Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Plotting to Win ❯ The Remains of the Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z and its characters are owned by several people, including Akira Toriyama, Shonen Jump, Bird Studios, Toei, Viz, and Funimation. In other words, it doesn't belong to me. No money was made from the creation of this story, and in fact money was lost from the use of utilities needed to power the laptop I work on.
Plotting to Win
by Lady Lark
Chapter 5 - The Remains of the Day
Goten grimaced as his stomach let out another loud growl. The coffee cake he had wolfed down in the first few minutes of his flight home hadn't stayed with him and in fact only made him hungrier. He had lost count of how many times his stomach protested the lack of food. Goten figured it was about once every five minutes. He glanced at the sun and then down at his wristwatch. It was mid afternoon and aside from the coffee cake, he hadn't eaten anything since the party the night before.
His stomach rumbled once again. Goten frowned but continued his flight. In his haste to talk to his brother, he had forgotten his wallet and cash at home. Sighing, he studied the landscape beneath him. He was closer to West Capital City and his apartment, than his parents or anyone else he could count on to feed him. He debated briefly about dropping in at Capsule Corps, but decided that it wouldn't impress Bra to have a potential suitor freeloading off of her family. Not to mention, that he and Trunks were on opposite sides for the foreseeable future.
The thought of Trunks brought up another issue. The bet itself, or rather the rules and rewards. He knew the rules - seduce and bed Bra in a month or less. But he didn't know what the reward was. Replaying the conversation, he realized that Trunks had never specified anything. He knew that he had to talk to Trunks soon about this otherwise the bet was meaningless. He was not about to incur the Briefs family's collective ire for nothing.
Noticing that the landscape beneath him had changed to a more urban area, Goten slowed. He didn't want to over shoot his apartment and have to double back. Veering to the left, he followed an expressway for a little while before beginning his descent. A few minutes later, he landed on his balcony noting absently that he had left the doors standing open in his haste. He chuckled at the mental picture of launching himself into the air the French doors swinging back and forth in his wake. Pulling the doors closed behind him, Goten's eye was caught by a rapidly blinking red light on his nightstand. It was his answering machine signaling that he had six new messages.
He decided to listen to them later, food came first. He snagged an apple from a bowl on the counter and wolfed it down spitting the seeds into the sink. He started to reach for another one, when he stopped and reconsidered. He didn't want a snack, he wanted an actual meal.
Goten bent down and pulled the rice cooker out from the cupboard under the sink. Then he opened the pantry. A bag of rice, several cans of vegetables and a spice packet got set on the counter behind him. He started the rice in the cooker, then walked over to the answering machine.
He pressed the play button and the electronically enhanced voice told him he had six new messages. He snorted - like he didn't know that already from the display on the front.
The first call was a hang-up and Goten sighed in frustration. Why did people bother to call and not leave a message? The machine beeped as he deleted the message.
“Hello, this message is for Goten Son. This is Denia from the flower shop. I just wanted to let you know that the flowers you ordered were delivered successfully. Hope that you have a good day!” Click. Goten smiled as he hit the delete key. At least Bra got his flowers - he hoped that she liked them.
“Hello Goten,” a sexy voice purred through the answering machine's speaker. “This is Wida, we met at the party last night. I'm so sorry I missed seeing you off but I guess something came up. I was hoping that we could go out someplace for a drink. Either that or you can swing by my place for a nightcap. I am certain that we will have lots fun either way. Call me if you're interested, you've got my number. Just don't keep me waiting for too long.” Click. Grimacing down at the machine, he debated saving the message. Dr. Black had all of the ear marks of a man-eater - and in general he didn't mind those. They were great in the sack and put out with no strings attached. But with this bet hanging over his head, he didn't think screwing the woman would win him any points in either Bra or Trunks' books. With a little sigh, he deleted the message.
Click. Another hang-up.
“Goten, where are you? This is the second time I've tried calling today. Pick up the damned phone!” the voice of Paris, one of his ex-girlfriends, said in annoyance. “Look, I want to apologize. I was wrong and I'm sorry. Please call . . .” Beep. Goten punched the delete button in anger. He had loved Paris, he really did. He'd even stopped seeing other women once they had become `exclusive.' But she didn't believe it, and their relationship ended after six months. He still was angry about how everything went down, and to hear her say that she was in the wrong didn't make him feel any better.
The final message was another hang-up. Probably Paris again, although he didn't really know.
He eyeballed the rice. From the looks of it, it would be at least another 30 minutes before it was ready. He had plenty of time with Super Saiyajin speed to help him and he could use the time to wrap up a few loose ends.
First to deal with Trunks.
Goten called Trunks' mobile communicator figuring that his friend would be out. Trunks picked up on the third ring.
“This had better be good,” Trunks answered.
Goten grinned. “Hot date?”
“I'm not you, dimwit. I've been attempting to not have the shit kicked out of me for the past six hours.”
“Dad caught me playing hooky from the office today and decided that if I was going to shirk my duties there, then I had plenty of time to devote to my warrior's training.”
“That'll teach ya!”
“Yeah, yeah I know. So what do you want? The longer I spend away from my `training' the longer my punishment later.”
“Acting as Papa's training drone. I've already got an hour of that to look forward to. So spill or I am hanging up right now.”
“Okay, I got it. What are the stakes for this bet?”
“What the fuck!?” Trunks spluttered out.
“You know, what I win when I bed Bra?”
“Uh-huh. You mean what I win when Bra sends you packing for being a shallow egotistical git.”
“Hey, I am not egotistical!”
“I'm your best friend, naturally I overlook some of your flaws. But Bra won't. Consider that a freebie. So the stakes. . . what do you want?”
Goten blinked in surprise. Normally, Trunks had something in mind when he challenged Goten to these bets. Leaning against the wall, he considered the question. Money was right out. He didn't like playing for money -- it wasn't nearly as tangible as other things and he felt that he was using Trunks. Food was always an option but it felt like it was the cheap way out. Then, he had it. A slow grin spread across his features.
“How about that souped up air car of yours?”
“How `bout you pick something else?”
“Nah, I think I want that.”
“Fine. In return, when you lose, you have to be my personal assistant for a year. You can be the one to deal with all of the annoying women in the office. Not to mention the meetings from hell.”
Goten groaned. He really didn't like desk jobs but he really didn't have anything else that Trunks would want. “It's a good thing that I don't plan on losing, otherwise that would really suck.”
“Yeah, well, I'm gonna enjoy having you has my office minion.”
“In your dreams.”
“Was there anything else you wanted or can I get back to my training?”
“Yeah, you can go. I need to get something to eat. I haven't eaten all day and if I don't get some food I am gonna collapse.”
“You didn't eat! You must be really distracted by this bet.”
“Go get your ass handed to you. I'm only sorry I ain't there to watch.”
“Bite me,” Trunks said good-naturedly and hung up.
Goten smiled at the phone and muttered, “Bastard” under his breath.
After setting the phone down on the kitchen table, he pulled out some meat from the fridge and a few more fresh vegetables to go with the canned ones. He pulled out two cutting boards and selected a knife from block on the counter. In about a minute, he had a pile of neatly chopped stir-fry fixings. He bent down to get a wok from the cupboard when the phone rang.
He stood up abruptly, banging his head into the edge.
“Ow! Fuck!” he yelled, grabbing his head with one hand. Lunging for the phone, he picked it up on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Hi, Goten?”
“This is Bra.”
“Bra! Hey! I was just thinking of you!”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah.” He paused. “Well, actually, I was thinking of you more like ten minutes ago. Then I started making dinner, and well, you know…” he trailed off.
She laughed. “Yeah, I know. Never stand between a Saiyajin and his dinner. Otherwise, you could end up losing a limb or worse.”
“What would be worse?”
“You could end up dinner.”
“Ew. I don't think I'd ever be that desperate.”
“Remind me to tell you about some of my father's purging missions.”
Blinking in surprise, Goten said. “I'm surprised he told you about them. Or that your mother allowed it.”
“Actually, Mom's okay with us knowing about our father's past. She said, so long as we didn't try to repeat it, it wouldn't do us any harm knowing our history. Besides, she said, it would help us understand him better.” Bra paused. “Papa was more reluctant. I think, he wanted to protect me from the monster he had been before he met Mom. Keep me innocent. But then Trunks pointed out that if we had known about all of the enemies that Goku accumulated over the years that we might not have gotten so complacent. The same thing is true with Papa. Papa made a lot of enemies during his time with Freeza. It's only luck and my father's reputation that have kept most of them away. And I'm babbling.”
Goten chuckled. “That's okay, I don't mind. I suppose you could look at it that way. I think that my Mom and Dad just wanted us kids to stay innocent for as long as we could.”
“Hmmm. . . Interesting. We will have to discuss it sometime. Anyway, that's not why I called. I wanted to say thank you for the flowers. They smell absolutely heavenly.”
“You are quite welcome, my lady.”
“Would you stop that!”
“Will you stop reacting like that when I do?” He turned back to the cupboard, fishing out the wok he wanted.
“Probably not.”
“Then I won't stop doing it. It's fun. And you look so cute when say it.”
“You can't see me now.”
He set the wok on the stove and turned it on. “True. But I can visualize. I have a good imagination, you know,” he said closing his eyes and picturing Bra naked.
“You are so not going there.”
“Too late,” Goten teased, pouring some oil in the pan to sauté the meat.
“I also owe you an apology.”
“Oh really? Do tell.”
“I called your place a couple times today wanting to thank you, but I didn't leave a message. I was chicken that I would sound all corny gushing about how beautiful the flowers were onto some machine.”
Occupied by sliding the meat from one cutting board into the hot oil, he replied distractedly. “Ahhh. So it was you who left the hang-ups.”
“Yeah, it was me. Who did you think it was?” she asked archly.
Goten swore under his breath. He had to be careful now. “I didn't know really. I thought it could have been a wrong number or Trunks calling to have me play hooky with him,” he answered.
“Hm, okay. So whatcha doing?”
“Making dinner.”
“You can cook?”
“No. I like them okay for a snack. But I really wanted a home-cooked filling meal.”
“Why didn't you just go to your parents then?”
He shrugged. “Didn't want to be an imposition. You've seen how much my dad eats. Well, I don't like to spring two Saiyajin appetites on my mom without giving her some kind of notice. Besides, I like to cook. It gives me time to unwind at the end of the day.”
“I guess I'm just surprised. You don't seem to be the domestic type. I figured you ate out or at your parents all the time.”
“Looks like we both have a lot to learn about each other.”
“So how about this. We get together some night, when I'm not dying of hunger, for coffee and get to know each other a little better.”
“I think I'd like that. When?”
“No go,” Bra said. “I've got plans. How about Monday?”
“Sounds good to me,” he replied. Goten furrowed his brow, wondering what her plans were. Maybe she was seeing another guy.
Bra's voice interrupted his thoughts. “Where should I meet you?”
Stirring the meat, he thought for a moment before answering. “Do you know the little place on the corner of Third and Arbor?”
“I think so. It's by the used book store a few blocks over from the college. Right?”
“Yep, that's the one! They have the best chocolate cheesecake in town. And I hear their coffee isn't bad either.”
She laughed at his assessment. “Sounds good. Three okay?”
“Sounds good to me. You don't have class or work?”
“Class? No. I graduated high school when I was twelve and college when I was fourteen. But that's a story best saved for some other time. What about you?” she countered.
“I work part time as a martial arts teacher but most of the time I train or prep for the tournaments I compete in.”
“Isn't that kinda counter-productive?”
“Not really,” he answered, his mind turning to the food in the wok. “I'll tell you about it some other time. I'm really starting to feel the day getting to me. You know, I haven't slept yet.” Once again, his tongue got ahead of him. He hadn't planned on letting that slip. But he was tired.
“Get some rest, Goten. We'll talk some other time.” She paused for a beat. “You know, if I didn't know better, I would swear that something was distracting you. I wonder what that could be.”
“No, you don't. You're a very mean woman, Bra. I look forward to learning more about you.”
“Me too. Get some rest. And thanks for the flowers. They really are beautiful.”
“You're welcome.” He suppressed a yawn. “Night, Bra.”
“Night. Sleep well,” she responded and hung up.
Goten set the phone down on the counter next to the stove and finished cooking his dinner. He couldn't wait to eat and finally get some sleep.
It'd been a long day.
“Holy crap, she fucking updated!” Is probably the thought that is going through most of your minds. Well, it's deserved. I am the world's slowest updater and I don't try to deny it. I could give excuses, but really it all boils down to three things: Life, Apathy, and Overwork. Well and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. But we're not going there.
Let's see here. First a thank you - to Rhianikki my semi-kinda-beta. She helps me when I need it. Then another thank you to my reviewers - it's because of you that I don't abandon stories - so rest assured I will finish. Finally another thank you to my readers, I encourage you to leave feedback of any kind.
Hmmm. . . Lets see. The title of this chapter is from the Merchant & Ivory Film with Anthony Hopkins & Emma Thompson. The chapter also ties up a few loose ends and sets up the next few chapters of this story. To be honest, I've had this chapter plotted out for two years. But I've was hung up on the first page - I couldn't get started. And finally I figured it out and Bam the pages wrote themselves.
Oh and I made stir fry while writing the stir fry segments. A yummy chicken szechuan with straw mushrooms and tofu. I love to cook and this chapter gave me the idea for a few later dialogue exchanges.
I am working on other stories right now. Including a Dragonball/Dragonball Z extreme prequel called “How the Dragon Got His Balls Back.” I love the title. Not so fond of the story just yet. It will be a total of four parts where as this fic is currently slated for 20 chapters. Yep, we're just getting started, folks!
Until Next time!