Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out of my Head ❯ Out of my Head ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Out of my head

Love, that's a word that's tossed around quite a bit and sometimes its misused the real purpose of love is show your emotions and, care towards someone you feel deeply for that's true love but people don't always see it.

It's probably the most powerful emotion alive and its something that if we feel we should definitely not ignore it for when you find your true love, the warm and wonderful feeling it brings to your heart is simply indescribable.

This very subject has been racing across 2 young minds and those minds belong to Gohan and Videl Satan whose friendliness has gone bit further, being young kids they aren't sure if there ready for love but well let's see…

A burst of massive sunlight poured into the room Gohan yawned a deep and regretful yawn not wanting to open up his deep black eyes to the sun's shine,

Gohan mumbled in his sleep turning over in his silk white sheets groggily.

Totally unaware that both his mother and little brother Goten were staring at him obviously seeing "He's not getting up mom" "Don't worry honey, you just have your breakfast mom's always know how to wake up their sons". Goten nodded giggling happily and rushing off to eat his breakfast while Chichi took in a huge breath screaming to Gohan at the top of her lungs, "VIDEL IS IN TROUBLE" like a rocket Gohan leaped out of his bed white.

"OH Kami what happened is she hurt, did she break an arm, a leg who did it oh let me AT EM I….." Gohan gulped and turned whiter then his sheets, Chichi was tapping her foot with arms crossed frowning at her panicky son. Gohan laughed nervously thinking to himself "What a total idiot STUPID, STUPID oh crap the time school mom Videl" "Bye" is all Gohan could say.

Before Chichi could raise her finger to shout endlessly at her son Gohan had flown out the window putting his clothes on (In mid air mind you) zooming, at maniacal speeds off school Chichi was stunned at this "Well that works".

Gohan's thoughts…

Man what a bad joke just to get me up I'd be worried about anyone if he or she was hurt I mean why pick Videl its not like I love her or I uh…… ACK, I just said love I meant like I really like her I mean DOH what is with me? Truthfully I do like her I mean what's not to like she's smart, serious, strong and my Kami is she beautiful wait…hold on could I be in…nah…could I?

After surviving the embarrassing ramblings and yells from a teacher which made Gohan more blushed in the face then a tomato the only upside to it, was that Videl wasn't there to see it luckily she was out to the bathroom. She returned and Gohan's face instantly lit up though he tried his best to hide it. Videl turned up her blue eyes and spotted Gohan staring at her very odd like.

Gohan gulped and hid his face behind a book repeating softly to himself "She didn't see me she didn't see me" Videl shrugged and went to her seat, but even though he felt stupid Gohan's heart was beating a mile a minute. His eyes watched her beautiful face smile in a sweet adorable grin her black hair so clean and gorgeous her eyes like stars shining in the night right now, embarrassment was the last thing on his mind only her but he shook it off.

"Glad that's over so Videl how's your day been so far?" "Pretty good and yours?" "Feeling like a dork getting here late never gets any easier even, doing homework felt less annoying" she giggled he couldn't help but blush. Even her laugh sounded like a sweet song that made his heart soar to the heavens Ireeza raised her blue eyes to this and smiled as lunch came around, "So Videl what do you think of Gohan?" "What do I think I uh…." "YES".

She asked slyly Videl poorly hiding her own rosy blushing cheeks from this "I think he's pretty smart kid & cool" "Oh come on you know what I mean", Videl looked to Ireeza as she nudged Videl "You like the hottie don't you?".

Videl gasped "Hottie Ireeza you make it sound like I'm dating him" as their conversation continued heating up with every argument Videl could find, denying everything she never saw Gohan coming to sit down with them.

Gohan "Hey gu-" "ARGH LISTEN IREEZA my personal life is my own and I AM NOT dating or liking any weirdo geeky guys like uh…..Gohan", her mouth barely uttered the name out at sight of his now shocked face. "Gohan look I" "No Videl it's… all right I forgot my lunch anyway…bye" but before Videl could tell him he had his lunch in his hands he had left, everyone was staring at her she frowned screaming "WHAT" they stopped.

Gohan simply walked down the hallway not wanting to tarnish his father's image by crying over a simple name call he thought to himself "Nice job, I'm such an idiot if I hadn't been bugging her and asking her so much stuff. And constantly be around her I wouldn't have made her hate me KAMI I hate myself" he brushed back his tears and finished his day trying not to cry, finally it ended he flew back home Videl gasped as she saw him take off.

"I could catch up to him I…. No I better not I already hurt his feelings wait I…hey it was just an accident" she shook her head flying home too already, Gohan had landed to his home and dried his tears so not to worry his mom. But still he felt hurt inside that Videl really thought that he said to himself "Maybe it's not her fault but mine I've never actually seen how I act out, maybe I do look geeky and weird" he sighed and instantly laid on his bed.

Over and over he replayed the image of her beautiful sweet face in his mind loving her features but hating her words but still he wondered who's at fault, maybe he did act stupid if he only "OoF" "Didn't you get enough sleep?". Gohan turned to the side and smiled at the childish laugh adding his own at sight of his brother Goten with a pillow in hands "Come on Gohan train me, I want to buff up like you HIYA" Gohan laughed "Be out in a sec bro kay?"

Goten nodded responding with a giggle as he went outside in a rapid hurry past his mother who spotted Gohan following Goten as well "Oh Gohan, I forgot to ask you sweetie how was school today?" Gohan gulped his throat. "Oh it was just fine mom same old boring day" no way he could tell her how it really went she nodded smiling "Don't train too long after I finish laundry, dinner will be done soon" "Okay mom" he kissed her cheek and headed out.

"Okay squirt let's see your little legs and fists stop me now" "Little legs why you" a barrage of laughs and attacks was unleashed by the 2 young brothers, though no matter how many fists flew Gohan's head was totally off adrift. "Videl was right I totally got to change tomorrow I'll make it up to her" Gohan nodded thinking to himself with encouragement "I'll do anything, just as long as she knows how much she means to me and how much I care".

Gohan and Goten trained on till the sun's golden sunshine rays dazzled the blue sky into a night of stars and planets of breathless beauty no words, better described the lovely Videl who felt deeply the same way for Gohan. Even after staring at the sky from her window after a nice long hot shower combing her silky soft black long hair with her brush humming to herself, and with her father babbling about being the best still Gohan was in her.

Videl's thoughts…

I don't get it I mean of course I feel bad for saying those things but its hurting me like he means more to me but…doesn't he? I don't know I mean, he's not geeky at all he's handsome and yet so much stronger then me but. At the same time he's gentle as a lamb I've never met a sweeter sweet heart in my whole life…nah who am I kidding he probably hates me after what I said, *sigh* if he only knew how much I care and worry about him… oh Gohan.

Videl grunted and slapped her soft cheeks knocking some sense into herself "Videl Satan your no coward all this time I've been so worried about myself, & my feelings but not his" she stared her baby blue eyes deep into a mirror. Thoughts racing she laughed a bit realizing something so many boys at school told her how beautiful she looked how brilliant she was & strong but, it didn't mean anything nothing at all and it wouldn't unless it came from.

She swooned and dropped her back lazily onto her bed in her pink nightgown giggling like the little girl she felt she was when being around, "Gohan" she sound with a sweet smiling sigh only his vote counted only his. Her long milky slender legs dangled from her bed her blue eyes blinking a thousand times and the same image of that sweet simple boy came back, "Tomorrow I'll apologize to Gohan & prey to Kami that he'll lo-…like me".

With final images of their romantic sweet hearts fresh in their young minds Gohan and Videl dreamed away dreams of romance, love, hugging, holding, even a sweet kiss oh neither of them could wait for that day to come to love.

Gohan's thoughts…

Videl a princess so beautiful and strong, flying high beside me in the heavens of angels like her…


Gohan my brave handsome prince risking his life to keep me safe, holding me in his warm arms…

Oh Videl…

Oh Gohan…

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing

Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while your far away in dreaming…

To be continued…