Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Princess of the Saiyans ❯ Super Saiyan Saints ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Super Saiyan Saints

Note: Please keep in mind that this isn't in normal continuity. Because you asked for it, one more chapter. This takes place several years after "Princess of the Saiyans" ends. Oh, Trunks & Pan are married here.

SPECIAL NOTE: Yeah, I know Saiyans and heaven don't belong in the same sentence, but it's my story. You'll notice that some Saiyans...get away with certain things that you wouldn't normally expect in heaven. Well, let's face it: Saiyans are a ruthless warrior race. You have to let SOME things slide, right? I've included some rules to help out.

1. Saiyans have their own section in heaven, and no, it's not meant to be racist. It's meant to protect everyone ELSE...
2. Obviously, Saiyans would get VERY cranky if they couldn't fight. However, to be sure they don't totally wreck the place, they can only have so many fights on certain days. It's further explained in the story.
3. Generally, SSJ is the highest level allowed. However, while in an arena battle, a Super Saiyan can use abilities normally reserved for higher SSJ levels (as long as he reached those levels before he died).
4. Incredibly high power levels are lowered and adjusted. Generally, this is done just before officially entering the afterlife. Brolly was the only exception, but they learned from him...
5. Language is...tolerated. But they're not allowed to push it. (No more songs for Radditz!)
6. King Vegeta's still the head honcho, and Brolly presides over the fights. (Like a ref, but much scarier...)
7. Anyone who reached SSJ while alive is preserved in that state. It works like a badge of honor (and ensures that you pretty much get what you want).
Summary: With Goku as his guide, Vegeta adjusts to the afterlife. You can imagine how Vegeta feels about being stuck with his rival...for eternity.

<...> are thoughts.

Pan stared at the tampons in Aisle 6. She didn't really need any (not at the moment, anyway), but she'd been drawn to them. And then, with a start, she knew why.

"Panny? Sweetheart?"

She turned around, not surprised to see Trunks standing there, a worried look on his face.

"You've been gone all day. Where were you?"

She shrugged, turning back to the shelf. "Just...walking and thinking, I guess."

Trunks wrapped his arms around her waist. "I noticed you didn't cry at the funeral."

"I wanted to," Pan whispered. "But...I couldn't." She began to giggle.

Trunks frowned. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Just an old memory, that's all." She sighed. "I want to cry, Trunks...but I can't."

"Why is that?"

Pan smiled. "Because while I do miss him, I know that he's okay. He's with Grampa Goku now." Then she snickered and began to chuckle quietly.

Trunks couldn't help laughing about it himself.

Pretty soon, they were both cackling in the aisle, holding onto each other so they wouldn't fall. And despite the looks the other shoppers gave them, the tears coming from their eyes weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of joy.

* * * * *

He wasn't quite sure where he was. He'd heard stories, of course, but that was all they were...weren't they? He couldn't see or hear anything for the first few minutes. But then a familiar voice broke through the mist.

"Hey, buddy!"

He scowled. There was only one man that would dare to call him that. "Kakarott," he growled, though there was a hint of a smile behind the scowl.

Goku hovered just above him, grinning down at his rival. "Vegeta, you old dog! Finally made it up here, huh?"

Vegeta glanced around. "I would ask if I'm in heaven...but you're here, so it HAS to be Hell."

Goku chuckled as he landed beside Vegeta. "Always the kidder." He turned away and cupped his hands to his mouth. "HEY, GUYS! HE'S HERE!"

For some reason, Vegeta had a very bad feeling about whoever the "guys" were.

While Goku waited for them to arrive, he turned back to the Saiyan Prince. "Wanna know what the coolest thing about heaven is?"

Vegeta scowled. "No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me, anyway, so just get it over with, baka."

Goku smiled and pointed at his golden hair. "Automatic Super Saiyan!"

Vegeta blinked and reached up to touch his own hair. "Hmm. Only the first stage, though."

"Well, it's not like you need the other ones up here. Everyone gets along great!"

Vegeta considered that. <If there was ever a fight, I'd be ready. And speaking of fight...> He smiled thinly. "Kakarott..."

Goku recognized that look. "Sorry, Vegeta. We can't fight up here; someone might-WOULD-get hurt. They only let us train, and even that's pretty rare."

"So...if we wanted to spar...?"

"Yeah, I guess we could...why are you looking at me like that?"

Vegeta smiled again, chuckling. "No reason. No reason at all."

Goku shrugged. "Oh, there they are. Over here, guys!"

An army of Saiyans (let's face it, when are a bunch Saiyans NOT an army?) marched through the mist. Upon spotting their prince, most of them dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. Most of them.

"Prince Vegeta! Still grumpy as heck, I see!"

Vegeta frowned. "Radditz. You haven't changed, either...unfortunately." He suddenly noticed two more Saiyans coming up beside Goku. They both stopped and bowed. One of them wore a blood red cape, indicating he was either a friend of king's, or some sort of war hero. And when they lifted their heads, he shuddered.

"Wait! You mean to tell me there are THREE of you now?! This HAS to be Hell!"

Goku grinned and slapped Vegeta on the back, a gesture that the prince didn't particularly care for. "You nut! That's my father, Bardock, and Turles, my...uh...well, we never really found that out."

"He was given up for adoption," Radditz snickered.

Turles glared at him. "At least they WANTED me in the family."

"You wanna go, punk?" Radditz asked, sneering at him.

Turles grinned up at him. "Name the time and place."

"Ignore them, Prince Vegeta," Bardock said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, I've got it down to a science." Vegeta turned to look at him. "So you're the madman that tried to kill Frieza."

Bardock arched an eyebrow. "You know about that?"

"Oh, yes. Kakarott here has a very big mouth, even after he died. Unfortunately, he passed that particular trait, along with endless stories about you, to his granddaughter."

Goku grinned uneasily.

"I wasn't mad," Bardock said. "I was trying to save my people...make a future for them. Maybe it was crazy, but I had my reasons."

Vegeta smirked. "You're not the only one that got killed taking on Frieza."

Bardock's eyes widened. "You?!"

"Yes. Only I got wished back."

"C'mon, Vegeta," Goku said. "I'd better show you where you'll be staying."

Vegeta stared at him. "And how would YOU know that?"

"Well, I've been here longer, and the palace is a pretty big-"

"STOP. What are YOU doing in the palace?!"

Goku grinned. "Well, anyone that becomes a Super Saiyan gets a place of honor, and a room of the palace all to himself. They've got one for you, too."

Vegeta blinked in disbelief. "So...you're saying...that YOU live in the palace?!"

"Well, not officially. I'm hardly ever there, since I share a house with Radditz and my father. Besides, they take things way too seriously in there. I just like to relax."

Vegeta sighed. "Never mind. I'll find it myself."

"I don't think so," Goku said quietly. "This is a VERY big place, Vegeta. You might get lost and step out of the Saiyan section..."

"Well, YOU'RE not going to lead me everywhere!" Vegeta snapped.

"Okay, okay! Take Turles with you, he knows the way."

Turles immediately stepped forward. "It would be an honor, Prince Vegeta."

Vegeta frowned, but nodded and followed Turles into the air. <He's not an elite, but he does look like Kakarott might have, if he'd stayed true to our race.> For some reason, Vegeta found himself smiling. <At least he wears armor instead of that silly orange outfit. It just gets blasted away in every fight. Armor offers SOME protection, but no, he has to wear Earth clothes...>

* * * * *

"How's Pan taking it?" Bulma asked.

Trunks grinned. "Pretty well, actually."

"Really? I thought she'd be mourning for at least a week."

"No, Mom. Pan doesn't see it as death. More like rebirth...and an incredibly funny one, too."

Bulma frowned. "Trunks, I know you and your father didn't always get along, but that's no reason to-"

"Mom, you've got it all wrong! I love Dad and I'll miss him, but Pan made me realize what was so funny."

"What could possibly funny about Vegeta being dead?"

"He's with Goku now."

Bulma stared at her son for a few seconds. Then a smile tugged at her lips, and she turned away, trying to stifle her laughter. Soon, she was pounding the table and laughing wildly, tears running down her face.

Trunks only smiled and patted her back. He understood.

* * * * *

Turles opened the large doors and stepped aside. "Welcome home, Prince Vegeta."

Vegeta almost smiled. It was good to have people recognizing his title again.

The room was large, even by his standards. Larger than the one he'd had on the Saiyan homeworld, but more than enough space for him.

"It will do," he said, nodding his approval.

"What would you like to see next? The bath houses? The game room?"

Vegeta snorted. <Games? The very IDEA of Saiyans...> He stopped and shook his head. "Kakarott told me we're allowed to battle."

Turles smiled. "Yes. On certain days, we are allowed to fight. But only five fights on a single day, and only three if Super Saiyans are involved in any. You're in luck, though. Brolly says we're fighting today."

Vegeta almost looked surprised. "How did HE get in here?"

"Well, as you know, most of us got here when we decided to help Pan. Brolly was the one that smashed Dr. Gero's vortex contraption. They even fixed him up so he looks normal again. He presides over the fights; decides who gets to fight and when someone can't go on."

"Does he ever fight?" Vegeta asked. <I still want to fight Kakarott, of course, but Brolly? There's a very rare opportunity, indeed.>

"Oh, no," Turles replied, sounding a bit disappointed himself. "It's against the rules. He sometimes loses his temper, so they actually had to lower his power level a bit. I hear it was a painful process for everyone involved."

Vegeta winced at the thought. "Well, when do the fights start?"

"A couple of hours from now. We've got plenty of time."

* * * * *

"I say he gets thrown out before the day is up," Radditz said, gulping down his drink.

"I thought the same thing about you," Bardock replied with a smirk.

Radditz glared at him. "Yeah, but I had you to keep me in line. You name one person that could do that for Vegeta."

"I thought I'd give it a try," Goku said suddenly.

Radditz and Bardock looked at him.

"What? What'd I say?"

"Son, I know you're used to doing the impossible..." Bardock began.

"But this IS Vegeta we're talking about," Radditz added.

"Vegeta's not a bad person. He just...seems like one." Goku thought about that for a moment, then nodded, deciding it was true enough.

"He's a he-" Radditz caught himself. "Uh...he's a great actor, then."

Bardock just shook his head. "I worry about you sometimes."

"It was an honest mistake! Anyone could do it!"

"I wouldn't," Goku pointed out.

"Well, anyone BUT you." Radditz sighed. "Anyway, I have to get ready for my fight with Turles." He drained his cup and stood up.

Bardock shook his head again. "You're going to loooooose..."

Goku smiled into his cup, but didn't say anything.

Radditz narrowed his eyes. "Whatever happened to supporting family?"

Goku blinked and slowly raised a fist. "Um... Go, Radditz?"

Bardock snorted. "Yeah. Go and get your butt handed to you."

Radditz somehow kept his temper in check. "Gee, thanks, Dad. I can tell you think I'm going to win."

Bardock shrugged and finished his drink. "I was never a good liar. Besides, I'm pretty sure you can get in trouble for that up here." He stood up as well. "Anyway, I've got to meet with the king. Probably wants to talk about Vegeta. What about you, son?"

Goku shook his head. "I'll meet you at the arena. I think I'm going to wait for Vegeta, see how he's adjusting...or if he is at all."

A few minutes after they had left, Vegeta walked into the diner. Naturally, the only available table was the one Goku was sitting at. Fate had a funny way of being very precise when it came to guidance in the afterlife.

"I suppose you knew I'd be here?" Vegeta growled as he sat down.

Goku shrugged. "Call it a hunch. What do you think so far?"

"I could learn to settle," Vegeta replied evenly.

"So you don't have any questions?" Goku knew Vegeta would rather die than to ask him for advice, but it was too late: they were both dead as it was. He figured that the need to know would eventually defeat Vegeta's pride.

Vegeta scowled, but nodded. "Just one."

"Okay." <That's one more than I expected to get out of him.>

The Saiyan Prince leaned forward and lowered his voice. "How do I see Pan?"

Goku stared at him for a long moment, a blank expression on his face.

Vegeta sighed and leaned back, waiting. <Here it comes. 5,4,3,2,1...>

A wide grin broke out on Goku's face.

"Don't give me any of your sentimental crap, Kakarott. Just tell me."

"Okay, okay. It just so happens that you're in the right place to see her. This is the 'Down to Earth Diner,' where you can check up on your...well..."

"Your what?" Vegeta asked, glaring at him.

Goku grinned even wider. "...loved ones..."

Vegeta scowled and said nothing, but the look on his face suggested that Goku should hurry up with whatever he was saying.

"Anyway, first you have to order a drink."

Vegeta blinked. "You're kidding."

"No, there's actually something in the drinks that allows you to see them. It's weird, but it works...only in here, though."

Shaking his head, Vegeta ordered the first drink on the menu, which arrived very quickly, despite the crowd. It tasted something like apple cider. "Now what?"

"Just look at the table and think of Pan. That's it."

Vegeta looked skeptical.

"Here, I'll do it first." Goku took a big gulp of his drink, then stared at the table.

There was total silence at the table for about ten minutes.

Vegeta blinked several times, his limited patience wearing thin. "Kakarott, I'm warning you. If this is some sort of twisted joke..."

"SHHH! I see her!" Goku lowered his voice. "You'd better take a look at this, Vegeta."

Looking very embarrassed to be staring at a table, Vegeta copied Goku...and got the shock of his afterlife as the table seemed to drop away. Suddenly, he was standing in a grassy field.

"I told you it worked!" Goku said, coming up beside him. "Now, look over there."

The first person Vegeta saw was not Pan. He was about to say so, and quite loudly, until he spotted the long, violet hair. <My son,> he thought to himself. <At least he's taller now than I was.>

Trunks was standing motionless, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He seemed to be waiting for someone.

Goku motioned for Vegeta to follow him and walked past Trunks.

Vegeta couldn't help glancing back at his son as he passed. Trunks had grown considerably, and was probably a bit taller now than Goku had been. He was deep in thought now, and his handsome features had hardened into a familiar, fearsome visage. Vegeta knew that look well; everyone in the royal bloodline possessed it.

Soon, they reached a small clearing. Goku stopped just inside of it and sat down. Vegeta remained standing.

Pan stood at the center of the clearing, between the two tombstones.

"What's she doing?" Vegeta asked.

"I'm not sure," Goku said. "Just watch."

Pan placed each of her hands on a tombstone. "I always hoped that when this day came, I'd already have a family of my own to keep busy with. Now I'm not sure if I was too late, or if you two were too early." She sighed quietly. "I guess it doesn't matter, really. You can probably visit us whenever you like."

"Can we?" Vegeta asked.

Goku shrugged. "I guess. But if you drink that much, you'll be in the restroom for a while..."

Pan knelt by one of the graves. "I'm sorry, Sensei," she whispered. "I wish I'd had a chance to tell you. I wanted to see the look on your face when I told you...you're going to be a grandfather." She smiled. "Trunks swears they're both boys, but we're waiting on the official word from Bulma. She thinks we might have one of each."

Goku snickered.

"What's so funny?" Vegeta asked.

Goku grinned. "Grampa Vegeta!"

Vegeta glared at him, but his heart wasn't in it.

Pan went on. "Trunks wants to name one after you. I keep telling him that naming a child Vegeta Vegeta Briefs is just wrong, but he's so stubborn. Goten thinks we should name them after you and Grampa. He says that you might even pretend to like each other this time. But I always knew you were brothers, and you didn't need blood to show that."

Vegeta glanced at Goku. "Kakarott...are you crying?!"

"No. Allergies," Goku muttered, rubbing his eyes.

Vegeta shook his head and walked over to Pan.

She drew something out of her pocket. "Korin's the only one that can grow Senzu beans properly. But I think a little Senzu tree would be nice, even if the beans are only good for cooking." She moved a few feet away from the tombstone, then carefully placed the bean in a tiny hole before covering it up.

Vegeta noticed that there was a young sapling near Goku's grave.

"Goodbye, Sensei," Pan whispered, running her hand over the tombstone. "I'll love you always."

This time, Vegeta definitely heard a muffled whimper from Goku's direction, but he ignored it. Instead, for reasons of which he was uncertain, he tried to comfort Pan, momentarily forgetting that he was dead. But to his surprise, Pan leaned back into his arms.

<How...is this possible?>

He took a few steps back, and realized that it wasn't him holding her, but Trunks.

"You okay?" Trunks asked quietly.

Pan nodded, smiling a bit. "Bye, you two. Take care of each other up there. Grampa, give Bardock and Radditz my love. Sensei...I know you'll be fine among your own people, but...don't forget that we're your people, too. We miss you."

Trunks squeezed her shoulders. "My mother has the test results, Pan."

"Is it...are we...?"

"I don't know. I wanted us to find out together." He kissed her cheek. "Still hoping for one of each?"

Pan smiled. "It doesn't matter what we have, Trunks. Just as long as we have two healthy babies."

Goku suddenly grabbed Vegeta's arm. "We'd better go. It only seems like minutes down here, but it's been hours up there."

Vegeta hesitated, then flew into the air with him, heading towards the white circle that was their table.

* * * * *

"Ouch! That's gotta hurt!"

Bardock smiled. "I imagine it does, Fasha."

"But you seem like you're enjoying this." The female Saiyan gave him a curious look. "I thought you were rooting for your son?"

"Radditz's ego has been getting out of control lately. This fight with Turles should bring it down a few notches."

"You mean MANY notches," Fasha corrected as Radditz slammed into the arena wall.

"Well, whatever teaches him the best lesson." Bardock looked thoughtful for a moment. "I suppose it's almost like...getting a spanking, as they say on Earth." "I'd hate to see the paddle that Brolly uses." Bardock grinned. "So would I, Fasha." "Anyway, where's Kakarott? He never misses the fights, and we're already into the second one."

"He said something about waiting for Vegeta, though I can't imagine either of them missing Radditz getting a beating." * * * * * Brolly was not in a good mood. But then, he never was. The fights should've helped, but they didn't. Only fellow Super Saiyans interested him, and Goku was the only one he'd seen around lately. Of course, since Brolly HATED Goku, that was no real help, especially since he wasn't allowed to fight anymore. He glanced at the current fight and sighed. Turles was okay...for a normal Saiyan. But he was nothing Brolly hadn't seen before. "M-Master B-Brolly?" a voice asked. He glanced down to see Junai, one of the youngest Saiyans. It took him a few moments to remember that Junai was supposed to be his assistant. "What is it, boy?" The boy looked very nervous, and Brolly assumed he himself naturally looked intimidating. He was, of course, but that wasn't what had frightened Junai so badly.

"Th-These two w-would like to f-fight next!" Junai stammered.

Brolly looked into the dark hallway. He could see a golden glow coming towards him. <So Goku has found himself an opponent. I wonder who the poor fool is?> Goku came into light, nodding at Brolly. He returned the nod stiffly, more out of habit than respect. However, when the next fighter emerged, Brolly's nod was definitely out of respect. "It's good to know that Goku isn't the only other Super Saiyan." Vegeta smiled. "Yes. It certainly is." Brolly glanced at Junai. "Explain the rules to your prince, boy, and make it quick." He turned and flew into the arena, where Radditz had taken all he could.

"Rules?" Vegeta looked at Junai in disdain. "There are...rules?!" Junai started shaking, but somehow managed to calm himself enough to speak without stuttering. "The arena walls absorb the excess energy from the fight. Super Saiyans are-" "I told him," Goku interrupted. Junai paused. "Oh. Have a good...battle, then."

Vegeta smirked. "As if there could be any other type where I'm involved." Junai turned white. "I-I didn't mean to imply..."

"It's okay, Junai," Goku said. "Vegeta's just joking with you. He does that, believe it or not." Vegeta glared at Goku, but said nothing. Brolly returned, dragging a dazed Radditz with him. Turles was right behind them, a huge grin on his face. "You in there, Radditz?" Goku asked. There was no reply. "Let him sleep it off." Brolly looked at Goku & Vegeta. "You ready?" The two Super Saiyans flew into the arena, and the crowd roared in anticipation. Brolly took a seat to watch.

"Will there be more of them, Master Brolly?" Junai asked.

"More of what, kid?"

"Super Saiyans."

Brolly blinked. <Now that I think about it, Goku & Vegeta did have those brats...> "Yeah, kid. A few. Now shut up and watch the fight." "Yes, Master Brolly."

A sudden hush fell over the crowd. The arena began to shake, and Brolly could sense two power levels rising far beyond his. <Well, at least this fight will be entertaining.> * * * * *

"So we can't kill each other."

"Nope. We're already dead."

"But we can hurt each other?"

"Yup." "The fight ends when Brolly thinks one of us can't go on?" "Pretty much." "And...what if he doesn't?"

Goku frowned. "I don't know. I guess it doesn't end..." His eyes widened at the realization. "We might even be fighting..."

"Forever," Vegeta replied, a smile appearing on his face. He wasn't surprised to find a similar one on Goku's face. Goku fell into a battle crouch. "To eternity, then." Vegeta nodded, his ki flaring out around him. But as the two Saiyans met in a flurry of punches and kicks, he had only one thought. <Yes, Kakarott. It will seem like an eternity...for you.> Vegeta focused on the battle, fondly awaiting the day their offspring would enter the arena, and deciding it couldn't come soon enough for him.

The End.