Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Our Shattered World ❯ And So Things Continue ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2: And So Things Continue

Can happiness truly stay the way it is forever? You see people in the beginning of their relationship and they look madly in love. But years down the road, they look like every other couple. Are they just used to each other now? Or are they only taking advantage of each other? Knowing that one will always be there for the other. Is it possible that they are just as in love as they were twenty, thirty, even forty years ago? Love is a strong emotion that can control all thoughts and actions. But such power cannot last. When love runs out and looses its power, what is there left to life? Can you still be happy, even if you are not in love? Or does love defy all common sense and knowledge, and its power last forever?

-From the Diary of Son, Pan

She was in her training shorts and her sports bra. That was all. Her breathing was rough and uneven. She was sweating from every pore on her body. He was coming for her. She couldn't see him, but she could hear him. Closer. Completely still. Everything was still. But he was there. She was sure of it. She was looking straight, trying to sense him rather than anything else. She was waiting for him to make his move and he knew it. So he made it.

He came in behind her, about to make the finishing blow just before she turned around and caught his fist, delivering a kick into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. She then moved behind him and elbowed him in the back, sending him to his knees. She had won the fight, but he wasn't giving up that easily. He twisted his body so he would fall on his back and in that second, he kicked up into her stomach. She didn't see it coming and she went flying back until she hit the wall.

It was a tie.

Trunks lay on the ground trying to catch his breath, as Pan slumped against the wall. Both were sweating. Pan was wearing a black sports bra with orange training pants, and an orange bandana on her head, holding her hair out of her face.Trunks was in blue training pants.

Trunks sat up and looked at his fiance. She was beautiful. The sweat caused her pants to cling to her legs, leaving little to the imagination. He watched as a drop of sweat dripped down her forehead to her cheek and down her neck, sinking even further down her chest. He could feel his pants start to get a little tight. He groaned silently as he stood up and turned his back to her, willing himself to calm down. After a moment, he turned around and looked at her. He smiled and reached out a hand to help her up. She gladly accepted it and grabbed his hand. He hoisted her up and she stood in front of him. Pan leaned up, softly brushed his lips with her own and walked passed him out the door of the gravity room, into the night. He smiled at her as he watched her walk out, a few thoughts crossing his mind.

She was in the kitchen when he walked in. A bottle of water was thrown at his head that he caught easily. He had anticipated it. She walked passed him once again and walked into the living room. He followed her and sat next to her on the couch. As she turned on the television he put his arm around his shoulder and took a drink from his water bottle. Pan leaned into him as she flipped through the hundreds of channels. Deciding that there was nothing else on, she stopped on a movie they had seen many times before.

After a few minutes, both had finished their water, and Trunks was no longer interested in the movie. He burried his head in her hair that smelled of lavender. He loved the smell of her hair. Long ago he resolved to find out what shampoo and conditioner she used and buy her a whole case so she would never run out. Damn he loved that smell. He dipped his head lower and caressed her neck with his lips leaving what would soon turn into a very obvious hickey. The hand that had before been holding his now empty water bottle moved to caress her thigh. He heard her begin to moan as she turned her head and their lips met in building passion. He ravished her mouth with his tongue like he had done so many times before. He was becoming drunk on her taste and harder on her moans as his hand moved up slowly to her center. She reached her hand around to bring him in for a more passionate kiss when someone cleared their voice behind them.

Jumping away from each other, they both turned around to see who had interrupted them. Vegeta glared at them and walked down the hall.

"There will be none of that for a while. And put a shirt back on woman." He demanded, throwing over his shoulder.

Panblushed having forgotten that she was not wearing a shirt. The smirk on Trunks' face told her that he had not. She playfully slapped his shoulder as Bulma walked into the room from the direction Vegeta had just walked in. They had gone out for dinner, and they obviously had good timing.

"So Pan, when is your family getting home?" Bulma asked, oblivious to the what was just interrupted, but had a pretty good idea.

"In a week. They had more work in the states."

"Well, are you staying the night again, or are you going home?"

"I think I am going to go home." Pan said standing and going upstairs to retrieve a shirt. When she came back downstairs, Bulma was gone, and Trunks was waiting for her.

"Want me to take you home?" Trunks asked with a sly smile on his face?

"Think I need a big strong man to watch over me?" Pan said teasing while feeling his biceps.

"Who knows what could happen to a little lady like yourself," Trunks said, playing along.

"I think I could make it home alone, but the problem is that I would be home all alone, all night long," Pan stuck her lower lip out, hoping he would catch on.

"Oh, really? Uncle gone and parents away, huh? I think I need to escourt you home. Make sure everything is safe. I might even have to stay with you." He flirted just a little bit.

"Well, if you insist, I suppose I have no choice."

"Oh, I do insist," he smirked as he took her hand and they both walked down the hall and out the front door.