Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Princess of the Saiyans ❯ One Too Many Sons ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Princess of the Saiyans
Chapter 7: One Too Many Sons

Note: Please keep in mind that this isn't in normal continuity. This is the last chapter, hope you all enjoyed it! Oh, and if you like the commentary provided by the heavenly Sons (Goku, Bardock, and Radditz), please let me know. I'm thinking of doing a story just for them...maybe.

<...> are thoughts.

Vegeta was slightly annoyed, and with good reason. Pan was over an hour late for their training session. While it was true he wasn't exactly looking forward to facing her after Trunks had knocked him out cold, he needed to release frustration on someone that would survive the assault. Pan was the only person available.

Upon reaching her room, Vegeta felt sensed both Pan's and his son's ki. <Probably talking about teenager things,> he thought with a smirk.

Vegeta was very surprised to find them in bed together. His blood pressure went down significantly when he realized they were still dressed. Vegeta took several deep breaths, and came to realize that he shouldn't really be upset. They'd both found someone worthy, at least. No ordinary man was going to get his hands on Pan while the Saiyan Prince was alive, and no one was good enough for the young prince. No one but a female trained by the Prince himself.

Of course, he wasn't going to let THEM know that just yet.

Vegeta cleared his throat quietly, counted to five, and roared, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!"

Trunks shot out of the bed and tripped over Pan, who was trying to hide under the blanket.

Bulma came running in behind Vegeta. "Haven't I told you not to yell in...the..." The only thing she saw was Trunks stumbling off the bed, and Pan trying to cover herself up. "Oh...my...GOD. Trunks, how could you?!"

Trunks turned bright red. "Mom, Dad, it's not what you-"

Vegeta silenced him with a glare. "Pan, get dressed and meet me outside."

"Yes, Sensei," Pan said quietly, lowering her head.

"And as for YOU..." Vegeta looked at Trunks again. "I'll deal with you later."

Trunks swallowed noisily. "Yes, sir."

Vegeta turned and walked out of the room.

"You really handled that better than I thought you would," Bulma pointed out, staring at him in shock.

Vegeta smirked. "Yes. I suppose I did."

Bulma blinked. "Um...okay."

* * * * *

"I don't like it," Bardock said firmly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"C'mon, Dad! I know Trunks!" Goku smiled. "He's a good kid."

"I think Vegeta hit you too hard," Radditz muttered. "He looks like a hippie gone wrong, with all that purple fuzz on his head! Breeding with humans is hardly ever a good thing...except in Gohan's case."

"Anyway, he's not good enough for Pan," Bardock added.

"He's the Super Saiyan that killed Frieza," Goku said suddenly.

The other Saiyans looked at each other.

"He's perfect for her!" Bardock said at last.

"No one better!" Radditz chimed in. "I only wish they'd met sooner!"

Goku smirked. "That's what I thought."

* * * * *

Trunks watched the battle as best he could. It wasn't that they were moving too fast for him to follow or anything like that. It was just very difficult to watch two people he cared about blasting each other. That, and he was worried what Vegeta might do to him when it was his turn to spar.

Pan raced at Vegeta and tried a high kick, but he blocked it with his arm.

"You call that a kick?" Vegeta asked.

Pan glared at him. "No. I call it going easy on you, old man."

Vegeta's eyes narrowed. "WHAT?!"

"You heard me."

Vegeta growled and hit her in the stomach. When she doubled over, he drove his knee into her face.

Trunks nearly got up then, but he knew he wasn't allowed to help Pan. Being saved would only make her angry, anyway.

Pan wiped some blood away, only to get kicked in the back.

"I taught you better than this," Vegeta said. "Why are you losing so easily?"

"Maybe I don't want to hurt you."

"When has that EVER been a part of our training?" he asked.

"It hasn't. But I AM stronger than you now." She couldn't help smiling a bit.

Vegeta smirked. "So you think."

"No holding back?"

"Agreed," he replied with a nod.

"What do I get if I win?"

He snorted. "IF you win, I won't tell your parents how I found you in bed with Trunks."

Pan glared at him. "Jerk."

"However, WHEN I win, you'll have to fight Trunks next."

Pan's face lost some of its color, but she hid it well. "Fine."

The words were barely out of her mouth when Vegeta was framed by a golden glow. He stared at her expectantly, arms crossed over his chest.

Pan summoned her power and smiled as her flames emerged. "Ready."

Vegeta didn't smirk, smile, or insult her. Instead, he appeared behind her and kicked her in the back.

Pan only turned around, smiled sweetly, and drove her fists into his chest.

A grunt of surprise escaped Vegeta's lips.

Pan quickly formed a triangle with her hands and shouted, "MASENKO...HA!"

The attack carried Vegeta through several trees before it finally exploded.

Pan chuckled and prepared herself for Vegeta's return.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash above her, and before she could look up, Pan found herself on the wrong end of a devastating uppercut. She could hear her jawbones shattering as she was tossed to the ground. She was trying to figure out how Vegeta had moved so fast when he appeared over her. Then she understood.

Vegeta's hair was still golden, but it was closer together, and in larger spikes. Little lightning bolts crackled across his body, and his eyes held no emotion, save anger.

<Intense! How'd he go from SSJ to SSJ2 so fast? I couldn't even sense it!>

"I don't have all day," Vegeta said, frowning.

Pan slowly got to her feet, her jaw already healed, and gradually increased her power, until she was fairly confident in being able to match him. She bit her lip, then appeared above him, catching him off guard with a downward kick.

Vegeta recovered almost instantly and fired a punch at her. His fist crashed into Pan's, and neither of them was affected by the backlash. They were even...for now.

Wordlessly, they landed and locked hands. Pan gritted her teeth as she leaned forward, while Vegeta maintained his angry face and met her power with his own.

Trunks was nearly knocked off his feet by the shockwaves that traveled across the ground.

At the center of impact, Vegeta suddenly smiled and tightened his grip as his power rose.

Pan gasped as she felt each of her fingers being snapped all at once. Before she could cry out in pain, Vegeta slammed his forehead into hers. She stumbled back, but not before he grabbed her head. Pan found she couldn't move as he lowered his head, then whipped it up as he yanked hers down. The top of his skull slammed into her chin, and Pan fell backwards, landing on her bottom.

Vegeta leaped on her and wrapped her in a powerful bear hug. He felt bones breaking and instantly reforming, but he held on, determined that she wouldn't escape him.

Pan struggled in his arms, then raised her power. Unlike her, Vegeta couldn't heal the burns he was getting from their close contact, so she extended them outwards.

Vegeta began to sweat, but his grip did not falter a bit. If anything, it got stronger.

Pan formed a crimson ball of energy in her hand and tossed it up as best she could.

Vegeta suddenly found the flames even worse as Pan began to transform. He increased his grip on her, laughing when she began to screech in frustration. Apparently, being stuck in the middle of a transformation was not a pleasant experience.

Pan beat at him with her fiery wings, but Vegeta held on. Finally, she opened her half-formed beak and vomited fire at his face.

Vegeta had to close his eyes, and he could feel his grip beginning to falter. But instead of letting go, he chuckled. "I win."

Pan suddenly felt her spine snap, as Vegeta's arms became even more muscular. His eyebrows seemed to fade away and a mane of golden hair cascaded past his shoulders and down his back. She let out a squeak of pain before going limp.

Vegeta instantly let go and lowered her to the ground. He drew a Senzu bean out of his armor and pressed it into her mouth.

"Father?" Trunks asked from behind him.

Vegeta didn't move until Pan began to chew. Then he stood up, and the golden glow left his hair. "What?"

"How long have you been able to do that?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to wish you knew."

Trunks blinked. "I'm guessing you never told Pan about it."

"Never reveal your secrets to the enemy unless it is necessary."

"How was it necessary?!" Trunks cried.

"She needed to know who was stronger," Vegeta replied simply.

Pan slowly sat up and rubbed her back. "Okay, you're stronger."

"I know, and now you do." Vegeta smirked.

"Wait. Could you have done that...in the vortex?" Pan asked.


"...and you let me take on Cell?!"

Vegeta smiled. "Yes."


Vegeta reached out and smacked her across the cheek to calm her down. "First, if I had done that, you wouldn't have learned anything. Second, I wanted you to reach your potential, and you did. Third, I wanted to see the look on your face when I beat you."

Pan glared at him. "But...I thought YOU wanted revenge on Cell?"

"I did. I got it." Vegeta smirked. "Think about it. I could've beaten Cell to death, but that's not what happened. Instead, I took a weak little girl, turned her into a powerful fighter, and let her defeat him. That was satisfying enough."

"It was?" Trunks asked.

Vegeta looked at him. "Yes. Cell killed one of my children once." He looked at Pan. "It was only fitting that another child of mine be the one to kill him."

Pan blinked, tears coming to her eyes. "Sensei..." She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Vegeta closed his eyes and sighed. "If you're done watering my armor, you still have another opponent."

Trunks swallowed noisily. "You...were serious about that?!"

"When am I NOT serious about anything?" Vegeta asked.

"Oh. Right."

Pan slowly released Vegeta. "But...Sensei...I can't fight Trunks!"

Vegeta glanced at her. "Why not? You've done it many times before."

"But...but..." <But we weren't hopelessly in love with each other then!>

"But what?" Vegeta was starting to look annoyed.

"Nothing," she muttered with a defeated sigh.

* * * * *

"Well, THAT sucks," Radditz muttered. "Sometimes, Vegeta can really be a pain in the a-"

"HEAVEN, Radditz!" Goku whispered fiercely, glancing around nervously.

"Oh. I keep forgetting."

"But he's right," Bardock agreed. "Pan won't be able to fight anyone she cares about that much."

"I know," Goku said. "I couldn't even get her to throw a punch at me. She just started crying and screaming, 'Don't wanna hit Grampa!' It was kinda funny."

"And how old was she then?" Bardock asked.

"Oh. Maybe 3 or 4."

Radditz grunted. "I was already blowing up small meteors at that age. How'd she get so strong?"

"Vegeta didn't train you," Goku pointed out.

"Oh. True."

"Wait!" Bardock cried. "They're...going to fight each other, anyway?!"

"Looks like it," Goku said. "I wonder who's going to win?"

"WHAT?!" Radditz shouted. "If he lays a finger on MY grandniece, I'll...I'll...!"

"What?" Goku asked.

"Um...I'll throw a really heavy cloud at him?"

"I think acts of violence get you thrown out of heaven, Radditz."

"Fine! Then I can go down there and KICK HIS TAIL!!!"

"Trunks doesn't HAVE a tail."


"But then Pan would just beat you senseless for hurting him."

"Oh." Radditz paused. "Maybe I'll just tear his arm off and beat him with it."


"Break his wrist?" Radditz asked hopefully.


"Bite his pinky off?!"

"NO, Radditz."

"C'mon! You HAVE to at least give me the pinky!"

Bardock sighed heavily. "Why couldn't I just have twins? Turles would never be this annoying..."

Goku sighed and turned back to the battle. "Just watch the fight."

* * * * *

Trunks took several deep breaths. <I can do this. Just forget that I'm totally in love with Pan and hit her.> The he looked at her face. <I CAN'T DO THIS!!!>

"Any time you two are ready!" Vegeta shouted.

Trunks swallowed noisily as Pan summoned her flames. <C'mon, Pan. This is where you say, 'Wait! I LOVE Trunks, and I can't hurt him!' C'mon, don't let me down!>

Pan narrowed her gaze. "What are you waiting for?"

<Okay, maybe she forgot her line. I'll just remind her.> "Pan, we don't have to do this."

"Yes, we DO. Power up or get knocked down."

Trunks instantly went Super Saiyan.

"Good. Now hold still." Pan's fist slammed into his head.

Trunks stumbled back, a shocked look on his face.

Pan leaped at him, connecting with vicious lefts and rights.

Trunks' hand involuntarily flew up, burying itself in her midsection. He stared in horror as Pan folded over it, falling to her knees. <NO! What did I just do?!> Without thinking, he drew her into his arms and started to apologize.

Pan's elbow slammed into his chest, and her forearm smashed into his nose. She followed up with a kick that left him seeing stars.

Trunks slowly shook his head, and ducked to avoid the Masenko that sailed over his head. Then he jumped back, dodging at lightning speed as Pan fired punch after punch at him.

"Stop dodging and fight me, damn you!" she growled, glaring at him.

"I can't," he whispered, bringing his arm up to block a savage right.

Pan's expression softened for a moment, just before she drove her left fist into his chest.

Trunks winced, but didn't budge.

Enraged, Pan tackled him to the ground and rained blows and his head and shoulders.

Trunks merely stared up at her, absorbing the blows he could, and eventually, wincing from the ones he couldn't.

Pan finally stopped swinging to catch her breath. "Why won't you fight?!"

"Because I love you, and I can't hurt you, Pan." He closed his eyes. "I only wish the feeling was mutual."

Pan stopped in mid-swing. "Trunks," she whispered, her voice cracking. "I...I didn't..."

Suddenly, Trunks opened his eyes. "No. You didn't." He shoved her off and struck her face with his palm.

Pan gasped as Trunks pinned her to the ground. "What are you doing?!"

"What you told me to," he replied coldly, staring into her eyes. He found something quite unexpected there: fear.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, tears coming to her eyes. "I do love you, Trunks. I didn't want to hurt you...I just wanted Vegeta to be proud of me."

Trunks didn't feel like mentioning the fact that Vegeta was already very proud of her.


Trunks looked up to see Vegeta standing over them. "Father..."

"Finish the job, boy. Tell me you at least remember that lesson."

Trunks looked down at Pan. Her eyes were shut tightly, and she wasn't trying to escape. <I don't have a choice. I have to do this.> He slowly raised his hand and then curled it around the back of her neck.

Pan stiffened, expecting him to snap her neck. Instead, her eyes snapped open as she felt his lips against hers. <Trunks, you wonderful...IDIOT! Are you NUTS?! Vegeta's standing right there, and...and he's...laughing?!>

Trunks was staring up at his father, looking equally shocked.

Pan was the first one to notice Bulma, Gohan, and Videl standing behind Vegeta, also laughing. "Trunks...I think we've been had."

"You THINK?" he asked, his cheeks turning bright red.

Vegeta smirked. "I trust you two won't go around surprising me anymore?"

"No, sir," they both muttered, looking thoroughly embarrassed.

"Good. Oh, and Trunks, I don't want to see you anywhere near Pan again while she's in a reclined position. That is, unless you're sleeping in the bunk beds, which you won't be."

Trunks slowly got up, pulling Pan with him. "At least they didn't take pictures."

Pan's face suddenly went white. "No. It's worse than that..."

"Smile, you two!" Videl said, shoving her video camera in Trunks' face. "Any comments for the little one soon to be on the way?"

Pan turned bright red, while Trunks put on the most serious face he could manage. "Kid, I'll say this once. You picked the two weirdest families EVER to be born into..."

* * * * *

"HEY!" Radditz shouted. "I resent that remark!"

"Actually, you resemble it," Goku replied.

"Are YOU calling ME weird?!"


"HA! Says the guy with the exploding hair!"

"And what's wrong with THAT?!" Bardock asked.

Radditz took a step back. "Uh...nothing."

"At least we HAVE a hairstyle! Yours hasn't seen a style in...well...forever!"

"Um...Dad?" Goku asked. "On Earth, when your hair looks like this, it isn't so much considered a style as it is a bad hair day gone worse."

"Who cares?! We're not on EARTH, we're in HEAVEN!"

"Not for long, if you two don't stop yelling," Goku muttered.

"Enough of this spectator crap! I wanna see this in person!" Radditz said. Then he looked at Goku. "I can say crap up here, right?"

"Uh...well, I'm not sure. Just don't say it TOO much. We can visit Pan, though. We just have to wait until she's asleep."

"Oh. Guess we have to entertain ourselves, then." Radditz grinned and broke into song. "Ninety-nine piles of crap on the floor, ninety-nine piles of crap! You slip up in one and land in some more, ninety-eight piles of crap on the floor!"

Bardock sighed and shook his head. "I don't even want to know how bored he had to be to come up with that...that..."

"Crap?" Goku suggested.

Bardock shuddered and tried to tune Radditz out. "Don't remind me!"

* * * * *

A bright flash of light blinded Pan. Of course, she already knew who it was, but she wasn't expecting...company.

"Hey, Pan!" Goku called as he stepped out of the light. "There's some people here to see you!"

"Grampa, what..." Pan stopped where she was.

Bardock emerged from the light, shaking the stars from his vision. "You could've warned us about the drop, son."

"Sorry, Dad. I thought everyone knew about that."

Radditz glared at him. "Kakarott, we've never BEEN to heaven before, and unlike you, we didn't get wished back when we died."

Pan started to speak, but then Radditz noticed her. "Hey, Kakarott," he whispered to his younger brother. "Why's she so small?"

"Oh. Forgot to tell you that, too. Pan only saw me alive when she was little, so that's the way she has to see me in her dreams, through a child's eyes. I can't really explain it."

"If I'd known you needed an owner's manual for the afterlife, I never would've died...again," Radditz muttered.

Goku picked up Pan and kissed her forehead. "Look, Pan! Here's the side of the family no one ever tells you about...and after that song, Radditz, I'm beginning to understand why..."

"Hey! It takes a creative genius to think of something so unexpected!"

"And a fool to think of something so useless and disgusting," Bardock added.

"Yeah, and...HEY!"

Goku chuckled. "See, Pan? This is Granduncle Radditz." He held her out. "Go on, Radditz. Hold her."

Radditz looked uneasy. "Uh...I don't do kids, Kakarott."

"You do now," Bardock said, glaring at him.

Radditz frowned, but slowly reached out and took Pan from Goku. "Hey, kid."

Pan giggled. "You got big hair!"

"Yeah, I noticed."

"Is it real?" she asked, giving it a slight tug.

"Of course it's real!"

"'Kay." Pan gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Love you!"

"Aw, geez, kid..." Radditz turned red and quickly handed Pan back to Goku.

"Don't worry, Pan," Goku said with a grin. "I'm sure Radditz loves you, too."

Radditz glanced at his brother murderously, but then lowered his head as Pan smiled at him.

"And this is your great-grandfather, Bardock! Doesn't he look just like Grampa?"

"No, YOU look like ME," Bardock corrected him.

"Well, what he said. Go on and say hi, Pan."

Bardock reached out and gently held Pan in his arms. "So you're the one making us look like wimps, huh?" he asked, tracing her cheek with a finger.

"Yup!" Pan suddenly gasped. "Great Grampa, you're hurt!" she cried, pointing at his cheek.

"No, that's just an old scar. Doesn't hurt anymore."

"I'll make it better!" Pan drew his head down and kissed the scar. "See? All better!"

Bardock smiled slightly. "It does feel better. Thanks."

Goku spoke up. "Better wrap it up, guys. We can only stay for so long."

"You be a good girl, Pan," Bardock said.


"One more thing." Radditz came over and rubbed her head. "Give Vegeta he-" He stopped, noticing the look Goku gave him. "Uh...give him heck for me, okay?"

Pan nodded as she was passed back to Goku. "Will you all come and visit soon, Grampa?" she asked hopefully.

"Sure, sweetie," Goku promised. "Tell Vegeta we're all watching him, too..."

* * * * *

Pan's eyes slowly opened, and she sat up.

"About time you woke up," Vegeta grunted.

"Don't mind him," Trunks said. "He's just mad because you made him come."

"I should think so!" Vegeta frowned. "If I have to watch the stupid sunset, then so does she!"

Pan smiled. "Grampa Goku says hi, Sensei."

Vegeta looked at her, the frown remaining, but merely blinked and nodded. Somehow, he understood.

Pan leaned back into Trunks' arms, watching the sun gradually sink over the horizon.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Trunks said quietly, resting his chin on her shoulder.

When Pan closed her eyes, she could just barely hear three voices arguing as they floated away. One of them was singing a song about piles of crap. "Yeah, Trunks," she agreed, laughing. "It's really nice."

The End!