Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Ten
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Special Thanks to: Dragon77, Zofo, and Dori Productions
Help by: Julesie
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: This chapter contains mention of sex, as well as witness of the act, description, and whatnot. If you are under the age of 17, please avoid the fruity bits. If you are 17 and older, read at risk. And to let you know, when Goku sees this, he is not referring to a sex life with Goten or Trunks. But for all you fans of Goten and Trunks, I didn't forget you.
To Reviewers: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. Here is the next chapter. We finally reach Planet Vegeta. And might there be another surprise that can turn Goku's world upside-down?
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. Here is the chapter I promised, which finally reaches the planet. There is a spoiler in this. The real question would be:
Is there something in here that could make Goku question is loyalty to Vegeta? And is there a possibility that they are not as they have told? Are they not true mates?
I peered out at the dark corners of the cave. I had woken a few moments ago to the sound of birds chirping. Piccolo had come back with many good things for Vegeta to eat, and he had felt fine enough to get himself up to eat. He had let me sleep, figuring I would need it. It had been one disaster after the next. It was about time we got prepared for the trip. I had thought it over a lot in the dream world. I could wish for the planet back and wish for everyone, and I could also say “put us there too.” But wasn't that not a wish? I don't know. I know that you can't wish for more wishes. That has been a rule the entire time.
A groan alerted me. He turned over, looking at me with those piercing black eyes. I stared back in wonder. Was there something wrong that he was giving me such a cold, emotionless stare for? His eyes shut, and I saw a small frown on his face. He was neutral. It was just a little thinking going through his mind. He wasn't used to big, huge moves that would become permanent. He didn't handle moving to Earth so well. He took control of Bulma's hospitality very well, though. Made me wonder if he always did that on Freeza's ship, or was it out of habit, a Saiyan trait he could not delete. “I was thinking,” he started to tell me, “what would happen if we die?”
I allowed myself the gasp that threatened to come out of my mouth, and I saw him look at me with wonder. He wanted me to answer. I honestly didn't know. “Freeza would probably win.” He disregarded this sentence. What was he looking for? “Everyone would be helpless,” I mentioned, “without the two strongest Saiyans alive.” He didn't even make an attempt to remark at this. While we had disagreements on this section, we both had to agree that - together - we were the strongest warriors alive. Whether the humans believed us or not, we believed it - no, we knew we were. We could kill Hercule with a flick of our finger. “What are you so worried about? I'm not going to die again.”
“Sometimes I wonder if you want to die,” he remarked. I was rather shocked, considering that I had never given much thought to how Gohan and the others felt. If Gohan really did love me because of my kindness, then he must have been all alone once I died. My son wanted to have sex with me. That's not exactly what I would presume is normal. “I wonder if given the choice, would you rather die?”
His question ran through my head a couple of times, and then I shook my head. I cupped his bronze cheek, illuminated by the firelight. “I have nothing left to worry about, no more holding me back to say this; but I have always loved you. I think from day one that I first started to get to know you, fight you, and (don't hate me) kicked your ass; I started to understand the Saiyan in me. It was a little bit at a time, but Kakarrot slowly started to come out after I defeated Raditz.” I looked down, rather nervous about mentioning my brother. It was a solid object to not mention about my brother. After I found out the secret to his relationship with Raditz, he had a dark hatred every time I brought it up. “After you came down, and destroyed your partner, I actually realized that I had had dreams about you. I mean, do you believe in life-mates?”
“A little,” he admitted silently. He looked rather thoughtful. “I had some dreams about you too.” I blushed. Obviously they weren't sex dreams at such a young age, but one could still dream. Still, Vegeta had always seen me as a lover, yet I kept confusing that for hate and need to destroy me. However, during the tournament, I had been blinded by everything going on, so much so that I didn't notice when his heart changed, feeling as though he were left out. He wanted just three moments alone with me, to tell me how he felt, nothing more. I guess I asked for what I got. “But they weren't serious.”
I gazed at him. “The dreams weren't serious?” He nodded slightly. I looked down. If they weren't serious, it meant that someone else was his life-mate too. Wait, what if Kakarrot was the other? We are two different beings in one body, one created to uphold the other. That made sense. “What about another Saiyan? Did you have dreams about another life-mate?” He didn't answer, looking away in fear of saying something wrong, this allowed him to shift himself onto his other side. He was facing away from me, completely ignoring the question. “You did have a dream about another, didn't you? Who was it? Raditz, Nappa, my Saiyan, or was it Brolli?”
Silence overtook both of us, but I saw a slight nod. My mouth gaped, yet he did not turn back around, and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Piccolo was watching through slit eyes. “I had a dream about your Saiyan during the time I was under Freeza's control. After we fought Brolli, I had a nightmare, that was it. I never had a dream about Brolli. I never had a dream about any other Saiyan but you, and your Saiyan.”
My mouth closed, and I saw Piccolo close his eye, losing interest in our conversation altogether. I slipped the covers off, pulling some pants on, for I had joined him in all my naked glory, a suggestion from Kakarrot during his little fever. Now that it was over, I needed to dress. I slipped the obi through and tied it harshly. Once I had my pants on firmly, I pulled my boots on. Without turning in his direction, I made my way towards the bag I believed the balls were in. I shook the bag when I didn't find them. I thought we had all seven balls! “Piccolo, where did you put the Dragon Balls?”
He gazed at me in shock, eyes wide, and his mouth was agape. “What are you talking about? They're in there.” He quickly corrected his words, “they should be, unless Goten and Trunks took the bag with them.” He placed a hand over his face, realizing the two boys had said they would be going up to make sure Dende was okay, and that Freeza had not gained control of him too. I forgot that once we were sure Vegeta was safe, I slightly heard Vegeta say that they should do this, for they would need the boy's healing power. I understood this. “They won't be returning for a few hours.”
“What's a few hours if Dende is there?” Vegeta asked, looking up at him. He was still wrapped in the sheets, but he was sitting up, exposing some of his naked body as well. The green-man blushed purple at the realization of this. “If the boy is okay, we have our healer. You are coming, aren't you, Namek? You plan to use one of their spaceships to return to Namek, don't you?”
I looked at him in shock. My mouth became dry. I never found Piccolo to be a true friend, but when Gohan fell in love with him, I became more used to his company. I found that going against my son was worse that loving his choices. Besides, his heart warmed Piccolo and changed him. After he got done with the training, and Gohan took on Nappa, Piccolo had no doubt that he had rubbed off on Gohan.
That didn't change for how he acted inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He was more fatherly-sonly with me than anyone else. He was rather surprised when I aced my level up to Super Saiyan 1.5 before. I call it 1.5 because it wasn't Super Saiyan 2 and it wasn't a useable form. It was too bulky, and that would've been my huge downfall if I had fought him. I mean, as much as it was huge and bulky, I could do that in Super Saiyan too, and in normal form. I felt myself blush as the thought with Vegeta in it made me feel hot. If my body became bulky, then that would become bulky too. That would result in a little lovely pleasure for the both of us.
I placed a hand on the bed, and I touched lips with my prince's for one instant. “I'm going to go out and find Goten and Trunks. We will rendezvous here in about a few hours. I expect that you will get cleaned up. Piccolo can take care of you and Vegeto until then.”
“I do plan to do that, Goku,” his voice went through the air, making me gasp. “No matter if Gohan comes out of this or not, I do not belong here. I will be leaving for Namek as soon as we touch down.” I look down, knowing that deep down, my son will be hurt by this option. Gohan liked Piccolo. I mentally shook my head. No, he loved Piccolo. They weren't separate beings any longer. If I was correct to assume… “We are mated. And I hope that Gohan will follow me once he returns to normal. I don't like Earth all that well.”
I frowned. “Gohan wouldn't want to go to Namek. It is too harsh for his Saiyan body to handle. The weather conditions, plus the fact it has… I never did check up on how many suns New Namek has.”
Vegeta cleared his throat, attracting both our attentions, “exactly four.” He turned to look at Piccolo with sold black eyes. “He wouldn't go because his Saiyan body couldn't cope with the way Namekians live. They do not eat, only drink. They do not sleep, merely rest. It is something that he could not do. I am sorry,” he apologized, “I know how you feel, but he would rather be apart from you than risk his body's dehydration. It is suicide.”
Piccolo dropped his head in silence, understanding the severity of the situation. If Gohan would not return to normal, then he would do anything to let them die together. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and then I proceeded to wrap my arms around his body. It was a friendly hug, the same kind that I gave to Bulma when I came to visit. It had no sort of attachments to it. “If you have to kill him and yourself to be happy, don't hesitate, Piccolo. I understand how you feel.” I closed my eyes and shifted the hug into a loving, demanding hug, as if I was hugging my own mate. This showed him a sort of compassion that he missed in his mate. “Love is too deep to let go, Piccolo. I know how you feel.” I smiled. “Because I feel it for Vegeta.”
The green skin that covered his body shivered below me, and I felt that something was utterly wrong. A moment later, I felt tears soaking through my shirt, and I sensed that I was subjected to making him feel better. Vegeta didn't even move. While Gohan was a good kid, he had issues unresolved with his mate. I stroked Piccolo's back in a sensual way, trying to make him feel better, to comfort him in the best way I knew how. I wasn't very good at comfort and whatnot, so I had to try so hard. “He just up and let that monster control him. That is not Gohan! You know him, Goku!”
“I know,” I dragged the conversation to an end.
I had finally placed him in Vegeta's care and taken off to find Goten and Trunks when I heard two groans in the area. I scouted around, hearing them louder in the west section of the forest. I wondered for a moment if the enemy had found us, but as soon as I walked out into the open, I saw them. I never meant to see them.
Goten was on top of Trunks, his hands wrapped firmly around Trunks's thighs, pulling him closer, all the while maintaining a slow, torturous pace. Trunks seemed to not mind, for his head was thrashing back and forth. This situation kind of reminded me of Vegeta and I. While Trunks was older than him, he was also an inch shorter, and his power had decreased (due to Bulma) over the years, so he was the uke. It was just as natural that one of my children was stronger than… I covered my mouth as I realized what I was saying. All too soon, I heard the satisfied scream reach my ears. Trunks's back arched like a bow, and he covered their bodies in a sticky mess of seed and white, hot cum. I watched with fascination at how this affected my son. He howled, thrusting harder, nearly breaking the boy's hips, and buried himself in the younger prince as far as he could, and let loose a low growl, releasing his own hot seed into the man.
I was amazed at how much Vegeta and I looked like that, except the fact we interlocked hands as a show of love and devotion (and trust). It was something he and I did together. I realized that not too far from Trunks and Goten were the Dragon Balls. I snuck by, placing my ki high enough for them to know I was there, and that it was me taking the balls. Both acknowledged this, for their ki rose in understanding.
I slid the balls towards camp. I would never forget how they mated. I would forever burn it in my memory, whether or not I wanted to. They weren't passionate like Vegeta and I were; more or less they were aggressive. They tore at each other. They weren't loving and caring, not even nurturing. All they did was fuck. They were mates, but they merely rutted like animals in heat. It was expected of two teenage boys wondering about their feelings. I expected as much, but to watch as my son did that to… to Trunks. It was amazing. I was utterly proud of my son.
His power was so strong and he held Trunks so captivated by his love, and there was a small, unnoticed (by the naked eye) emotion in his eyes as he pounded into the other boy. It was love. I recognized it because I had seen it in Vegeta's own. That lovely feeling, that sense of belonging, and that sense of need, want, and love. It was all too clear to me. I recognized that form of love. It was not casual, nor was it primal, but unconditional love for the human soul. That was true love. I believed it. My son really does love Trunks with all his heart.
I placed the balls on the ground and smiled. It was time to make my love permanent too. I called upon the Dragon, raising my hands to the air, shouting, “Shen Long, arise!”
Darkness clouded the sky, and I noticed that a yellow glow overtook the darkness. Winding cords extended, that yellow glow only becoming lighter, and I noticed that in seconds, I was staring at Shen Long's face. Piccolo and Vegeta had rushed out, meanwhile, Trunks and Goten raced over, fiddling with their clothes. Both boys looked like a mess, and the evidence of their lovemaking wasn't even hidden. As I ignored all of their surprise, I realized how huge Shen Long really is. He is about the size of 2000ft building. It is rather amusing how much bigger he is than our Oozaru form.
He wasn't actually happy to be awakened, having possibly been in a good sleep, dreaming about a female dragon. His voice was harsh, speaking, “I have been summoned to grant ye three wishes.” I was aware of this. Now, how did I phrase those wishes before? “What are they?”
I opened my mouth, forming words with my brain as I spoke, “my first wish is that Freeza is to be returned to Hell and to restore Gohan (and the others) back to themselves, as well as lock Freeza's soul away forever!”
His eyes glowed red, contemplating such a huge wish. Even Piccolo was trying to read my words over, carefully examining the way I put the wish. Finally, Shen Long's eyes glowed dark red, answering, “it shall be done.” In the next few moments, we waited for him to tell us when he was done. I felt Gohan's ki return to normal, and I felt Freeza's scent disappear, and finally, I felt everyone return to themselves. Kuririn was no longer in trouble. Phew. “Your wish has been granted. State your next one.”
I crossed my arms, thinking. How do I form this one? I have never wished so big before. I want our planet back, plus everyone, but how do I say it? Okay, I think I have a way. I unfolded my arms, smiling lightly. “My next wish is that Planet Vegeta is restored, including all life, and Raditz, Nappa, and the King. That is the next wish.”
His eyes glowed red once more, answering, “it shall be done.” Thank God. There isn't a time limit on how far back it went back. That meant that if Raditz already went through the cleanser, he should come back to the planet as a different person. His red eyes became normal again. “Your wish has been granted. Now, state your third and final wish.”
I gulped. The big wish. Our tails, his virginity, and to return to our home planet. How do I phrase this one? It has to all be one wish. There is no using the Namek Dragon Balls. I don't have the power to travel so far and I haven't speaking to Kaiou-shin in so long. It wasn't worth it. I had to make this one a one wish only. “Okay.” I sighed, slumping my shoulders, cooling down. “How do I phrase this?” I gulped, “my final wish is this: I wish for Vegeta and my tail to be returned, and restore Vegeta's virginity, and finally, I wish that me, Vegeta, Vegeto, Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Bra were on Planet Vegeta.” As I finished the wish, I breathed harshly, trying to catch my breath.
Piccolo looked confused as he heard that I wanted them on the planet with us. I don't mind. Besides, Piccolo's my friend. I wouldn't leave my son here, not with that Mizuki guy. Too bad that I couldn't fix things before.
Shen Long's eyes glowed once more, answering for the last time, “it shall be granted.”
Darkness started to become the only thing I could see, and I heard Vegeta grunt, kneel over, holding my shoulder, and I worried. Was there something wrong? As soon as the darkness faded, I opened my eyes swiftly, shooting up. A crowd of people raced back, shocked. Where were we? A single man moved through the crowd, coming towards us, and he looked familiar, not to mention he had Vegeta's looks down completely. Only he had a beard. I shook my prince's shoulder, waking him from his slumber. “We're here.”
He nodded and sat up, annoyed I woke him from a great, pleasurable sleep. “I was sleeping, mate. Geez…” he took one look at his people and closed his mouth, “…mate, are we there yet?” I nodded briefly, and he noted that a man was approaching. He immediately stood, and he stared at this new man, a small smile on his face. “Father…” he said. I let my mouth fall open. That explains the resemblance. Vegeta turned towards me with a small smirk, talking to his father, “this is Kakarrot.”
“I'm sorry, who are you?” he asked, confused. I stared in shock. He was his child, right? “I don't have kids.”
Vegeta looked at him in shock, stuttering, “you don't remember me, the son you sold to Freeza?” Remembrance suddenly came over the King's face, and he hugged his son harshly, asking what had happened. I felt left out. I looked around and I noticed that my sons and friends weren't anywhere to be found, and the only one I found was my son, Vegeto. I picked him up, standing. “You see, what happened was that I was raised under Freeza's command, and the planet was destroyed. Now, I later met Kakarrot.
“He proved to have power that was equal to a Super Elite at first, so I tried to make him join me against Freeza, but he refused. Said that his “Earth” was more important. After he beat me, and let me go without killing me, I charged at Freeza, and lost. I died, and he wished me back. We went through a couple of years together, and I finally found myself in love with him. I had dreams about him on Freeza's ship, that means he's my life-mate. He is a third-class though. And we have a kid.”
The King cleared his throat, attracting his son's attention, “maybe we could talk… inside.”
Vegeta smiled and nodded, motioning to me, which I followed with caution. Something about his words surprised me. What father would want to discuss this matter in private unless they felt shameful of their son's decision? Once we were inside, closed doors and windows, boarded so no one would hear, the King cleared his throat. “So, this man is a third-class. What was his last notable ki reading?”
Um, I don't know the answer to this one. The only answer I can come up with is “I'm a Super Saiyan 4.” This drew the King into shock. He had not known of the Super Saiyan legend becoming true. /Vegeta, somehow I get the feeling that your father doesn't like me./ Vegeta wrapped a hand around mine, holding me still. I held fast, understanding. “I ascended out of anger for my hurt comrades and my prince's death. It was during my battle and revenge against Freeza.” This note just made me hate what I had to say next all the more. “Vegeta was killed at that time.”
Nodding, the King looked to the prince with wonder, “what is his ki reading?”
Gulping, Vegeta picked up the scouter and placed it on his face. /Power up, Kakarrot. Show my father what you can do./ I was hesitant at first, but I automatically started to show my true colors. Rich, dark power overflowed through me, and I felt ki all around me. My black hair slumped over my shoulders, and I grew red fur, my tail becoming red, and I stood, firm and tall as a Super Saiyan 4. The scouter actually survived the power up. “His full power would be… 145,000,000,000.”
The King's mouth almost hit the desk at the notion of this. “What is your power, son?”
I took the scouter from Vegeta, placing it on my face, and I watched as he reached all the way up to Super Saiyan 2, reaching his limit. He could never reach Super Saiyan 3. Damn it. I wish I had helped him more, that way he wouldn't seem so pitiful. “His power reading is… Vegeta, what does yasi yasu mean?”
He looked at me in shock, but King Vegeta knew right away what it meant. “You only have 5,000,000,000? Are you weak? Did you think you could show your face back here as such a weakling!?”
Not knowing how to make this situation much better, I crushed the scouter, and I slammed my fist on the table. “I am Vegeto's mother!” It wasn't my ambition to claim to be the submissive, but in places like this, lies were necessary. I just wished the planet back. I didn't want to have to return to Earth the same day. Vegeta needed his father. Both looked at me, Vegeta's eyes were mostly wide in realization of what I was doing for him. “I am Vegeta's bitch.” I felt disgrace already, but it wasn't true. I am not his bitch, he's my mate, and he is the submissive. Never once did I refer to him as my bitch. “I decided to become his bitch after—“
The door to the palace slammed open, and a guard stalked in, whispering into the King's ear. What was it? Was something wrong? The guard raced out afterwards. The King didn't move for a while, his eyebrow twitching. “The kid is from my son's womb. Kakarrot, you were born as a dominant male. As for you, son, you are a disgrace.” The King smirked a little, as though he had a way to excuse it. “If Kakarrot really is beyond the Super Saiyan and the Saiyan Elite, let's see if he can kill like a Saiyan. Tomorrow, I will hold a competition, and if Kakarrot can kill three hundred creatures and destroy a whole planet by the end of four hours, he will be updated to a Prince. Understand?”
I looked at him, eyes wide, mouth agape, and Vegeta looked at me in shock. No way! I couldn't kill! I was known as the most gentle, loving man in the universe! I wasn't a killer. I can't kill. “Kill?” I asked. “Can't I just… pass a test of power?”
“That test was just proven,” the King retorted, “now you must kill.” The King cleared his throat yet again. But I had my sights set on what that would mean for me. Death and destruction were two things I just did not do. It went against my code… plus, if Vegeta was right, I was a Heaven no Tenshi. If I killed, I would be forced to be stripped of my wings. Which I had asked Piccolo about while taking care of Vegeta, and he told me that the stripping of wings refers to a humanoid punishment - such as: rape, torment, force to kill others, drinking the blood of your fallen comrades, and result in being bathed in their blood. If the person who made me do these things does not do any of these, he is killed by God. I wonder if it worked for every God. “You will have to kill them. I don't just mean ki blast them. You have to go down there and shed their blood. I want to see it all over your hands when I get there, you hear me?”
My eyes were wide and even Vegeta felt the effects of what he said. Those words stung my soul. A pure soul would be forced to destroy and pillage like a villain. This was not right. I was still a Heaven no Tenshi. I had not killed enough yet to be stripped of my wings. “Isn't there another way?” I asked.
“No,” the King replied, taking out a long pointer, “and the planet you will purge first is Earth.” My eyes were really wide this time, and Vegeta sensed that I was about to say no to the whole operation, whether the bastard killed us or not. He placed a mental comforting hand on my barrier, keeping me in line. This wasn't good. I have to kill my own people (or so I saw them as that), and listen to them scream while I kill them? I have to rip them apart and watch them bleed. “I want every last human dead by the time I reach Earth to check up on you. I will be three months behind your ship. If you have not completed the task within then, your little child will suffer the consequences.”
I stared in utter shock. He was putting my child on the line to destroy a planet. I thought this was about me becoming prince so that Vegeta wasn't a disgrace. I guess there is more to this. As much as I hate to do it, it is the only way. /Gohan, Goten, Trunks; can you three hear me?/ I called to them through our Saiyan bonds. The boys answered quickly, as though they were awake and nearby. /Listen, keep an eye on Vegeta. We're at the palace. If his father does anything to him or the child, let me know right away. I have to go on an important mission./ I looked down, accepting what was left of my life, and I scowled in hate. “I will do it.”
Vegeta looked in my direction, rather shocked that I gave up so easily to his father's words. “Kakarrot, you are an innocent Saiyan, you cannot kill. You are a Heaven no Tenshi.” I know that, Vegeta. This will destroy everything.
“Heaven no Tenshi?” I heard the King mumble in shock. You mean, he knew about the Angels of Heaven? I guess that means that he won't force me to do this. If he knows of the punishment, perhaps he will see it fit to not force me to kill. “I see. You are a Heaven no Tenshi? I guess that means that spraying innocent blood on your hands will destroy your soul.” My prince stared, too shocked to say anything other than what he said, and he glared. The King seemed rather shocked to hear this news. Then, before either could run the thought across, the King smirked. “Now, all of our people have someone to bow to. You are the Heaven no Tenshi. The first one in seven hundred years, and you might be the last one for the next seven hundred years. That is good. You are definitely worthy of my son. However,” the King finished his statement.
I stared, shocked as I heard this notion, and I opened my mouth, whispering, “however?”
Vegeta gaped his mouth in wonder, also whispering, “however?”
“You must prove it to us,” the King stated, “and that test will be that you are baptized by our holy water.” I wondered for a moment if I was still pure enough to do the test. I mean, I only killed Chi-Chi out of cold blood, not anyone else. But was there a fine line between killed in cold blood or planned? I don't know. I suppose there might be. If so, I might lose my wings at the ceremony. Could I risk that? “If the water burns you, you have been defiled, and you will be marked as a Fallen Heaven no Tenshi, which will result in you and your mate being executed.”
I jolted at the mention of this. “Executed?” Both of us? He would kill his own son? That is insane. He is utterly disgusting. I can't believe that he would do this to poor little Vegeta. He deserved an appraisal from his people, and now they treat him like dirt. I can't listen to it anymore. Vegeta is screaming in my mind, telling me that he thought his father loved him, and that he would come for him, but never did. This explains why. I slammed my fist on the table, startling him. “You listen to me now. If it weren't for my prince, I wouldn't have destroyed Freeza. You guys would still be dead, and nothing would be the way it is now. Would you have liked to stay in Hell!?” The King's mouth shut in fear, as though he knew that I could very well send him back there. I saw Vegeta gape his mouth and mentally stop the threat, but I silenced him. /If he executes us, our child will have no father and he will kill it. I will not allow him to do that./ He stared in shock, not even daring to attempt his argue. “If you don't accept that I will be prince, I can have them put you right back in that grave!”
I say the King nod, not hesitating. He didn't want to die. No one ever truly wanted to. King Vegeta made his way over to the royal throne, picking up the other crown that was there. I smiled, feeling like I had more pride than any person in the world. I watched as the crown came closer to my face, and he presented it to me. “Bow,” he demanded. I did as he commanded, and the crown was slowly placed on my head, the carrot gold was illuminated in the firelight of the candles around us. Vegeta was bursting with joy as he saw his father smile weakly. “Welcome to the palace, Kakarrot. Your father, Bardock, will possibly want to see you.”
“Well, I have noticed something very rich,” I admitted with a small smirk, “Bardock is Vegeta's father too, isn't he?” The King looked astonished as he heard this. Vegeta heard this and his eyes widened. He had not noticed this before. He had smelt his father, but the scent of me did absolutely nothing. I guess it wasn't obvious that my father was his, but siblings didn't matter on Planet Vegeta, that is why we brought Trunks and Goten along. “What a pity that he had to die. But I did wish him back to life. If you want my father to accept you back, you will agree to these terms: My planet, Earth, remains safe. My sons and Vegeta's son, along with a few others we brought with us, remain safe and here in the palace. And, last but not least, you have to claim that I am a prince, and that Vegeta is not a disgrace. Do you hear me?” It felt so good to threaten. I had never done that in my life, not truthfully. I did it with Vegeta, but that was stupid.
The King settled himself on the floor and sighed, knowing that he could not fight, nor could he defend his honor when he loved his mate so damn much. I guess Saiyans did have hearts. I always thought that because I cared about someone other than myself, I was the outcast. But then again, Vegeta had always told me that I was a lower class idiot, or along his insults about being a left-behind. I never understood how a left-behind could possibly attack a elite - no, prince - and come out on top the way I did. Of course, I should think about that before I say it. I didn't kick his ass. I barely managed to send him back to the planet he came from at that time. But the second time he attacked me, I could've kicked his ass, but by that time, I loved him too much. “I guess I can go for those rules. However,” he began, placing a hand on his forehead, sweat beading, “what are you going to do about that child? Surely you won't tell everyone the truth?”
“Tell them that I am the dominant?” I regarded the odd question. Would I tell everyone the truth? I have no pride and no shame to hide, but my prince - so loving, beautiful, and full of pride - could not possibly hide his anguish if I told them. He had too much pain already hidden in those dark depths. I don't think I could pressure him much more. But if he hated me for it, I could never forgive myself. I mean, my prince is like my God. He has always been there for me, taken care of me, even in the most embarrassing moments, and he may have complained, but he didn't laugh at me, not the way the whole Saiyan planet would laugh at him. It was different. I just couldn't tell them. Not yet. I dropped my eyes, answering, “no.”
Vegeta looked rather shocked to hear the word leave my mouth. He had possibly guessed that I would, seeing as how I was hesitant to tell our family and friends about our sexual contact. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and held him close, making sure that he and I were cuddled together in a hug with the baby in-between us. “Kakarrot?” he spoke my name in a question.
I did not respond, as I usually did when he spoke like that. It wasn't meant to be a question for me to answer, merely a regard that he was confused. If it went right, I could show him with gestures or with my eyes, which I found he was understanding my emotions more. Plus, if anything needed to come, we had the link between our minds. While our minds were linked, our hearts weren't.
We exited the chamber and the King ordered Nappa and Raditz to show us to our rooms, which we were staying in one, but I didn't care. If they gave us two, I would take the biggest room with my little prince. I want to remain with him. I could not understand how our mating had not completed. I did everything as Vegeta told me. I even let Kakarrot out, and yet, it was not completed. Was it something that required me?
“Here you are,” Raditz bowed, “your room.” He opened the door and Nappa bowed, and I looked up, noticing the crown still on my forehead. I smiled. It was like a backstage pass to everywhere. Vegeta shifted into the room, needing change the baby, but I didn't move. I wanted to speak with Raditz… alone. I excuse my brother and I, walking a few inches away, just within hearing of normal speaking. I merely wanted to whisper. “Is there something you needed, Kakarrot?” he whispered. “I know that you are mad that I—“
“I forgive you, brother,” I interrupted him, shutting him up quickly. I swallowed thickly. Perhaps Raditz could tell me why the mating was incomplete. I just don't know what I've missed. We made love - mated, whatever - and we did everything else! So what was I missing? “I want to know, Raditz. I let my inner Saiyan go when Vegeta went into heat, and… when I came out of it, the mating was incomplete. I can barely sense Vegeta's thoughts, let alone his feelings. Did I miss something?” I whispered my questions.
His mouth gaped, stuttering, “y—you mated Prince Vegeta?” I glared at him, as if saying it wasn't the statement of the year. Even Nappa must have known of our passion when Vegeta told him “bye-bye” and blew him up. It wasn't like no one had known. This wasn't new news. It was rather old. “Okay, I get it,” he waved his hands with a small chuckle, “you must think I should've known that. But I've been dead for thirty years almost. Nappa didn't tell me anything, and Vegeta didn't talk to me when he reached Hell. He rarely ever stayed around. Must be `cause I reminded him of you.”
I nodded. “Even so, the mating did not complete.” I looked down, hiding the hateful eyes behind my bangs. I hate the fact I have to ask my brother for tips. I just don't know about Saiyan mating and whatnot yet. “Is there a reason?”
“You followed the instructions—“ he stopped short as he realized Nappa was looking this way. “Do your job.” The brute looked away from us. Raditz sighed and looked at me again. “Did you follow the instructions down to the last note? I mean, did you allow your inner Saiyan to take over? Because, if you did and you marked him, there is a possibility that when he marked you back, he was unsure. That could cause rupture in the mating. It could also cause for one partner to lose fertile seed. It is odd, but it has been proven.”
I read over his words carefully. If this was true, then that would mean that Vegeta was unsure about our coupling. If that was true, what could I do about it? I mean, I loved him, but I couldn't tell him that I didn't like this. I wanted full access to his mind, if I had to ask for a key! I wanted to understand the enigma that was his strange, Saiyan mind. If I couldn't, it wasn't worth it. I nodded, making my way back into my room, and the two closed the door.
We both dressed for bed, deciding that with so many blankets on the bed, we would sleep naked. It would reveal a side that the palace had never seen. I was about 14” long and 3” thick. No way could my grit not fascinate someone. Meanwhile, while my mind raced with questions about what Raditz had said, Vegeta was feeding the child his milk before bed. I had not spoken a word about breast feeding the poor child from his nipples. As weird and… disgusting as it sounded, the baby was fed, and that was all I cared about.
I shifted onto my side and gazed at his beautiful form. “Vegeta,” I spoke his name, which he turned to me, acknowledging he heard the seriousness in my tone, “when we mated… When you marked me… did you mean it? Were you unsure at the time?” His eyes darted to the side with a sense of silence. He didn't have to answer. I jolted up suddenly, lucky I was in a position to do so. “You were unsure!? And you went ahead and marked me!? Why didn't you tell Kakarrot? He knows that certain things are bad!”
“I couldn't tell you or him, and especially not him.” I closed my mouth, waiting for the excuse. I didn't like where this was going. “The first time we mated, Kakarrot… you were loving and gentle with my body. I didn't like Kakarrot's touch. It was harsh and demanding, and I did bleed. It was not the one that I wanted. If I marked you at that time, only Kakarrot would be my mate. I wanted to wait and mark the true you. The one that I am forever exposed to.” I felt my heart start to beat fast. He was making my heart swim in delight. “I like the you that is gentle and nice to me. Freeza was mean, and I didn't like that. I was raised with pain. I don't need any more, Kakarrot.”
I slowly turned him towards me, Vegeto in-between our hugging bodies, and I pulled the blankets around us. We were shielded from all manners of things. I snuggled into him, accepting his words, whispering, “good night, `Geta. But do remember that you have to fully mark me later.”
He smiled and dozed off. I soon followed suit, having had a long day of surprises. But I liked this…
We are home…
Where we belong…
Author's Note: Well, we are getting more into terror and hitting the edge on the spot. Amazing how the original was 10 chapters and the second version only hit 7 chapters, and this one is on number 10, yet just now reached the planet. I wanted to extend this fic out for more personal fans. I mean, the original was what? It seemed that they always argued (which, by the way, they do a lot in the English version), and they kept bringing issues back up (which Vegeta just can't let go, always wanting to kill Goku… You know where this is going > . >). But looking at the fact that in the old version, Bulma was the one who changed King Vegeta to hate Vegeta, but in this one, Bulma is still good, and Gohan turned evil. It had to be closer to home to hurt Goku.
You might get a surprise in the next chapter. Plus, Goku will meet an old friend who he forgot about when he wished on the Dragon Balls. As well as a new reunion between a father and son. And what became of the others?
If you want to ask, I can't answer all these questions, but I can say that the “old friend” is your favorite character, Julesie. You like him better with Vegeta and you can't picture him with Goku; so you can guess pretty quickly.
As for the rest of you, if you have the time to review, please do. I do accept flames. Anything that will inspire me to keep going, for I am in a little depression. Just lost my job. > . > (Sighs) But I am okay still. No illness at least.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions