Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Treehouse ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter twenty-five: Treehouse
Blissfully unaware of what was going on around them, the two against the whiteboard pulled back, the smaller yet older of the two panting a little and shivering at the look the taller was giving him, his cheeks a bit red from lack of air and arousal. The younger man moved a hand to stroke over his cheek and he shivered more, resting against the blackboard, glad it was there to support him. He found it amazing that the teen in front of him could change how he was feeling in seconds, by a touch or a kiss…
“V-Vegeta…” Goku panted, then moved to kiss along the teacher's neck, shivering happily when hands laced into his hair, the shorter man arching into his touch. “I-I want to show you how attractive you are…” Grabbing the teacher's firm ass, he was rewarded with a shocked gasp, the legs around his hips clinging to him even more, causing him to press him into the whiteboard more, moaning.
“…I want to show you something…” Vegeta panted, looking at him calmly. The teen felt like he had been pushed away again and he sighed, moving back and lowering the teacher to his feet, the hands in his hair moving to stay looped around his neck as the smaller man kissed him lightly, before pulling away. One of the hands moved to grasp his own and he went red as he was lead out of the room, then back in, the teacher's face scarlet as he had forgotten to pick up his belongings and get his keys. Laughing softly, Goku wrapped both of his arms around the teacher's waist from behind as he bent to get his bag, the smaller man's face going redder at the touch.
Letting go, the taller of the two bent to collect the rest of the older man's things, before having his hand grabbed again, grinning as he was pulled out of the room, amused and trilled at the enthusiasm of the older man. Vegeta didn't bother to lock up the classroom; the cleaners hadn't been in yet, so there was little point as it would be unlocked very soon to be cleaned. Instead, the teen was dragged hurriedly out of a fire escape and straight to a large dark blue car, staring at it as the smaller man let go of him and went to the driver's seat. But Goku was too shocked to get in.
This was the car that had nearly run him over on the first day.
And, after a moment of thought…it was also the car that had passed him on the way to the park…
Glancing up, the teen saw the older man looking at him in confusion, shaking the thoughts away quickly and getting into the passenger seat of the car. It wasn't really that important, he guessed.
Probably a coincidence.
Hopefully fate.
Sitting in the rather nice car, Goku swallowed.
“Where are we going?” He didn't expect the teacher to say what he heard next.
“The park.” Nodding gently, he just waited for the teacher to drive off, quiet. He had been hoping for the other to say his home, or a hotel or something, but he supposed that the smaller man still wasn't ready, and so decided to leave him alone about sex for now. He was probably being a pain in the ass about it, if he thought about it long enough. “Are you okay?” The teen simply nodded again, looking out of the window to his left, surveying the road they were driving down in silence, a hand propping up his chin and the other on his lap. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand met the one on his lap, his face going crimson as he cursed mentally about how close his hand had been to his crotch, turning to look at the teacher. “You are too quiet…what's on your mind?” Flicking his eyes off the road for a second, their gazes locked, Vegeta squeezing his hand before looking back at the road, moving his hand to change gears, then moved back to hold his hand.
“…I'm not thinking about much…” Goku said truthfully, giving a weak smile to the older man before looking back out of the window again.
The smaller man was getting worried. He flicked his gaze over to the younger of the two and sighed as he saw he was looking away. What he wanted to show…why he wanted to show it…it was important to him, and the other was just acting aloof towards him… Looking back at the road, he felt his heart sink. Maybe it just wasn't such a good idea to try this if he didn't care…
Steeling himself, the shorter man mentally shook his head. He would stick to it. The younger man probably just didn't understand what he was doing, and that was probably the reason he seemed distant. In the classroom, he had seemed so heated, so passionate…and that was probably what was wrong… Glancing over again, Vegeta frowned.
Did he feel pushed away?
It felt like an eternity before the car finally stopped moving. The quick journey had felt like it had taken forever to go through, the awkward silence between the two inside prolonging it.
But now, they were here, and as they got out of the machine, the cool air slapped them in the face, blowing away that discomfort they had both felt. The smaller man locked his car and stuffed the keys into his pocket, before grasping the taller's hand again, smiling at him.
“The breeze is quite nice, don't you think?” Ignoring the question, Goku looked over the park quickly.
“…What do you want to go on first; the swings or-?” He was cut off.
“I don't like the swings.” There was a firmness in the older's tone that made him fall silent and stay that way, not really sure of what to say. Hell, he wasn't even sure why they were even here; it had seemed so random to go to such a place, and he hadn't been told yet. As if reading his mind, Vegeta continued to speak. “You have heard the rumours…now it is time to show you a secret…” Lost in the confusing way that the teacher was speaking, the taller of the two allowed himself to be lead deep into the forest behind the park, watching in silence as the other man looked around, as if something interesting was here.
Suddenly, he was dragged towards a huge oak tree, the smaller man grinning as he brushed his palm very slowly over the bark, a piece of it falling away in his hand. Shocked, Goku watched as the smaller of the two pulled a rope from within the tree, looking at him with a small smile.
“W-What the-?!” Eyes wide, Goku stared up into the dense foliage and noticed something he had never seen before. There seemed to be a strange plateau on the top of the tree, surrounded by its many branches. “…The treehouse?” Turning his gaze back down, he saw the smaller man's look of triumph and couldn't help but go a little red. “I…used to look for it all the time…” Looking amused, the teacher let go of his hand.
“It's unsurprising you didn't find it…I chose this spot very carefully…I was amazed that people actually knew there was one here, to be honest…” The smaller man grasped the rope with both hands and began to pull himself up it, wincing. “I hope you're good at this…” He joked, then moved up higher, the teen just watching him in shock. Vegeta eventually paused and looked back down at him. “Are you coming?”
As if suddenly realising he was allowed to go up, Goku grabbed the rope and began climbing quickly, easily catching up to the smaller man even though he had continued climbing, grinning, the teen took a long hard look at the teacher's ass, glad it was so conveniently in front of him. After a while, he noticed Vegeta had stopped moving, leaning back a little to look up at the teacher, who was looking right back at him with a red face.
“S-Sorry…” He gasped, his own face getting a little red once he realised Vegeta was too embarrassed to move. Looking down, Goku stayed quiet, before the smaller man hurriedly continued going up the rope, finally reaching the plateau. Once he saw the teacher disappear onto it, the teen scaled the rope pretty damn quickly, climbing aboard the film wood, gasping at the sight in front of him.
It was much larger than he ever had imagined it would be.
The wood seemed to be polished, and it looked as if a professional had built it, as he stepped closer and soothed his hand over the wood, he was surprised to feel how smooth it was, looking around the perimeter to see that it even had windows, and that the roof was flat. Astounded, he could say nothing as he looked it over, eyes wide. Chuckling, the smaller man took his hand, smiling at him again.
“Want to go inside?” Holding onto the teacher's hand tight, he could only nod dumbly as he was lead inside. The inside of the treehouse was as impressive as the outside, if not more because of the ornate carvings along the ceiling and walls, the furniture inside being very simple but feeling perfect. Two or three beanbags, a desk, a small fridge - though Goku was unsure how it worked without electricity - and a large sleeping bag, obviously used as a bed. Looking back at the small man, the teen was almost lost for words.
“…Wow.” Chuckling, Vegeta let go of his hand, moving closer to him, their lips close.
“This is my secret place…no one knows about it…except us.” After he had finished his sentence, the older man pulled him close, kissing him as his hands grabbed at the smaller man's waist, the teacher's hands clutching at his back. Unable to stop a feeling of arousal, the teen moved forward, pinning the other to a wall, breaking away from his mouth to lick and nip at his neck, Vegeta shivering and moaning softly as his hands moved to seize his ass and squeeze it. “Y-You like the wall…” There was an undertone of amusement laced into the gasping voice, though it was almost lost to him, the voice filled with thick lust. Growling to himself, he pulled back, tearing off his jacket and flinging it across the room, Vegeta's eyes widening at the display. “K-Kakarott-” He cut the smaller man off with his lips and began kissing him again, his hands moving to stroke over the older's chest, hearing a gasp, shocked as he was pushed away.
“S-Sorry…” He began, but was silenced as the teacher flung off his own jacket, jumping on him and sending them both tumbling onto the beanbags, causing him to groan into the shorter man's mouth as his hands moved to pull at Vegeta's shirt. The teen gasped as warm hands pushed up his shirt and began to caress over his chest, focused sorely on his nipples as he hissed into the mouth attacking his own, finally getting the other's shirt out of his pants, pushing his hands under to stroke over the older man's back, tearing away from his lips to look him in the eyes. “Vegeta…” The hands moved down his chest and slowly made their way to his jeans, unbuttoning them and sliding the zip down slowly, driving him crazy for more as one slipped into his boxers, his breath catching in his chest as the small man's face darkened a little, his hand touching the teen's arousal.
Gasping for breath, the tall teen trembled as the teacher pulled down his pants a bit, bracing himself over him with his spare hand. Shuddering, he moved his arms and clutched at the older man's waist, groaning as the hand began to stroke over his length, biting his lip and tossing his head, his eyes closing. The fondling sped up, and he cried out, eyes shooting open as he came, his face completely scarlet as he saw the look on the smaller man's face. Swallowing, Vegeta pulled his hand from the other's pants, looking at it for a moment, before looking back at him, embarrassed.
Neither of them was sure what to say, but the taller of the two sat up, taking the older's wrist and turning the palm to face himself, unsure but willing as he began to lick the essence from the teacher's palm, not noticing the look of shock on his face as he finished, licking over the palm once before kissing it and letting go. Time seemed to stand still for a moment, then the shorter man moved close, kissing him gently, the younger's hands moving to grab the older's ass, moving to turn them over and press the teacher into the beanbags.
A thrill shot through the teen as he found himself on top, in control of the situation, Vegeta not protesting at all, looking up at him coyly, the teacher's hands tugging at his shirt. Obliging, he sat back, pulling it off and tossing it to the side, feeling oddly nervous as he looked down at the other, unbuttoning his shirt and pushing it open so he could look at the teacher's chest. He moved his hands to stroke over the smooth skin, watching as the older man arched up into his touches, gasping, enjoying it. After a while, his hands found the black trousers that the teacher was wearing, and he swallowed, looking down to see a bulge in them, his face heating more as he looked back at the smaller's face, seeing his cheeks red too. Reassured that he was doing well, the teen opened the teacher's pants the same way his own jeans had been undone, and instead of just putting his hand inside, he moved back, pulling them to the older man's knees. Moving even lower, he pulled off the teacher's shoes, throwing them to the side as well, before yanking the pants off completely, panting.
“K-Kakarott…” Looking up, the tall teen saw something that made him want to laugh good-naturedly. The teacher wasn't wearing any underwear. Merely smiling in response, the teen turned, throwing the pants onto the ever-growing pile of clothes, moving up the smaller's body to gaze into his eyes. “Kakarott…” A soft look came over the shorter man's countenance and a hand moved into his hair, pulling him down for a kiss, the smaller body rubbing up against his, causing him to hiss at the friction of his underwear on his re-hardening arousal. Glancing down again, he paid attention to the smaller man's cock, his face heating as he stared at it, never really having seen one except his own before. He had to look back up when he heard a chuckle, his cheeks going redder as he saw a smile on the older man's face, looking embarrassed as a hand swept through his hair in what he could only describe as a loving way.
Shivering, he pulled back and pulled down his jeans, exposing his boxers to the older man as he kicked his jeans to the side and knelt between legs that had just parted for him. Nervous, he moved to kiss over the smaller man's chest, hearing a soft sound of encouragement as he licked over a nipple, feeling the body shudder underneath his own. Becoming a little more bold, he kissed down the other's stomach, licking at the soft skin, before he finally went low enough to examine the erection properly, feeling sinful being there, just being with the other man and doing…this…
But it felt good.
Gathering his courage, the teen moved and ran his tongue along the tip of the other's erection, hearing a gasp for his efforts and loving the way it sounded so strained. Smiling for a moment, he bent and licked over the base, trailing his tongue to the tip slowly, hearing a bitten-off cry from the smaller form, closing his eyes and attempting to take it into his mouth. He stopped when he felt nervous again, just letting it stay in the heat of his mouth, a whimper coming from the teacher, a hand burying in his hair. Shuddering, he began to suck, not completely sure if he was doing it right, rubbing his tongue around the hardness in his mouth, hearing another cry before the hand in his hair pulled his head away, Vegeta's face completely flushed.
“What's wrong?” Goku managed to pant out, looking worried that he had done something wrong when the smaller man shook his head.
“N-Nothing…I-I just want…more…” The teacher gasped breathlessly, his cheeks burning scarlet as he whispered the next part. “No more teasing…please…” Nodding, the teen sat up, offering his fingers to the smaller man's lips, who blinked, then took them in, licking over and through them expertly, making the younger man feel somewhat odd. What if Vegeta compared him to Cell…? There was no way he would be better than him…he hadn't don't this before… As if sensing his panic, the older man let go of his fingers, turning his face to the side and moving his legs to give him better access. “…Please…”
Calming himself, the teen moved his damp fingers down, pressing them to the opening they were to go in, shivering at what it was, moving his eyes up to meet Vegeta's, seeing nothing but encouragement and lust within them, and oddly feeling like that wasn't enough. But as he looked over the smaller man's squirming needy body, watching it shudder and writhe…he decided it would have to do. Swallowing, he began to push two fingers into the teacher, biting his lip as he felt heat on his fingertips, blushing at how tight it seemed. A soft moan met his ears and he looked up at the older man's face, seeing how much he were enjoying it, and pushing his fingers in deep at the sight, watching the gasp and arch of the other's back.
“…Vegeta…” He looked down to see his fingers as deeply within the other man as they could be and went red, looking back up at the smaller's features, trying not to think about what he was doing as he drew his fingers back and began moving them around, his face darkening at how it felt in there. Pressing his fingers against a particular place made Vegeta cry out and clasp at the beanbags, shuddering and tossing his head as the younger of the two licked his lips and continued to rub against it, hoping it was good enough for the more experienced man, and by the way he was squirming and crying out, it seemed as if it was.
“K-Kakarott…” It was a whimper that came from the teacher's lips as he gasped and tightened around the taller's fingers, opening previously closed eyes to stare right into the teen's pair, shivering. “P-Please…I…want it now…” Face scarlet, Goku pulled his fingers out, not daring to look at them for fear of what he would see as he slowly pulled down his boxers, looking so unsure of himself that the smaller man couldn't help but smile. “You're doing well…” The boxers were kicked to the side and Vegeta gasped as his legs were parted wider, his cheeks burning as the teen moved between his legs, his erection pressed to the short man's thigh, making him moan. It was at this point that the older man realised how selfish he had been so far. The younger had been doing nothing but pleasuring him from the start, and it was unfair that the other had gotten nothing in return…
However, there was nothing he could do about it now.
Not with the teen so close and gasping, about to plunge into him.
The smaller man bit back a howl as the younger of the two pressed into him, sweat dripping off his forehead and landing on the teacher's chest as he paused, panting at how tight the other felt around him, shuddering and biting his lip. Two words repeated themselves in the teenager's mind as he tried to steady his breaths and stay on his knees. So tight.
“…Vegeta…” Shuddering over the other man's lithe form, the teen looked down, panting as the other looked up at him, moving a hand up to cup his cheek.
“Kakarott…please…” The older man squirmed a little under him, moving his legs to grab his waist and pull him in completely. “Uhhhhhn…” Gasping, the younger man trembled further as he was fully sheathed within that tight heat, closing his eyes and trying not to whimper at the feeling. Being compared to Cell or not, he felt like he had something to prove to the other, and what he lacked in experience, he would try to make up for in enthusiasm. Drawing his hips back, the teen heard a gasp, before he plunged right back in, his movements hard and a little erratic as he leaned down to pant against the smaller's neck, thrusting his hips into him a bit faster. “O-Ohhh…K-Kakarott…” Vegeta moaned under him, his arms grabbing at the taller man's back and pulling him closer, the teacher's head turning to give him more room to manoeuvre his own head. Shuddering, he started to lick at the older man's neck, all too aware of the hands on his back scratching at him, the legs tightening around his waist and making him feel dizzy as he pounded even faster, burying his face deeper into the older man's neck to try and block out his own sounds of enjoyment. “Ah…ah…ah!” However, the teacher wasn't hiding his at all, moaning and gasping into his ear, just driving him on.
“Mmmmn…Vegeta…” He whimpered, licking over the soft skin he could reach, going scarlet as he was pulled down, even closer, the smaller man's erection trapped between their bodies, going even redder as he felt it throb against his skin. Moving his head back to gaze at the older man's face, he could see how desperate the teacher was himself, smiling to himself as he panted, holding back and shoving his erection in hard, gauging the shorter's reaction, watching him cry out, his name ringing through the wooden building.
Kakarott!” The hands on his back tore ruthlessly at him, causing him to gasp as he felt himself begin to bleed, shuddering and tilting his head to kiss the man under him, getting a very enthusiastic response. Their tongues tangled together manically as the taller moved his hands to grab the other's hips, pulling them into his thrusts, needing to feel more friction on his erection, trembling as the smaller man's legs tightened around him and he couldn't help but whimper at the limit it put on his thrusts, gasping for breath. “Ah! More!”
Trembling, the teen could only try to fulfil his teacher's needy demand, putting all his strength and effort into thrusting, looking like a madman as he pushed deep each time, gasping and closing his eyes again at the feeling. The heat around him tightened and he shuddered as he heard a yell - his name again - and the hands on his back scratched harder, making his face heat up unbearably. Groaning, he looked up to the smaller man's face and shuddered at the look of pure…desperation in the teacher's face, seeing and feeling like he was about to explode.
“V-Vegeta…” He whimpered, not wanting to climax before the other, pressing their bodies closer to give the smaller man even more friction where he needed it. The older man clung at him, bucking his hips up, and they both cried out as it just caused Goku to go deeper, eyes wide. “O-Oh Vegeta…” Burying his face back into Vegeta's neck, the teen trembled, unable to hold on for much longer, thrusting hard and fast, grabbing the teacher's hips harshly. Howling, the teacher clung to him, tossing his head and gasping as he climaxed, triggering the younger man's orgasm as he tightened around him, both sets of eyes closing. “Vegeta!”
KAKAROTT!!” Panting, the pair fell into a sweaty heap, the taller of the two unable to get up, panting to get air back into his lungs, the man underneath him reaching for him and holding him close, looking dazed. Kissing the teacher's lips softly, Goku relaxed and nuzzled his neck.
He didn't know if there was something he should say.
Shivering, he realised that he might be crushing the older man with his weight, and, cheeks flaring, he held onto the teacher's hips, rolling them over and looking up at him quietly. He didn't feel ready to pull out yet. The look on the smaller man's face was one of surprise at the change, and the teen soothed his hands over the shorter's waist and smiled, quite content with how things had gone, but really wanting to know what the older was thinking.
The younger man didn't ask however, as he didn't think that now was the time to, whether it was or not. He thought that it would pressure the other man into saying something positive, and if it didn't, then maybe what would be said would be something he didn't want to hear. Sighing, he quickly turned his head and looked over to the pile of clothes, noticing something on top of the table that he hadn't paid attention to before, swallowing.
“Ah…why's there a condom in here?” Goku looked back up at the teacher, who appeared to have paled, getting off of him and making him sigh, feeling a bit rejected. Vegeta moved over and looked at it, sitting on the floor nervously, looking at him.
“…I forgot the condom…”
The teen could have laughed at this point. What the hell would they need a condom for anyway? Was the teacher going to magically get pregnant? However, he restrained his laughter and blinked.
“Does it really matter?” Vegeta looked up at him calmly, crossing his arms in a protective sort of way, holding his biceps quietly.
“Well…that depends on you…” Tilting his head, the taller of the two tried to figure out what the teacher was talking about, sitting up in a shaky way, his body not wanting to obey the commands of his mind. Shaking his head and uncrossing his arms, the older spoke. “Have you had sex with anyone else?”
“W-Well…ah…um…” Goku stuttered; not knowing why it would even matter, embarrassed to admit that no, he actually hadn't, not wanting the more experienced man to know. Rubbing the back of his neck harshly, he looked down, unable to look at the other as he shook his head, knowing that his face would be a dark crimson by now. He had wanted to talk a little, but not about something like this…
When the shorter man flung himself into his arms, he wasn't sure what to say, the look of relief on the older man's face making him feel better and hug him back.