Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ New arrival ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter twenty-seven: New arrival
The teachers were all waiting in the entrance hall, dressed in their best suits and clothes, waiting patiently for the man to arrive. For they had been told that it was to be a man, and they knew that it would be best if they waited to welcome the new Headteacher to the school. Everyone there looked nervous, letting the students stay outside to talk or play or pretty much do as they pleased. The women were all chattering amongst themselves, a few talking about what he would be like, a few already making plans to try and bed him - silently of course.
Vegeta was leaning against the wall, looking rather anti-social with his arms crossed over his chest, giving off the impression that he didn't want to talk; the outcome being that he was alone. Not that he minded; he was quite happy to be alone, the incident with the police still in his mind, wondering how she had gotten the drugs, before shaking the thought from his head. It was probably best that he didn't speculate about that, and as he sighed and leaned his head against the cold brick, he wondered what she was going to talk to him about.
He had been thinking about it over the past two weeks - it had been that long since the accident, and it was a miracle that they got a new Headteacher so fast - and he still didn't know what she was yelling about. He suspected he had just done something to piss her off, or maybe she had found out about his secret relationship with Goku somehow… Blinking, he felt a bit sad. He hadn't had a chance to be alone with his lover since the night in the treehouse - yet again, the younger one had been grounded for not ringing home - and it was driving him crazy. He could barely stand to wait any more…
When he broke up with Cell, he had squashed his sexual desires into nothing, just moping around - he hated to admit that - and then working when the Kirabiyaka had persuaded him to come back, but he hadn't really been all that sexual until that night with the taller man… And his desires had been let loose again. With a shiver, his cheeks darkened as he realised just how much his body hungered for the teenager's touch, swallowing and trying to push away the urges of his flesh and concentrate on the new arrival.
Luckily for Vegeta, a car finally drew up outside the building, it having felt like forever that the staff had waited for the man to arrive, though it had only been about twenty minutes.
Moving from the wall but still keeping his arms crossed, the small man walked into the large crowd, sighing as he thought about what the students would be doing while the teachers were stuck in this brutal cold, getting nervous as he wondered what his young lover would be up to, before trying to get the thought out of his mind.
At that moment, the car door opened and a tall man stepped out, an evil sort of look in his yellow eyes as he straightened his suit and chuckled, waving to them all.
“I was not expecting a welcoming party…” He said calmly, then his voice turned into glee as his eyes scanned the group and found their way onto Vegeta. “Why, if it isn't Vegeta Hanayaka!” The excitement in his voice unnerved the shorter man as he stepped closer, offering his hand.
“Yes, I am.” Shaking the man's large hand, Vegeta felt a bit small; after all, the guy was twice his height… “And you are…?” Blinking, the man smirked, motioning towards himself and grabbing Vegeta's hand in both of his own, shaking more enthusiastically, the shorter of the two feeling embarrassed as he knew everyone had their eyes on them. The woman were probably giving him dirty looks by now…
“Dabura McDemon…we went to primary school together?” Blinking, the teacher tried to remember, finding himself at a loss for words as he remembered being chased around and bullied by a kid of that name, forcing a grin to try and be polite, wanting to get away. “You haven't changed a bit, you know.” Nodding, he tried to be nice.
“Yes…um, you have though.” With a loud chuckle, the much taller man put his arm around Vegeta's shoulders, grinning.
“I want you to show me around, take me to my office!” With an embarrassed look on his face, the smaller man nodded and led him out from the huge group, into the building.
This was going to be interesting.
On the other side of the playground, Goku was watching the whole scene, trying not to let the fact that the huge man was touching his Vegeta get to him, but failing, feeling jealous and a bit insecure. He was stressed out that he hadn't seen his lover in private since they had had sex, feeling really nervous that Vegeta may think he was using him, though he had told him about being grounded…
What if the new headteacher really liked Vegeta? What would happen then?
Despite both these things, Goku didn't feel very comfortable at home either. Turles kept giving him funny looks, winks and grins that he didn't understand, Radditz was still a bit moody, but had gotten better, and his father… Well, Bardock had been hounding him for the reason that he had been out so late, but he hadn't said a single word about what had happened, not wanting his family to know yet. He wasn't sure how they would react, even Turles seemed that he wouldn't accept it, despite that porn he had, and those kisses and gropes…well, if he had been after the teacher himself, it was less than likely that he would be happy for him.
Sighing, he ran a hand through his messy locks in agitation. He was bored of not having time to see Vegeta, but he knew that if he broke the grounding, it would just get worse. Dammit, he hated his father's rules.
As if from nowhere, Turles appeared next to him, sunlight shining from the device that was on his head.
“I knew you were here.” He said in amusement, the pink scouter on his face astounding the other Kirabiyaka as he watched little yellow numbers and arrows shining in front of Turles' eye, blinking. The other lifted a hand and pressed a button on the side of the part that went onto his ear, and the yellow digits and numbers stopped, Goku reaching out to touch it when the darker-skinned twin moved away. “Look with your hands, it's delicate.” Swallowing, The older of the two looked down.
“Can I try it on if I don't touch?” There was a pause.
“I suppose.” Then it was put onto his head and he blinked at how…pink everything was on one side of him and normal on the other. “You'll get used to it.” Turles promised, then pushed the button on the side, yellow digits flashing so fast that he could barely read them. His twin moved to stand in front of him and a thick circle moved to where he was, an arrow pointing at him displaying a number that he couldn't read either.
“I knew you'd say that.” A satisfied smirk came over the twin's face as he pressed the button again to turn it off as he removed the sensitive device from his brother's face and put it back onto his own. “Impressed, aren't we?” Nodding dumbly, he got a pat on his back. “Well, best be off, form just started.” Goku scrambled to his feet and got up, grabbing his bag as he and his twin dashed towards their forms, looking over at the scouter.
“Do you think your teachers will let you wear that?” He asked, nervous that it might be confiscated or something. Turles chuckled, but didn't reply as they reached their forms, then pulled a tongue.
“Don't worry so much.” The teen said, then dived into his form, leaving Goku there to frown.
I don't worry that much… He said to himself, feeling a little offended at the accusation. He stood there a few minutes before realising he should be in form and opened the door to find Vegeta talking to his form tutor, his face heating a little as the teacher was bent over.
“Ah, here he is right now, late as usual.” The form tutor said, then raised his voice a little higher. “Mr Kirabiyaka, Mr Hanayaka wants to talk with you.” Vegeta stood up straight and smiled at him and he swallowed, nodding as his lover walked towards him, making him nervous as he felt a hand grasp his wrist, dragging him back into the corridor.
“V-Vegeta…” He whispered, stroking the other's cheek when they were far away. The teacher responded by grabbing his shirt and pulling him close, backing into the janitor's closet.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
With a grin, Goku complied.