began to urgently walk to the door, and figure became present. As her vision clouded over she hoped that it was the king that she saw standing there. When she reached the figure Lena tripped, and down both went. As Lena felt her world became dark and numb. She didn't know what would happen next after she hit the floor.


Lena shifted then sat up in her hospital bed. She looked around at the wing she was in. She blinked then she became aware that her head was bandaged. Looks like the tank isn't working well again. She observed. As she looked around, she noticed Radditz on the bed next to her. She also noticed that he must have been taken care of before her because he had no cut on his head. Lena sympathetically leaned over, and touched Radditz's forehead. He was normal. Good! She thought. I must have hurt him more than I was. Radditz stirred at her touch. He awoke then sat up too. He looked around for who could have awakened him.

He saw her there, looking so worried. "You brought me here? Right? And you are in deep trouble for touching my tail!" He uttered calmly.

Lena gulped, not wanting a walloping as soon as she got well. "I...I-" She began stuttering.

Radditz cut her off. "But I think I'll let it pass this time." Lena gave him a look of relief, and he unconsciously leaned over to her bed to give her a soft kiss on the forehead.

Lena smiled and said. "I'm gonna go over to your house with my dad as soon as we get back."

"Kakkarot, Turles, and I will be awaiting you." He said as Mrs. Potts came down the hall with both their breakfasts. She set them on the two hospital trays with a large smile on.

"I hope you two don't get into these fights often in that gravitated training room. Or you'll be in here every time." Lena and Radditz began laughing, knowing the truth of why they really where in there, but neither wanting admit it, and not to admit it to an adult especially. With a twinkle in her eye, the chubby lady bid them good day, and hurried off.

Lena began to eat breakfast when she said, "I can't wait to see Bardock." Then trailed off. Radditz grabbed his breakfast and began to eat too.

(Ok, I'm skipping through her weekend with her dad and Bardock because I just feel like it. Anyway the only point of that would have been three pages of blah, blah meaning that Lena got closer to Goku, as a best-friend, and Bardock as more of a second father that went on missions with her. Anyway, Radditz didn't speak about the "Sleepover Incident" to her, and probably won't ever again. As far as I currently know...) :)


As you know Bardock is the guard of the royal court. No one gets out of line when the king speaks. Anyway, Lena (Sakura in battle and when Frieza is around) and King Vegeta were reviewing the planets' list of conquering in the new galaxy. Prince Vegeta sits on the steps behind them playing with a little simple robot that he made in his robotic repair classes. He got the parts after he tuned up the old robots, and took out their unnecessary parts. In general, just the military committee was blabbing to the king about what to do next.

Suddenly the double doors to the court flew open. Bardock came scrambling in in the oddest fashion. He was running so fast that his upper half kept dropping before his waist making him fall forward. The upper-half was needing to walk on the ground just to keep him from stopping. Why is he so scared that he won't stop? Sakura was the first to notice his panicked look. As she ran down the steps, and began to help Bardock up straight, She noticed that he looked as if he had run very far in a extremely panicked state of utter horror. Before she could even turn to take him anywhere, he was hit in the back by a large ki blast. Sakura and Bardock were blasted into the steps. When they landed Bardock was cradled between her legs, and his head showed the unconsciousness that he was, his head fell quite heavily on her shoulder. She didn't like being crushed into the stairs, and was ready to KILL whoever had attacked her father figure. As Bardock's open wounds began to bleed, she gently pushed him to the stairs. Cradling his head in her hand on the way down. Frieza stood there in the molding of the double-doors smirking something awful. Sakura put up her fists; looking something murderous; but King Vegeta stopped her. He stood then raised his hand for silence, and to stop the oncoming fight. Sakura dropped her dukes (fists). She looked at the king with a questioning glance. She knew she would be better suited in helping Bardock at the moment, and flew off to the infirmary with him carried in her arms. She returned after the deliberation with Frieza had begun, but she had not missed much. King Vegeta was arguing with Freeza about weird contracts, because they weren't her division, and in such a nonsense way as children. She returned to King Vegeta's side and Frieza took heed of her with her tail flaring and disgusted look. Freeza stopped the delegation.

"My, my, here again is this sensual saiyan?" Frieza said with interest. King Vegeta looked at him with the likes of a very indignant insult because Lena was his prized fighter, female or not, and both were insulted because she wasn't of Age yet. He shouldn't talking like that to an Under-Ager.

"THE RAT!" Lena hissed under her breath, and that whole court heard it.

"She is one of my strongest fighters, Frieza. She may disagree with you. AND! I certainly do!" King Vegeta proudly sticking up for Lena.

"If a female is of your strongest warrior? You have gone soft, King Vegeta." Frieza said with a smirk. King Vegeta only smiled back. Frieza was surprised at his confidence in a female, the weaker sex.

"She could hold her own against even you Frieza. She is an exceptional sayain! Not many men can stand up to her heights of strength or intelligence." King Vegeta boosted.

Frieza was eager to put the sniveling coward back in his place. He decided to fight, and defeat this "challenge". "I except your bluff. Care to see how she fares inside the ring against me?"

"I except your challenge, as long as you do not kill each other. Agreed."

"Agreed!" Sakura said eagerly.

"Agreed, but if she losses to me, may I have her?" Frieza cockily boosting.

King Vegeta, "No! Win or lose she stays here. And. She won't lose to you."

"I want her!" Frieza acting like the stubborn, arrogant brat that he is.

"You may not have her! That's final!" King Vegeta said as if he would stake his life on it.

"Alright, I will settle for a fight. -With no death." Frieza said confidently, but crossing his arms as if he didn't agree. With that, the smug smirk wiped clean off his face.

"Tomorrow she will be ready. 1000 (ten hundred) hours. " King Vegeta winked at Lena, and she smirked as she turned her attention back to Frieza. Frieza was pleased at her confidence.

Frieza retired to his spaceship, that was awaiting him in space, but Sakura only trained harder that night until she fainted of exhaustion. Later, Sakura awoke in her bed in her nightly attire; loose spaghetti strap shirt and female boxers. Mrs. Potts, the cook and midwife also head of the infirmary, probably dressed her.

"Sir? What happened to me?" Lena said as she found a groggy King Vegeta in a chair near her. What happened? She thought as she shook her head clear.

"Lena, you trained too hard earlier, and you fainted in the training room. Mrs. Potts found you, cleaned you up, and let you rest quietly for 6 hours." King Vegeta.

"How long until my fight with Frieza, sir?" Lena sitting up to face him.

"12 minutes. I guess I will call off the fight unless you want to fight."

"I never boost then run!" Lena smiled at him, but he knew she was hurt by indigence.

"Good, then you will fight?" King Vegeta smirked back.

"Yes!... Sir." Lena said formulating a plan. "What about that prototype in the Royal Science Wing? Is it functional? I want to scare Frieza, and maybe even kill him." She met is his smirk.

Next is the contest so she ya next chapter! :)