Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Only What You Can Give ❯ Ecounters ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vegeta entered the dark house with a soft sigh. It was late enough that no one would be up. He didn't want them to see him like this. His shirt was gone, burned away during one session as he had manipulated his ki. His shorts were torn and barely clinging to his body. He was tired and hungry. The first stop was the kitchen, where he devoured a large plate obviously left for him. No doubt this was Bulma's mother's doing. The woman thought of everything. He pushed the door to the kitchen open and almost plowed into Bulma. Wearing the same shirt as that night in the library she flushed when she saw him and tried to tug the edge of the shirt down to cover her abdomen since the panties were not accomplishing the job.

Suddenly the urge to mate surged through him. It was absolutely overwhelming, coursing through his body to grip his mind and heart. Blood flowed to his groin and her scent invaded his nose to drug his brain. He reached out for her, pulling her closer, one arm around her waist securing her body against his. Her breasts crushed against his bare chest and the hot skin of her abdomen pressed against him only increased the fire that was building inside him. His other hand reached up to cup her cheek. He brought his face to within millimeters of hers. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, analyzing and memorizing her scent. Her breathing became faster and he could smell the first hints of her arousal when he suddenly came back to himself. He pushed her away, his eyes wide with horror.

"You have to stay away from me."

"Why?" She'd managed to catch herself on the wall and was already reaching for him. He stepped back. "Vegeta…"

"I would hurt you."

"Hurt me?"

"I would…you have to stay away. I have no desire to…to rape you."

Her eyes widened, but she still advanced on him. Her hand touched his bare arm and he felt a tremor move through him. "Vegeta…you wouldn't hurt me."

"I wouldn't mean to, but apologies mean nothing if I kill you in the end."

"You wouldn't kill me."

"How can you be so sure?" There was a note of desperation in his voice, as though he very much wanted to believe her.

"I know you wouldn't, I just know it. I can feel it in here."

She took his hand and pressed it against her chest over her heart. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the look in her eyes and the feel of her hot flesh beneath his calloused hand. Her scent invaded his senses. He was being overwhelmed. Once again he stepped back, this time more gently.

"I should go. Goodnight."

Before she could argue he was gone. Vegeta could move fast enough that she could not see him. Perhaps she would give him up as a lost cause and head back to bed. Part of him hoped this was exactly what she would do. But a small treacherous part of him whispered that it would not be so bad if she came to him. After all, he did care about her in his own, unique way. He shut his door and tore off his shorts, replacing them with an intact pair. He suddenly wasn't tired anymore. His pulse pounded in his ears and he found himself gulping great breaths of air. He needed to calm down. He needed to relax. He was letting himself get worked up over a woman.

There was a soft knock at his door and he froze. It couldn't be her. She would have taken his warning to heart and returned to bed. It was not her. He turned and almost had his hand on the door before he stopped. There was too much at stake. If it was her, he would not be able to control himself. The urge to mate was a powerful one. It had not surprised him at all that Kakarot had taken a human mate. He would have had to do something to suppress the urge. It had been a real shock to learn he actually loved the woman but now Vegeta understood. The urge to mate was generated by attraction and increased by affection. He cared about Bulma, and so could not keep his hands off her.

The knock sounded again and very slowly he backed away from the door. If he didn't answer, whoever it was would go away and he would not have to be bothered with them. He could concentrate on banishing these feelings. After several minutes, when there were no more noises, he turned and climbed into bed, satisfied that Bulma had indeed returned to her own room.

Vegeta's dream was the most vivid he had ever had. Bulma entered the room wearing only that damned T-shirt and panties. She smiled coyly at him and advanced. Her hands ran along his chest, her breasts pressed against him. He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent. He wanted her more than anything in the universe. She was more essential than air, than water. He reached for her, determined to be gentle despite his volatile nature.