Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Endings ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter twenty-eight: Endings
Finally the day came that Goku had become a year thirteen and had even surpassed that, having finished school for the year, having completed his A levels in their entirety. The teen and the rest of his year had had months off from school, their exams all being taken by this point, and they were all huddled into the school's entrance hall, waiting nervously to receive a brown envelope with their name on it.
For some, it felt like judgement day had arrived; they were going to be judged on their work over the past two years and here was the place that they were to know of their success and failure.
Some girls already looked like they were about to cry, and most couldn't help but feel sorry for them because of the looks of devastation on their faces. Others went over to comfort them every now and then, hugs exchanged between many of them to try and make them happier, none really succeeding.
The Kirabiyaka twins were standing together against the wall, sighing to themselves as they thought about their elder brother's results the previous year. Radditz had gotten two B's and a C, and their father expected them to do better than that! The fact of the matter was that their elder brother had only taken three subjects, and these two had taken four.
Goku had taken English Literature, Drama, P.E. and single Business Studies.
Turles had taken Psychology, English Literature, Engineering and Physics.
Radditz had had more time to work on each individual subject than they had, and he had always been smarter than them. Luckily, he wasn't here to help them get their results as he was at his job, having not opted to go to university so that he could work as the manager of a restaurant near where they lived.
All students were waiting for their names to be called to collect their package, Goku scowling as he looked around the hall, seeing some teachers talking to students, but no sign of Vegeta anywhere. They were still together after all this time, and Goku doubted that he had ever been happier in his life, folding his arms as he waited for his name to be called.
“Bra Briefs!” The receptionist called, holding out a brown envelope, Turles watching as his girlfriend ran over to collect it, smirking to himself. They had started dating about half way through the year, much to her sister's distaste, and he had decided that he was not going to keep his old fuckbuddy around any longer, Angela having been torn into pieces when he had told her.
But he was much happier now, as was the brunette, who was now clinging to Yamcha's arm and smiling at him. After being dumped by Turles, she had found her way into Yamcha's arms, causing him to lose his interest in Bulma completely and date her. The dark-skinned teen watched as Angela waved at him and waved back, smirking to her as his own girlfriend ran over to him, thrusting the packet into his arms.
“Open it for me Turles, I'm too excited!” Smiling, Goku took this as his cue to leave, waving at the two as he made his way through the hall, spotting Bulma collecting her packet and ripping it open, tears in her eyes after a few moments of looking at the words. Shaking his head, he looked away.
There was no way to pass exams by sleeping with teachers, after all.
He heard a cheer from the other side of the hall and looked over to see Bra and Turles kissing in the corner, sweatdropping at the sight. Okay, Bra obviously had good results then…
Moving his gaze away, he was so preoccupied with what the other students were doing that he almost missed his own name being called, having to be nudged by one of his friends telling him to go.
“Kakarott Kirabiyaka!” The receptionist called for the second time, sounding rather aggravated and giving him an irritable look as he finally made his way over, throwing the packet at his head in annoyance, causing him to blink. That wasn't very polite… With a frown, he bent down and picked the packet up from the floor, moving away and going towards the exit of the building as Turles' name was called and he ran to collect his own packet, Goku sneaking out of the school unnoticed.
If Vegeta wasn't here, then he could try his home, at least.
Jangling the key to Vegeta's apartment that he had been given earlier in the year, the tall teen made his way over, grinning to himself at the idea of catching the older man asleep, licking his lips as he imagined the best way to wake him up, chuckling as he let a mini-scenario run through his head, amused as he crossed over the final road, looking up at the huge apartment complex, amazed that he had been so lost in his thoughts that he had arrived here so fast.
Entering, he did what he usually did; made his way straight to the elevator and went to the third floor, a silly grin on his face as the lift stopped, getting out and moving to look in a mirror to check he looked presentable, straightening the t-shirt he was wearing jokingly. Laughing at himself, he moved over to the teacher's apartment door, raising his hand to knock, before seeing the key clasped in his fist, wanting to laugh because he had forgotten, opening his fist and unlocking the door quietly.
He slowly opened the door and snuck inside, closing the door as silently as he could, hearing a small click before he began to tiptoe around the apartment, wondering where his lover was, peeking into the bathroom and office to find them empty of life, before scowling again and moving toward the bedroom. It seemed a little odd that Vegeta would be in bed at this hour, but he wasn't anywhere else in the apartment, so he was either here or out somewhere…
Pausing outside the bedroom door, Goku felt a bit down. Vegeta wouldn't really go somewhere else today…would he? He knew it was today, the teen had reminded him the day before, and he had also told him that he wanted to open his results with him, so…
He pushed away the thoughts and opened the bedroom door, grinning as he saw his lover laying on the bed reading a book, in a pair of thin glasses, pausing mid-page to look up at him and smile.
Smiling in response, he walked over and bent down to kiss him, the teacher responding enthusiastically before pulling back and plucking the brown envelope from his hands, checking to see it was sealed, his smile turning into a smirk. Running his finger along the sides of the envelope, Vegeta turned to look at him again, motioning for him to sit. However, the teen did not want to, deciding instead to crouch over him, a cheeky kind of grin on his face as he leaned forward to nip the smaller man's ear, hearing a gasp and the packet falling onto the bed.
That was something he had learned over the past few months; where all of Vegeta's weak spots were, finding ways to tease him into desperation faster, loving how he reacted to each touch and lick. The first sensitive spot he had found was his ear, on that first night they had ever had together, and everything else had come from there as he had wondered what would happen if he had done different things to it instead…
It had grown into somewhat of an obsession, he had to say.
Before he knew it, he had gotten them both naked, pinning Vegeta down into the silken covers, raising an eyebrow as he noticed this set were not the regular blue but a deep red, the shy look on Vegeta's face making him bend down for a kiss, loving the panting breaths that were released into his mouth. After a short time, he pulled back and sighed, looking down at the needy face of the man under him, swallowing before turning to scoop the forgotten package off the floor and sit up, tearing it open.
A feeling of nervousness and nausea overcame him and he passed it back to the other.
“…I can't look.” He said, then felt stupid as Vegeta nodded and took the papers out, scanning over them slowly. Hanging his head, he felt that he must have done badly if Vegeta was reading it so slowly and sighed to himself.
“I'm…impressed, Kakarott.” Jerking his head up, he snatched the papers from Vegeta's hands and stared at them, a huge grin coming over his face as he looked over the results.
English Literature: A.
Business Studies: B
Drama: B
Physical Education: A
“I…did really well…” He said, the amazement in his voice causing Vegeta to laugh softly.
“You worked very hard, didn't you?” A genuine smile lit up the smaller man's face and Goku looked down at him, a bit of red rising in his cheeks as he nodded.
He had worked quite hard, but had not put as much effort into his studies as he had put into their relationship, and with a guilty smile, he leaned down, kissing Vegeta deeply, hearing the packet fall onto the floor again as hands moved to grasp his hair, pulling him closer as he slipped under the covers…
Both were left panting in the huge bed after they had finished their play, Goku still on top of the smaller man, supported well by his arms as he panted, kissing over the other's face and enjoying the relaxed, happy sounds he got in return. Finally, his arms gave out and caused him to collapse onto the trembling body beneath him, gasping before he cuddled closer, his head under the smaller's chin. Nothing was as nice as this, to just be able to hug someone you care about close.
“Mmmm…” He made a satisfied sound as the older man stroked his hair, making him grin. His life really couldn't get any more perfect; he had the grades to show up his older brother, he had the teacher as his lover, and his twentieth birthday was coming up soon, so he would get presents. Smiling, he felt like was about to drift off into his sleep, before the vibrations coming from Vegeta's chest stopped the sleepy feeling, paying attention to what the shorter man was saying.
“Come to dinner with me.” Eyes widening, Goku corrected an earlier thought. Now his life was perfect. He sat up and kissed his lover harshly before moving to get his clothes, leaving Vegeta to pant, his face red as he tried to laugh at the younger man's enthusiasm.
Tossing Vegeta's clothes onto the bed next to him, the teen paused, one leg in his jeans already - having decided he didn't need underwear for a meal - as he looked over at the panting teacher, colour raising in his cheeks at the view of the small man's entire body, abandoning his attempt to get dressed. He moved back over, a look of wonder in his eyes as he laid a hand on Vegeta's face, leaning down to kiss him softly, one of the other's hands moving to hold his hair gently as he bent, moving his arms to pick up the older man.
Their lips broke apart, and he could only stare in silence at his lover, receiving a chuckle in return as Vegeta broke from his hold, grasping his hand and leading him towards the shower.
After they were clean - and a bit more groping on Goku's part - the smaller man chuckled as he put a towel around his waist, another around his sopping hair, the teen settling for just a head towel around his hips, not really minding the wet feel of his hair against his neck, finding it pleasant. The younger of the two followed the shorter man in a somewhat obedient way, hearing a soft laugh as blue-black eyes met his own, amusement in the older man's features.
“…What's so funny?” He asked, sounding genuinely hurt, even to himself, though he wasn't really upset, just confused. Vegeta's expression softened and he moved to hug him, the taller of the two looking even more baffled than before when the smaller one pulled back, leaning up to kiss his lips.
“Where do you want to go?”
The pair walked towards their destination with small smiles on their faces, Goku clutching Vegeta's hand in his own in a possessive, protective sort of way, just making the older man smile to himself at the touch, used to the looks and whispers that some people gave. However, the teen wasn't, and as a woman gawked at them, he pulled a tongue and let go of his lover's hand, instead grabbing him around the waist, shocking her further as he bent and kissed the smaller man on the lips to piss her off.
He pulled back and looked at Vegeta quietly, seeing he was amused again and sighing, looking back forwards, carrying on walking. They passed a purple-haired teenager, who had previously been talking to her friends. She spotted them and gasped, grabbing her camera, running after them and tapping Goku on the back when she finally caught up, her green eyes sparkling at them. Cheekily, she lifted the camera with a grin, winking.
“May I take a photograph of you two fine gentlemen?” At this, Vegeta burst out into full laughter, clutching his sides at her boldness as the teen got offended by her outlandish request, growling and raising his fist threateningly in anger.
“No!” A sad look came over her face and she asked again, but Goku was angry at this point, about to swear at her when Vegeta grabbed him and twisted him around to whisper in his ear, stroking his side gently to help calm him down.
“Just give her what she wants Kakarott; it'll be a laugh…” Pulling away, Vegeta gave the cheeky girl a mischievous smirk, pulling Goku closer. “How do you want us, miss?”
A few metres away, the girl's friends watched as they conversed, some of them blinking as the two males kissed, the camera flash signalling that she had gotten her side of the bet after all. Sighing, they all got out five pounds, ready to give it to her when she got back.
“Wow! Thank you so much!” She gushed, then hugged Vegeta before running off, leaving Goku irritable.
“That wasn't funny…” The teen mumbled, dragging his lover away in case the girl came back, earning a chuckle from the other man.
“It made her happy, didn't it?”
“I guess.” Goku grumbled, still unimpressed that Vegeta had allowed her to take a picture of them kissing. Sighing, the older man hugged closer to him.
“It was just a bit of fun…”
After a while of awkward silence - neither really knowing what to say - they finally reached their destination - The Phoenix - and entered using the side door, heading to the bar to get some drinks. As they reached the counter, Vegeta nudged him away, waiting for the bartender to come over to serve them.
“…Vegeta?” The teen asked, feeling somewhat annoyed that the older man would let a random female stranger take a photo of them but wouldn't stand close to him at the bar. It seemed unfair…
“Go and get us a table Kakarott; we need a table number if we want food.” Feeling a bit moody, the teen slouched off, heading for the table at the back of the restaurant just so that Vegeta would have to walk further. After a short while, the teacher made his way over, clutching the two drinks carefully as he sat down next to him and offered one. “Vodka and coke.” Smiling, the teen took the drink, feeling stupid that he had gotten moody over being told to find them a table, moving closer to his lover in what he felt was an inconspicuous way, the chuckle from the older man's lips saying otherwise.
Grabbing two menus and passing one over, the teen scanned the side of the menu that he was interested in, looking at all the dishes with beef in, licking his lips.
“Steak and ale pie looks good…” He mumbled to himself. “Or maybe the beef…”
“I've been thinking about this a long time…” Vegeta said quietly, jerking him out of a food-induced daydream to pay attention, dropping the menu on the floor, swallowing at how serious the teacher sounded, the tone of the smaller man's voice seeming to be regretful. Immediately thinking the worst, Goku looked down, rubbing his hands together nervously. Was Vegeta going to break up with him or something…? Sadly, he turned to face the older man, nervous. “I…K-Kakarott…do you think…” The smaller of the two sighed, then turned to face him, taking his hand. “Do you think that you could…move in with me?”
Speechless, the teen hugged the teacher tightly.
Six months later…
The teen sat happily in the teacher's apartment - correction, their apartment - waiting for his lover in the livingroom, the television on, but his gaze fixed more towards the door, a silvery laptop sitting next to him on the sofa, wide open, a word document filling the screen. The laptop had been a present from Vegeta since he had mentioned fleetingly that the idea of writing a novel was interesting him, and, as his lover, the smaller man had thought to encourage the idea, buying him the laptop to work on and giving it to him once he had moved in.
Smiling dumbly to himself, the teen felt like writing was something he enjoyed, just as much or even more than he had enjoyed acting, and, to him, it seemed like something that he would get somewhere with. The first thing he was writing was a story about two men who found themselves trapped together in an ancient Egyptian tomb, books strewn all over the apartment on Egyptian mythology and culture. However, there was also a very strange book hidden under a lot of paper that he didn't want his lover to find yet.
The gay man's Karma Sutra.
It had been a present from Turles.
His smile turned into a grin as he thought about all the new positions he had been learning, and what was the best way to introduce his inhibited boyfriend into trying some of them without making him feel more nervous than necessary. They had been trying different things in the bedroom recently, so his hopes about trying some of these had risen since, and he was almost sure that if he went about it the right way, that Vegeta would be more than willing to try some of them out. It was just a matter of angles, to be honest.
He had told himself not to be too disappointed if the more experienced man really didn't want to try any, but somehow, he knew that he wasn't going to be let down.
Maybe he'd try to get Vegeta to do one tonight…
He heard a key turn in the lock and grinned to himself.
Now was his chance.