Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Demands ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter fifteen: Demands
The next morning began smoothly. Goku had woken up, gotten washed, dressed and ready for school, eaten his breakfast and he had even remembered to ask his father if he was still grounded or not, delighted when Bardock said he was free to do as he wished again, as long as he called home if he was going to be out past eleven. Grinning, he had made his way to school, talking to Turles about random things that had come to mind; school, homework, the scouter, what their English teacher had taught them yesterday, girls, and all that other stuff they usually talked about, until they had gone to their form rooms and gone their separate ways until later on.
He'd given a note to his form tutor for his absence - in sixth form, just a call or just a note wasn't enough anymore, you had to do both - and had sat with his best friends, talking about their day the day before, and girls, of course. Then they had all gone to first lesson, Goku's being PE where Brolli had started picking on him again, making him demonstrate things to the class and whatnot, his fellow PE students feeling sorry for him, as usual. Drama had gone by rather quickly, and he was just glad to get to break time at that point; the two physically challenging lessons having worn him out a tiny bit, causing him to get a lot to eat and hang around five minutes after the bell for his other lesson of PE just to be able to finish eating it all.
The second PE lesson was much easier and better than his first, and he found himself grinning wildly when he left the gym, getting changed silently before heading off to lunch, his friends and him eating in the canteen and laughing at some rude jokes Yamcha was telling.
Now it was form time again, and the tall teen was lost in deep thought. He couldn't stop thinking about what he and the English teacher were going to talk about that night, what Vegeta could possibly want to talk to him about, even the things that the smaller man might let him do to him, shivering a little in anticipation. He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but he couldn't help it, the mere ideas that his imagination was throwing at him making him feel like he just couldn't wait.
The bell for fourth lesson rang and he got up from his chair eagerly, out of the door before anyone else, about to go running down the corridor to get to his English lesson faster, when his brother grabbed his arm, giving him a sour look.
“Weren't going to wait for me, hm?” The tone in his voice was flat, yet it held anger, and Goku swallowed, putting his hands up in defence, shaking his head.
“Of course I was! Now, come on!” Twisting his arm, the tall teen grabbed his twin's wrist, moving towards the stairs, dragging him along as he dashed down them, not hearing a word of complaint, though that was what he was expecting. Tugging him down the next corridor, the two Kirabiyaka's reached the front of their English lesson, the older of the two finally letting go of his twin, straightening and smartening himself up.
“Kakarott, what the hell has gotten into you?” Turles scowled, pushing him in the side. “Don't drag me around!” Shaking his head at his twin, Goku opened the classroom door to find it empty, his eyes widening. His twin came up behind him, looking over his shoulder. “Is he not in again?” The older twin grit his teeth.
“He said he'd be in!” Turles shook his head and entered the room, going to the teacher's desk and finding a piece of paper.
“Obviously he isn't, there's a register for every one of his lessons today.” Storming over, Goku wrote down his name, his twin watching him carefully. “Why do you care so much? It means that we have a free today, isn't that a good thing?” The taller twin moved away and went towards the classroom door.
“I'm bored of free lessons.” He growled, unimpressed by the teacher's seemingly never-ending absences, wondering why he hadn't been fired yet for being off so damn much. After saying that, he left the room, and his twin sighed, scribbling down his own name and chasing after him. Turles caught up to him just as he had reached the main hall, about to leave the building and go somewhere else - where, the younger twin was unsure, but he knew he was going somewhere - and abandon him here alone.
“Kakarott!” He called, running the extra five metres to where his twin was, grasping his arm. “Seriously, what's gotten into you? You're not acting like yourself…” Goku just pulled his arm from the lax grip and opened the door, about to exit. “At least say where you're going!” There was a pause, and his twin turned to look him in the eyes.
“I have a free next lesson too, so I'm going home. It's pointless staying here.” The older twin shook his head as he explained, then turned back to the door, to the direction he was going to walk in. “I'll see you later Turles; I know you don't have a free next, so if I see you at home, you're in trouble.” Moving through the heavy white doors, Goku didn't get any more questions from his twin, and as he turned around for a moment, he saw the darker-skinned twin was gone, shrugging to himself as he continued walking until he was out of the school gates, frowning to himself.
If Vegeta weren't in school today, that would mean that he was at home.
And that could mean that he wanted Goku to go to his apartment and talk there.
Or he could just be sick.
Though, if it was the first option, Vegeta would have to know his timetable, and he felt that the smaller man didn't. But, he reminded himself, the small man was a teacher, and getting his timetable would be all too easy for him. Maybe Vegeta was off so that if he were grounded, they could still talk and he could get home in time?
Walking towards the teacher's apartment anyway, the tall teen chose not to think of what was going on, instead thinking of what he was going to say when he got there. The teacher had said that he wanted to talk about what had happened two days ago, but Goku was still unsure what mindset that the other man would be in about the situation. Was the smaller man interested in furthering that relationship, or was he angry at what he had done and wanted him to stop it? It was possible that the teacher didn't even care, but wanted to remind him about their status to one another.
He found himself confused as he thought about all the possible outcomes of the discussion, before he realised he needed something else to think about. What was going to happen would happen and he had no control over it. He just had to be patient.
Sighing in acceptance, the teen realised he was outside the apartment complex already, and headed in through the large glass doors, ignoring the receptionist as he made his way into the lift, pressing the floor number, his heart pounding faster in his chest than it usually did as it began to move upwards. Grinning weakly, the teen knew it was adrenaline pumping through his veins from his excitement at going to talk to Vegeta again, his dream from the day before running through his mind, his cheeks heating as he pushed it away, not wanting to go in expecting a certain standard from the teacher when he didn't even know the smaller's thoughts on this. Hell, he could go in expecting full-on sex, but end up with a punch in the face. He knew he didn't know the other enough to predict what he would say or do…but he really wanted to be able to understand him on that deep a level, the small teacher interesting him greatly.
The lift finally came to a stop, and he got out, nervously travelling to the small man's door, trying to keep the blush from his face at his thoughts from earlier as he straightened his clothes, feeling oddly self-conscious. Blinking at the action, he frowned at himself. He never usually acted like this… He had to shrug it off though, as he raised his hand to knock on the door, swallowing at the silence that followed.
After a short period of waiting, the door opened, Vegeta talking on his cordless phone, blinking at his presence before waving him in, standing at the door as he swallowed again and entered, moving to stand awkwardly in the livingroom, waiting for the smaller man to finish on the phone. Closing the door, Vegeta waved a hand at him, motioning to the chairs, causing him to sigh as he sat down, just watching Vegeta pace around.
“So I can still pay you back that way?” The shorter man asked, a hand on his hip as he stopped pacing for a moment, a grin lighting up his face. “Oh, that's so great! Thank you!” The teacher looked really happy, so Goku presumed it must be some kind of good news, somehow feeling it were his business to know what Vegeta was talking about. Frowning, he folded his arms. He was getting possessive over a man that wasn't even his… “Yes, he did…really? Oh my God!” The teacher fell into a seat across from him, his hand near his mouth, looking like someone was giving him some hot gossip or something. “…That's great, thanks! Sorry, but I have to go, I have a…guest.” The dark eyes flickered to meet his own. “Mhm, mhm, yes, okay. Talk to you later, miss.” Pulling the phone away from his face, Vegeta pressed a button, then let it sit on the settee next to him. “Hello Mr Kirabiyaka.”
“H-Hi.” The teen replied, annoyed that he had been referred to by his last name again, finding the formality too much. Sitting up straight and unfolding his arms, he tried not to scowl. “I see you're not at school. Again.” A guilty look flickered over Vegeta's face for a moment. “Why?” The smaller man looked to the side.
“That's not what you're here to talk about.” He said, dodging the question and annoying the teen further. Getting to his feet, Goku clenched his fists.
“Not to begin with, but I want to know! Why?” Turning his face back, Vegeta frowned at him. He narrowed his eyes as he looked down at him.
“There is no need for aggression.” The teacher said, then motioned back to the seat, relaxing out in the place he had chosen to sit. “Please sit down, then we can talk about this like adults.” Forcing himself back into his seat, Goku crossed his arms, not liking that the teacher had insinuated that he was a child. He was eighteen for God's sakes; old enough to drive, drink, have sex, smoke, have porn…do all the adult things in life! He was not a little kid anymore. “I was not in work today because I needed to sort all my bank loans and such.” The teacher explained, shrugging at him. “But we have more important matters to discuss, don't we?” Vegeta gave him a kind look and he looked away, not wanting to look at the older man right now. He usually hit people who said he was a child.
“…What did you want to say?” The teen said through gritted teeth, not liking how he was being treated at all. Vegeta obviously felt that he had to treat him like a baby for anything to get through to him. And he was angered by that.
“Well…um…you kissed me.” Vegeta said quietly, looking at his face. “And I'd like to know why.” Nervously, Goku looked at the floor. In all honesty, he wasn't quite sure why he had done it himself, only knowing that he remembered his dream and had imitated it with the man in front of him who looked like the person in the dream itself. Sighing, he decided to tell the truth.
“I don't know.” Neither of them spoke for a while, then Vegeta broke the silence.
“I see.” Feeling awkward again, Goku sighed and looked at the table, looking over the things that were upon it in silence. He could see Vegeta fidgeting, rubbing his hands over one another until the teacher spoke again. “So you have no feelings of that nature towards me.” Goku opened his mouth to correct him, but the small man continued. “That's good.” Blinking, the teen looked down. Obviously the other felt nothing for him… “It means that you will not try to do it again.” Vegeta carried on, a hand under his chin. “So we have nothing to worry about; I won't get fired for being involved with a student, and you won't get kicked out of school.” Sighing, the teen nodded. He couldn't bring himself to put them in that situation if Vegeta didn't want to be in it.
“Yeah…” Dejectedly, he put his chin in is hands, not sure of what to say next.
“Okay, you can go home now.” Vegeta said, a small smile on his face. “It's sorted, we'll have a strictly student/teacher relationship.” Swallowing, Goku moved to look his teacher in the eyes, moving a little closer to him.
“Is that what you want, sir?” He asked, trying to keep the desperate sad tone from his voice as he spoke, acting as formal as the teacher had earlier. The teacher blinked in surprise.
“Kakarott…I-” Goku cut him off quickly.
“Mr Kirabiyaka, sir. I'm just a student.” Frowning, the older man gave him a confused look, seemingly upset with what he was saying.
“What's wrong with you?” That was Goku's last straw.
“You only seem to acknowledge me as something other than your student when you damn well want to!” Uncertainty shone in the teacher's eyes, and it just angered the teen further that he had no clue what he was doing to him. “Look! If I'm just your fucking student, don't call me by my first name!” A look of pity came over the smaller man's face and Goku grit his teeth.
Don't!” Moving away from Vegeta, the tall teen bent and grabbed his schoolbag, getting ready to leave. “It isn't fair! You don't even know how I feel!” the teacher got up nervously, reaching for his arm.
“Mr Kirabiyaka, I-” Goku pulled away from him in anger, giving him a dark look because he had the audacity to try and touch him.
Shut up!” He roared, moving towards the door. “I don't want to hear it! Just don't talk to me!” A hand grabbed his arm and pulled him, making him turn around and growl. “What?!”
“…Tell me how you feel.” Vegeta whispered, looking at the floor. “I barely gave you chance to speak, please, just say what you need to. Let it all out.” Letting his bag fall off his shoulder, Goku knew he didn't need to say anything. Moving his hands to grip the teacher's arms, he moved closer.
“This is how I feel.” Bending down, the teen pressed their lips together, his eyes closing as he tried to pull the smaller man closer, moving his arms to wrap them around the shorter's back, feeling the tenseness in it but not caring, opening his mouth to flick his tongue against those soft lips, growling softly as they parted for him, slipping is tongue in to rub it and smooth it against Vegeta's, keeping a moan from coming from his lips. After a few moments, the teacher relaxed, his hands gripping at his shirt as the smaller body pressed up against him, a more skilled tongue playing with his own.