Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ On My Honor... And My Father's ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: blah, blah, yap, yap, yahda, yahda, Yoda... and I don't own much more then my version of Lena and my world of DBZ. With no claim for the DB or DBZ, etc... etc... This is a refitted version. I originally wrote this before I ever knew about fanfiction.net (and later on, years later, mediaminer.org) so I changed a few things that I thought needed to be changed, and some of this stuff coincides with some of my fellow authors' theories.

A/N: All capped lettered words/phrases usually mean a place or time change, slanted sentences usually mean thoughts, slanted words usually mean emphasis on the word, starred stuff usually means expression during talking, and underlined words are usually termed during yelling sessions to emphasize certain words that may be hurtful. Oh, and one more thing (A/N) means an author's note or personal insert for clarification or for the Hell of it.

Vegetables and Space Goons

It starts when Vegeta was born on Planet Vegeta. He was not alone, a young girl of a famous general was destined to be a master of the arts...

Now, Lena was powerful, and very beautiful. She caught the eye of every young. (A/N: Less so when she gets older.) Her power for her age was untouchable. She trained intensely since she was able to walk with her older brothers. She exhibited powers beyond any saiyan alive. (A/N: Including Kakkarot at this time for he doesn't have the drive that he does in later years.)


Lena and her father knelt. They were ahead, and separate, from the army. All, courtier and solider, were facing the throne of Vegeta. Lena sneaked a glance at the empty thrown as the trumpets sounded. She quickly dropped her head back down into the proper solute of Planet Vegeta. King Vegeta walked in and sat down, Prince Vegeta followed, and mimicked to his own chair. Bardock walked to the center of the lower stairs, between the head of the army and The throne(s) of Vegeta. With his presence, came a hush from the courtiers in the stands of the royal court. The army was already quiet, standing straightly in order, in the large isle between the courtiers' stands on either side.

Bardock began, "Warriors of Planet Vegeta, as you know the World Martial Art Tournament is held every ten years. Once each decade, we fight for our honor and dominance. The last decade is over. And, a new decade has begun. Warriors, your rank will rise or fall based on the outcome of each fight. Victory is all supreme! *short cheer* The king requests that all eligible warriors compete." *He rolled up the scroll, and started to use hand gestures along with his booming sturdy voice.* "Honor, extremity, and pushing yourself to the limit. These are things you wish to do to fight. *dramatic pause, breath* Who will fight for yours and your family's honor?!-" A roar erupted from the battle hungry crowd and army, Lena among them. *Which caused a couple courtiers to look on to the female among the militia.* This is the spectacle they have wanted to see for the last ten years. Lena wasn't old enough to compete, last time the competition was held, like her brothers continuously did, she was only two. Her father long since had been retired from them.

King Vegeta stood, towering over all the court from his position. The crowd and army hushed. "General Bardock, I have something I'd like to add to that." A settling sound graced, and faded from the room after the introduction. Then King Vegeta began. "This year's tournament winner will get royal honors. To be presented after the tournament along with the usual awards."

A minute of murmuring then, somewhat silence passed after the king sat back down then General Gamma (Lena's father) spoke up to get the attention of the king. He rose with consent of the king. "General Bardock!" (pause, looks to Bardock) "Sir, as you know I have no sons left... My daughter is of great strength, and so she wishes to compete. May she?"

Bardock laughed at this outrageous suggestion, the girl was barley over 12 years of age, and the courtiers snickered as well. Lena grimaced at their scrutiny. King Vegeta noticed the disgust, and the palpable humiliation. He held his hand up to silence the insubordination of his court. "Your daughter has exhibited phenomenal powers. I've been thinking for a some time that exact question, and if she should 'risk life and limb' in the ring." He noticed her still in the kneeling position ahead of the army. He thought something to the extent of 'how fitting it was for her to head an army with her talents.' "Come here." He commanded her. She flipped her head up to look at him. Her natural blonde-highlighted/black fluffing of hair, and replacing itself back around her shoulders. Her tail flicked into position around her waist. The king beckoned her forward. Her eye's burning with the desire to fight. She rose to comply, and walked up to a few steps lower than Bardock, right directly in front of the king. He stood again. "I've decided that you will fight. Best of luck." He smirks, she smirks in reply and happiness.


Lena to her father as she handed him his after-dinner-coffee, and she sat down with her usual decaffeinated tea. "Only one more day..." She trailed off as she took a sip of tea. Then she noticed her father's contemplating mind racing with unknown thoughts. "What's wrong? Do you feel all right?" She raised her hand to feel his forehead, but her father only slapped the her hand away.

Her father spoke firmly, but not forcefully. "I'm not sure I should have let you do this..."

Lena smiled knowing that this was irreversible now. "There's no turning back now, besides, I'll be all right, dad. You let my brother's compete, and they ranked high."

He slammed his mug down on the table, some small splashes of coffee littered the table. He looked up at her. She shivered a bit, she didn't like to be yelled at. "Yes, but brothers are different!"

Lena, "Father, I have trained with Bardock himself! And won! Why don't you think I'm ready for this?...!"

"Because you are only twelve-"


"-...And, you might not be prepared for the monstrous challenge before you."

"This monster is only what I will deal with if I do not compete... I will be just like all the other female saiyans... PAMPERED AND WEAK!" She sat back down, and took a second to collect her thoughts. She hoped that her dad wouldn't slap her across the room for yelling at him. He didn't, which was a big surprise. She dared to continue, she was treading on paper-thin-ice already. "It is 'sayain will' to fight... I don't want to be a nameless wife!..." She protested. Her father only looked at her argument from her side. "What kind of a life would that be for your daughter?... I want better for you, daddy."

He saw her argument. She didn't want him to lose what her brothers had built up for him. Which was hard for anyone to live up to, by the way. A very high legacy to not let down. He was so prided on them. She didn't want him to be let down. "Then fight to win!... But,... remember to do this, rest on the easy battles. Your mind is the best tool you can use." With that said Lena went off to bed.


Lena awoke to a heated conversation in the kitchen, and figured she better get dressed.


"That girl of yours is very tough...," Bardock said with an aire of memory or flashback. "But lets cut the chit-chat like it's Good Times." He started less calmly. "That girl of yours... Are you crazy???... She can't fight!" He finished not calmly, but practically screaming. He wasn't pleased, nor happy with this sort of recklessness from his good friend. He had to try to talk some sense into Gamma.

General Gamma calmly sipping his morning coffee. "She beat you didn't she?" While having one omniscient eye on Bardock's exuberant features to try to calm him or make him more angry.

"No reason! She can't compete!"

"We got the 'OK' from the king himself..." *another sip calmly*

Bardock was flustered. He won't listen. She'll be killed at the competition... "I brought my son here to show you how foolish this was. I want them to fight."

Lena's father stood by her decision, knowing it was for the best, and for him. "Lena. Lena! Get dressed, and come down here!..." Lena turned on her heel. He back had been against the wall, and now she was straightly standing in the doorway. That was the dead giveaway to show that she had been eavesdropping. Gamma gestured his hand towards Bardock, who sat down in the seat across from her father again. "Lena, you know...-"

"-Yes, hello, Master Bardock. Good to see you are in fine health." Bardock released the vain in his forehead's pressure so it disappeared from view.

Bardock smiled, and gestured his hand toward his son. "Lena,... I'd like you to meet my youngest son, Kakkarot."

Lena walked down the stairs turned, and faced the boy in her chair (not a chair, her chair). She sticks out her hand for a handshake. "Hello, I've meet your older brothers- Radditz and Turles."

The boy from the seat looked her up and down, out of the corner of his eye. Then he turned to the side of the chair to face her, both shook hands, and he replied. "Nice to meet you, Lena."

Lena thought: Damn, he's cute! But said. "Shall we spare then?"


Kakkarot and Lena lined up across from each other, about ten feet away. Bardock laughed. "Lena?... ha... meaning 'temptress'... I hope she can tempt fate to help her win." General Gamma smirked a smirk that all of Vegeta would have been proud of. Bardock was dumbstruck at his utter confidence.

Kakkarot chuckled. "Now I'll show you some moves you'll need to know, girlie."

General Gamma dropped his arm. "Begin!"

In two seconds flat Lena was a blur, and when the smoke of confusion cleared around them, there stood Lena on one foot. With her knee in Kakkarot's stomach, and a karate-chop to the back of his neck. Kakkarot was limp against her. Her body supporting his weight. She lowered her knee, and Kakkarot's unconscious body fell to the ground.

She used her speed, intelligent strategy. Bardock thought as he picked up his son. "Maybe I was wrong, but I would keep an eye on her, anyway."

General Gamma smiled. "We'll see you at the tournament then?" *A growl could be heard as Bardock flew his son to a rejuvenation tank.*

Lena turned to her father after waving Bardock off. "Is it just me or did Master Bardock seem a bit spiteful of me?"

General Gamma shook his head to clear his thoughts. "I don't know..." Then Lena and her father took off for the tournament at the palace...


Lena walked next to her father until she got to her stretching station, and waved him goodbye. He said 'good luck' then joined his friends in the stands. While she was doing a side-stretch when she noticed Kakkarot on the mat next to her about 4 feet away. She commented to herself how cute he was, But Bardock won't like this if I liked his son... She hissed to herself in her own head. (6-year-old) Kakkarot did a stretch which brought his attention to behind Lena, and found a certain 8-year-old prince standing behind her. Lena did another side-stretch, and she noticed him tossing his head (and her attention) to near her butt. She promptly forgot about the stretch, and focused on what was behind her. She felt kind of silly having her butt in the face of the prince. Then she soon also found he had not discovered her looking at him while he was staring at her butt. What a perverted saiyan. He nor I is of age yet. She crowed to herself in disgust with made her hands slightly fist.

She decided she had enough of the prince, and she was done stretching. "May I help you?" She murmured as she rose some inches above him. (She stood up straight.)

Prince Vegeta blushed a bit, and quickly raised his face to met her gaze. He then tapped his heels together in the formal greeting way, and stood up perfectly straight, but he still was some inches shorter then her. "King Vegeta wishes to see you..."

"Lets go then, your majesty." She retorted. Then she flipped her head back and winked at Kakkarot. He returned it with a smile as she disappeared through a side door. He continued to stretch. General Gamma appeared up from out of nowhere.

Kakkarot quit stretching, and stood up to stare at the now-closed door which she had gone through. General Gamma stared at the door a few seconds more then Kakkarot spoke. "Your daughter's weird." He finally blurted out still looking somewhat confused by the door.

General Gamma chuckled, and replied. "That's because she likes you..." He paused, and Kakkarot turned to face the General who met the boy's questioning stare. "She will learn that you are not 'the one' for her."

"Oh." he retorted, again somewhat confused, as he began stretching again, and General Gamma disappeared again with the drinks and snacks that he been carrying. (A/N: I'm trying to make this sound like the Olympics or the Super Bowl. Some big event please bear with me. Hey, we humans enjoy watching our fellow humans push themselves to their physical limits, and saiyans do too.)


Lena followed Prince Vegeta down a dark hall. A million thoughts flooded her mind. Why does the king want to see me? Good thing I don't fight soon. I wonder why he sent his son instead of some messenger? Why me? DUH! Hello, you're the only female. He probably just wants to wish you good luck. *In this she found comfort* A bright light slashed through her thoughts as the door to the king's box opened. Prince Vegeta stepped through, and Lena followed. The king glanced over to her as the prince passed him to go sit in his chair. He patted a seat that was placed between the two (prince and king's) portable thrones. She came, and sat down lady-like with a slight blush.

"Thank you for inviting me to sit up here." She said as the first two fighters came into the arena. Spectators broke out their binoculars then *DING!* the match began. It was a thrilling match which ended in the stronger fighter pushing the other guy out of the out of the ring by a hand-lock. (you know the clasp hands together, and you try to overpower your opponent thingy... I don't know what it's called yet! EX: Frieza & Goku in the Frieza Saga)

(A/N: *real quick, I promise* The Rules are: You may not fly, but you can hover, and use speed. Try not to kill anyone or you'll have their family to deal with afterwards. And whoever lands out of the ring first, becomes unconscious, gets blown up, gives up, or is decapitated is most likely the loser. Thank you for listening to my prattle... *audience wakes up, and stressed vain appears on Kitana's forehead.* "Whatever....!")

A few more fights were just as close as the first one, and Lena got up and cheered like the rest of the spectators. The king and prince didn't mind her not acting... well how the prince acts. Finally her name was called and she looked over the ledge to the ring below. I bet I could jump it. She thought with a devious smile on, and King Vegeta must have read her thoughts.

"You can jump it." He said, and nodded his head then Lena dived off the ledge.

(I think I'll end this chapter here... Lena's first competition is next... So come back and find out how strong she really is. Oh, and... oh ya! "Is it victory or defeat? What waits in the dark?" Dragonball Z theme cards quote. I love it, but I don't own it.)