Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Dinner ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter seventeen: Dinner
Pulling back from the kiss, Goku panted, loving the way that the teacher had to pant too, leaning back down to nuzzle his neck, his hands moving to stroke the older man's clothed hips, feeling the smaller's arms pushing at his shoulders and knowing that meant he had to stop. Sighing, he pulled back, looking into eyes as dark as his own.
“As much as I enjoy a grope…don't you think it's time you went home, Kakarott? If you're grounded, you might make it home in time.” Smiling lightly, Goku leaned down again and kissed his lips softly.
“I'm not grounded anymore…” He whispered, feeling lustful again now that the smaller man was under him, stroking his hands from the narrow hips up to the teacher's face, cradling it in his palms. Noticing the look on Vegeta's face was one of worry, the teen laughed, bending down to kiss him again, before sitting back on his heels and looking at him. “But I know I should go now anyway…I want to get home in time for dinner…” Offering the teacher his hands, he pulled him up into a sitting position, stealing another quick kiss before going to get his schoolbag, a grin on his face as he moved towards the door. “You'll be in school tomorrow, right?”
“Yes…good night Kakarott.” Vegeta said, a hand covering his mouth from what the teen presumed was shock at being kissed so much, making him grin as he waved.
“Night.” Leaving the apartment, the teen made his way down the corridor and got into the lift, blinking when he saw Vegeta come running out after him, stopping the lift doors as the teacher arrived, leaning in and kissing him. Pleasantly surprised, Goku pulled him closer and kissed him harshly, just revelling in the fact that he had been chased for another one before he went home. After a few moments, Vegeta pulled back. “And you said I was the lustful teenager!” The taller of the two joked, making the older blush slightly and move away to let the lift go down.
“Bye.” Pressing the button to go back downstairs, Goku was annoyed that he had to go home. He could have stayed there and kissed him all night without food or water quite happily and it really sucked that he couldn't stay. The doors on the lift began to close again, and he saw the older man waving as they shut and took him back downstairs. He was sorely tempted to just go back up there and ring his family and tell them he was staying out for the night, but he didn't think that the smaller man would appreciate or be comfortable with how sudden he was being.
Smiling to himself, he stepped out of the elevator and left the building, the situation finally impacting onto him. He had promised to work really hard so that he could date a teacher at his school. Thinking about it now, it seemed dangerous for the both of them, and, as he looked back at the tall apartment complex, he wondered why the other was willing to take those risks for him.
Frowning, he began to walk home, lost in his thoughts until he walked into a stranger, apologising but being ignored as they went on their way. Sighing, he carried on walking, finally reaching his home as that black car skidded to a halt in front of his house, curious at who was driving Turles home, and also why they were. He peered into the car as the passenger door opened, seeing his twin getting out, and in the driver's seat was Ginyu, looking grumpy as the younger of the two twins talked to him, seeming to grumble responses back before the door was closed and the car sped off.
His twin began to make his way towards their home and he swore, knowing that the younger twin would want to know where he had been and how he had gotten home first, trying to think of an acceptable, believable excuse, coming up with nothing. Leaving the bush he was hidden behind, he made his way to his home, entering silently and heading up to their room, glad to see no Turles in sight, quickly switching on their PS2 and loading Tekken Tag, managing to begin Arcade Mode before his twin entered.
“Oh, hey Turles.” Pausing his game, Goku looked at the darker-skinned twin, trying to appear like he had been home for hours. “Who brought you home?” Turles gave him a dark look and he blinked, not sure why his twin was in such a bad mood. “…Turles?” A scowl was on the younger's face as he moved to sit grumpily at their desk, getting things out of his schoolbag. “What's wrong?” His twin gave an angry sigh.
“You just abandoned me and went home!” A sweatdrop appeared on the side of the older twin's head as he stared at his brother in disbelief.
“It's not like we walk home together or anything!” Goku defended, finding his twin's anger at him to be unjustified, folding his arms. “That person in that black car always drives you here!” He grit his teeth at the knowledge that it was Ginyu who had been driving his twin home, and he wondered why. It was just like that thing about the Spar…how Ginyu had just let them pass…he wanted to know why.
“Maybe I just felt like walking home with my goddamn brother for once!” Turles growled, his left eye twitching as he moved closer, grabbing the collar of his twin's shirt. “Get the Hell out of my room.” He demanded, pulling him to his feet and shaking him.
“It's my fucking room too!” In anger, Goku pushed at the darker-skinned twin's chest and struggled out of his grip, their eyes narrowing as they glared at one another. Caught in a staring match, the two knew it would be a long time until either backed down, both bracing themselves for a long stare, and possibly a fistfight after, before Turles spoke.
“Go and check on dinner.”
“No. You fucking go and check it!” Goku snarled in return, his arms folded across his chest again, in a terrible mood. And Turles was much the same; crossed arms with a scowl. Too annoyed to continue, but too stubborn to back down, the younger Kirabiyaka twin moved closer, their eyes still locked as he started pushing at his brother's shoulders, not moving him an inch. Angered, the older twin grabbed the other by the throat, pissed off beyond all mortal reckoning. “Okay, I'm going to say this once, and only once.” He hissed. “I have homework to do, and my bet is that you do too. We don't have time for this shit.” Still keeping eye contact the whole time, he knew that Turles recognised that he was right, letting go.
“Okay, so what do we do, huh?!” Turles snarled, rubbing his neck, still angry.
“We look away, alright?” Goku instructed, his eyes narrowing a little more. “And if you don't, it doesn't mean you won, just as it doesn't if I do.” Nodding, it was obvious that the younger twin agreed. “One…two…three.” Neither of them moved.
After a few seconds, they both burst into laughter, both turning away from the other at the same time and looking over their shoulders at each other.
“That was fucking hilarious.” Turles gasped, making his way over to his schoolbag, still laughing as he pulled out his scouter model again, the older twin walking over to look at it. “It's still not finished yet…” The younger warned him, passing it over so he could give it a good look, admiring - for a moment - the attention to detail that his brother had put in. It looked just like the one from the game, keeping in mind that it wasn't ready and that the plastic part would be liable to change before the end.
“It looks great…” He breathed softly, before handing it back, being sure to treat the device carefully, not wanting to damage it in any way. It was obvious from his brother's expression that he appreciated the way he had handled it; it was an extremely sensitive device after all. “Anyway, I got homework to do, so I'll talk later, okay?” Goku picked up his own schoolbag and made his way towards the door, planning to do it on the kitchen table as usual.
“Who's going to check on dinner?” Turles asked, sitting down to work on his creation when Goku stopped at the door, blinking.
“That's a good point…is dinner even ready?” Both twins looked at each other in horror at the realisation, before both dashed out of the room, heading for the kitchen. Reaching their destination, the twins screeched to a halt, seeing a note on the side that said it was Radditz' turn to sort out their food. Laughing weakly, Goku made his way back up the stairs, wondering just where Radditz was anyway, frowning, then deciding it didn't matter, deciding to do his homework in his bedroom instead. His twin moved over to the phone, obviously intent on calling the older brother and telling him to get home and make them some food, but the need to do so was taken away as the longhaired teen entered their home, Turles turning to him.
“Hey Radditz, dad said it's your turn to cook dinner.” Turles said happily, a grin on his face as he moved closer to his brother, blinking at the lack of response from the taller brother. “I know something's been wrong for a couple of days…want to talk to me about it?” Nodding quietly, Radditz went into the livingroom and sat on the settee, Turles right behind him. “So, what's been wrong with you?” The older boy sighed.
“My girlfriend…she dumped me…”
Meanwhile, upstairs, Goku was working on his homework. Not that he had much to do - he only took English, Drama and P.E. after all - but he wanted to keep to his promise. Sighing, he finished his drama homework - he'd had to write a scene of someone's death to perform for the class - and looked boredly around the room. There wasn't really much to do unless he wanted to sleep or play on the PS2…
But, he reminded himself, he hadn't played Final Fantasy X in ages…so maybe it was time he started playing it again… Moving over to the PS2, he turned it on and put the game in…
“Kakarott! Dinner's ready!” Radditz called up the stairs, almost two hours later, making Goku grin as he saved his game and turned it off, his stomach rumbling wildly as he made his way down the stairs and bounded into the kitchen, acting like a hungry dog as he sat at the table, looking at the selection of food. There was quite a lot of meat; chicken, pork, bacon, salmon - Radditz didn't like to eat much else - and there was some rice as well, to go with the meat. On the far end of the table, there were some vegetables - carrots, peas and sweetcorn - that he wanted, leaning over to help himself.
They ate in relative silence, the only sounds being the sounds of chewing and cutlery against plates, all of them too hungry and enjoying the food too much to stop to talk. The silence wasn't too bad sometimes, and Goku certainly didn't mind it this time, Radditz finishing first, about to tidy away the dirty dishes when Turles shook his head and pointed to the livingroom. Smiling in gratitude, the eldest Kirabiyaka son left the table, causing Goku to give him twin a quizzical look, confused. The younger twin just shook his head and pointed to him, before nodding and pointing at himself, indicating that he would clean the mess alone. Shrugging, the tall teen decided to let him do as he pleased, emptying another bowl of rice onto his plate and reaching to get the salmon.
The older twin was perfectly aware that Turles was smirking at him for being so greedy, but he didn't really care, being too hungry to really give a damn as he devoured the whole plate in only a few minutes, looking at the other plates for one last thing to eat, but finding them all empty. With a sigh, he picked up his empty plate and went to the cupboard, pulling out a loaf of bread. Buttering a few pieces, he ate them, putting his dirty dishes in the dishwasher afterwards and going back upstairs, leaving his twin to do the cleaning like he had indicated.
He walked into his room and laid facedown onto his bed, shivering as he began to think about a few hours ago, the small teacher underneath him… Moaning softly, he realised he was becoming aroused, and he immediately stopped the thoughts, a blush over his cheeks as he stripped down into nothing but his boxers and climbed into the bed, looking up at the ceiling, wondering what Vegeta was up to at this same moment, and what he should do about what was going on.
Before he knew it, his eyes had closed and he was fast asleep.