Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Only One ❯ Destroyed ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vegeta stood emotionless with his arms across his chest, staring at the raging fire. His 15 year-old son, Trunks, stood next to him with the same expressionless features. Everyone around them, tears flowed easily for them while watching the burning of their dearest friend. The memory of that day imprinted itself inside of Vegeta's head as the rapid fire burned away the last remains of his mate.
Bulma was in her lab creating a new invention for her training lover. The brand new fight with him bore into her mind. [How could he say that! I'm not lazy! And I am definitely not fat!]
{Onna, would you be quiet with your ranting! I am trying to train!}
{You jerk! I'm not fat! And don't wedge your way into my head!}
{If you were not projecting them to me, I would not have even been hearing your high-pitched voice! Now stop, it hurts!}
{Well, you weren't complaining last night, nor this morning! So deal with it!}
She felt him smirk in her mind. {That is different.}
{Oh yeah, I can see how you would think that! Me moaning, and me yelling sound totally different!}
{Yes, one is enjoyable, the other is annoying.}
Bulma tinkered with different bolts and screws making sure everything fit nice and dandy. She was smiling to herself, {Well, how would you like to hear a more enjoyable sound?}
{But I thought I was not worthy to touch such a creature as your self?} Mocking the little female always got her hot.
{So is that a no? OK, well I'll just go call Yamch-}
{I will be there shortly. Send your son away. We would not want him to interrupt us.}
{Only if you call him our son…}
{Fine, Onna. Our--} Vegeta paused in mid-punch. Goku stood before him trying to block the shot. But it never came.
"Vegeta?" Vegeta put up his hand to make him shut up. {Onna?} Suddenly a pain ripped through his head and body. {Bulma?} Nothing.
His voice was shaky as the pain traveled through his body, "Kakarot, take me back."
"Really? But you hate it when I--"
"Damn it fool just do it!" Vegeta roughly grabbed his Sayian champion's shoulder to be transported.
Vegeta dropped his hand, quickly flying toward her lab. He was ignorant of the clown that followed. Goku's own heart went rapid. What would make the prince so….scared…
They both came to a screeching halt. The lab was completely destroyed.
Vegeta sped over to it, trying desperately to search for his woman's ki but nothing came up. Goku searched on the other side. But it seemed pointless. There was so much debris it would take days to search for her. But by then she could be dead, unless it was already too late.
Vegeta used their bond to find her, however there was so much emptiness when he tried to feel her presence, his body shook. He threw off the huge piece of metal that cover his mate's body.
Blood. That was all his woman was. She had a huge gash across her head. There was nothing that could be seen besides the flowing blood that surrounded it. Vegeta fell to his knees. He placed two fingers on her neck, searching desperately for a pulse. Nothing. He felt the bond pull at his mind as it tried registered her nonexistence. His woman was dead.
He gently picked up this corpse and pulled it into his lap. He nuzzled her neck, trying to get her to respond. His hand moved down to embrace hers bringing it to his chest. He kissed her palm gently, keeping his eyes on her face, seeing if by possibility that she would wake from this eternal slumber.
Vegeta lifted her blood cover head and kissed her cold red lips with his trembling ones lightly. She didn't respond and that sent his Saying mind out of control. His body rage. He let out a hoarse scream, transferring him to first, second, third super sayian. All the while his grip on the little woman in his arms never did it tighten, too afraid he would crush her. His power peaked and then plowed to the floor, muscles shrinking, head falling upon her neck, breathing heavily in his pain. He slowly brought his lips up to her bite mark that he so numerous bit into.
One last time, he opened his mouth and set his teeth in the same place he had first bitten into 12 years ago. He sucked lightly on the blood that no longer flowed through her body and drank it. Savoring the still warm liquid that filled him with her love.
Goku stood back watched in disbelief. His best friend was gone. Forever. That brilliant smile. Those baby blue eyes. Never again will he be able to see them. And as he watched Vegeta that day, his heart raced. He knew Vegeta was going to snap.
Vegeta cautiously picked up the lifeless rag doll of a human and brought her to the medical wing. Emotionless and expressionless, he set her down on a table. Her blood covered his body. He didn't care. Nothing triggered in his mind as his eyes scanned over her bloody form. He slowly grabbed for a towel that was set beside the bed and began to clean her body. His trembling hands removed her clothes and turned them to ash. He washed her clean then dried her with his ki. Vegeta covered her body with a white blanket. Then he collapsed into unconsciousness.
Goku felt his Prince's ki drop suddenly from inside the door as he waited to be allowed to enter. He broke down the door and ran inside finding Vegeta lying, barely breathing, on his back. Goku picked him up and laid him down on a bed that laid next to the blue lifeless body.
He allowed his black eyes go to the body of his dead friend. He desperately watched her chest wanting, no, waiting for it to rise and fill with air. Never did it though, Goku kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear, "My little sister, I love you." Tears fell from his eyes, going unnoticed by him. He walked out of the dome shape building and went in search for his wife.
Vegeta woke alone on a hard bed. His eyes adjusting to the darkness, [Where am I?] He searched around desperately for something, then he realized he was in the med. Bay. But why? {Onna?} He called through their bond for her. Had the GR blown up again? He looked around, trying to find the reason she hadn't responded. But that was when his eyes fell on her figure. [Why is the woman sleeping here? She does weird things.] He got up and walked over to her. [What happened to her face?] He nuzzled her cold neck, trying to wake her. "Woman, If you do not rise right now, I am going to fuck you for many, many hours. Until you beg me to stop and then you will not be able to walk for a week. Get up." His hand rested on her stomach, the thumb rubbing it lightly. She didn't move. "Woman?" He pulled away. Something hit him. What if she had been next to the GR? She was hurt! His eyes instantly went to her chest, but it never rose. She wasn't breathing.
His own breath stalled when the images of the day before came inside of his head, ripping apart his insides and causing him to fall depressingly to his knees, with no energy left but to stare at his dead mate.
Hours of grieving for his mate-If that's what you call it since there were no tears-Vegeta exited the GR. His son sat right outside the door. Trunks head snapped up from his hands as he heard the door open. Their eyes connected for a moment.
Then suddenly, Trunks sprung up and ran in the building. Vegeta kept walking as he heard his son yell at his mother to wake up.
Once Vegeta found his voice to speak, Chi-Chi was his first headache. So soon and all ready she wanted to rid his mate and place her beautiful body inside a box, to rot for years to come.
When Trunks finally retreated from the medical bay, his eyes lifeless, his body without power, ignored the people around him, pleads of Goten to speak were unheard to him. His destroyed thoughts ran wild in his mind. Only anger raged through him. Anger for a dead woman. He didn't blame him self, he didn't blame his dad. He blamed his mom. It was her fault. She was so stupid. His eyes snapped up at the argument still going on around him.
"We bury her as a human! She was human so we will bury her as such!" Chi-Chi raged on.
"She was my mate so therefore, she will have a Sayian burial. This discussion is over. Kakarot, take your harpy before I beat her to death. There is no one in my way to stop me from going through with that threat now, bitch. So watch what you say to me." Vegeta growled and stomped away, slamming the door to his GR where he spent most of his time in there. Not training. Just thinking.
Goku tried to talk to her as gently as possible. "Please Chi. Bulma was his wife. Let him arrange it, OK?"
"I don't want to burn her! That's so savage like!"
"My race is not like savages!" Trunks screamed suddenly stomping over to her.
Chi-Chi's teary eyes turned to him, "Trunks, that's not what I meant."
"She was my mother so my father and I will decide how to bury her. You have no say in this." He said it just like his father. His voice hard and angered. He stomped into his house.
Vegeta sat in that GR till the day of her Sayian burial. His mind raged at him in questioned. Why was he still alive? He should have died with his mate and yet here he is. It confused him to no end.
Memories haunted him from that day. And all of the fights they had. The love-making they shared, all of it, roam unconsciously into his head.
Trunks banged on the door then stepped inside not caring if his father didn't want to see him. He needed to be with his blood. "Father?"
"What, boy?" Vegeta growled as he stood.
"The burial will start soon." He hesitantly stated.
"Fine. Out."
"Father?" Vegeta growled. "May I stay until it's time." Vegeta stared at his son for a moment contemplating something. [Maybe that is it. The boy. That is why I am alive.] Vegeta just sat down in response. He was at ease now why he was alive. Even though he wanted desperately to be with his mate. His son needed him. [Damn] He thought in disappointment.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``` Flashback Ended
As the last spec of fire burned out, Trunks fell to his knees, slamming his fists into the ground, causing the earth to crack beneath him, sending vibrations around Japan. Vegeta shut his eyes slowly upon hearing the contact of the boys fists connect with the ground. Trunks cried heavily into his out stretched arms. Goku tried to approach Trunks but Vegeta snapped his head to him and growled, baring his teeth. Goku instantly put his hands up in surrender and backed away.
Vegeta looked down at his destroyed son with a kind of gentle expression. {Trunks. Get up.} He angrily but gently thought to him.
Trunks slowly stood on wobbly legs wiping the tears away as best he could. He followed his father over to the group. "We are leaving." Was all Vegeta said as he strutted over to his ship with the Gravity Room. Trunks watched his father enter the ship then turn to look at him, "Are you coming, boy?" Trunks nodded and walked over to his father. He stood behind him.
"Vegeta, what are you going to do?" Goku asked in his fighting voice.
"Something I should have done long ago. Leave." The door hissed shut.
"Vegeta!" Goku yelled from outside. "Don't do this Vegeta! Think of your son!" Vegeta paid no heed as he told his boy to strap in and pressed the buttons for lift off. He set himself down in the chair.
"What are we going to do, father?"
"To do what a Sayian is made for. Destroy."