Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Mr Hanayaka is Vegeta ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter two: Mr Hanayaka is Vegeta?!
To say Goku was shocked would be an understatement. He was confused, lost and overwhelmed all at once. What the Hell was going on? Vegeta…was his teacher…? And he had been insulting him like that without even knowing…?
Vegeta was going to hate him!
But…why did he care anyway? He was just a teacher…it didn't matter…right? He looked down to his lap as he heard Vegeta begin introducing himself and speaking of how he wanted the year to go and end up, as all new teachers do, but he didn't focus on his words, just the sound of his voice, thinking.
He didn't…seem insulted…maybe he thought it was funny…? Or maybe he was so angry he'd hit me if he mentioned it…or…something…
Goku looked up at Mr Hanayaka - he shouldn't think of him as Vegeta anymore, after all, he was his teacher - and looked away as the other's eyes looked into his own, feeling slightly unnerved that the small teacher was looking at him so closely. Maybe he had made a bad impression…or maybe he had made a good impression…and the teacher was just studying his face to remember him? …This was very confusing…
“Mr Kirabiyaka! You aren't paying attention, are you?” Goku jumped and looked at the previously shy English teacher, shaking his head, though he knew he should say something defensive about `of course he was listening' and all that crap that he'd usually say. How could he pay attention to some boring lecture about English if he was worried about what Vegeta was thinking? Ack…there he went with the Vegeta again…the man's name was Mr Hanayaka, not Vegeta! MR HANAYAKA! And why did he even care what the teacher thought of him anyway? He was just a student to him, so Vegeta should just be a teacher to him! “See me after the lesson, you just aren't concentrating!” He nodded dumbly.
First day back at school.
First lesson.
…And he was already in trouble…
Goku sighed. That was more of a Turles record than his own, but Turles… he looked over at his twin and frowned. Turles was…behaving… The tall teen shivered at the thought. Either the whole universe must have gotten screwed up over the summer, or Vegeta Hanayaka was an extremely powerful teacher. Maybe there was something about him that Turles liked, or maybe his behaviour was part of a huge prank - no doubt involving him - later on in the year. He looked to the front again. Yeah, Turles would do something like that. As he looked back, he saw Mr Hanayaka giving out sheets and he couldn't resist a smile when he was handed one, noticing a very quick, yet coy smile come to the teacher's lips, then disappear as he moved along.
That was rather weird…
…But that smile…I'm almost tempted to call it cute…it reminds me of how shy he was before he came in… Goku's cheeks went slightly pink. What am I thinking?! I need to think about something else! Looking down, he spotted his sheet. Well, I bet we're supposed to read it anyway…
Hotel du Lac - Anita Brookner
From the window all that could be seen was a receding area of
grey. It was to be supposed that beyond the grey garden, which
seemed to sprout nothing but the stiffish leaves of some
unfamiliar plant, lay the vast grey lake, spreading like an
anaesthetic towards the invisible further shore, and beyond that,
in imagination only, yet verified by the brochure, the peak of the
Dent d'Oche, on which snow might already be slightly and
silently falling. For it was late September, out of season; the
tourists had gone, the rates were reduced, and there were few
inducements for visitors in this small town at the water's edge,
whose inhabitants, uncommunicative to begin with, were
frequently rendered taciturn by the dense cloud that descended for
days at a time and then vanished without warning to reveal a new
landscape, full of colour and incident: boats skimming on the lake,
passengers at the landing stage, an open air market, the outline of
the gaunt remains of a thirteen-century castle, seams of white on
the far mountains, and on the cheerful uplands to the south a
rising backdrop of apple trees, the fruit sparkling with emblematic
significance. For this was a land of prudently harvested plenty, a
land which had conquered human accidents, leaving only the
weather distressingly beyond control.
(A/N: This was taken from chapter one of Hotel du Lac, in other words, not mine.)
Goku blinked. What the Hell…? This was just so…boring… His eyes wandered from the page and darted around the room, sweeping past Vegeta - who was cleaning the whiteboard - to look at his fellow students, only seeing two in a corner who seemed interested in the extract. As he looked around, he spotted Bulma and Bra sitting together, Bra looking around like he was and smiling as their eyes met, and Bulma seeming very interested, looking forwards at the board, thinking that it was strange.
From what he knew, Bulma didn't even like English and had only taken it because her parents had suggested it. He smiled back at Bra and continued his scan of the room, seeing his brother with a clouded lusty look and turned away. Ewww. He did not want to know what was turning his brother on so much.
With a sigh, the reluctant teen looked back at his sheet and re-read it, beginning to dislike it further. Why did it have to be something he couldn't relate to?! Urgh! How annoying!
Luckily, at that exact moment, the bell rang for the end of class and he grabbed his timetable from his pocket, stuffing the `Hotel du Lac' sheet in his schoolbag, glad he had P.E. next. Not that he particularly liked the teachers - they were kind of harsh and overworked the students - but he did like to exert himself physically. He liked rope-climbing best, because he could climb to the top and back down really quickly and easily.
The tall teen picked up his bag and got up, heading for the door like the rest of his classmates, having forgotten completely that Mr Hanayaka had told him to stay behind until he was called over, his teacher smirking.
“Mr Kirabiyaka, are you trying to get away from me or something?” Vegeta chuckled and Goku blushed lightly, walking back over, embarrassed at forgetting, but soon getting over it as he stood in front of the teacher, looking down, annoyed that he had gotten so confident so quickly. It was unreal! When he was shy, it was like he was a completely different person! He frowned at the thought, which got him a frown in return. “Uhm…Kakarott? Why're you looking at me like that?” Goku blinked, then noticed that the innocence was back on the teacher's face as he looked up, seeming concerned. The tall teen was baffled. What an odd change…
“Well, sir, I, umm…” He tried to think of an excuse, except from the truth. Maybe the smaller man would be offended by it if he mentioned his sudden changes in personality. And Goku did not want to risk offending him. “…I don't understand…the sheet…?” Ugh. That was truly a lame and poor excuse! There was no way anyone would believe it, he had sounded too unconvincing! Vegeta frowned in concentration, as if trying to decide whether to believe him or not, and he looked away, trying to hide his guilty eyes. “It doesn't make sense to me, and I can't even try to understand any of it…” The tall teen sighed. “Maybe I should just drop English if I can't even do the first assignment…” There was a long silence.
“Do you…like…English?” Goku shrugged. It was easy enough for the past two years and he's gotten a good GCSE(he had received a B for both Language and Literature) for it, but he didn't take it because he had liked it, he'd taken it because his family had wanted him to - well, his father had been very unimpressed with his science grade (he'd hated the damn subject and had refused to do any coursework, therefore getting him a double E((it was a double award))), and he hadn't really talked to him since. His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and become a doctor, but Goku wasn't interested. There were too many hours and too much blood for his tastes. He wanted to be an actor(an uncommon goal for an 18-year-old), but nobody in his family approved. It was - apparently - an unachievable and unrealistic dream. He sighed sadly. “Well, Mr Kirabiyaka, it is your choice what you do, not mine.” Vegeta said, sounding firm. “However, if you continue to study English, please do pay attention in the future…” Goku nodded, then turned to leave. “English is a tough subject,” The teacher warned him. “Only those with dedication get entered for the exam, remember that.”
With a sigh, he nodded again, and left, feeling lost and confused by the smaller's behaviour.
He said that so sternly, and yet the expression on his face was…it felt like he was trying to make me stay, like he wanted me in his lessons…I don't understand…why am I getting mixed signals from him? Goku sighed and looked at his watch, almost cursing at the fact that he was fifteen minutes late for P.E, and thusly wouldn't be able to participate in it. He scowled. I'm not going if I can't do it! I'll go to the park instead…
Ah, the park. There was a big park a few streets away from his school, and it was a good quarter of an hour's walk to get there. The park itself was very wide and very secret, as only a few year elevens were told about its existence by the year twelves and thirteens. It was some sort of tradition, he supposed, and it was pretty recent, only in the last five years did people start going, which made it safe, as all the teachers were too old to know about it.
It had everything; swings, slides, pieces of wood to balance on, climbing rocks, monkeybars, a roundabout, and, what was possibly the best thing about it was the gigantic wood behind it. It was just so safe! If a teacher ever came, you could just run and dive into the forest and hide, and they'd never find you! Though, no teachers had ever found it before. It was rumoured that someone - the first person to find this place - had built a treehouse in one of the trees, but nobody could find it, and nobody was willing to climb a tree and see if they could find it, because the drop was so big and none wanted to get their clothes dirty from climbing a tree.
He hummed lightly to himself as he shook off to the park, expecting to see some year elevens on his climbing equipment and on the swings, prepared to bully them off of it. Cars passed him on the way, but seeing as he was now a year twelve, he didn't wear a uniform, and just looked like a regular person, though, he could do whatever he wanted. Just as he turned the corner and the park came into his view, his heart pounded madly in his chest at what he saw.
Vegeta was on the swings.