Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ The Eliminations ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vegetables and Space Goons

Chapter 2


Lena dived off the ledge, and randomly hit some collective groupings of the building. (gargoyles, roofs, poles, etc...) She landed with grace at the edge, but inside the ring. Her challenger entered opposite her, and... the man was huge, enormous, gargantuan! Like twice her size! She dropped out of her fighting-stance to marvel at the size of the man, gaping. She muttered under her breath. "This will be a challenge."


Lena took up the fighting position again, and so did the large guy. Lena was visibly sweating, and she heard two guys made a bet against her. Damn them! I'll win, but how?- She thought, but it was interrupted by the brute charging, and throwing a punch. In a millisecond, I'm scared! I'm scared! I must end this now. Which missed her because of her small size. She took advantage of his unguarded position, and round-house kicked the back of his neck, and his limp body flew into the cement wall, and out of the ring. Lena un-crouched from her ready-to-be-pounded position, and looked to where the brute was pulling himself out of the wall uttering curses. Her tail quit shivering as did her body. She was surprised that he left himself be that unguarded. Even his tail was exposed openly during battle. Not like she would be invoked to use it. That was too low for her. She looked at the referee as he claimed her the winner, and then motioned her upwards to the king's box. The king beckoned her back up to the box again. So she jumped back up the way she came down, and resumed her position in the seat between the king and prince. She did this for every fight. It was good exercise, and it helped get her psyched up for the next battle. The more psyched she was, the more impressive her entrance.


General Gamma's friend, "Your daughter seems to be liked by the king..." Noticing a smile on the perfect, angel-like, little face of Lena.

General Gamma, "Or the prince." *both chuckled*

"You're a lucky man! Lena might be a queen someday." And the conversation ends in the chuckling of both men as they watch continue the next fight...

Before the final five fights (the finals) Lena decided to stay down with the rest of the remaining fighters. That's when she noticed who she was left with. Kakkarot, Radditz, Turles, and a few selective others. Most were the sons of or the army themselves. Family connections are very important. (She thought continually as Kakkarot was called to the third-to-final fights. The Quarterings you might say.) *Kakkarot enters arena to fight*The first son, usually, fights after the father retires with his highest status achieved by his doing, which stays until the next tournament. Then all the children, usually the boys, after the first son normally fight to keep the honor in the family up as high as it can go... And I had to come after my brothers... *An outward sigh- which caused Kakkarot to glance over to her while in a pause in battle. After he saw that she was lost so deep in thought, he turned back to continue the marvelous match.* Father, I never wanted you to have to fight again in these tournaments... I will fight to keep up your high vanity. I won't retire until I'm married then he can keep up your honor. If I ever find someone... (A/N: She's a little girl... She can dream of getting married to 'Mr. Right', can't she?) She glanced, and smiled over to the returning Kakkarot after his victory in the ring. He smiled back with his slightly bruised face. Turles went next, and won, as did Radditz, who did the same. That means that the semifinals consist of some really good fighters.


Lena walked over to Kakkarot. "Yo!" She said to get his attention. He crossed his arms in acknowledgment of her. "How do you think your brother's fight will turn out?" Trying to start mild conversation.

Kakkarot said with no hesitation. "Radditz will win."

Lena was a bit disheveled from the easy-win attitude that she had been sporting. "So, if he wins, I (Lena) will be the one to fight him next." Kakkarot smirked, but not at her insecurity. "What's that smirk about? What do you know that I don't? Tell me!" She crossed her arms to mimic him as Turles walked up and sat beside her.

Kakkarot chuckled like a true saiyan which made Lena's heart melt. "That will be an interesting fight."

"Why?" She blurted out wearily.

"Because. I don't know who will win. If you are as strong as you are perceived to be then you might win, but I've trained against him, and he is the strongest in the family. I barely and rarely ever win against him."

"Good thing you're not pitted against him." She chuckled, and he joined in her mirth.

"No, you've got the rotten luck of that." *both still chuckling*

"I hope you beat Turles so I can fight you in the final round. Then we'll see who will go for the GOLD!" She said then Turles coughed from his side. She smirked, and her features became an evil sort of lovely. "Hear that Turles? I think your younger brother will win against you." Then her, and Kakkarot shared a high-five to seal the competition challenge to the top. "See ya, there Kakkarot." As he, and Turles exited the waiting area, beside the ring, to enter it.


Lena was pitted against Radditz, and Turles against his youngest brother, Kakkarot.


Lena sat, and watched Kakkarot's intense battle. Radditz came, and sat by her side. He chuckled evilly. Lena, needless to say, got a little pissed at his overconfidence. "What are you chuckling at?!"

Radditz leaned over to her ear. "I'm chuckling at the fact that you are thinking you can beat me." His whisper was not as loud as she would have wanted it to be.

Lena turned to him with the most evil smirk she could muster, and she looked the most beautiful of any girl on the planet. She was born to fight! He thought as he wanted to continue to play with her will. "You may be a year older then me, but you will not always win." She giggled deviously.

Radditz loved a good challenge. "Oh, I will. No little girl will stop me from winning all-supreme again." Lena chuckled, and gently touched his shoulder. Radditz shivered for some unknown reason. (A/N: Could he be scared?)

She blurted out. "No, son of my master!, you will not win. Because I wish to fight Kakkarot." Radditz was positively captivated by her strength of her will. He was going to love their fight. His tail flicked with anticipation.


It was an easy knock-out for Kakkarot, and Lena and he exchanged high-fives together as Lena entered the ring with Radditz by her side. The crowd fell silent. This, they thought, would be the deciding battle. Whoever won this one really should have already won the gold. As 12-year-old Lena took one side of the ring, and 13-year-old Radditz took the other. Every heart could be heard beating in the stands, not a breath escaped the ears of silent. Lena and Radditz were staring each other down. The golden silence was as palpable as the sweat on Lena's forehead. Radditz grinned. He had a height advantage, strength advantage, but not a speed advantage. Lena knew this, but she also knew Radditz would never leave himself open long enough to use it against him. HE WAS GOOD! She had to think hard to win this one. She gritted her teeth. Radditz took the fighting stance, and Lena stood straight up. Radditz cocked a weary glance at her. Lena found the courage to smirk with confidence. Radditz decided to charge because she obviously wasn't coming after him. She found herself being pummeled by his larger fists. After about 10 seconds, Radditz released her from his onslaught. Lena fell to the ground still, conscious, and breathing (so no one could disqualify her). Radditz smiled at his work, but the toothy smile quickly disappeared when Lena weakly got up. She powered up, and her wounds began to heal quickly. Radditz's face faltered for a second then became a smirk again. Lena began to finish powering up, and he began powering up after her. She finished then he finished his own. They were equal.

"Smooth move, little girl. I commend you. Now you as strong as me. Hope you know what you got yourself into. Feel heavy? You should! You just exhausted your muscles with the new power."

Somewhere under her large bangs, a sinister chuckle could be heard from the shadowy, down-turned face. The females in the audience gasped, and some clung to their husbands, boyfriends, and fathers. Lena threw her head back exposing her twitching neck. The power was thrilling to her. She loved assuming a new 'level' (not enough for a transformation mind you). She did another full-bodied laugh. Which was scary. (Can you imagine your short 12-year-old brother or sister doing a sayain's sinister laugh... *shivers*) Between the long bangs of her hair, Lena found a slit. She stared at Radditz with an icy cold glare. She was trying so hard to freak-him-out long enough to attack. She knew exactly what she was doing. She really was succeeding in freaking-out the audience which was not intended.

Needless to say, Radditz was somewhat stunned also. He had expected her to lose herself control with the energy boost, not controlling it to delicate proportions. "You can't scare me. I can't be psyched-out!" She undauntingly sombered over to him. Making each step she took painstaking, as so to wear thin on his psyche.

"How long do you think you can hold out against me? Radditz!?" She glared through the locks of hair as she slowly sombered. He shook a little. "Do you still think you can win?" Kakkarot was about to burst from laughing. He wanted, to so bad. Lena ignored him, she had Radditz under her spell now. He was quickly becoming putty. She raised her hand as if saying 'stop' to him. Radditz quivered some more. Within milliseconds she gathered as much energy as she could muster, and hurled it at the unguarded Radditz which promptly threw him back into the wall behind him with about a foot indention. Lena's knees collapsed in on themselves as she promptly fell back on the ground after she was declared the winner. That's when Kakkarot couldn't hold it in anymore. He and Lena both blurted out laughing as hard as they could. Lena from the ground, and Kakkarot rolling with laughter at the station. The 'hoorays' could also be heard from the stands. Radditz was stunned, and surprised at her planning as he removed himself from the cratered wall.


Lena stopped laughing, and began to calm down. Now she was breathing hard, and her body was sore and tired. Kakkarot entered, and brought his hand down for her. She raised hers. Their thumbs interlocked, their fingers cupped the back of each other's hand, and he flung her to her feet. Their arms twisted together forming a lock and, for a second, they stood there- locked together. Lena's hand clutched in his in front of Kakkarot's breast plate, (of his armor) his hand clutched in front of her breast plate. They didn't break eye contact, but the twisted arms moved up and down in like a handshake motion, but closer, more sentimental meaning behind it all. (Not to be taken in a sexual manner, by any means. A deep friendship is forming here.)

Lena broke the silence of the total arena. "I told ya that I'd make it here. Didn't I?" *smile*

Kakkarot joined her smile with his own. He stared up at the slightly taller saiyan.

"Yes... You... Sure did!" He expounded. Lena smiled with all her mirth. This was as fun as a regular battle, but with the memories of the greatest battles ever fought. This was their moment and both were enjoying every second of it.

The stunned crowd came back to consciousness at the touching sight below. They clapped, cheered, 'woo-who'd', and whistled at them. Lena and Kakkarot should have been lost. They were a million miles away, alone on their own island. Lena thought that this could be love, but before she decided anything.

"This (This) battle (battle) isn't (isn't) over (over) yet (yet!)!" She thought as she spoke her mind. Kakkarot only smirked wider, and within an instant they were jettisoned back on the battlefield. It was the Final Battle. It was time to go for the gold! Treasure that is!

Kakkarot replied, "Now I'll show you those moves I was tellin' ya about." And he smirked with all their mirth combined.


They did a roman handshake, and then they let their hands separate, then fall. Kakkarot moved to take position, and Lena walked over to her side as well, keeping her back turned to him. Her tail lightly swayed with the wind with her hair. The ref. signaled then it was all them, and the crowd went wild! Kakkarot began by throwing a blast at her back. Her ears twitched, and she dodged it by summer-salting backwards again and again until her foot collided with his face. Kakkarot flew almost out of the ring.

Too Close! Kakkarot thought.

Sooo Close! Lena grunted to herself. I shoulda put more power behind that one.

After both his feet were firmly on the ground again, Kakkarot's hand flew to his cheek. It was the first of his bruises that showed a really visible mark. He knew, childishly, that he had to get her back. He charged at her, and threw a punch. It was so close, and so fast that it almost didn't miss her earring. Her earring lightly slid over Kakkarot's crisp, white glove. Kakkarot's gaze meet with Lena's. He became captivated by her will's intensity, and somewhat of his type of beauty. Lena, however, was not captivated by his charms, and she gave him a good left hook into his stomach. Kakkarot backed-off holding his stomach, and mildly cursing. Lena giggled to herself then charged, and gave him a good right hook (her personal favorite) to his face. She continued her onslaught with both hands until Kakkarot tripped her. He jumped high above her, and levitated. She had just enough time to look up, see him, and before her ears twitched when his fury rained down upon her. She screamed as the blasts bombarded the ground, and her body. Basketball deep craters littered the ground around her. The smoke cleared, and the crowd held their breath. Lena's calves were crossed over each other, and her arms the same, both shielding her. She looked like a large dead bug with her appendages above her body while she was on her back like that. Kakkarot thought that that shouldn't have finished her off, and then he found himself firing a counter-blast that met with Lena's oncoming one. Lena's body crushed against the ground further as she held the blast to her chest. Her hands slipped, and Kakkarot's blast collided with her body. After a second or two, Lena opened her eyes. She looked to where Kakkarot had been, and, to no big surprise, he wasn't there. Her ears twitched, and she threw her body off the singed, indented floor in time to avoid Kakkarot's sweeping kick. Kakkarot stood up, grabbed her foot as she fell, and slammed her into the ground from wince she came. Kakkarot let go of her foot, and leaned closer to smirked to face her. She propped herself up on her elbows, and touched her head with her hand to try soothe the pain there. She noticed that the large gash on her forehead was bleeding. Her ears twitched, and she looked up to see Kakkarot had begun to prepare his Big Bang Attack. She threw herself to the side as it fired, and raced on her feet to the side of the energy which blasted away the underbelly of the stands. Kakkarot looked to his side to see Lena's determined face as she blasted him out of the ring. The crowds cheered at the winner, and the great fight!

Lena shook her painful head as Kakkarot stalked back into the ring. She brought her other, non-head-cradling hand (right hand, the bruise was on her left.) to meet his. "No hard feelings, I trust..." She said with a smirk behind her wrist.

Kakkarot smirked the smirk that made Lena's heart melt again. "No, only grow stronger.*in a happy way* Congratulations, Lena. You got to the gold." His cheek was bleeding, but not too badly. He suddenly noticed a small stream of crimson gently flow from between Lena's gloved fingers.

"You gave me a good run for my money, though. Great job, Kakkarot! I look forward to the next time we are in the ring together. *cringe, then a smile to hide the extent of her pain* You are the best male fighter in the ring..." *comforting chuckle in vain* He reached to comfort, and stop the bleeding, but his train of thought was interrupted by the king's cheering supporters.


Both snapped their attention to the direction to the king followed by the prince.

"Congratulations, Lena!" he exclaimed as he presented her with the gold metal. He turned to Kakkarot, congratulated him, and presented him with a silver metal. (There is no real third place metal, just money.) The cut on Lena's forehead began to lose a bit too much blood, and she leaned back into Kakkarot who let her. He also helped to support her as the king leaned down, and kissed her hand. (The one that's not bloody) Lena visibly began to sulk as the blood ran a little thicker down her face, and glove which was now apparently flowing onto her armor underneath. Kakkarot lead her softly to the ground. The doctor rushed out, closed the wound with a few stitches, and put a bandage over the entire wound so not to let airborne bacteria infect it. (A/N: They're in a dirty, sandy pit remember.) As the concerned audience looked on, the doctor pulled out some smelling salts. Lena took a big whiff, and blinked herself back to consciousness. The audience exhaled. She found Kakkarot, the king, the prince, and doctor over her. Kakkarot again brought her up, slowly this time, by their handshake again. She quickly parted instead of looking in his eyes again. She thanked the doctor, who rushed off the field, and then she faced the king.


Prince Vegeta urgently poked his father's thigh. King Vegeta knelt down, and his son whispered in his ear. Lena raised an eyebrow in interest. The king's full height rebuilt upwards, and spoke. "My son wishes to fight with you. Do you feel up to the challenge?"

Lena looked from the king to the prince, and extended her hand. "It'd be an honor your highnesses! *pause for handshake with the prince* "But I'd like to know on what terms I would be fighting on?"

Prince Vegeta smirked his evil smirk, "World Tournament Rules!"

Lena, "Very well, your majesties." She finished with a low bow. Kakkarot and the king exited the arena talking. Lena wiped away the dry blood from above her eye, and assumed the fighting stance. The prince fired his Big Bang Attack which was somewhat different from Kakkarot's version. Lena jumped above the blast, and levitated until the blast ended. Then she quickly dropped to the ground, and jumped behind him. With a kick to the back of the neck, she sent him flying, face-first, into the sand. His head went through the thin white line in the soft sand of the arena. Lena had won so easily.

The prince dusted himself off as he walked over to Lena, and shook her hand. "Good shot! I have more to learn from you."

Lena smiled. "My life's an open book, sir."

(A/N: Next chapter pretty much continues under a less intense atmosphere so I separated it. Please review, and tell me how well the refitting is going. Also just to let you know this is a refitted, and corrected version of a refitted version for Fanfiction.net of a written story so lot has changed since I sat in class to write this on paper.)