Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Once We Were Angels ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

disclaimers: I do not own DBZ and you can bet if I did, Goten and Vegeta would be mine!

This is Yaoi and means boyxboy love. Don't like, get the hell outta here. Oh and lots of Chichi bashing because I HATE the bitch!


Goten buried his head into the down-feathered pillow, trying to block the screeches from his mother. His parents were fighting...again. The seventeen year old had lived most of his life without his father and when Goku returned, the two spent quality time together. Goten cursed his mother silently for yelling at his father. He never did anything wrong. It seemed that with Goku's seven year abscence, Chichi blamed her husband for all of her misery. Goten bit his lip to prevent from crying. It made him angry that Goku had to take it all, making sure that Goten never knew how deeply he was affected by Chichi's accusations and guilt-trips. Goten might have been as naive as his father, but he did know it hurt Goku. Usually, when their arguments started, the young man would steer clear of the living room but tonight..tonight was different. Goten dried his eyes against the coarse material, gulping the need to sob. He pulled a tee-shirt over his toned, muscular chest shivering in the cool night air. The raven locks jutted from his bangs lopsidely (a/n: i'm using the Gt looks, not his teen ones) murky brown eyes were now turned to sable as he approached the living room.

Chichi's yelling had gained volume. "You spend all of your time training and never a moment home! Why can't you act normal?! Why do you spend all your time with that bloodthirsty lunatic and his family?!!! Have YOU forgotten about me and Goten?!!"

Goten snarled, causing both parents to stare at him, their argument completely forgotten. "No, Mom, Dad hasn't forgotten us!! If he had, he wouldn't be hear listening to your bullshit every fucking day! I'm so sick of it! Ever since Dad came back and Gohan moved out of that house, you've been a bitch to Dad as if it was his fault that you were unhappy!! Yeah well, maybe you should tell Dad a couple of the things YOU do when he's not home!"

Chichi's anger vanished to one of stricken shock and fear. Goku glanced from wife to youngest son. "What's he talking about Chichi?"

"Oh so you don't know?" Goten smirked a sneer worthy of Vegeta. "Mom's been fooling around behind your back with some man."

"What?" Goku's voice was soft as he comprehended his son's words. The deep brown depths of chocolate flashed with pain as the words finally sunk in and took root. "You've been cheating on me?"

Chichi felt her world collapse, the thin string that had kept her tied to her family unraveled. Chichi nodded. "Yes. Your gone all the time. I..I had to move on. I wanted to leave earlier but I didn't want to upset Goten. I'm sorry honey," Chichi apologized. "I wanted the perfect family but I realized when your father died after the Cell Games that I could never have that life." She kissed Goten's forehead. "How long have you known sweetie?"

"Five years but I never said anything because...because I always thought you and Dad would patch things up and fall back in love."

"The love left a long time ago. Even your father agrees with that. We stayed together to merely keep you boys happy but I failed in that too." Chichi silenced Goten with a look. "No. Don't contradict what I said. I'm going to pack and I'll leave as soon as I can."

Goten watched his mother leave the living room before finally taking a glance at his father. The man seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Never did Goten think that his father, the strong warrior, could feel so terrible. Even the lopsided ebony strands seemed wieghed down by the harsh reality, his already pale white skin seemed to have grown paler. Goten put a hand on his father's shoulder. "I'm sorry Dad. I..shouldn't have said anything. It just made me mad to hear Mom accusing you of all those things when their not true."

Goku lifted his eyes to rest on the teenager, a wan smile on his lips. "It's a good thing you did, son. It would have only gotten worse. Goten...would you call Bulma and ask if you could spend the night there. I need..time to think about this."

"Sure Dad... Should I tell Vegeta you won't be sparring tomorrow?"

"Yeah...." Goku opened the door and took to the skies, not caring where he was going just that he needed time alone.

Goten sank onto the couch, grabbing the phone from its holder. He dialed the Brief's number, nervous. He and Trunks were in a fight, making matters worse than they already were. The kids at school jested that he and Trunks were gay. Trunks image of himself caused him to backlash at Goten who was also popular. Goten hated the person that Trunks became; another one of those rich, snobby teenagers who never care about anyone else's feelings. That's why he was feeling apprehensive about the whole thing. A deep voice like velvet came from the other line. "What?!"

Goten started to talk when the background noises came to his ears. "Damnit Vegeta! That is NOT how you answer the phone! Who is it? Did you even ask?!"

"Shut your mouth onna!" Vegeta snarled. Goten chuckled. Bulma and Vegeta had been seperated for a while. They never really loved each other, merely were like....friends. Their constant arguements were just another test of their undying companionship and respect. Bulma was perhaps the only person in the universe with the guts to raise their voice at Vegeta. "Who the hell is this?!"

"Uh..its Goten Vegeta-sama."

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Vegeta! That's rude! Who is it?!"

"Its the youngest spawn of Kakarrotto's."

"Goten is not a spawn, he is a very nice young man and you will treat him as such!"

"Fuck," Vegeta murmured. "Fine onna. Have it your way. Boy, what is it?"

"Um......" Goten felt tears sting his eyes. "Mom's leaving and Dad asked me to ask you if I could stay the night until he comes home."

There was a long silence and finally Vegeta's voice came back. "They split?"


"WHAT?! Chichi and Goku are divorcing?! Give me the damn phone Vegeta!" Goten could hear the pass off followed by several curses. "Goten, sweetheart, are you doing okay?"

"I think so. It..was kinda my fault."

"Well...come over here and tell me, okay? You can stay for as long as you want. I'll have a guest room set up for you."

"Thanks Bulma-san."

"Sure thing."

Goten set the phone down and stared at the ground. He went into his room and packed enough clothes for a few days, knowing his father would spend more than a day in the wilderness. He slipped the bag across his shoulder and rejoined his mother in the living room. Goten sighed. "He's coming here to get you?"

"Yeah. I am so sorry Goten."

"It's okay Mom. As long as your happy. I'm going to go ahead and leave. Um..will I ever see you?"

"I don't know. We'll talk about this later. You go ahead to Bulma's."

Goten flew towards the Capsule Corporation, crying the tears that had built up during the confrontation. He was flying to a place he knew he wasn't welcomed to by the most important member of the family; Trunks. How was he going to advoid him? Goten landed on the front yard only to be rushed by the blue haired genius. "Goten! Come inside and tell me about it. Poor baby," she said wiping the tears from his eyes. Bulma set the bag on the couch and patted the seat next to her. "Spill it."

"Mom and Dad argue...alot. Mom starts up arguments about the stupidest things. Blaming Dad for her depression, blaming Dad for not being there to raise me, blaming Dad for spending his time from his family. I don't understand why. Dad is who he is. He's Saiyan and I'm guessing thats what Saiyans do because Vegeta does too. So...about five years ago I..I heard Mom with another..man. I was usually gone when those...affairs happened. I could smell it on her though and tonight, it just got to me so I yelled at Mom and told Dad about her cheating on him." Goten sobbed and leaned against Bulma. The kind woman cradled him. "I..I never meant for this to happen!"

"Aww...Goten. It's not your fault. It was going to happen sooner or later." Bulma carressed his hair. "Ssh, don't cry anymore. Your going to stay here until Goku returns and telling your father, he'll sulk for awhile but he'll get over it. And you will too."

Goten dried his eyes sheepishly. "Thank you Bulma-san."

"Your welcome. Are you hungry?" Goten's stomach growled in response. She laughed, shaking her head. "You go ahead. I think Vegeta's in there." As soon as Goten was gone, a figure slipped from the shadows and quietly tip-toed to the stairs. "Where do you think your going Trunks? Feeling even worse than you should be? I'll bet you had no idea this was going on." Bulma glared at her son. The lavendar haired eighteen year old bowed his head, cornflower blue eyes dripping with guilt. "You used to best friends and then you let some rumor ruin that. I thought I raised you better." Bulma watched Trunks trudge up the stairs, shoulders slumped in shame. "Serves him right," she mutterted.

Goten went into the kitchen, mouth dry from the delicious smells that were radiating from inside. His belly rumbled louder, causing the prince to glare at the young man. Goten blushed faintly as the older man looked him over. 'Why does he have to do that?' Despite the man's age, his body was muscled perfection albeit short but compact and lithe. Black hair that defied the laws of science jot up in a flame-like style, obsidian pools showed no emotion. Navy blue spandex fitted his body like a second skin, the white gloves and boots carefully guarded the arrogant princes hands and feet. 'He's every bit of royalty.'

"You hungry, boy?" Vegeta asked in an almost nice tone.

"Uh..yeah Vegeta-sama." Goten's blush deepened as he wearily sat on one of the chairs. "Whatcha making?"

"Some ethnic food. I don't know what is, just that the onna makes it alot." Vegeta flipped a round, patty of meat and shoved it onto an already heaping pile. He started on several more. He turned to Goten. "You know, you could help," he said dryly.

"Sure. What do you want me to do?"

"Find some buns and heat up several cans of that chili shit." Vegeta watched the boy rummage through the pantry. The onxy eyes took in the very essence the teenager brought. He was as naive and happy-go-lucky as his brain-dead father. Vegeta knew for a fact that the boy had more Saiyan in him than any of the others. Vegeta chuckled. These next few days would prove to be interesting. He could properly school the boy in his ancestry. His gaze flickered over the well-toned body as Goten lifted the hem of it to wipe a few remaining tears. He wasn't bulky like his father but held a lean physique. The boy never went to his full power when sparring, just like his brother and Vegeta was furious that Gohan had let his awesome power go to waste. Vegeta did not intend to make the same mistake twice. With Goten not underneath the watchful eyes of his hellcat mother, it would easy to mold and shape him into a worthy Saiyan. Goten was perfection, besides Vegeta himself of course. Tomorrow would start their training, Vegeta grinned evilly, in more than one area.