Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Proud Hearts ❯ Marron ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the DBZ characters, they belong to their respective owners. I am not making any money out of this, so please don't sue.

TITLE: Proud Hearts

AUTHOR: Kalamity Kat

RATING: PG-13 just to be on the safe side

PAIRING: Marron/Radditz

SUMMARY: Marron is a lonely young woman, feeling underappreciated in the circle of her friends. Radditz is a disappointed Saiyajin, brought back to life, now feeling even more useless than he did when he was dead. Will the two find happiness together?

WARNINGS: Language! I have a bad bad tongue, so please bear with me. Perhaps a bit of OC-ness from Marron' and Bra's part - well, if you're used to the sweet little weak Marron and the empty-headed cry-baby Bra - hit the back button immediately. In any of my fics, they are fighters.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: VERY IMPORTANT - please read before you start reading the fic: If Marron seems OC to you - this is an AU fic, obviously. BUT this is Marron as I see her - her mother is 18, after all, so that would make her very proud as well. As for her training - it's explained in the fic. I can't for the life of me imagine that Krilin and 18 wouldn't want her to train - she should be able to take care of herself when the two of them won't be there anymore to protect her.

Also, I'm not English, so please bear with me. Any mistakes here are mine, because this piece (like all my other work) isn't betaed. Just a heads-up to everyone.

Proud Hearts


Kalamity Kat

Marron sighed as she gazed through the window of her small room in the attics of the Kame House - the vast ocean around the island only made her feel small.

Small and useless…

And lonely…

She threw her long hair over her shoulder and sighed as she watched the sunset…

So lonely…

Sure thing, the Kame House was crowded, almost too crowded for her own liking. Her mother and father, Oolong, Muten Roshi, and her… Way too much people to live in such a small house, and such a small island.

Not to mention the Sons or Briefs (with the exception of Vegeta) were visiting almost weekly, sometimes even more than just once a week. Then there were Lunch, Tenshinhan and Chaozu, and of course Yamcha and Puar, who always dropped by. Piccolo only occasionally showed up, usually when the Sons did as well.

While Marron didn't care about Piccolo or the Hans (Tien, Lunch and Chaozu were now considered one family) much, she always looked forward to seeing Yamcha.

The former desert bandit and now world known baseball player always brought her something from the city, and would always tell her amusing stories about what happened to him while he was away. His new girlfriend, a woman named Mai (which Marron found out used to be a huge enemy of her father, Goku, Bulma and Yamcha when they were younger), didn't seem to compliment him well - she was older, more mature, very serious, aloof, and - Marron had to admit reluctantly - very pretty. She had long black hair, and blue eyes, and from what Marron understood, she used to be a part of the Red Ribbon Army. She served under the emperor Pilaf, and caused a lot of problems to Goku in the past, during his Dragonball hunt.

But if Yamcha was happy with her, who was she to argue?

Oh, she would love to argue, make him see things clearly, dump the old hag, and swoop her, little Marron, into his arms…

But that will never happen.

Because Yamcha will never see her as anything else but a little girl, a child he used to baby-sit.

She was, with twenty-two years of age, far from being a child, but it seemed like only Oolong and Muten Roshi noticed that. The two perverts always loved to spy on her, especially in the shower, and it drove Marron crazy.

Only the knowledge that it would piss her father off if she killed his former mentor stopped her from doing just that. But, she was certain, it would be fun.

Although most people around her considered her a child, she was still one of the strongest people on the planet. She wasn't a softie most people considered her to be, and her frail looks were extremely deceiving. Trained by her mother and father, Muten Roshi, Yamcha, Tien, Chaozu, and later on even along Trunks and Goten by Gohan, she was anything but what she appeared.

She started training as soon as she was able to walk - at first just doing some easy exercises that her mother and father came up with, so she could stay in shape. Eventually, they started properly training her, because after a long parental talk, they decided that when the two will be gone (perhaps even sooner) she will have to take care of herself, and they wanted to make sure she won't be left out in the world defenceless.

While she at first hated the training, she only kept up with it because she wanted to fly. Not being carried by anyone, but being able to fly by herself.

But with time, when she started training with Trunks and Goten, she suddenly found a liking to training and sparring. She didn't like fights, but a friendly spar was what she absolutely loved.

It was pretty much the fault of the both demi-Saiyajins that awoke such love for fighting in her. Their enthusiasm and fighting spirit made her want to compete with them. Of course, since they were both Saiyajins, she was no match for them, but she loved those spars anyway, and they only made her train harder, so she could be as good as them one day, even if she knew it was impossible.

Oh yeah, Trunks and Goten were a blast. The three of them always used to hang out together when they were younger, going to the clubs, to the movies, on friendly spars, picnics, you name it. It always used to be Marron, Trunks and Goten this; Marron, Trunks and Goten that…


But the keyword there was 'used to be'. Because it wasn't like that anymore. And Marron would be lying if she said she didn't miss it.

When she was fourteen, the two boys suddenly started looking at her differently. She didn't notice it at first, but eventually even her parents told her it wasn't fitting anymore that the three of them always hung out together. She laughed it off at first, but paid more attention to the boys from then on. And it was true.

Goten would always start blushing when she was around, and behaving… Well, differently. Trunks, on the other hand, would always make dubious comments, which could be considered both ways - totally innocent, or definitely insinuating.

Marron, completely inexperienced in that department, was completely lost as to what this sudden change means…

Until she was sixteen, and she started dating Goten. She didn't even know how it happened. One day, he asked her if she would go for a drink with him. She accepted, thinking it was the three of them together, as usual, or at least just a friendly get-together. Boy, was she mistaking.

Sure thing, she knew Goten was handsome, several of her school-friends swooned every time they saw him, even before they started dating, and would beg her to get them a date with him.

And she definitely knew Trunks was a looker as well.

But to her, the two were just friends. All right, she thought they were cute, but she knew them too well to be attracted to either of them. Besides, there was only one man in her life that she could see herself with in that way - and that man was Yamcha.

She never told anyone about it, though, because she knew her father would explode if he even suspected something in that direction. He would beat the tar out of Yamcha for sure. Not like it would be the former bandits fault, but Krilin still thought his daughter was just a girl, his baby…

He didn't see her as the young gorgeous woman she was becoming… And neither did Yamcha, no matter how it pained her.

The only one that even suspected something about her affections towards the scarred fighter was her mother, but she was smart enough not to mention anything. But Marron often saw quiet understanding shine from her blue eyes, and she was just grateful she didn't say anything about it. She was certain she couldn't bear it.

As a matter of fact, Marron has always been attracted to much older men. Yamcha, for one, was always on the top of her list. Handsome, friendly, charming… A dream of a man.

Then there was the history teacher in elementary.

And the maths teacher in high-school.

But those were just crushes, the man she truly loved was always Yamcha.

She knew he'll always see her as a kid, and nothing else. And if she ever said anything to him, he would probably suffer a heart-attack.

She knew she has to forget him, and she really did try. When she realised that her drink with Goten was actually a date, she thought that perhaps that was her chance of forgetting Yamcha. She started dating Goten - why the heck not? He was handsome, strong, she didn't need to hide her strength from him or anything, they already knew each other's secrets, and she really did care for him. Their whole relationship was pretty innocent at first - she was very inexperienced in this direction, so she asked Goten if they could take it slow. Of course Goten didn't have any objections, he loved her more than anything and wanted nothing more than make her happy. It took three months before they actually kissed, and another three before they got to actual making out. After eight months, they went all the way.

She dated Goten for 3 years, and even her father got used to them being together. As much as he loved Goku's sons, he seriously wanted to kill Goten when he found out about them. And he could have managed to, especially since Goten really didn't want to protect himself from him - the only one that saved Goten that day from dying was 18, who simply yanked Krilin off of Goten and knocked her husband out cold.

Marron really started caring for Goten, but it wasn't love. Their relationship was all just a matter of convenience, and latter on, of habit. At least from her part it was.

But then, unexpectedly, it sparked between Trunks and her. She wasn't quite certain what it was, but it was by all means mutual. The two just barely made it to the bathroom one night before screwing each other's brains out.

Their little charade went on for a month or so, before Goten accidentally found out. He exploded. Trunks and him fought and almost killed each other. Goten and Marron broke up, and then she started dating Trunks for about two years.

Goten calmed down soon, and the three made up, but it was never the same anymore. While the guys' friendship returned to normal, Goten just couldn't trust her anymore. Sure, he started acting normal around her - what else could he do, their parents were friends and they ran into each other constantly.

Marron soon found out that Trunks definitely wasn't all gold. He was whinny, selfish, stubborn and extremely spoilt. Sure, she knew that even before she started dating him, but when she spent this much time with him, it simply drove her crazy.

Eventually, less then a year ago, they broke up, pretty much unanimously. They got tired of each other's whims, plain and simple.

A year passed, and Marron got more and more lonely. She wasn't in a relationship, and she didn't even know if she wanted to be. All the boys she knew didn't interest her - they were immature, and scared of her when they found out how strong she actually was (if nothing else, they were scared away by her father). Besides, she still longed for Yamcha, who was getting pretty serious with Mai.

She sighed and closed her eyes, burying her face into her arms.

"Oh Yamcha, if you only knew…" she murmured to herself, then fell back on her bed, closing her eyes.

It was already late at night, and she just couldn't sleep.

Tomorrow, the whole family was going to a picnic to the Briefs. Everyone is going to be there. While she looked forward going there, mainly because Yamcha was going to be there as well, she also dreaded the moment.

Goten and Trunks, for one. Then Chi-Chi, who never actually forgave her for cheating on her darling son. Mai, as a very strong third argument.

And the good sides?

'Not many…' she thought. She wouldn't go either, but she promised her mother she would.

18 knew what was troubling her, and in one of their rare mother-daughter talks told her she shouldn't let the others know how vulnerable she is, and that she should be proud of what she is. The damn Saiyajins aren't the only damn people that matter on this planet.

Marron knew she was right. If she didn't show up, everyone are going to gossip she's too cowardly to face them…

'Like it's only my fault I cheated on Goten. If Trunks wouldn't start making advances at me, I wouldn't even think about cheating on Goten,' she thought angrily, stopping herself from slamming her fist into the wall - her father had to fix quite some holes in her wall because of her temper tantrums.

She sighed and rolled over, burying her face into the pillow. 'If I don't like something, I can still get the hell out of there,' she thought to herself.

Feeling a little better at that thought, she fell asleep.

~ DBZ ~

It was a beautiful day. Even her mother seemed in a very good mood, but Marron didn't share her disposition.

A year or so she managed to avoid her friends, ever since she and Trunks broke up. She started studying medicine in the Southern Capitol four years ago, and in this last year she always managed to find an excuse every time a friendly family reunion took place.

But now she had a summer break, and there was no way she could avoid going to this family picnic. Especially since Trunks insisted she should come.

'Why the hell would he want to do something like that?' she thought to herself. 'I bet he has another girlfriend, and wants to rub it in.'

She noticed her father glancing at her worriedly from the driving seat of the air-car - he was sure she was so pale because she was about to see Trunks again.

'If you only knew, daddy,' Marron thought to herself. It wasn't so much Trunks she was afraid of running into, but definitely Yamcha and Mai. It was because of them she avoided all of those friendly meetings for this last year, not because of Trunks, or even Goten. Sure, she would feel awkward meeting them, but she would live. She wasn't so certain if that was the case when she met Yamcha and Mai, though.

The two of them were dating for the last year, and started so approximately at the same time she and Trunks broke up. From then on, she used her beak-up with Trunks as an excuse not to go to any more Z fighters reunions.

But today… She promised her mother, and she was going to keep her promise. 'But I didn't promise I'll stay all the time…'

As they arrived at Capsule Corp, she noticed everyone were there already. But… Something was wrong… An unknown, relatively strong ki (well, compared to most humans), was mingling with the all known ones.

"Dad?" she asked, but Krilin just shook his head. "Long story, sweat pea."

18 grunted something as she exited the air-car, floating to the ground. Marron shrugged and followed her lead as Krilin landed the car behind the Capsule Corp, and joining them later together with Oolong and Muten Roshi.

As the daughter and mother landed on the lawn, Pan and Bra ran up to them: "Hey Marron, Ms. 18."

18 just nodded and passed them on her way to Kushami.

"Hey Marr!" yelled Pan, waving wildly.

Marron grinned at the two teenagers. "Hey Bra, hey Pan, how are you two?"

"Great, Marr. It's so great to see you again!" Bra grinned, hooking one arm with the blond.

Marron smiled - she really missed the girls. They called her often, and sometimes they even visited her.

"Marron!" suddenly called out an all too familiar voice. Marron stiffened, but turned around and smiled a forced smile: "Hey Trunks."

He was just as handsome as she remembered him, but strangely, she felt absolutely nothing as she regarded him - just friendship.

He smiled a lady killer smile she knew all too well: "It's been a year, almost. Great to see you again, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks," she smiled and blushed slightly.

He came closer and hugged her. "Things are cool between us, aren't they?" he whispered into her ear.

She nodded and as she moved away, grinned: "Definitely."

Suddenly, another familiar voice called out: "Marron!"

Before she realised what's going on, strong arms swooped her up and she came face to face with a grinning Goten: "Hey beautiful, how are you?"

She was surprised to see him in such a good mood, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise. She smiled back: "I'm fine, Goten. It's great to see you again, how are you?"

"I'm fine," he grinned as he put her down again and added, this time more seriously: "We missed you, you know."

Marron felt a sudden pang of pain - how could she hurt him when he was so good to her? He really didn't deserve the way she treated him.

He noticed her slightly surprised expression and smirked: "Oh yeah, I know what you're thinking, beautiful. Hey, it's been three years, I really should get over it. Besides, it wouldn't be fair if I forgave Trunks, and not you."

Trunks chuckled softly and winked to Marron: "Don't mind Chibi. Come on, tell us what's up with you. The girls have been talking to you, but we want to find out by ourselves."

Bra huffed and pushed Trunks away from Marron: "Get lost, Trunks. Me and Pan saw her first."

"Yeah. It's been like ages. We really have to catch up on all the dirty little details," Pan added, pulling Marron behind her.

Marron started laughing. She really should give her friends more credit, they were absolutely wonderful. At their questioning gazes she grinned: "I missed you guys so much!"

"Same here, blondie," smirked Trunks and Goten gestured to the table for the kids: "Come on, let's sit over there and do some catching up together."

"Well, all right," Bra gave up, latching onto Goten's arm and pulling him towards their table. Pan smirked and glanced at the amused Trunks and Marron: "As you can see, Marron, not a lot of things changed." She turned around and ran off: "I'll get you a chair!" she yelled over her shoulder.

Trunks gestured to the table: "Shall we?"

"I think we should," Marron went along with his act.

Suddenly, Bulma, Chi-Chi and Videl headed into her direction. Marron glanced at Trunks nervously, but he just shook his head reassuringly, before she would bolt.

"Marron!" yelled Bulma, engulfing her into her arms and almost squeezing the life out of her. "It's been so long! So great to see you again. How are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm doing great, Ms Bulma," Marron answered politely. Maybe this day won't se so screwed up after all.

Chi-Chi didn't seem so friendly, though. She just gave her a once-over and nodded: "You lost weight, child. Are you sure you're eating enough? You're way too skinny."

Marron's tense shoulders relaxed - this was Chi-Chi's way of expressing she actually forgave her. Not completely, but to Chi-Chi any woman that let go of her darling son was a lunatic (not to mention there wasn't a woman that was actually worth of her son) .

Videl giggled at her mother-in-law and hugged Marron, smiling: "It's great to see you again, Marron. Chi-Chi is right, you did lose weight. You look even better than before. And your hair, they've grown so much."

Marron blushed slightly: "Thanks Videl. You look great yourself."

Videl smiled and nodded: "Come on, you have to say hello to everyone. They haven't seen you for so long, you owe it to them."

"But…" Trunks tried to object, but Bulma just waved him off: "You kids are going to have her all to yourself for the rest of the evening, but right now we're having the pleasure." And with that the three women pulled Marron with them, leaving Trunks to stare after them dumbly.

So Marron was dragged from Goku, Gohan, Ox-King, Mr Satan and Piccolo to Vegeta, Dr and Mrs Briefs, to Corrin, Yayirobe, Mr Popo and Dende, Uranai Baba, Tenshinhan, Lunch and Chaozu… And finally to Yamcha, Mai and Puar.

And here she found out the news that hurt her the most - Yamcha and Mai were getting married. It took every ounce of self-control she possessed not to run away. She just smiled weakly as she found out and extended her hand: "Congratulations."

"Thanks Marron," Yamcha smiled and hugged her. Mai just smiled - she was still feeling awkward about being friends with her former worst enemies.

Marron finally managed to make her way back to her friends. Her whole happiness about being received so friendly by her friends was immediately gone at the news she just heard.

"Finally!" started Bra, who was the only one left at the table of the kids.

Marron was so downhearted she didn't even notice everyone were gone. "Why… Didn't anyone tell me?" she asked, still dazed.

"Oh, you mean about Mai and Yamcha? We didn't know either, we just found out before you came," Bra said lightly, not noticing Marron's completely shell-shocked face.

"Come on, we have someone else we need to introduce you to!" Bra said, excitedly pulling on her Marron's arm, and with her Saiyajin strength almost yanking her to the floor.

"All right, all right, I'm coming!" Marron sighed and flew after the blue-haired princess.

Suddenly, she noticed they were flying towards the unknown ki she sensed earlier.

"Bra, who's that?" she asked, catching up with the younger girl.

"Oh, it's a surprise." Bra winked and the two landed a couple of hundred miles away from Capsule Corp, in a clearing in the woods, where the other kids were.

Marron's eyes widened as she noticed Pan sparring with a tall man with long wild black spiky mane. Goten and Trunks were standing on the ground, observing the fight with almost palpable interest, now and then cheering and complimenting either of the fighters on a nice punch, kick or blast they landed.

Bra and Marron landed next to the two demi-Saiyajins.

"Hey Marron, did our mothers finally let you out of their clutches?" joked Trunks.

"Yeah, I hardly managed to escape. Who is this?" she turned the conversation to the question she really wanted to get answered, observing the fight above them that went on with super-human speed.

"Oh, I completely forgot you don't know what happened," Goten grinned, his hand behind his head in a familiar gesture. "This is Radditz, my uncle."

"What? The one that kidnapped Gohan when he was a kid?" asked Marron in awe, only then noticing the tail wrapped firmly around the man's waist.

"Yup, that's the one." Goten nodded.

"But… What is he doing here?" asked Marron, getting more and more confused. "I thought he was dead."

"He was," Bra added sheepishly.

"Yeah. But thanks to Pan and Bra, who 'accidentally' wished him back with the dragonballs, he's alive." Trunks said sarcastically, glaring at his little sister.

Bra, unaffected by his look, smirked: "Yeah, well, we decided to gather the dragonballs, and… When we did, we didn't know what to wish for."

"And then Pan wished for a worthy rival… And there he was," shrugged Goten.

"Yeah. You can imagine he wasn't too pleased when he saw two girls standing there," Bra giggled.

"And then Pan knocked him out with one single blow," snickered Trunks.

Marron giggled at the thought of the mighty Saiyajin warrior being knocked out by a thirteen year old girl.

Pan suddenly noticed her and grinned: "Hey Ma-" In the next moment, Radditz landed a powerful blow to her plexus, sending her flying into a few trees, breaking them like toothpicks.

Goten and Trunks started laughing so hard they almost cried.

Pan got up, groaning, rubbing her aching head: "Outch!"

Bra smirked: "The first rule of fighting, Pan - never get distracted."

Radditz slowly floated to the ground, a proud grin on his face, his arms crossed in a very Vegeta-like manner.

"Hey uncle Radditz, I have someone to introduce to you. This is Marron," grinned Goten as he calmed down enough to be able to speak normally.

The full-blooded Saiyajin turned around and gaped at the gorgeous woman in front of him. She was rather young, but while he was in Afterlife, he didn't age, so that made him chronologically only eight years older than her.

Marron blushed at the obvious attention from the older man. "Hi," she waved awkwardly.

Radditz finally snapped out of it and realised he was obviously doing something wrong, at least according to these Earthly customs, which still confused him.

"Milady," he bowed slightly, only making Marron blush even harder.

Bra grinned and already started plotting. Oh, this was going to be fun. Radditz and Marron - they would make a cute couple.

Goten and Trunks looked at each other and grinned. Well, it wasn't surprising Radditz was so taken with Marron, she was a really good-looking young woman after all.

Pan came closer, dusting herself off. "Nice hit, Uncle Radditz. You really got me this time."

Radditz didn't seem too pleased with himself, though. Marron couldn't blame him either. She knew how very frustrating it was trying to keep up with the Saiyajins. But she could only imagine how very frustrating it was for Radditz. After all, he was a full-blooded Saiyajin, and he couldn't even keep up with an only quarter Saiyajin - hell, he couldn't even keep up with humans. Marron was certain she could easily beat him herself.

Suddenly, Goku showed up out of nowhere right among them, grinning like a moron with his mouth full.

Everyone yelped and jumped back.

"Sheesh, dad, would you quit that!" Goten groaned, clutching his heart. "You almost gave me a heart-attack!"

"Sorry son," Goku grinned sheepishly, gulping down the rest of his food.

Bra smiled and said: "Uncle Goku, would you spar with me?"

Everyone rolled their eyes - they all knew Bra was really taken with Goku. But then again, she was with every male over twenty.

"Don't even think about it, Kakarott!" came a gruff voice from above.

Radditz immediately knelt down in front of his prince.

Marron was taken by surprise, but the others were obviously used to behaviour like this from the Saiyajin. Goku just shrugged at her surprised glance.

Vegeta slowly landed and glared at the youngest full-blooded Saiyajin there. "Bra, go spar with the girl spawn of Kakarott's!" he ordered.

Bra huffed, but listened to her father. She pulled Pan behind her and the two Saiyajin girls started sparring.

Vegeta then turned to the both boys: "Brats, start sparring! You're way out of shape. Come on, or I'm going to kick your asses to the next dimension."

Trunks mumbled something under his breath, but not before making sure his father didn't hear that, even with his keen Saiyajin hearing, and flew away together with Goten, who seemed pretty much unaffected by Vegeta's gruffness. The youngest Son just gave them a two fingered salute and a beaming smile, and flew after his best friend.

Vegeta then turned to Radditz - Marron was taken back by the obvious dislike and displeasure in the Prince's face as he observed the long haired Saiyajin.

And soon she understood why.

"You're a disgrace to our race! Not only that, but you're a disgrace to the third-class of our race as well! Defeated by a hybrid half-bread, and a woman to boot! Look at your moronic brother - at least he can make up for his stupidity with some skill!"

Radditz flinched at the prince's hard words as if the Saiyajin prince would actually hit him.

"Aw, Vegeta, come on…" Goku stepped forward, but Radditz suddenly angrily shoved him back: "Kakarott, show proper respect for your prince!"

Goku frowned and stepped back, shrugging. He only wanted to help - he didn't like people being treated this way, not even his brother, whom he still didn't care much about.

Vegeta smirked: "At least you still know how to show some proper respect to your prince, third-class. Come on, Kakarott, let's spar. Radditz, you can spar with the woman in the meanwhile." He gestured to her and added with an evil smirk: "She's more than a match for you." Then he flew away.

Marron was surprised at the insult to Radditz. She glanced at Radditz and saw how he balked, blushing, balling his fists so hard his knuckles turned white.

"Yes, my Prince…" he muttered, head bowed respectfully.

Goku, following Vegeta, glanced at him worriedly. He sent Marron a resigning look and followed Vegeta, who was already bellowing: "Kakarott, move your lazy ass!"

"Coming, Vegeta!"

Marron glanced around - everyone were sparring. She felt completely lost, and more than a little awkward. What was she supposed to do? She felt sorry for Radditz, and for the way Vegeta treated him. Goku was completely different than Radditz, he didn't give a rat's ass for Vegeta's constant insults, and neither did everyone else - they were used to it, because they knew that's how the Saiyajin prince was.

But for Radditz, this was a completely different story.

He was not an Earth-bred Saiyajin like Goku, he was still used to planet Vegeta's customs… He would die for his prince, and his pride was everything to him… In a way, he was just like Vegeta.

Marron hesitantly stepped forward and put her hand on Radditz's shoulder: "Don't mind Vegeta, he's always like that…" she chuckled nervously.

Suddenly, she found herself with her arm twisted behind her back painfully, pinned to the chest of the taller Saiyajin, who was glaring at her, their noses almost touching: "Do not talk about my prince so freely. He is too far above you for you to use his name so impertinently. You are not worth to wipe his boots!"

Marron, surprised by his sudden outburst to her friendliness, saw the deep humiliation and anger lurking in his flaming black eyes, but that didn't make her feel any more forgiving.

Quickly, she twisted out of his grab, throwing the surprised Saiyajin over her shoulder, pinning him to the ground and sitting down on his chest. She glared at him and hissed into his startled face: "First of all, this isn't planet Vegeta! Vegeta being a prince means nothing here on Earth! Second of all, I do not feel inferior to anyone, least of all him - he's a pompous prick, living in the past! Besides, Goku could easily wipe the floor with him anytime, and he's a third-class, according to Vegeta himself. So much for your 'prince'." She added just enough sarcasm in the last word to make his left eye twitch in anger.

She jumped off of him, doing a few back-flips, and landed fifty feet away from him. "Now, do you wanna spar, or are you going to threaten me around all day?" she smirked, getting into a fighting stance, looking very much like her mother at that precise moment.