Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites Do Attract ❯ The First Day of Hell.. A.K.A. High School ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing.
Ok, this story is going to be different than the rest of them. Instead of Trunks and his family being the rulers of the saiyans, Pan and her family are. Instead of Trunks being the vice-president of Capsule Corp, Pan is because her family owns it. So basically, it's like the Sons and the Briefs switched places. And I changed the ages! And also, Bulma works for C.C., but she doesn't run it, ok?is going to be OOC big time in this story!: 161819191819

was just one of those days. You know the kind I mean, the type where you wake up late because your alarm went off hours earlier and made you made, so you blasted it to pieces, you missed your early sparring lesson with your best friend and your uncle, and now, you're late for the first day at a new school. Great. Perfect.
"AHHHH! I'm late! Why didn't you wake me up?!" Pan yelled, literally flying through her parent's house gathering her things for school, then things for work after school.
"Hurry Pan! Your breakfast is ready! I've got your lunch packed and ready also! PAN!" Videl screamed at her daughter.
"I'm here!" Pan said sitting down at the table, then wolfing down her breakfast in record time. "Ok, I'm off to school now." Pan told her mother after gathering all her things, capsulizing them, and flying off to her first day of public high school.she arrived at school, and burst into her classroom, the class just turned and stared at her.
"May I help you?" The teacher asked.
"Um... Uh, oh, yeah, I'm new here, and according to my schedule, I'm supposed to be in this class." Pan showed the teacher her schedule.
"Ok, Ms. Son, pick an empty seat." The teacher said, and Pan picked a seat in the back corner since the seat next to it was empty, or so she thought.she walked back there, a blonde haired girl turned to her blue haired friend beside her and asked, "Who wears clothes like THAT?" Pan just kept walking as they started giggling.reached her seat, put her things down, and got her laptop out, pretending to do school work, when really she was working on her after school things.as Pan got into what she was doing, a certain purple haired boy walked into the room.
"Mr. Briefs, you're late. Again." The teacher scolded. (A/N: BTW, It's Pan's first day, but for the rest of the school, it's the beginning of the 2nd semester)
"Yeah, yeah." Trunks waved her off, and proceeded to walk to the back of the classroom to take his seat beside Pan.
"Hey there Trunksie." Marron purred turning around.sat down, gaining Pan's attention so that she looked up.
"Wow." Trunks whispered, seeing Pan's face. "Beautiful." He murmured, looking at the raven-haired beauty.(oh yeah, I don't know how I would have put it, but pan's hair is sort of like rogue's in x-men, I mean, she has like 2 blondish-white streaks right in the front but also, the tips of her hair is blue.)
"Hello? Trunks?... Oh, I get it, does Trunks have a thing for 'the new girl'? Sorry to break it to ya Trunks, but by the way she dresses, I don't think she's into guys." Marron said rudely while smirking.
"Ok, now that everyone's here, I'd like to introduce our new student. Would you stand and come up here please." The teacher looked at Pan.
"Um. Ok." Pan walked up there.
"Now, tell the class your name and a little bit about yourself."
"Ok. My name's Son Pan-"
"Wait a minute, as in the Capsule Corporation Sons?" Marron asked in awe.
"Duh. My name is Son Pan, as in the vice president of Capsule Corporation. I just started school here today. And. I really don't care about fitting in because, this is my senior year so, as far as I'm concerned, everyone else can just go fuck themselves." Pan said with a sarcastic smile as she walked back to her seat.
"Wait. You're a senior? You don't look more than sixteen!" The girl next to Marron said..
"That's because I am sixteen." Pan said matter-of-factly.
"Nice speech." Trunks complimented as Pan returned to her seat.
"Thank you." Pan said, giving Marron a "so there bitch" look.
**lunchlooked around with her food capsule for a place to sit, but noticed that there were no tables left outside to sit at. As she passed Marron's table, a boy beside Marron tapped Pan on the shoulder.(oh yeah, Goten's on Pan's lunch shift, she just doesn't know it yet b/c he's getting his food, then he's going to sit with Marron and her friends at the "prep" table.)
"Hey freak. What's the matter, they run out of green at the store?" He asked referring to Pan's hair, but Pan just kept walking.
"Hey bitch, he asked you a question." Another guy from the table pointed out.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak dumb ass, but, maybe since you do, you could translate for me." Pan said with a smirk, and kept walking.watched the ordeal, stood up, and went after her with his food capsule.
"Hey." He said coming up beside her.
"What do you want? They send you to see if I was crying? Well, sorry to break it to ya, but I don't cry." Pan said, walking faster.
"No, they didn't send me. I thought that you seem pretty cool." Trunks said.
"Really? Well, you know what? I really don't care. I just wanna find somewhere where I can go and eat my lunch, then leave for the day." Pan said.
"Leave? It's only lunch. There's still 2 more hours." Trunks said confused.
"Not for me."
"Well, how do you like this school so far, Pan?"
"Well, it's much different than boarding school. This is my first time in a public school, and I'm ready for lunch to be over. I have to go to work, then I'm gonna beg my dad to let me off early to see if my uncle wants to spar to see if I've become a stronger saiyan than my dad yet-..." Pan quickly put her hand over mouth. "I did not just say that out loud."
"You're a saiyan?" Trunks was awestruck.
"No , what are you talking about? What's a saiyan?" Pan played stupid.
"Don't play dumb. It's ok. I'm a saiyan, too. Hey, what do you say we have a little sparring match." Trunks said.
'Is he serious? He looks serious.' Pan thought to herself. "Wait, here?"
"Yeah, why not?" Trunks said.
"Uhm, ok, I guess." Pan said, getting out her lunch and wolfing it down faster than Goku.did the same.
"Ok, lemme stretch a bit first." Pan said, and she and Trunks started stretching.five minutes of stretching, Pan and Trunks powered up. Trunks about 1/4 of the way, and Pan about 1/16 of the way. Then they both took fighting positions.lunged at Pan, his fist ready to punch her, but she quickly dodged and appeared behind him, throwing a punch into his back. Trunks turned around quickly to face Pan, once again attempting to punch her, bringing his fist toward her face, but also swiping his leg down to trip her, but Pan jumped into the sky. Trunks followed her, and continued his assault, punch, kick, punch, punch, punch, kick, but Pan blocked everything easily. Getting bored of being on the defensive side, Pan started punching at Trunks-everything hit their target. Thinking he could be stronger than her, Trunks powered up to his max. Pan continued her assault, everything still hitting their targets. Tired of just punching, Pan used a ki blast, and it threw Trunks to the ground. As she was coming down toward the ground, Goten ran up to her.
"Pan are you crazy?!" Goten yelled.
"Oh, fuck off Goten! I wanted to spar, and didn't get to this morning because mom didn't make sure I was awake! It's not like I was powered up fully!" As she looked over to Trunks, she noticed he was no longer in Super Saiyan.
"You might not have been, but Trunks was!"
"Well, I can't help that he's weak!" Pan said.
"You bitch, what did you do to my brother!?" Bra ran up to Pan, and slap her, but Pan grabbed her hand and started crushing it.
"Stop it, Pan!" Goten yelled.
"Why do you always defend everyone, Goten? Huh? I just never do anything right, do I? You know what, fine." Pan walked over to Trunks and gave him a sensu bean.
"Thanks. Damn, you're strong." Trunks said.
"Yeah, well, apparently that doesn't matter. I never seem to do anything right for anybody... Well, you're fine now, so, I'm leaving." Pan said, and took flight with all of her stuff.work
"Pan?" Gohan walked into Pan's office.
"Yes daddy?" Pan asked.
" How long do you think it will take you to get your work done?" Gohan asked his daughter.
"Uhm, I dunno. It's only 3 o'clock dad. Why?" Pan asked.
"Did you forget? The company gala is tonight, and you need to go shopping for a dress... Did you ever find a date?"
"Hell no." Pan said.
"Come on Pan. You need a dress."
"Fine. I'll go shopping."
"I'm sending someone with you... No objections. Last time we sent you shopping for a nice, elegant, formal dress, you came to the gala looking like you lived on the street."
"Fine. Who do I go through hell with then?"
"Please come in." Gohan opened the door.
"Panny-chan!" The girl who walked in screamed.
"Mandy!" Pan screamed, jumping up from her desk, and ran over, engulfing the other girl in a big bear hug. (A/N: Mandy is 17. She and Pan are best friends. They went to the same boarding school.)
"Pan, Mandy's being here is a good thing. I might as well tell you now that she'll be moving in with us." Gohan said.
"Are you serious!? Wait. Why?"
"My parents kicked me out. No biggie. They don't know me anyways." Mandy shrugged her shoulders.
"This is awesome! So, you'll be going to my school then! Great! We'll be seniors together, just like we planned!" Pan said excitedly.
"Enough of this place, let's go shopping." With that, Mandy and Pan took Pan's metallic blue pantera and went to the mall.
"How about this one?" Mandy held up a green spaghetti strapped dress for Pan, but Pan turned it down.
"Let's pay for yours and go to another store." Pan suggested and they did.then went into a store called Formal Forever (is that a real store?). As soon as they walked in, Pan spotted the dress for her. It was a long sleeveless dress that reached the floor. Instead of a normal collar, it was like a choker type collar (sort of like a turtle neck, but it's not). The collar clasped in the back, and instead of being a full back, under the collar, it was bare save for 4 thin straps of fabric holding the fabric to the bottom, until you got to about mid-back where the fabric became full again.(if you're confused, email me, and I'll send you a picture of how I mean, it won't be this dress, but the collar deal is the same and stuff) It was a dark blue color, with a sparkly fabric over it.
"There's mine." Pan stated and went to the dress as if she was drawn to it.
"Uhm, miss," Pan got the saleswoman's attention. "Is this the only dress like this?"
"Yes, it's one of a kind. And I think that it may be too small for you. It's a double zero." The woman said.
"Oh, that's my size." Pan said. "How much is this dress?"
"More than you can afford." The saleswoman said rudely.
"Excuse me? Do you know who I am? I am Son Pan, vice president of Capsule Corporation, and I want that dress! Now get it off of the mannequin so that I can try it on!" Pan screamed at the woman.
"Y-Yes ma'am!" The saleswoman did as she was told, and Pan went and tried the dress on.she came out of the dressing room, Mandy and the saleswoman gasped.
"Pan, you're right. That is the dress for you."
"Pan went and changed back into her clothes. While she was paying for the dress, Bra and Marron walked in, Trunks and another guy in tow, carrying bags.
"Well, look what the dog dragged in." Bra laughed, seeing Pan.
"Your total comes to $5,068.27. Will you be paying check or credit?" The cashier asked Pan.
"Neither." Pan said.
"Yeah, she'll steal whatever she has because she can't pay." Bra and Marron laughed.
"Actually, that's what they would do, because they can't even afford to pay attention. I'll be paying cash." Pan said and took out her wallet. Then she took a bundle of hundreds out of her wallet and gave $5,100 to the cashier. "Keep the change."and Mandy walked out of the store, Trunks and his friend dropped Bra and Marron's bags and followed Pan and Mandy.
"Hey Pan. Sorry about my sister in there." Trunks said catching up.
"No problem. I deal with spoiled brats like her and your girlfriend all the time." Pan shrugged.
"Girlfriend? You mean Marron? Hell no. Were just friends."
"Not as far as she's concerned." Pan pointed behind Trunks.
"Trunksie! Why did you drop my bags like that? Uh. Pan, stay away from my boyfriend." Marron said snobbishly.
"Don't worry, he's all yours. I don't want him." Pan said. "Mandy, you ready to go get ready for the gala? Oh yeah, are my parents going to do something to me?"
"Yes, and I'm sworn to secrecy." Mandy and Pan laughed and walked out of the mall, followed by Trunks, who was followed by his friend, who was followed by Marron, who was followed by Bra. (Confusing huh?) They all got out there in time to see Pan and Mandy get into Pan's pantera and leave.

What do you think? Tell me in a review. If you were a fan of my other stories, sorry. I had to take them all down b/c we just got a new computer, so, I have to rewrite them all. SORRY! But it'll actually be better b/c I'm going to finish them before I put them up so that I don't have to make you wait forever to read the next chapter. Well anyways, review this story. If I get enough reviews, I'll continue.