Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Interlude One: Piccolo x Goku ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Interlude One
Piccolo x Goku
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Assisted by: Dori Productions
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
POV: Goku's POV. Piccolo: seme, Goku: uke
Warning: There is sexual content in this interlude. If you are under 18, please avoid fruity bits. If you are 18 and older, please enjoy the fruity bits. Thank you if you have read this warning.
To Reviewers: I know what you are thinking: “Oh my God! Piccolo and Goku have sex in this interlude! Disgusting!” But it is possible. I mean, the guy's known Goku for years and they are friends. It is just Goku fulfilling his promise to Piccolo. No smut, and no cuddling, just a raw fuck. Ya gotta love me!
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for the wonderful reviews, and here is the next installment. The 1st interlude. It's a Piccolo x Goku with Piccolo being seme and Goku being the uke. If you need directions on what those two words mean, I will upload it on my profile. I mean, that is a little confusing. Enjoy the fruity bits. No smut, no cuddling, just raw fucking.
I walked into the one room down the hall I thought I would never see. While the skins of animals were banned on Planet Vegeta as show of their catches, the skulls and meat were not. While on other planets, meat would rot away, here it would stay fresh for days. I found the smell to be disgusting, for I had not lived around this kind of meat. Piccolo had decided to partake in the Saiyan tradition by keeping the skulls of wild animals around. Vegeta and I found that the smell caused us to puke, also made the baby hate being around us, so we didn't do that. I didn't hunt anymore.
I taken up the tradition of allowing others to cook and clean for me. I used to fish in the mountains and I could cook a raw fish, but nothing else. Maybe I roasted a boar once, or a hog, but I never once learned a tradition of bringing even the fur home as a place mat. I had respect for all creatures. I never hunted them down with a rifle, I didn't pick off the weaklings, I waited for them to reach their death points. I could sometimes smell this, but I could now sense the ki fade as well.
I found that not only did the smell make me want to puke, but it also made me want to go on a rampage, want to kill someone for doing this to an animal. “If you want, I will delete the smell with some air freshener.” I turned to stare at the Namekian. His appearance was much different than the room he was in. He was changed from his usual wear to a pair of Saiyan's nighttime shirts and baggy pants, a simple hat covering his antennas. I could tell he was fitting in right at home here. “I may seem like I like this place… but Gohan and I do plan to leave with a year's supply of food. Plus a little more for the trip.” I looked sorrowful, as though I hate him more. He's taking my son away for good. “I have taken into account of how Gohan will survive. I am not heartless anymore, Son.”
I covered my mouth at the stench, turning away from him. “Could you just make that smell go away?” I asked politely, though the roughness in my voice startled him. He smiled a little. Namekians didn't have a keen sense of smell, but great hearing. He walked around the room with Febreeze and sprayed everything. As the smell waved away, I took my hand away and breathed in the fresh smell of the air sanitizer. I knew that the canned crap only worked for about thirty minutes, but that would be fine. I don't plan on having sex with him in here. I have a room all planned out down the hall, compliments of King Vegeta. “Thanks.” He smiled again and sat on a stool, gazing out the window. “Deserts aren't really much to look at, huh?”
“It has its own beauty if you would just go outside,” he mentioned, looking at me. I have to say that this is the first casual talk we've actually had. Next to when we were training before the androids. We had only minor talks then. “I've been out there. It's hot, but there is so much more. I never realized how much Vegeta was right about his planet.” I smiled. Yeah, he had a rough, arrogant heart, but he had never lied. Planet Vegeta did have a certain beauty about it. “But with two suns and two moons, how do you tell when it's time to sleep?” He cocked his head over at me in question.
I faked a small frown, but made my way over to him and sat on the other stool close to him. I made no attempt to answer his question. I placed my chin on his shoulder, gazing out at the desert sky with a soft smile, my two hands on his arms lightly. “Piccolo,” I whispered, “I made a promise to each of you… not just one of you.” He sent a gaze in my direction, but it faltered with the understanding in my voice. He knew as well as I did that I always follow through with my promises, he just wished that he wasn't the one who had to initiate it. “You are taller than me. I would rather you fuck me. I don't want to do you. That's just too disgusting.”
He sighed, whispering, “I know that.” He looked at me with a dark passion in his black eyes. I could tell that he had hidden passions for this idea, but had hidden it incase he messed up everything with the one he truly loved. “I have deflowered your son. Forgive me.” Why should I? Vegeta always had a point about making friends with you. You had tried to kill me at one point, yet you failed because you were between wanting a real soul or giving it to the devil for good. You hesitated. That's why I always forgive you, Piccolo. “Who would've thought that training your boy would end up like this? I wouldn't have thought it. I learned to love.”
“I guess I knew,” I smirked lightly. He did not mention anything more in that conversation. The strangest part was that it had turned into a conversation. How odd. Guess I never wanted to talk with Vegeta during our times alone. I merely wanted to make love with him. Maybe, just perhaps, we needed more of that. I smiled softly, looking up at the Namek for the first time with understanding. “Perhaps you've hidden that you've wanted me all along. I am strong and beautiful. Perhaps you love me. But the part of you that hides it is the part of you that loves Gohan. I love him too, but only as a son.” He doesn't answer. “I love you too, but not the way I love Vegeta. If there was a comparison between those feelings, Vegeta's is the deepest. I love him to the end of the Earth. Sorry.”
He finally looks up at me, standing at last, and I hear footsteps, but not only that, I watch as he approaches me, staring deeply into my mystic orbs. Piccolo? His lips brush against mine so lightly that I nearly melt. Kiss me harder, you bastard. He becomes bolder, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to him, our erections connecting, and his one hand entangles itself in my hair, deepening the kiss. His tongue enters my mouth as I gasp in shock. It is pink and twists so delightfully with my own. How is he doing this? I guess I have wanted him sometimes too. I just didn't realize it.
His other hand finally lowers into my tightly tied gi pants, stroking the hard arouse there. Oh, my God! I nearly yelp as he pinches my head harshly. I make a harsh cry into his mouth and shift my hips away. That does not feel good. He opens his eyes, which I can see because mine have shot open, and apologizes with a few lovely licks across my tongue. He breaks the kiss, kissing along my jaw line to nip the shell of my ear. This feels rather good. I like the feeling of being secure in someone's arms.
He rakes a nail over my tip, causing me to nearly fall into his arms. He knows that, because I'm Saiyan, I'm more sensitive than a human. He does know that since I'm full Saiyan, it affects me more than Gohan. Or… he should know. I fell into his arms as he removed my shirts, licking his way down my chest. He captured one of my nipples in his teeth, occasionally biting down with a little more force, but not sinking his teeth in. It was a blissful feeling that caused me to cry out each time. When both were erect, asking - no, begging - for more attention, he moved on. He slipped the obi loose, the pants falling like there was nothing else holding him away from his prize.
He pulled down my boxers, revealing a rather large erection. I finally realized that once again, I had turned Super Saiyan 4. Why do I always do that once I get turned on? “I see that the Saiyan in you wants to join in on the fun. That's what this transformation means. Kakarrot wants to join you.” I see. Welcome, Kakarrot. I can almost see Kakarrot smile at me (or smirk, I don't really care). “That's okay, I'll accept you anyway.” Okay. I didn't move out of his grasp as he laid me on the beautiful mattress in his room. Was he sure he wanted to do this here? I don't think I want to be here when the smell of rotting flesh comes back. “I merely need thirty minutes. You can get out of here before the Febreeze wears off.”
“Good,” I whispered. His nails trailed down my sides, making me whimper in protest. I need him to touch my erection. I need some relief from this. His lips curve into a dark smirk. “Piccolo… just finish me… please…”
He looked at me with a little confusion in his dark orbs. “Finish you?” he asked lightly. He looked down at my bleeding erection, which had a bunch of pre-cum leaking out. It was almost like a water fountain. Amazing; how I had gained so much pre-cum with only a few minor touches. Only Vegeta had this kind of effect on me. “I see. You want to finish early.” He licked his lips, and, before I could wonder what he meant, I saw plain white. It was so damn delicious. His mouth on my erection nearly made me cum at the moment he touched down on it. He pulled away, frowning as he heard me scream with pleasure. “Keep it down and do hold back. I want you to be good and ready when I fuck you, Goku.”
I nodded with a small blush at the harsh realization. He would be fucking me. There was no love in it, but it was what I had promised. His hands gripped my hips and held me down as his mouth returned, slipping up and down my huge dick, making more pre-cum spill. My hands treaded out on his head, trying to hold him there, just to give me the ultimate pleasure. If only Vegeta was the one touching me… I would enjoy that scenario a lot more. He nipped on my head roughly. “Piccolo! Please… stop being so rough…” I warned him.
“I apologize,” he muttered against my hardness, “didn't realize you were so sensitive.” He nipped on the head a little, making me gasp with pleasure, and I whimpered, squirming in his grasp. “Ah, you are Saiyan. That explains it.” I withered in his arms and prayed that he would make me feel greater than my time with Brolli. The simplest touches make me so damn happy. He placed to fingers against my lips. “Suck.” I did as commanded, coating his fingers with a lovely haze of saliva. He slipped them in and out like another part of his anatomy would do to my ass a few moments later. Those fingers were removed from my mouth at a sharp moan.
“Piccolo,” I moaned lightly. He smirked at me, realizing I was perfectly ready. He slipped one finger into my ass, and the other soon followed, stretching me, making me go insane, as I just wanted him to fuck me. “Please…” I begged.
“You have no patience,” he told me with a frown. I nearly giggled. Yeah, I do sound kind of impatient, but you are making me feel so good. I just want more and more. There isn't enough build up yet. Please, I need more, Piccolo. “I can almost tell every word you say in your mind by the look on your face. If it is what you truly desire, Goku, then I will.” He pulled his fingers out, and, without any form of lubrication, pushed his full length into me. My head snapped back in a harsh moan. He smiled, a low moan leaving his lips. “A lot has changed since Brolli raped you, hasn't it?”
I nodded. He started moving rapidly, striking the pleasure spot in me, which I tried to piece together was my prostate. Oh Gods, I love it. The feeling became larger with each thrust of his hips. Each minor thrust nearly drove me to insanity. His length filled me so blissfully. Now I know what Vegeta felt when I was inside of him. God, I love it. No matter how much I get, his thick length just pushes more into me, making me squirm and wither with need. I love him, but not that way. I just love that he is the one doing this. Preparing me for that thick length of Brolli, I just know that would hurt. I guess I should thank Piccolo for this pleasure. “Piccolo… ah…” I cried out. I guess I'm not much on coherent words right now. Strange, I've never had a problem before. /Thank you, Piccolo./
He smiled against my neck. He heard me. His thrust quickened as his panting began to reach my ears. He was close. I felt my own orgasm approaching too. I may not be much on graphic detail, but the moment it hit, my saliva exited my mouth and made its way down my chin. My eyes rolled back in my head as the waves go through me. My back arched as completion hit me. My hands fisted in the ground, fighting for something to hold onto as it washed through me. My walls clamped down on his erection, forcing him to thrust harder and faster towards his own orgasm. The feeling only grew until it cascaded through me, making me jerk.
Seed sprouted out everywhere, and I screamed his name to the Heavens. “PICCOLO!!!” I slumped in his arms, feeling him jerk against my touch.
My hands caressed his face as I watched him cum into my ass, the warm liquid making me groan in satisfaction. It was the best time I've had with someone in me yet. No one will take your place, Piccolo. You showed me what pleasure can be like this. It is okay to be bottom sometimes, to be uke. I don't mind now. “Goku… oh…” he moaned as he came down from his orgasm, resting his head on my shoulder. He huffed, sitting up suddenly. What in the world? “Too much damn fur,” he mentioned.
I laughed, “sorry.” The form had not vanished, for I still had some life left in it. As long as I was bottom, it would still be there. I rubbed the back of my head and laughed lightly, getting the humor in his joke. “I know that this might sound idiotic, but that was fantastic, Piccolo!” He blushed thickly at my words. I dropped my innocent bystander and frowned slightly. He noticed the change and figured the argument would come. “I can't fight with you for Gohan… but please, take good care of him.”
He looked away with a small sorrowful look and nodded. “I will do my best.” He lifted my shirts up to me, smiling. “That was fantastic,” he repeated, “but not much compared to Gohan.”
I glared at him, “he's my son. Watch it.” I slipped the shirts on, and pulled my gis up, making sure to clean the mess off with a towel. I wiped my ass gently, knowing that I was defiantly sore. He went pretty hard. As soon as I was finished, I left the room without another word. That was all I could do to mesh everything back into place. I couldn't tell Gohan. Not that his father just got fucked by his mate. I walked down the hallway with a new goal in mind. I would make everyone happy today.
Not just myself. And not just for myself. But for me and Vegeta. As our last parting gift to them all.
Author's Note: I'm not good on uke POVs, but I managed to pull it off, didn't I? This one is dedicated to Julesie, though by the time it's on the site, she will have sent me scans of a doujinshi of Piccolo x Goku. However, while this couple is hard to find, I thought that filling this in here would be nice. Want to know what that warm liquid is that comes into Goku's ass? Well, a lot of you mentioned that he is asexual, so that is merely warm water (starts cracking up), just for the fun of it!
I hope you guys enjoyed this one, for it is the first of about seven or eight one-shot interludes. Then comes Chapter 15 and onward. I just did this for the fans.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions