Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Promise me ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter sixteen: Promise me
Growing lustful, Goku trailed his hands down the smaller man's back and cupped his ass, feeling hands move around his neck, kissing harder in retaliation. Grabbing more firmly on the teacher's rump, he pulled him closer, unable to stop himself from giving a good squeeze. Vegeta tensed, then pulled away, gaping at him in shock while gasping for air, shaking gently.
“T-That's enough…Kakarott…” The teacher panted, trying to push him away without success as he didn't want to let go, panting as well. He didn't feel it was enough, and he doubted he would until he had the smaller man naked and panting underneath him. Shivering at the thought, he couldn't help but try to lift the other by his ass, managing quite well as he stumbled his way towards the bedroom, Vegeta's eyes widening as he pushed at his chest, nervous. “K-Kakarott! That really is enough!” Ignoring the protests, he moved into the spacious room, tumbling them both onto the large bed, pinning the shorter man underneath himself, growling lightly when he realised this was like his dream from the previous day.
“V-Vegeta…” Moving down, he aimed to kiss his lips again, only to be shoved roughly away, falling to the floor and looking up at the other man, who was panting and blushing like mad.
“I-I get the idea…” Vegeta gasped, blushing still. Going red himself, Goku realised he owed the teacher an apology, getting to his feet and moving closer so that he could, only to have the smaller man move away, bright red. “No more…” A weak laugh came from his lips as he tried to explain himself.
“I-I just want to apologise…” The smaller man sat in the middle of his bed, looking at him calmly, though the red in his cheeks and the panting he was doing made it obvious that he was less than calm. Swallowing, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, giving the smaller man the space he needed, hoping that he would appreciate the gesture. “I'm sorry…I got carried away…” The teen looked at the floor as he said the words, not really sorry for getting carried away, but sorry that he had done so against the teacher's will. It was unfair to do this to him if he didn't want it, and even if he did, he was still saying no and that was what he should pay attention to. “Can I make it up to you somehow?”
“I-I thought we had agreed to a normal sort of relationship between a student and a teacher.” Vegeta replied, looking down at the bed, his cheeks cooling down. The tall teen sighed gently and began fiddling with the bed sheets, liking the way the material felt on his skin. “…I'm sorry that I got carried away too…” The teen's head shot up and he looked over the shorter man quietly, licking his dry lips. The teacher noticed him do so and went bright red again. “K-Kakarott…please stop looking at me like that…” Blinking, Goku looked up at him, not understanding what he meant. “Y-You're licking your lips and it's…distracting…” The teen went bright red and looked away, the accusation making him nervous.
“My lips were dry…I swear that's all…” He heard a chuckle come from behind him and turned to see the older man covering his mouth as he laughed lightly, marvelling at how attractive the other looked when he was happy, enjoying the sight until it stopped, Vegeta gasping for breath.
“I…think we both need to talk about what we are to do now…” Vegeta said, a serious look on his face which was as attractive to Goku as his relaxed happy expression. “I mean…you obviously have a great attraction to me…if nothing else…” The younger of the two frowned for a moment, swallowing again, before speaking what was on his mind.
“What about you, Vegeta?” The teacher turned to him, blinking, before replying in a somewhat shy manner, making him grin.
“I…like you also Kakarott.” Turning away from him, the smaller man coughed. “But we have a problem…unless you want to end this now?” It was like someone had thrown a bucket of cold icy water onto Goku as he sat there just staring at him. “…I'll take that as a `no' then.” Chuckling again, Vegeta got off of the bed and left the room, the teen scrambling off the bed to follow him into the livingroom, sitting next to him on the settee, putting an arm around his back and a hand upon his thigh. “Kakarott…” Warningly, the teacher pushed his hands away, making him feel rejected and just want to touch him all the more. “No. Now, please stop acting like the lustful teenager you are and try to act like an adult for a moment.” Even though the statement was true, it still stung, and the tall teen was determined to prove himself to the smaller man, so he kept his hands to himself and shifted over on the settee a bit to give the other more room, achieving a smile for his efforts.
“Okay.” Sighing lightly, the teenager looked calmly at the shorter man, wanting to hold his hand at the very least, feeling a bit saddened by the fact that he couldn't touch. As if sensing this, the teacher grasped his left hand gently, smiling still, making him grin widely and squeeze his hand.
“Now…Kakarott…what is it exactly that you want from me?” The teen paled slightly, his cheeks burning as he looked at the floor. What did he want from the smaller man? Sure, he liked him and he wanted to have sex with him, but he wasn't about to say that. `Yeah, sir, I just want sex from you' wouldn't go down well, he thought. Swallowing, he thought it over for a while, before giving up.
“I'm not quite sure…” He mumbled, moving to look at the wall instead, seeing all the photographs and awards, feeling rather young. “…How old are you sir?”
“Twenty-three.” Goku turned back to stare at him for a moment.
“So you've just finished university(1)?” Incredulous, the teen studied his face. He did seem rather young to be a teacher… “B-But you act like you've been teaching for years and years!!” A small blush came over the smaller man's cheeks and Goku knew he had embarrassed him. Smirking ever-so-slightly, the teen decided to push things further. “I mean, I did think you looked young, and attractive…but I thought that your experience was much broader than-” A finger was pressed to his lips to silence him, but, feeling cheeky, he kissed it, causing the light red on Vegeta's face to burn a dark crimson as he snatched his hand away.
“I forgot teenagers were so- so-” The shorter man seemed lost for words, and it made the teen want to laugh and grin at him. Instead, the teen just gave a small smile and moved a little closer.
“Upfront?” He suggested, trying not to let that smile turn into a full-blown grin, finding it a very hard thing to do.
“No!” Vegeta said, getting off the settee and moving away, his cheeks crimson. “Vulgar!” Blinking, the teen knew it was meant to be an insult, but just burst out laughing, clutching his sides as the teacher huffed at him, turning away.
“What? Aren't I allowed to compliment you, Vegeta?” Getting up silently, he crept up behind the other man, unnoticed.
“Not if you're trying to make me blush! I hope I wasn't as bad when I was eighteen as you are now!” Vegeta said, huffing again, before jumping in shock when Goku wrapped his arms around his waist and nuzzled his neck. “G-Get off of me now!” The smaller man began to squirm out of the grip, and so the teen let go, pouting. “Y-You're out of control!” The shorter of the two declared, moving away from him, just amusing him further.
“I'm not going to do anything…come on…relax… Gee, I hope I'm not as uptight as you when I'm older!” Goku teased, making Vegeta annoyed, stepping closer to him.
“I am not uptight!”
“Want to bet?” A smirk was on the teen's face as he said the words, moving over to the settee, sitting on it and waiting for him. “Now, please stop acting like the uptight teacher you are and try to act like an adult for a moment.” The taller of the two joked, patting the seat next to him. The teacher scowled, but moved to sit next to him, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Just because I'm not as open sexually as you are.” The older man scolded, then looked seriously at him. “Kakarott, if we are to continue this…if this is to go any further…you must make a promise to me.” Moving to hold his hand, Goku nodded, a serious look on his face as he moved a little closer, their faces a few inches apart as he tried to get his sincerity across.
Anything.” A smile lit up Vegeta's face.
“I was hoping you would say that.” Eyes glinting, the smaller man continued. “You must promise to do your best in every single subject you take. You will not ask the teachers for additional help unless you really need it, and I will not help you at all unless you've been off ill. Understand?” Swallowing, Goku realised he had technically already agreed to the terms when he had said anything, and nodded weakly. “You should pass all your exams, and get good marks in your coursework too. If you don't pass this AS year, then we break up, unless we already have. Same goes for next year Kakarott, and I know I seem harsh, but it's your future I'm thinking of, not mine.” Squeezing his hand gently, Vegeta continued. “You have to keep our relationship a secret as well…and if you do well, we can make it public at the end of next year. Do you promise to do this?” After a short pause, Goku nodded again, Vegeta shaking his head. “I want to hear you say it.”
“…I promise to do my best until I leave school.” Vegeta smiled at him again.
“Good enough.” Swallowing, he leaned closer.
“Can I have a kiss now?” Chuckling softly, Vegeta moved so that their lips met, a hand moving to fist into the teen's hair as the teacher opened his mouth, the taller of the two kissing him hungrily, moving to make him lie on the sofa.
(1) If I forgot to mention this earlier, I'm mentioning it now. This fanfiction is indeed set in England, however, I have changed ages around. In England, you finish school in year eleven at the age of sixteen and start sixth form(years twelve and thirteen) at sixteen. You go to university at eighteen, and, when you finish your course(in Vegeta's case, teaching - three years) you leave at twenty-one. To make my fic easier for me to write, Goku is eighteen and Vegeta is twenty-three, making them two years older than they should be(it's easier for me because I think that a twenty-one year old hitting on a sixteen year old is sick…and that they can both drink and stuff…it makes the plot easier, okay?). Yes, that is a confusing paragraph…I'll explain again if you need me to…