Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Is it a bluff? ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter twenty-six: Is it a bluff?
The sun shone gloriously in the morning sky as the teacher climbed into his dark blue car, buckling his seatbelt and stashing his bag onto the passenger seat, along with his coat. The previous day's activities were still fresh in his mind; he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, his cheeks going a tad pink at the memory, before he pushed it from his mind yet again, unable to stop smiling to himself as he drove off, heading for the highschool that he worked at, chuckling to himself. He found himself wondering if his young lover was thinking about what they had done as much as he was, though it was extremely likely.
It was hard to believe that the younger man had been a virgin; for starters, he had known what to do, and had been nervous, but had done it in a way that made him shiver just thinking about it. It hadn't been perfect; but it never had been for the small man, and, somehow, he felt it was because of himself that he didn't feel that it was so. He could remember every touch, every caress, every kiss that the teen had given him, and he was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't realise he was so close to school until he parked in his usual space, blinking and laughing softly to himself at his daydreaming, collecting his things and getting out of the car, locking it as he headed into the building.
Everything seemed so different today; everyone seemed happier than usual, even the grumpy PE teachers were smiling, his own smile quirking as some students wished him good morning on his way past them, somehow feeling that today was going to go brilliantly, and with his lover being his last lesson… He shivered. Maybe they could go visit somewhere nice…
He made his way straight to his classroom, unlocking it and dumping his things in his supply cupboard, locking it straight after. Not that he didn't trust anyone…but he just had to feel safe. Smiling, he left the room and began his walk towards the staff room, pausing at his pigeon hole(1) on his way, seeing a piece of paper inside, swallowing as he read it.
Mr Hanayaka,
Something very important has come to my attention concerning you and your teaching methods. I need to have a meeting with you as soon as possible. Seeing as you do not have your own form yet, I wish to meet with you first thing this morning in my office. Do not be late.
Miss Oxking
An odd feeling came over him and he folded the note in half, putting it into his pocket quietly. What was wrong with his teaching methods? Feeling somewhat upset that he was being criticised, the small man did not let it show on his face, instead just sighing and looking through the rest of the pieces of paper; homework, letters and other things from other staff. After the initial wave of sadness had ended, the teacher felt mad. There was nothing wrong with his damn methods!
Scowling - he never was any good at concealing his anger - Vegeta walked towards the Headteacher's office, running a hand through his hair and sighing as he stood outside the door. He didn't want to knock. Hell, he didn't want to even enter the room. This was the fastest that someone had ever ruined one of his recently rare content feelings, and he didn't feel up to discussing what could be something bad about his performance.
Two minutes later, he realised he would have to enter at some point, and if he didn't, it was likely that she would seek him out and be even madder at him. Frustrated, he kicked the wall; glad that no one was around to see him do so as it looked like he was throwing a temper tantrum. He steeled himself, then knocked upon the door, hearing a shuffling of papers and then a female voice speaking to him.
“You can enter now.” Annoyed at how pompous this sounded, Vegeta opened the door and stood in the doorway, looking at the headteacher quietly, unimpressed that her office was such a mess. The woman looked up from some papers, then her expression seemed to darken as she looked at him. “Oh, it's you. Please, take a seat.” Her tone was stiff and firm, causing him to sigh as his assumption that it was bad news was confirmed, and move over to sit in the chair in front of her desk. She put down the things she was doing and walked around to the front of the desk and sat on it, crossing her legs as she gave him a cold look, flicking her black hair over her shoulder as expressionless dull eyes met his. “I'm sure you know why you are here.”
“The note said it was about my teaching methods?” Vegeta queried as he reached to pull the note from his pocket, stopped by what she said next.
“I said that in case you showed anyone.”
Turles was sat in a large tree overlooking the room that belonged to the Headteacher of the school, getting a great view of the goings-on inside the building, pleased that he hadn't been seen yet. In his hand, he was holding his mobile phone, a number dialled on the screen, but not rang yet as he watched the female teacher silently. She hadn't found any of the drugs yet, which was quite good for his plans.
As her head lifted and she looked at the door, he knew this was his chance, ringing the number on his mobile's screen, lifting it to his ear and smirking as it was answered.
“West City Police, how may we help you?” A woman's voice queried, causing him to want to chuckle but he held it back.
“I need to report a case of drug abuse…urgently.”
Back in the classroom, Vegeta blinked in shock.
“What do you mean?” The headteacher slammed her hand against the desk, giving him a disgusted look.
“I am not a bigot, Mr Hanayaka, and I will not have the staff thinking so of me.” Scowling, Chichi got up from the desk, folding her arms as she looked down at him, the younger of the pair looking at her in complete confusion. What did that have to do with anything? “I assume you thought you could get away with it.” She continued, just leaving him even more perplexed by her words. “Did you think I wouldn't find out? It was all too obvious from day one!” Dumbfounded, he just stared at her. “Do you think me an idiot, sir?” He had to force down the sudden urge to nod, still not sure what she was trying to get at, resting his chin on his hand.
“Of course not. Perhaps you think I am a mindreader, miss.” The small man said politely, making sure to keep his tone friendly, not wanting to anger her more than she already was. His reply merely got him a snort and a dirty look thrown in his direction.
“Don't you play games with me!” The woman nearly shrieked, though he could tell she was trying to stay calm and collected. The operative word in that sentence, of course, being `trying'. She wasn't very good at it. “I could fire you right here and now!” Miss Oxking yelled, slamming her hand onto the table, her anger too obvious to ignore, causing him to jump a little in shock at her aggression, their eyes locking a moment before she turned her head.
“What did I do?” He ventured, taking his chances against her violence, flinching a little as she turned back, giving him the most angry dirty look he had ever seen, recoiling from it a little. She practically spat venom at him, diving off the table, her hands an inch away from his neck as if she were to strangle him.
“Don't fucking play innocent! You know what you've done!” Chichi hissed, before restraining herself and standing up straight, forcing her hands to her sides, her teeth gritted. Stamping her foot, she gripped her hand with the other one, trying to calm down, unsuccessful. “Does the name Kirabiy-” At that moment, the door burst open from the hinges and a group of policemen entered the room, beginning to start raiding the drawers and cupboards, the headteacher overcoming her shock a moment later, outraged. “What do you think you are doing?! I-”
“Found some!” One of the police called, picking a bag of white powder out of her low draw, other policemen saying the same, the one in charge moving over to look in her desk, opening the draw and pulling out another bag, sighing. Two of the men walked over to her with handcuffs.
“Miss Oxking, you are under arrest for possession of-”
“I-I…I've never seen any of that in my life!!” She screamed, moving away in horror as the police came closer, her eyes landing on Vegeta, who appeared to be shocked beyond words. “I-I know you had something to do with it!” Her finger pointed at the smaller man and he blinked, confused as to why she was blaming him for something he was no part of. The policemen shook their heads at her and grabbed her, twisting one of her arms behind her back and handcuffing it to his own, ignoring her screams. “NO! NO! I DIDN'T DO IT!! THEY AREN'T MINE!!” Sighing, the officer in charge moved to look at her.
“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you.” She gasped in fear, her body trembling. “You have the right to a lawyer, and you can have one phonecall when you get to the station.”
“BUT I'M INNOCENT!!” Chichi yelled, still struggling in the grip, tears in her eyes.
“Come quietly miss, or we shall have to gag you.” A man said, handcuffing her other hand to his. To keep her stable, they held onto her biceps as she shuddered, being lead out of the room. The officer looked at Vegeta calmly.
“Sorry about that sir, we got a tip from someone nearby and we had to act…”
Outside, Turles was hidden in the bushes so that the police would not see him, unable to stop his fits of laughter at having watched the scene. He had found it absolutely hilarious when she had been yelling and struggling, and he smirked to himself as he replayed the scene in his head. The stupid cow had had it coming ever since she had threatened him in year seven. He always got his revenge, and he rather enjoyed the fact that he could take it so much later on that it would not be linked to him. The Headteacher would never know it was him.
Snickering, he left the bush, ignoring the scene inside the office, heading toward the playground, where many students were all staring at Chichi as she was forced into the police car, some grinning, others just in shock. He arrived as the door closed behind her, unable to stop his smirk and a little wave at her from where he was standing. To his left, he saw Bulma, scowling and grabbing her arm as the car drove off, many pupils all cheering and laughing as she went; she was never really a popular person with the students, far too strict on them and she had never done anything to show herself as anything otherwise, not even bothering to redeem herself.
“W-What are you doing?!” Bulma squeaked, trying to pull away from his grip as he scowled even deeper at her.
“Come with me.” He dragged her away from the playground and into an empty classroom, smirking. “Bulma, is it?” Turles said, looking at her calmly as he sat on a table, motioning that she should do the same. She sat awkwardly, looking confused.
“Yes, but I…what do you want?” He laughed.
“As you saw, our dear Headteacher was just taken away in a police car. It's unfortunate that that happened, seeing as…you said something to her last night.” Her eyes widened in shock. “Yes, about my brother and a certain teacher we share. So I shall make you a deal.” The blue-haired girl swallowed and looked down.
“What…kind…of deal?”
“More of an ultimatum, actually.” The dark-skinned twin admitted, then continued. “You keep your mouth shut, and the same fate won't befall you or whomever you tell.” Bulma whimpered slightly, then steeled herself, her blue eyes defiant.
“You're bluffing!” The Kirabiyaka grinned.
“Test me then.” After a few moments of silence, she closed her eyes and got up from the desk.
“I…fine.” She huffed, getting up, irritated. “I'll just fail my stupid A level then.” Turles grinned.
“Get your sister to help; she's very good.” Bulma glared at him darkly.
“How would you know?!” He chuckled.
“We…study together.” In anger, Bulma stormed out, obviously on her way to berate her sister for what she had done, leaving Turles to laugh. “Seriously, we study.” He said to himself, getting off the table himself. It was a good thing that she hadn't called his bluff, because that was what it was; a bluff. He had no way to do anything about anyone else who may interfere, but he was sure his threat would keep her silent, if nothing else.
He smirked as he walked toward the door.
He had paid his brother back for his help without Goku even knowing.
Now that was clever.
(1)Pigeon hole - Sort of like a mail box for teachers, and students and teachers put important things into them for the teacher if they need to.