Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ The park isn't a secret ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter three: The Park isn't a secret!
He froze, his body tensed, his heart going at a mile a minute as he saw the teacher on the swing, leaning towards the right bar, resting his head on it, a hand holding the chains, and the other covering his eyes. Goku bit his lip as he saw how upset the other man looked, getting a compelling urge to go over and comfort him, but resisting, trying to think of a way to find out what was wrong without letting Vegeta know he was skiving second lesson. He could always say it was a free, but what if the smaller man asked to see his timetable? That had disaster written all over it.
Then it hit him.
The forest!
How could he have been so stupid as to forget about it? It was the simplest and safest way not to get caught! But…how was he meant to get into the forest? It was right behind Vegeta, and although the older was covering his face at that point, he could just as easily uncover it as he was walking by. And knowing Goku's luck, he'd get caught. He couldn't run over, as the noise might make the other man look up, he couldn't walk in case the older looked up anyway, crawling was too slow…he really had no choice. He'd have to go back and down the next street and take that route to get to the other side and watch him.
Gee, he felt like such a stalker.
Turning, he walked back around the street and headed down Moston Avenue, biting his lip. He didn't understand why he wanted to know what the other was thinking; he had known him just over or just under an hour - he didn't know which - so why did he want to know? Was it just concern that a fellow human being was upset? Or was it something else? After all, he had gotten Turles'…attention very quickly…
Eventually, he came to his last turn, doing so, then dashed into the forest, in case anyone saw him, creeping toward the entrance to the park, dodging over a ground root, ducking under a branch, avoiding a patch of thorns. After what seemed like forever, the teen came close enough to see the older's bag, crouching behind a bush, watching, silent. Suddenly, the loud beeping and vibrating of a mobile phone could be heard, and he cursed, thinking it was his, fumbling for it in his pocket, before realising that it wasn't his, seeing Vegeta pick one up and answer it.
“Hello?” His voice sounded thick, and yet strained at the same time, causing Goku to feel another pang of sadness. “…” The teacher's body began to shake. “I-I'm…at the park…b-but what does it—No! Don't come here! I—Hey! Cell!” The phone hit the floor, the other's hand going limp, and sobs wracked the older man's body, his shoulders shaking.
Goku was confused…
Why was Vegeta crying? Who was this `Cell'? And why didn't Vegeta want him here? It actually hurt him to think of the older male upset, and as he tilted his head to the side, he had the urge to get closer and see his face. He knew that if he did, he would be exposed and in very visible view, but he couldn't help himself, he supposed. Just as he started to get up and move closer, the shorter man got to his feet, snatching his bag and phone from the ground, wiping away something on his face. Goku froze and watched him as he started to walk away, his eyes widening as someone appeared from nowhere, grabbing the teacher's arm, roughly dragging him back to the swings and flinging him onto them, Goku's anger rising at the small noise of pain from Vegeta's lips.
T-That bastard!! Who is he?!
“A-Aaah…C-Cell?!” Vegeta cried, sounding pitiful and hurt, making his heart ache again, his anger continuing to escalate as `Cell' grabbed Vegeta's hair and pulled his head up, looking down at him darkly. “L-Let go of me! You're hurting me!” Vegeta said loudly, trying to sound powerful and angry, his hand grabbing Cell's wrist and pulling it away. “Why are you here?! I got your point, alright??” Cell just glared at him. “What?! You broke up with me, well done! Now get away from me!” The small teacher tried to hit the large man, but ended up grimacing as his wrist was caught and twisted, the angry man snarling.
“Vegeta! I thought you loved me! How could you try to hit me like that?” Cell sneered, a mocking tone in his voice. “I thought you might want to know why I'm throwing you away!” Goku could almost taste the anger and disgust in the air as Cell smirked. “You're weak. You're crap in bed; you won't try new things, you barely ever let me touch you and even the simplest of tasks seems to be too hard! I mean, for God's sake! You can't even suck me off!” Vegeta visibly flinched at the harsh words.
“C-Cell…I-I…we should talk about this somewhere els-”
“No Vegeta! I've had enough! Screw your honour and pride! You'll never have another lover again!” Cell threatened, looking serious. “I'll make sure that no one will ever want you!” Vegeta jerked his head away in defiance, which just ended up amusing his now ex-lover, who firmly and calmly turned his face back, and, for a moment, Vegeta responded, grabbing Cell's shirt, before catching himself and pulling away, slapping Cell hard across the face.
“Fuck you, you jerk!” Vegeta growled, getting up, kicking him to the floor. “Don't touch me! I don't want to play your stupid games anymore! I don't like it one bit! And it doesn't matter how aroused you get by hurting me and calling me names because I don't!” Cell panted, then grabbed Vegeta's leg, pulling him down on top of him, trying to kiss and rub against him. Goku just stared on, helpless and in shock. His teacher was gay…and in some sort of weird relationship with a freak…
It was a lot to take in…
“Mmmmm…Vegeta…” Cell moaned as he rolled them over, pinning Vegeta to the floor, looking lustily at the smaller man, leaning in to kiss him again. Naturally, the smaller man struggled violently, trying to push him away, unhappy about the whole situation. Goku bit his lip, not knowing what to do. He didn't know whether to push in, or go away, or to stay, or anything! “Vegeta, I am going to leave you.” Cell stated, looking down at the teacher, the lust from before gone. Vegeta stopped struggling and looked back up, looking confused and scared, on the verge of an emotional breakdown. And Goku didn't blame him, as Cell was being unnecessarily cruel about it. The teen knew he shouldn't be here; shouldn't be witnessing this, shouldn't be angry about it, but he couldn't help himself. He felt an undeniable need to protect and care for the teacher, felt he had to stay until it was over; just in case something terrible happened. Something unforgivable. “I've found someone else.” Cell continued, still holding the smaller male down to the grass, not letting go even though Vegeta had stopped fighting to get away earlier. “He likes to try new things, he talks dirty, he's fun to be around and, on top of it all…” Cell paused, his purple eyes glinting. “He's sexier than you.”
A look of intense sorrow lanced with agony and hurt washed over the smaller male's face, his eyes seeming watery, as if he were about to cry, though it could have been the reflection of the sun making it seem so.
Goku didn't understand. Why should Vegeta be upset about this? From all appearances, Cell seemed to be a complete and utter asshole, and if the situation were reversed, Goku doubted he would have gone out with the psycho in the first place. He looked as if he were off his rocker.
“L-Let me…get this straight…” The small teacher began, looking up. “You're…going to end our seven year relationship…because of a tart??” Vegeta's voice shook, though with anger or sadness, Goku couldn't tell. The small man was shaking, his teeth bared, tears in his eyes, showing his rage and indignation, yet, at the same time, his depression and sorrow. It was a strange mix of emotions, but it was understandable. An angry look crossed Cell's face, and the second he opened his mouth to yell, Vegeta's fist flew and punched him in the face, sending the taller man tumbling backwards, clutching at his nose, blood running down his lip, allowing Vegeta to hurriedly get to his feet, tears in his blue-tinted onyx eyes. “G-Go then! Go to him! See if I care!” Vegeta cried, snatching his bag from the floor, moving back. Cell smeared some of the blood off of his face and smirked at it, his eyes moving from the blood on his fingers to the confused face in front of him.
“I think I will…I don't see why I'm wasting my time with you, like the last seven years wasn't enough of your moodiness and coldness! That was wasted time too!” And with that harsh remark, Cell left, leaving Vegeta to stand alone in the cold empty park. Well…Goku was still there, but the young teacher didn't know, sitting on the swing, looking at the floor, his hair covering his face as his bag slipped off his shoulder, his left hand moving up to cover his eyes, as if to prevent himself from weeping. A feeling of unease and awkwardness hit the spying teen, as well as guilt at witnessing the entire ordeal. A usually private ordeal between two people, and it was none of his business. And yet he'd stayed, knowing it was nothing to do with him, and that it could be dangerous, that if he had been caught, he could be expelled or beaten, or worse.
Now he knew too much about the teacher.
He'd never be able to look at him in the same way again, or be near him, let alone look him in the eyes.
He actually felt dirty.
Dirty knowing something so personal without permission.
Dirty watching the man at the time of his downfall.
With a deep feeling of guilt, and a lesser one of regret, Goku turned around, getting up from his crouched position, and began to walk back to school, glancing at his watch, noticing he would be just in time for the end of break. Without having bought anything to eat…
His stomach rumbled as he walked back down the streets that led back to the main road, and he winced at the loud noise and strong pain, wrapping his arm around his midsection, hoping that he could scrounge some food off of his friends before the ext lesson, though he doubted it; his friends were usually just as hungry as he was, and stingy to boot. It wouldn't matter to them how nice he was, or how much he had leant them food-wise or money-wise before. Because that was last year, and this was a new year; the rules had changed since then. He sighed and slowly plodded back to school, trying to ignore the noises and aches, but it was too hard, the pain making him even hungrier as he walked down the main road, reaching the school gates just in time; a teacher driving out of them, raising an eyebrow. He grinned nervously, looking for an excuse before leaning down, grabbing a dirty bottle off the floor, then darting through the gates quickly. As the car drove through and rounded a corner, he tossed the bottle over his shoulder and continued on his way, spotting his friends and running over, panting.
“H-Hey!! G-Guys!” They didn't notice him. “GUYS!” He bellowed, and they turned, grinning and waiting for him as he finally caught up. “Oh! I'm, so hungry!” He complained, then noticed Yamcha had a chocolate bar, and grabbed the other teen's arm, lifting it to his mouth, ready to bite into the sweet chocolate bar, wincing as he was suddenly hit on the back of the head. “What?” Yamcha glared at him.
“Eat your own damn chocolate!” Yamcha snatched his arm away and stuffed the chocolate in his mouth, huffing as he threw the wrapper to the floor, Goku's eyes following after it before trailing back to him to stare at him with wide eyes, the only salvation from his hunger eaten in front of him so suddenly. He could only gape in shock and despair. Now he had nothing to alleviate the pain…
“Uh…Goku?” Tien poked the teen in the back a few times, blinking as he got no response, which was odd, seeing as usually, his friend would turn around and poke him back, starting a poke war, watching as Krillin waved a hand in front of Goku's face, finally causing the taller to get mad and slap the offending hand away, leaving the rest of them in shock. He was never aggressive about it; he'd joke, sure, but hitting…?
“That was unfair!” Goku abruptly yelled, pushing Yamcha back, in an awfully foul mood. “I'm hungry, so you eat in front of me?? What am I meant to eat?!” Everyone sweatdropped sympathetically, and Yamcha burst out laughing, just making Goku worse. “What's so funny?!” He yelled, grabbing Yamcha's shirt threateningly. Yamcha stopped, then smiled nervously, shifting around, shuffling his feet across the carpeted floor.
“You've eaten all that food that you bought from the shop already?” Goku visibly paused, thinking, his hand on his chin. “Uh…have you?” Suddenly, Goku had let go of him and was flinging his bag open and eating the first chocolate bar he laid his eyes on, tearing the wrapper and biting into it hungrily. His friends rolled their eyes. Typical.
“So, uh, Goku…” Krillin began, nervous of aggravating the unusually antagonistic teen. “Where were you, dude? You missed PE!” He exclaimed, like it was the end of the world. (A/N: Boys! XD I hate PE…I never did it at school…always skived XP Uh…anyway…) The tall teen looked up from stuffing his face with chocolate, looking thoughtful, wondering whether to tell them of the park incident. He knew it was none of his business, knew it was meant to be private, but at the same time, the thrill of being able to tell them some news that no one else knew made him feel important. It was hard to choose. Being slightly more popular for a few hours, or the privacy of a teacher? Which was more important…?
It was obvious.
Vegeta's privacy needed to be thought of, and he needed to keep out of the other man's private life and forget what he already knew, no matter how weird it was.
Though, with a wit and body like his, I don't see why he'd need to turn to another guy for a relationship… He choked on his chocolate at the thought, blushing a little at where it had come from, before he remembered he'd been asked a question, jumping through his tangled mass of thoughts to give a reply.
“Well, uh, Mr Hanayaka wanted to talk to me after first lesson, and, uh, it took longer than expected.” He replied, truthful. “So I saw no point in going to PE because I wouldn't be able to do it, so I went for a walk instead.” Funnily enough, he was the only one out of his friends that knew about the park, or, maybe he wasn't. When told about it, they had been told to keep it private, after all, so any of them could know and he wouldn't have a clue at all. But that was the way the cookie crumbled, he supposed.
“You missed a great hockey match,” Tien informed him, smirking, which got Goku's interest as he stared at him, waiting to hear why, only making Tien's smirk wider. Goku's foot tapped impatiently as all his friends sniggered - all of them having been there - driving Goku crazy until Tien finally spoke again. “You know that Jeice from the `Ginyu Force'? Well…” The smirk grew. “He got hit in the nuts with the ball and had to get rushed to the Hospital!” Goku burst out laughing, holding his sides.
“No way! Who hit it?!”