Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ One Step Closer ❯ One Step Closer ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Step Closer

I cannot take this anymore
I'm saying everything I've said before

She's yelling again. It seems like that's all she ever does anymore. I've tried to explain that if I don't train and keep up my skills, then I might not be able to beat the next big bad that comes along, but she doesn't seem to hear me.

All these words they make no sense
I find bliss in ignorance

She just keeps on screaming about money and a job and Goten turning out to be a fighter like me and Gohan instead of the bookworm she wants him to be. My sons are Saiyajin. Fighting is in their blood. The thrill of a battle makes their bodies hum and they feel a freedom that isn't there at any other time. I know. I feel it every time, though I try to act like I don't like to fight. It's easier to play the air-headed hero then it is to admit to anyone that I sometimes have to fight the urge to sink my teeth into my sparring partner's flesh. Vejita says its Saiyajin nature to crave the blood of your enemies.

Vejita… Now there's a subject to piss her off… I'm not sure really why she hates him so much. Maybe it's because he is the epitome of a true Saiyajin warrior, the embodiment of everything she hates about me and my sons. He fights and he loves it. He thrives on it. Maybe she hates him because he's always growling at everyone, but that's just Vejita's way. I've gotten used to it. Perhaps too used to it… Maybe she knows somehow about the dreams I've had lately…

Less I hear the less you'll say
But you'll find that out anyway

So I sit here and I pretend to be ashamed of trying to keep this planet safe while she continues to scream and rant at me. I stopped hearing a word of it after the initial "Gokou! How many times have I told you…" It's pointless to keep doing this, day after day. She's just wasting her breath and my time. Eventually, if I don't argue with her, she'll stop. Someday, she'll realize that I'm not listening anymore and she might even quit speaking to me completely. I can only hope…

Just like before...

There was one time she got so sick of me she left. It was the best week the boys and I ever spent. There was no yelling, no nagging, no constant overbearing presence watching our every move. We spent the days sparring with one another and with Vejita and Trunks and the nights we stayed up late and ordered pizzas and watched movies on Pay Per View. Then she came home and everything went right back to the way it had been before.

Everything you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break

There are times when it's too hard to keep silent, when she's been screaming too long and too loud and I just can't take it anymore. It's like there's another voice in my head, a Saiyajin voice. It's that same voice that tells me to tear out my opponent's throat, to not leave an enemy alive. Funny, it sounds a lot like Vejita. Normally, the voice is barely a whisper, a murmur at the back of my consciousness… and then she goes on one of her yelling sprees and the voice starts to get louder, until all I hear is the Saiyajin in me demanding that I silence her- permanently…

I need a little room to breathe
Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break

That's when I put my fingers to my temple and instant transmission myself somewhere else. Somewhere good. Strangely enough, more often than not I end up at Capsule Corp. Vejita never seems surprised when I appear at his side. He just grunts and mumbles something about that "baka harpy" and then we spar. And that's when I start to feel alive… like that the voice might not be so wrong after all. Occasionally, I slip and the voice gets its way. I do something more Saiyajin than ningen and Vejita always notices it. I think it pleases him. And that pleases me, for some reason. Some part of me wants Vejita to be happy with me. Some part of me needs him…

I find the answers aren't so clear
Wish I could find a way to disappear

When the voice starts talking about Vejita, things get a little more complicated. I like Vejita and, to an extent, I feel close to him. I mean, he is the only true link to my heritage, the last full blooded Saiyajin, other than me, so I suppose that it's only natural that I feel connected with him. The voice isn't talking about that connection, though. It's whispering to me, telling me things about Vejita, like how graceful his motions are when he goes through a kata and how beautifully his muscles ripple under his skin whenever he moves. That's when I start to get confused…

All these thoughts they make no sense
I find bliss in ignorance

Then I start playing the airhead again, though I know it isn't right. Vejita hates it when I act that way. He knows there's more Saiyajin in me than even I realize and he can't stand to see me pretend to be a baka ningen. I don't want him to be angry, though why his feelings on the subject matter so much, I'm not sure…

Nothing seems to go away
Over and over again

She still hasn't noticed that I'm not listening to her. That voice, the one that sounds like Vejita… it's getting loud again. It's telling me that if I go for the throbbing blue vein in her neck she'll die almost instantly… Closing my eyes at the disturbingly satisfying vision of her lying in a pool of blood, her shrill voice silenced forever, I raise my hand, touch my temple- and the screaming stops. Breathing a deep sigh of relief before opening my eyes, I can smell the sharp, spicy scent of Vejita. I feel a smile spread across my lips before I open my eyes. He's looking at me, one eyebrow arched, questioningly. "Hey, Vejita," I say, trying for my normal tone, but I hear the weariness in my own voice. "Kakarot, kill the onna and shut her up for good," he grumbles. I suppose I should be surprised to hear him use the same words as the voice in my head, but somehow I'm not.

Everything you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break

I wonder if he knows what his words are doing to me. "Fight me, Kakarot," he orders. He doesn't wait for me to agree, he just moves into a fighting position. I crouch into a ready stance, years of training making it easy to put my brain on auto-pilot for the moment while the Saiyajin in my head tells me again how beautiful my Ouji is…

I need a little room to breathe
Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break

He knows I'm not paying attention. He launches himself at me and we hit the ground together. He's on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I look up at him and start to drown in Saiyajin black. His eyes are deeper than a dead man's dream and I start to drown in them. Something inside me is snapping and I take a deep breath, breathing in Vejita's scent once more. The voice is a roar now, louder than Chichi ever was, but its okay, because I understand now. I am Saiyajin.

Shut up when I'm talking to you

"Kakarot?" Vejita begins, his brows furrowed. "Shut up, Ouji-sama," I order and I hear the rasp in my voice, recognizing it for what it is: lust. I want him and its time we both faced it. His eyes widen and I'm not sure what has surprised him more; that I told him to shut up or that I used his title the way I did. It doesn't really matter.

Shut up, shut up, shut up

His lips are like silk against mine and his confusion vanishes quickly as his mouth opens and our tongues begin to dance. All thoughts of speaking are gone and for the first time since I met him, the voice in my head is silent. There is part of me that was afraid he would reject me, but Vejita is Saiyajin and blood calls to blood. We are sensual by nature and our bodies hum as my hands slide over skin that is softer than satin in some places and scarred by battle in others. I can feel his arousal through the thin training shorts he's wearing, pressing hotly against my stomach and I am so hard it aches as his lithe body moves on top of me. He's straddling my hips now, tearing away the orange gi that has become my trademark uniform. The material gives easily and then his mouth in on my skin, hotter than any brand, searing a path across my chest and down my stomach, scraping his teeth over the skin until bright crimson drops appear. He quickly laps away the blood, tearing away the last of my clothing and closing his lips over the head of my cock. I cry out as his tongue plays along the hardened length, teasing and stroking, until the pleasure becomes too much and I come harder than I ever have in my life.

As if from far away, I hear myself call out to him as he licks away the last of my seed and crawls up my body, bending to nip and taste as he goes. His mouth reaches mine again and I can taste myself on him. His fingers are hooked into claws on my chest and his nails are piercing my skin. The smell is sharp and coppery and I realize that I'm already growing hard again.

With a growl I almost don't recognize as my own, I sit up and push him to the floor. He simply tangles his fingers in my hair and drags me down onto him, our mouths still locked together. Drawing away, I lean down to taste his skin, my tongue rasping over his nipple. He gasps and his hands clench in my hair as I close my teeth over it and bite just hard enough to make him bleed.

His blood is the sweetest honey and with a start, I realize he's purring. The steady rumble calls to something primitive in me and my body responds, producing a matching sound from my own chest. I taste each ridge of his sculpted stomach and my tongue dips into his navel. His hips buck, insistently and I grasp the waistband of his shorts, tearing them away in one easy tug. His erection springs free and I run the tip of my tongue from its base to the head. He moans, but before I can take him into my mouth, he's moving, sitting up, shoving me back onto the ground. Kneeling between my thighs, he looks at me and I see something in his eyes that is almost scary. It is in that moment that I realize that he is truly the Saiyajin no Ouji and that not only would he refuse to submit to me, but I didn't want him to. He is my Ouji, my prince and it is he who will rule.

I can feel him pressing against my opening and my back is arching, instinctively, as my body recognizes what is happening and wants it. I close my eyes as he thrusts inside and virgin flesh tears. I cannot stop the sharp cry of pain, but Vejita does not pause, or even slow down. A sharp snarl from above me demands that I open my eyes and I do, meeting his fierce gaze as he thrusts deep into me and somehow turns my spine to liquid. A groan escapes me as he finds my sweet spot, again and again, until my cock is throbbing, rubbing against his stomach. The pressure is building and I know he can see it on my face. His fingers wrap around me and stroke the shaft in time with his own motions.

Without warning, the knot of pleasure/pain that had been growing tighter and tighter within me snapped and I screamed, spilling onto his hand and my own stomach. To me it sounds like something primal, animalistic. Moments later, I hear his answering roar as he releases his seed into me and collapses onto my chest. My arms slide around him and I hold him tightly. I can hear our hearts beating and our ragged breathing.

I don't know if what Vejita and I have can be called an affair. I don't really care. Any feelings I had for Chichi vanished a long time ago. For now, I'll bide my time and tune her out, at least until Goten is grown up and moved out. Then I can go. Until then, I have Vejita. Those sweaty, bloody, sexy, purely Saiyajin hours will have to be enough until its time. Sometimes, I wonder if I can do it. Then I come to him again and he silences all the voices and I know I can.

I'm about to break!