Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ Mission 263: the Deal ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vegetables and Space Goons

Chapter 3


"Excellent! And now for your prizes..." The king sounded over the clapping which made the audience hush. He turned to the door he came through, and clapped his hands together twice. Nearly six servants came out and presented a large gold and a medium silver trophies. The gold trophy was a little taller than even Lena by an inch or two. He clapped once, and another servant ran out onto the field, and up to King Vegeta. He was holding a box which he opened, and King Vegeta took something out of it. He turned to Lena. It was a pendent. A black choker with a gold (color and metal) star (4-point) in the center with a tear-shaped diamond in the center of it. "This will help you achieve great things." King Vegeta placed it around her neck. "And!" He added to keep the crowd silent because they had begun to cheer again. "On a more personal note, I wish you to be the guardian, and future care giver of my son, Prince Vegeta."

Lena bowed low to the highnesses. "I would be honored! Your majesties! Thank you for the privilege." As she rose with a smile. The crowd cheered, and Kakkarot gave her the thumbs-up.

King Vegeta cut through the noise. "Oh!" He began to silence the cheering yet again. "And to finish the honors given to the gold winner, besides the job, I would like you to choose a servant to tend to you while residing in the palace." He clapped three times, and a row of men came out. Lena looked down the row, but found them all intimidating because they were much older, adults of mating age, all men.

She looked up at the king. "Sire, may I have a female servant?"

King Vegeta, and much of his surrounding people, knew that all the female servants in the palace were either his concubines or permanent servants. "You will have access to ask any female in the palace, but it's best if you have a male servant."

Lena didn't like that there was no female 'servants', like actual servants. She thought quickly. "Who would like to be my servant?" The line took a step back, and only one, about thirteen year old, boy was left. (He was the least intimidating, considering that sayains don't sexually mature till 16.) Lena smiled. He's a lot better than most of the men that are of Age (16) already. "OK, you can be!" She said as the men left, and the boy came walking up behind her as she turned back to the king.

"Good choice. Now, for you Kakkarot." The king said as he, and Lena looked over to the smiling boy. The king presented his gifts, and trophy a little less enthusiastically then Lena's, but the crowd made up for what the king lacked. This was the youngest son of the Great General Bardock, of course. Even Lena smiled and clapped for his well deserved honor.


The competition ended off with some gladiator tournaments where convicted murders and willing gladiators would compete against each other. (Roman style) This added about 6 more hours to the end of the competition. The battles thought were spectacular! And all left the arena thoroughly pooped from cheering. Not to mention half of it was smeared with blood.


This is what happens from after the tournament, when she was almost 12, to when she is about 13. She's still rambunctious, childish, and playful. As she turns 14, though, she turns into more of an omniscient adult because she finds out that she can understand people's thoughts and actions to a fine skill. And, a very important characteristic of all saiyans, she is a survivor. (*'Survivor' by Destiny's Child plays*) "Ok! Cut the music! Back to the story here!"

IN SUMMARY (the actual story):

The boy showed her the whole palace (which in total took about 4 weeks). There was the kitchen where Mrs. Pots was the cook, and helped with all female problems. (From bad hair days to puberty, but that's later.) The oldest woman in the palace, *probably because of her excellent, heavenly cooking!*. Ms. Doyle who taught her and Prince Vegeta everything that they'd need to know. She would spend 6 days with her a week. A prudent teacher indeed! One day of harsh training with Prince Vegeta, and sometimes the king himself. And a two-day weekend with her father. (*reader reads lines over*... that comes up to a 10-day week! *Kitana nods* Good, dear reader. Yes it is easiest explained best simply as Planet Vegeta has a 10-day week. ~~So the song 'eight days a week' by the Beatles won't apply here. a 7-day week, and a three-day weekend.)

Lena walks into a huge room. She marvels at the wealth of it.

Lena's thoughts were interrupted as her servant spoke. "That should be everything you need." He walked over to this giant chest. "Here will be your suits, and armor." Walks over to a huge walk-in closet. "Here will be your attire." Pulls out a child's dress. "This, I guess, is what you will wear to dinner tonight. *looks down, and off to the side* "And here are some shoes, but if they don't fit then wear your own. The dress looks like it's a bit big on you. *heads to the door* I'll go get the seamstress, and she'll do what she can." She got changed when he was gone, and then he came in with a really thin woman. She looks like a toothpick. She thought. The woman came over did a few alterations, and then Lena was escorted to dinner with the king by her servant.


The king brought up the subject of Lena's further education, and future (in the military) in general. And

how Lena could be an advisor to Prince Vegeta, the future royalty. Her father and herself graciously excepted the offer. Her future became decided then.

(Side-Note*) While King Vegeta and Lena's father was talking. Damn! I worked so hard, and I still end up weak and pampered. Damn this dress! She thought as she grinded her fork into her turkey slice. Which made Prince Vegeta really cringe with the painful noise of metal against china. REEEEK!

Let's fast forward a year or two. Shall we? All she's doing is kicking the king and prince's butts, and studying her own butt off. This is when she is at home with her father on 'their' (3-day) weekend. (remember- there is a three day weekend here.)


(A/N: Lena is thirteen which means she is beginning to develop physically, but she won't sexually mature till 16. In other words: The body, but not the drive.)

Lena sits down at her old spot at the table. "Things are so weird at the palace, dad. I don't think I'll ever get use to them. I also hate the dresses I have to wear. I'm thirteen can't I wear work out clothes. I don't need to have a dress on all the time. Do I?"

"It will only get worse as you grow up. *he chuckles* Enjoy it now. But, if you want, I'll ask King Vegeta if you can wear some more casual outfits instead." He chuckled worse. He couldn't imagine her not being so childish.

"Well, I won't have to worry about wearing dresses again for maybe a week." *sigh, over her tea cup*

"Why?" He blinked. THAT much training? He thought.

"Because I'm going to some new galaxy with the prince and king." She sighed as she took another sip of her favorite tea.

"Be careful, enemies are everywhere." He complained.

"Frieza, especially." She added not looking at him now.

"As always you chance him at a breath's length (really close). He coughed.

"I know... I'm tired. I'm retiring. ... You need your sleep too." Gets up, and heads to her room.

"Good luck. I do need my sleep, as well." Gets up, and heads off to his room.

Lena calls back, "Good night, daddy. Thanks."

He calls back before he closes his door, "Good night, my daughter. Rest well. You'll need it."


DON'T SKIP THIS PART. So not to confuse my readers, I'll explain this in detail. She, the prince, and the king explored this knew area for the next two years. Lena really grows up, she looks like a young lady now. Conquering, pillaging, etc. So, now, by math, she is 15, and has aged into her own maturity. She enjoys life like a child, (Prince Vegeta's influence. They have become close friends. She calls him 'Prince'.) and has the seriousness of her adulthood. (Her dad and military influence.)


(At the palace's loading dock...) Prince Vegeta loads into his pod. Lena heads to hers, but the king stops her. Lena stops, and faces him as he requests.

The King, "You are too valuable now. Frieza will be your problem soon. As a part of the military, we must give you a codename."

"What shall I be known as? Your majesty."

"I shall call you Sakura. And call me sir, again. You are now the head of the military now as you should have always been." He paused as Prince Vegeta looked at them through his pod's window. "Besides, it's easier for my going-memory to remember." As he tapped his index and middle fingers lightly to his temple which made Lena giggle.

"Yes, sir!" She said chuckling as she walked to her pod station. A new planet to conquer. She thought as the pod began to blast and had blasted off. I wonder how Kakkarot, Turles, and Radditz are doing. I haven't talked with Bardock much. I'll visit him when I get back. I'll take daddy too. Won't he be surprised! Smiles to herself.

(A/N: Ok, now I'll explain. Lena is new to being in charge, she now head of the military, so this is kinda her trainee stage under the king.)

She hits the intercom. "Prince? Are you alright?"

Prince Vegeta hits his button. "Yes, I'm fine. You don't always have to ask. I can take care of myself" Lena rolled her eyes. Yeah, that's why I always kick your butt, because you watch out for it.

"King Vegeta? Everything ok with the mothercraft?" She redirected her attention back to the mission at hand.

"Yes, Sakura, we're fine. You can stop worrying. Soon we'll be there."

In a couple of minutes Lena saw the lovely purple planet for the first time. "It's beautiful! Isn't it?" *gasp at the awesome sight*

King Vegeta chuckled "Yes." He thought her somewhat of easily amused.

Prince Vegeta, "It's pretty, but don't forget the fun we'll have. I can't wait to get down there!"

Lena smiles, "I cannot resist either."

The pods made impact, and the sayains filed out. Lena grabbed her translator, and stuff it into her ear. Lena, Prince Vegeta, and Bardock fled into the world's head capital. She used the translator to tell them that they were taking over the planet, and to send the smartest creature to them as the planet's ransom. They did, and cowered. Prince Vegeta used the creature to upload all the foreign technology into the mothercraft. King Vegeta stored it, and Bardock blew the creature to a crisp with a smirk. All smirked. Prince Vegeta chuckled evilly. The fun had begun!


Summary: Bardock, Lena, and Prince Vegeta used kai blasts & artificial kai (kai guns) to begin the destruction of the planet's inhabitants. Lena and Prince Vegeta began a race. A race the lead them running around the smaller world. As they ran, they blasted everything they could seen. The only time they stopped was because they were tired. They found an alien planet news television, and watched while enjoying some of a alien cafe's beverages. They watched themselves, Bardock, and the rest of the army reeking havoc on the planet as an alien news reporter tired franticly to describe the past events. Lena took pride as she watched Bardock wreck a major city. He was beginning to be more of a father figure to her, as her father, and they became closer as friends :). They finished their drinks, and left to create more chaos which they thrived on. Lena pleaded with Prince to leave with blowing up the cafe creature. He agreed, and the were off again. After a very thrilling day they found out the mothership had landed. All sayains flocked to the spot as well.

Lena headed toward the ship, and hit her scouter. "Sir, the traitorous race has died. The planet is ready for sale." All the sayains found their pods. Each took their own, and rolled their spherical transporters further toward the mothership. Each found their own docking station, and locked them in. The army organized into formation as they awaited the king's appearance from the mothership with the next orders. They were in form as King Vegeta and Frieza exited the ship. They both looked as if they had been in a heated argument. Frieza looked testy, and not the cool confident self he normally sported.

Frieza looked at the planet, and then at King Vegeta's military. His wondering thoughts soon rested on the only female sayain in the lot. "You, girl, rise!" He muttered. Lena did, and came to a stand, not budging from her spot. Frieza was taken aback by the ferocity of the sayain. After he got over being overwhelmed, he assumed that she was 'entertainment'. Surely she could not be more than that. Maybe, since King Vegeta was exploring without his knowledge, about this galaxy, he owed him one little favor. Frieza turned to King Vegeta, and began to discuss her quietly with his plans for her. From what she could see, King Vegeta puffed up as if he had just been very insulted. She raised an eyebrow in interest.

Lena stared at the two talking. "I my name may mean 'temptress', but he's too dick-orientated!" She uttered under her breath. Her ears twitched, and she tensed, not knowing what to expect around Frieza. She had never met him in-person before. This is the first time she has ever been in his (fallen, flat) grace. Good thing she did tense up because it gave her a little more protection from Frieza's weakling punch which knocked some wind of her. Lena slanted her vision down a tiny bit to Frieza's level. He was looking straight at her.

She should have been needing the rejuvenation tank. What is this? A military female sayain? A sayain that can stand up to my punch? This is a first. He thought wildly. Lena just stared down at him, she was glad she had grown over the last two years. She was much taller than him which made herself laugh inwardly. She evil-eyed him, with no expression on her face, as he withdrew his fist from her stomach. He was getting scared at this powerful sayain. He brought his hand up to the side of her face, then pwap! He had slapped her. She was still staring at him with only a small mark of what looked like dirt from his palm, and maybe some irritated skin. The simply taller sayain glared down at the shorter little creature. His hand came back in a "bitch-slap" (back-handed slap). Lena dared do nothing to hurt him, besides, he was only ticking her off. That would be a good reason, normally, for a sayain to blast the life out of anyone. She decided to burn up his ego a little bit more in revenge.

She walked calmly over to King Vegeta, to salute him. Proving that she was at King Vegeta's command. To make matters more destructive to Frieza's ego, she ignored him completely, and returned to her military position (saluting King Vegeta style only). King Vegeta was wide-eyed at what had happened.


(fading out of summary)

Frieza gritted his teeth, and came over closer to her then he was before. He made her rise then he took a step forward, closing most any gap between them. Sakura wanted to squirm at the detestable creature's presence so near her own. Frieza was so close to her that he was practically touching her breasts. His mouth so near her neck, he breathed heavily. The hot air prickled her lower neck hair, and made her shift her weight in the opposite direction of the sensation. Frieza shifted his weight on the same side so she could not escape it. "I won't lose my self control over a mere woman." He began soft spoken, and breathing more heavily. "You will submit to me!" Lena only shifted her eyes in such a way at him to let him know she thought pitifully and disdainfully of the creature. Frieza really closed all gaps between them as he leaned forward enough to touch her body against his own. Lena began to move backward, but as she began to do so Frieza spoke. Just above a whisper to promote her to stay near. "You will submit to my whims or the king and prince won't make it back to Planet Vegeta." Sakura stared straight ahead, a horrified look clearing her face, and showing clear in her widening eyes which came to rest on King Vegeta from the mothercraft straight ahead of her. Her mouth empathically slacked open, just a bit. King Vegeta's eyebrow lifted in befuddlement as he saw her face. Her eyes seemed to glass over as she switched her scrutiny to Prince Vegeta at he side. He tilted his head to the side and caught her expression. He too became befuddled. (A/N: I like that word. ^.~) Sakura stared straight ahead again, and she ended her racing thoughts. She blinked to make herself stop tearing. She unclouded her mind to make her decision. This took less then a minute. She figured that what Frieza was doing was some promoting move, but she didn't know for what. She leaned her lips to practically at Frieza's skin, and began to breathe thickly herself as she spoke, letting the hot air rest on his neck and shoulders.

"I will submit, but you do one thing I don't like, I will kill you!" She said in a whisper so not enough Prince Vegeta, next to her, could her it in its entirety.

Frieza smirked, and whispered back. "Then it's agreed you'll submit if I don't kill them."

Sakura hardly contained herself with anger, but still not above a whisper. "ANY- SAYAIN! You agree to not kill ANY-sayain!" She had heard of Frieza's twisty tongue. In his own deals he almost always found a loophole out of.

After the private conversation caught the attention of Bardock, Prince Vegeta and King Vegeta, Frieza added, "As long as you are good. Agreed?"

Sakura glared at him again. "I am unfamiliar with the exact meaning of that broad phrase."

Frieza smirked at her deductive logic on his word trickery. "Alright, I see no point in trying to confuse you anymore. I will not cause harm to any sayain, and you will agree to anything I demand... Agree?" He said slyly...

Sakura couldn't see around to his true intensions, but it did sound like a pretty sweet deal. I wonder if he meant for one of his henchmen would hurt a sayain... Oh, well, I don't have all day to decide this. Besides I'll take care to not provoke him. He seems stupid enough. "Agreed." Then Frieza again punched her in the stomach. To please the tyrant she pretended to be in pain which she really wasn't. Frieza leaned back to survey his work, and then took a step back to see the thoroughness of his work, or at least her acting.

He smirked then turned anyway from her. Frieza began to pass King Vegeta then he joined the tyrant to load on the sayain ship. Lena had stopped her sputtering. She looked up from her crouched position, and began to aim at Frieza while she was on her knees. For spite, he stopped in the doorway, and looked over his shoulder at her. Then he patted King Vegeta on the back. She couldn't stand the sight of him, and she lowered her head into kneeling position again.

Frieza gleefully thought. Submission...

Sakura angrily thought. Asshole... (-but not in reply. She's not telepathic.)


The sayains boarded the mothership while Frieza was on it, and began the journey back to Planet Vegeta. That night at dinner after Lena and Frieza's little chat.

Lena kept eating at a constant pace. Prince Vegeta looked up from his food. "Le--, I mean Sakura, *she snapped her head up to look at him, she was testy* what did Frieza say to you?"

Lena didn't reply, but kept stuffing her face. "Sakura! You can tell us! We'll understand." Peter tried to coax her. He and the prince only had heard a little, blurry piece of their earlier conversation.

Lena saw their looks of rejection and hurt because she wouldn't tell them. "Nothing to interest you two. *she glanced to her side, at the quiet Radditz just sitting there eating to her right then back to the two at hand. She was glad that he too wasn't against her.* Maybe you'll understand in a couple of years..."

Prince Vegeta hated when she answered this way. "BUT! I'm almost eleven!" He blurted out while pressing his hand against his chest like he was extremely offended.

Lena had finished eating, and stood up. "And, I'm tired..." She huffed. She left for the door in a big hurry.

Peter called after her, "Is the sleep-over still on?"

Lena stopped at the door, her hand on the doorknob. She smiled back, "Yes, just give me about 20 minutes, OK?" Both smile back to her in reply which made Lena's smile widen. Radditz glanced up at her from his spaghetti.

Lena rushed down the hall. She hated to keep secrets, especially from her friends. She headed off to her room, but was stopped. She could hear Frieza and King Vegeta forcefully discussing Planet Vegeta. Lena thought over intruding, but decided that would cause more harm then good. My mind was racing after 15 minutes of the conversation. She had to stop listening so she darted off to her room to prepare for the sleepover while still listening through the intercom system. If they didn't think, as I suspect, about anyone listening then they wouldn't have cut off the intercom system in that room. I can still listen in without having to be there. She thought as she reached her room 4 minutes later.

A/N: I know this will be somewhat of a prodigy off Flying Pen's Cruel Fate?. So bear with me if you don't understand. And go read hers. But it is NC17, people so I'll explain some of it to you in the next chapter. OK... "NEXT!" Kitana calls while heading off to write the next chapter.