Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Back to hell ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter one: Back to hell(A/N: err…I meant school…(shifty eyes))
It was a beautiful sunny morning in West City, as the birds sang quietly outside windows of many people, content to be there. One boy was sleeping in his big bed, the blue covers bunched around his waist, one hand under his head as the other dangled off of the bed, resting against the cold metal bars that held his bed together. He was very much still asleep, having been up late the previous night, drinking and having a good time with his friends at a party.
Which, considering the day it was today, was a rather bad idea.
Suddenly, the birds stopped singing and flew away as a familiar sound echoed through the young teen's room.
The tall boy groaned and pulled his pillow over his head, effectively muffling the annoying sound of his alarm clock, irritated at being woken up so abruptly, from what seemed to be a promising dream about someone with dark eyes and dark hair…
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep
Well…it's a bit better… He thought optimistically, before sighing - not bothering to put any more effort into silencing the noise - and burrowing his head into the mattress, fully intent on drifting back to sleep, back to the good dream, when something heavy dived onto him and shook him angrily, making him frown.
“Kakarott! You idiot! Turn your damn alarm off and get your lazy ass up!” Turles - his twin brother - growled, shaking him violently to wake him.
“Naaaaaaah…'mmmm sleeepy…” He groaned louder, pulling the pillow down more and whining when his twin grabbed it and flung it across the room, causing the awful noise to be heard fully and to make his head ring in pain. “Turles!” He yelled, sitting up and glaring. His twin chuckled.
“I wouldn't be throwing around your pillow…if your alarm wasn't blaring into my ears!” His twin defended, then gave him a dark - almost evil-looking - smirk. “It's the first day back to school, get up.” The smirk turned into a huge grin, and he sweatdropped, becoming suspicious of the slightly older version of himself.
“Why're you so happy? I thought you hated school as much as me!” Goku whined sleepily. Turles just grinned at him annoyingly and he muttered, turning off his alarm and yawning loudly, rubbing his eyes and wincing as his head throbbed at the sunlight blaring in through the window.
“I do hate it…but I'm sure we're getting new teachers this year!” Turles said with a grin, getting off his brother's bed to get dressed. Goku shrugged, not able to see how the idea of new teachers was something to celebrate, but then again, this was Turles, and Turles loved playing pranks on people. One year, they had spent three months pretending to be each other to confuse their French teacher, and when they had been found out about it, had been nothing but amused as their Headteacher yelled at them. It was only when she had threatened to call their parents that they had stopped the act. He mused happily on the situation and was about to lie back down when Radditz walked in and pulled him out of his bed by his foot, making him yelp in surprise, and Turles laugh before Radditz took his cover and left. He stared at the door with wide-eyes, blinking.
Why did he do that??
Then, he sighed and stood up, deciding on taking a shower before his breakfast, walking down the corridor into the shower, contemplating his new school day as he stepped in, washing his scruffy hair. It would be a change, seeing as some of the old teachers had left. He just hoped that Turles didn't get any dirt on him that would get him into trouble and use it to blackmail him like he had done so many times before. He sighed and rubbed at his hair furiously, washing away all the dirt and grease and whatever else that could have gotten into it the previous night, like beer and vomit.
Afterwards, he walked back into his room and began to dry himself off, ignoring the calls from his father downstairs about it being breakfast time and to get down there before it got eaten. He didn't really care, as he could make a quick detour to the shops and get a breakfast to go before going to school. Let his family enjoy their breakfast.
Shoving on his clothes, he grabbed his schoolbag - luckily he had packed it before the huge party last night - and bounded down the stairs, dashing into the kitchen, seeing everybody eating like civilised people and snatched a piece of toast from his father's plate, eating it like a starving animal while his family stared - or glared at him - in shock, disgusted looks on their faces. He blinked, then looked at his fuming father and laughed nervously.
“Oh…umm…hey dad…” Looking for a distraction, he glanced at his watch and mock-gasped in horror. “Oh God! Look at the time! I have to go! Bye!” He turned and fled the room, grabbing his coat and keys as he ran out of the front door.
“KAKAROTT!!!!” Bardock bellowed, standing up so fast his chair fell over, cursing as he ran to the door and yelled after his son. “YOU THIEVING LITTLE BRAT! JUST YOU WAIT!”
Laughing happily, Goku sped off, running as fast as he could to school, not caring that he would be early. He could always catch up with the friends he hadn't seen all summer, right? He rounded a corner and saw a group of his friends, grinning as they called out to him.
“Hey Goku!!” Krillin called, running over to see his friend. “How're things going?” Goku grinned, pushing him lightly.
“Things are great, Krillin! Though I wish summer had lasted longer…” They both started laughing. His other friends ran over and laughed with them.
“We all do!”
“Who's coming the shops?” Yamcha yelled, running over as everyone grinned, running after him.
“I will!” Goku yelled and chased after them, laughing as he dashed across the road without looking and nearly got hit by a large dark blue car, not fazed in the least. He'd always run across this road without looking, and he'd never been hit before, so it didn't matter. He laughed as the car beeped loudly at him, then drove off, his friends laughing at him as he got to the other side.
“Kakarott, you're fucking crazy, man!” Tien chuckled, slapping him on the back. Goku just grinned, and they all walked in a group to the closest shop, frowning when they saw a gang of five guys hanging around near the shops, laughing at each other and smoking. Yamcha sighed.
“Great, it's those guys…” Everyone looked closer. “The `Ginyu Force'.”
The `Ginyu Force' were a small group of students who were involved in some serious drug-dealing. It was rumoured that they had contacts over the whole country who they got their wares from to sell - and take - around school, though some people just snorted at the idea. It was usually a bad thing to approach them unless you wanted to get drugs, as they were always stoned, or doped up, and had very volatile tempers, being very likely to kick the shit out of you for no reason. Their `leader' was a guy called Ginyu(no one knew his first name, and those who did weren't telling), though everyone else had to call him Captain Ginyu - everyone, except the teachers of course. The rest of them were called by their last names too; Burter, Jeice, Recoome and Guldo. No one knew their first names either, but no one really cared about them. From their grades and constant supply of drugs, nobody had really known how they had managed to get into Sixth Form this year, though some suspected that one of the drugs they regularly took made them smarter.
But nobody really knew, it was only speculation.
Anyway, due to this, they didn't want to go near them. It was the first day of school, and nobody felt like getting beaten up so early on. It just wasn't sensible. I mean, who wants to walk around all day covered in blood and bruises?
“…Let's go to the other shops, guys.” Goku said in annoyance. The shops ahead were the best for value around, but if they had to pass the doped-up druggies to get in, then maybe it wasn't worth it. Just not worth the hassle. The others mumbled and nodded, but as they moved to go to the other shops, Turles ran over and jumped on his brother's back, making Goku fall to the floor. “Owww…”
“Hey, sorry Kakarott, I didn't see you there!” His twin said with a wicked grin, climbing off of him and helping him up. Goku dusted himself off with a scowl, feeling stupid. His friends had witnessed that…great… “Having problems with…” Turles coughed. “'The Ginyu Force'?” Goku frowned, looking annoyed, just making Turles get to the point. “I can sort it out if you guys walk with me, alright?” The taller teen sighed and waved his hand, allowing his slightly-older brother to try and get them through. If they got beaten up, they know who they'd beat up in revenge. The darker-skinned twin walked forward, the rest following, and he gave an evil smirk as the leader came up to him, then stopped, looking away. “Hey Ginyu, just going through, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever…” Captain Ginyu mumbled, then he and his lackeys sloped off, probably going to smoke more dope, or whatever they had. Goku and his friends just blinked, then went into the shop, following Turles inside. Goku went straight to his brother and nudged him.
“Hey…why didn't he get really violent?” Turles merely grinned and waved him on, motioning to the food. Goku sighed and gathered what he wanted; paying and leaving, his friends following him back to their old form.
I can't believe they let Turles past…why…? Why would they let him…unless…what if he buys drugs from them?! What should I do? He rubbed a hand through his messy hair, looking down at the floor. What will I do about this? There's nothing I can do…
“Goku? You okay? It's time for form…” Yamcha said, concerned. Goku just shrugged.
Goku groaned as he read his new timetable, opening his locker to put his jacket in. He threw it in carelessly, watching as two teenage girls in his year walked past. Bulma and Bra. The blue-haired, blue-eyed twin sisters, some of the sexiest girls in the school, both wearing short black miniskirts and low-cut white blouses, Bra wearing her pink hairband while Bulma had her hair down in curls, long enough to reach her breasts, drawing more attention to the low-cut shirt. He forgot his timetable completely as he watched the sway of their hips, transfixed. A laugh sounded to his right and he turned to face Radditz, scowling.
“What?” He snapped, trying to hide the red from his cheeks at being caught staring at the two girls, his fists clenched a little in preparation for a fight, if needed. Radditz just grinned at him, obviously not caring about how violent he looked, or not believing that Goku would hit him.
“I saw you.” His brother said in an amused voice, then looked at his watch. “Hey, bro, what've you got first lesson?” Goku calmed down and sighed, looking to his timetable, skimming for it.
“…English…” Radditz snickered.
“Well, it's a good thing I have a free lesson!” A grin. “You're ten minutes late!” Goku's eyes widened and he slammed his locker shut, looking desperately at his timetable to check which room he was supposed to be in, and what teacher he had. “See ya later.” Radditz turned and left him in the hallway, sweating nervously.
“Shit…” He whispered, then blinked. VH? He didn't recall ever seeing those initials before…so it was obviously a new teacher. “Crap.”
I bet they're strict and will give me a detention… Dammit, I hate new teachers… Someone tapped him lightly on the shoulder and he turned around, ready to yell at Radditz, if it had been him, but instead seeing a handsome dark-brown haired teen in a pair of light jeans and a blue shirt looking up at him. Blue-tinted onyx eyes looked up at his own, before flickering down to look at something in the teen's hand.
“Can you please tell me where English room 2B is?” The male asked him, still staring at the paper in his hand, looking worried. Goku smiled. A new student had gotten lost and was in his English class! What good luck! He could tell his teacher - this VH - that this student was why he was late, instead of getting yelled at for being slow to arrive. Perfect.
“Sure I can. I'm supposed to be in that lesson right now. We just better hope we won't be in trouble for being so late.” He smiled wider and began to lead the way to the other side of the building where the classroom was, and no doubt, where the new teacher would be. “God, I bet this new teacher is really strict…we'll get in trouble for sure!” He sighed as he got no response, looking over his shoulder to see the male slightly pink-cheeked, looking down as they walked, not used to such a quiet person. “So…uhh…what's your name? Mine's Kakarott, but everyone calls me Goku.” He asked, wondering if he should sit with this student until he met some new friends.
“Oh…umm…” The shorter boy seemed to be debating on whether to tell him his name or not, which was kinda weird, seeing as he would know later on when the teacher called their names for registration, anyway. Eventually, it seemed, the smaller spoke. “I'm Vegeta…” Vegeta said, looking up at his face, still looking shy, but smiling. “Nice to meet you.” Goku grinned, then stopped walking at the classroom door, thinking.
He seems cool, and I like him…should I ask him to sit with me? He opened the classroom door, and poked his head inside, looking in to see the students sitting on tables and chatting to each other, even a couple kissing in the corner, looking at the desk to see it teacherless. Perfect! We won't even get a late mark! He turned back to face Vegeta, smiling and nodding.
“Teacher's not in yet, and there's a free desk in the middle of the class, wanna sit with me?” He opened the door and headed in, walking to the desk, thinking Vegeta was following him, smiling as he turned around and pulled his chair out to sit down, then noticed Vegeta leaning against the front of the teacher's desk, looking around at everyone in the room as he took things out of his bag and put them on the desk. He bit his lip, wondering whether he should tell the teen that he was sitting on the teacher's desk as Vegeta pulled out a register and skimmed through it.
“That's a nice offer, Mr…Kirabiyaka, but I'm quite happy sitting here.” Goku blinked at the other's sudden confidence and blinked as Vegeta wrote `Mr Hanayaka' on the board, then turned to face them. “Settle down class! Everyone to your seats!”