Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ REPRISAL UNBOUND ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Imajineer 
After finding out about the existance of Bulma clone, what will Yamchua do?
Vegeta seems a unusually little more angry and more demanding of his mate...can she give him what he wants?
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Drama /
Hentai |
Type: Revenge Fic |
Uploaded On: 12.27.2002 |
Updated On: 12.27.2002 |
Pages: 4 |
Words: 2.9K |
Visits: 417 |
Status: Work In Progress
AN: Mental though/speech ~After all revenge isn't everything ~
WARNING : Adult content. All under 17s please go away now.
"I'll have something sent down for you later." She turned and began to walk away but then suddenly stopped. Bulma turned slightly and said over her shoulder. "Yamchua, just let it happen, don't try to stop us. There's no way you can't win Yamchua…not this time."
Bulma quickened her steps to leave the cells deck, but she wasn't fast enough to not hear the point when Yamchua had finally found his voice as desperately cried out to her. But she turned a deaf ear and even as the cell deck doors closed, she could still hear the very faint ringing of his voice calling her name bouncing off the walls.
"COME BACK!!! BULMA!!!" The lone man cried out almost grievingly to the retreating clone. Once he heard the solid reverberating clang of the cell deck doors, he knew she was far out of hearing range, and he knew that she would not come back.
Yamchua slowly backed himself into a corner of his prison cell. Some semblance of shock still remained with him and when his back met the wall he slithered down to the floor. The freezing temperature of the surface did not even registering in his inundated brain. Unconsciously he drew his knees to his chest with his feet crossed over at the ankles. His arms rested on his knees on top one another and his head lowered so that the bottom half of his face disappeared behind them.
After a while he squeezed his eyes shut trying desperately to rid his mind of the images of Shizema's hands and mouth on the body of the Bulma clone. How he touched her, the way he played with her hair. How he had roughly grabbed and then held her face so Yamchua could have a good angle of it, the way he had moved his entire hand down her neck with a clamp like grip. Then, he had groped at her breasts through her clothes, and the perverted fucker hadn't even stopped there.
Yamchua opened his eyes. Closing off his sense of vision was not helping in the least. When everything was dark he could see her. When he had his eyes open he could see…only her. Bulma. It mattered not that she was an exact copy designed from the cell up. She looked like her, she sounded like her. It was her; and Yamchua found that none of his feelings changed or lessened when he thought about either of these women. But…she had done nothing to help him, to set him free. She hadn't even protested when her self deluded creator had his hands on her. She didn't even attempt to object to anything they had planned! Not a damn thing! Not once!
She just seemed willing to go along with them.
~If she's an exact clone of Bulma, then surely she must have some of Bulma's personality traits as well!~ Yamchua thought to himself. ~She would never willingly allow someone to treat her like…that…like a whore! ~
Not only that, but she had told him to `just let it happen'. That if he tried to stop them, he wouldn't succeed.
If that were true, then Vegeta would be no more. Bulma would be free again. She would be free to be with him and him with her. Yamchua was very tempted to clasp on to that hope; of a life. To finally have a happy life with Bulma, and maybe even have children of their own. It was something, he never denied, which appealed to him greatly. In fact, if choosing to be completely truthful to himself, he would admit it was something he longed for. I was something he had had very real life like dreams about. To hold her in his arms, to be able kiss her lips, something he did in fact once have. That was the most painful thing of all. Knowing that he once had the opportunity to have her, forever. To…physically express his love for her…with her.
Yamchua's brows fell into a determined self-angry frown as he abruptly ceased his train of thought. This was NOT like him! There were other lives at stake!
~She maybejust be a clone of Bulma, but that makes no difference. She IS Bulma!~ Yamchua's hands naturally balled into tight fists. ~And if she thinks that I'm going to just stay in this…this…cage and do absolutely nothing?! Then that Bulma never did inherit all the memories of her original ~
For Yamchua, Sarumi had made only one mistake in her plan, and that was the inclusion of his friends, little Trunks, his grandparents and especially Bulma. If that perversely warped tramp was going to include those innocents, then, if she had the power to, what was going to stop her from dealing Vegeta's new home planet the same that he had once dealt hers?
~No fucking way!~ Yamchua's aura almost began to blaze before he induced self-control. There was no way Sarumi could be trusted. ~The others have to be warned. I have to let them know ~
"I need get out of here…and I will!" He adamantly declared to himself.
Bulma yawned and then stretched. It was then, as usual, that she noticed Vegeta's side of the bed was empty.
"Dammit, Vegeta!" She cried as her first words. ~Can't that bakayarou go one morning without that blasted gravity chamber?!~
With a loud high pitched growl, sounding more like squeal, she flung the covers off the bed, and pulled her nightie off and stomped into the shower. After raising the temper as hot as she could take it, she walked under the spray. Cursing and swearing her Saiyanjin mate to hell and back.
After several minutes, she took a deep breath and forcefully relaxed herself. She knew she wasn't acting rationally. Well at least rationally according to what she had come to expect of Vegeta's behaviour after all these years. It was foolish to expect certain things to change, and she knew it.
~Fucking PMS.~ She thought to herself deciding what was the reason for her reaction.
At least it was a Friday, all she'd have to do was call in sick and enjoy a peaceful, nonworking, long weekend. That being decided, she continued her cleansing ritual for a few minutes more before turning the shower off, drying herself with a micro-fibre soft cotton towel and donning a pale pink vest top and cut off light blue jean shorts.
Bulma went downstairs into the kitchen deciding to make a call before she made herself breakfast; picked up the newly installed kitchen phone she dialled her secretary and only had to wait three seconds before he answered it.
"Oh, ohayou gozaimasu Miss Briefs, are you alright?" He replied.
"To be honest, I'm not felling a hundred percent this morning Ken, so I won't be coming in this morning," She said. "If anyone calls, I won't be available until Tuesday."
"Tuesday?!" He repeated in surprise.
"Yes." She said clearly so he understood. "Only if URSO call, and only if it's an emergency, are you to patch it through to my home. Okay?"
"Yes ma'am." He said immediately. "Will there be anything else?"
"No, that's all. I hope you have a good weekend."
"Er, um, thank you, Miss Briefs. I hope you feel better soon."
"I appreciate it Ken, goodbye now."
"Goodbye." He then hung up.
Bulma placed the receiver back in its place and she exhaled an annoyed sigh.
~ I'm co-owner of the company and I have the right to take a few days off as much as every other employee. What so surprising about that! ~ She looked at the kitchen clock; 11:37 am. ~Too late to go in anyway… ~
An idea struck her then, and she picked back the phone to phone the Son house. She winced as she felt quite a painful cramp erupt from her stomach.
Bulma quickly removed the receiver from her and grimaced. Once the volume of Chichi's voiced reduced some, she dared to place it back by her ear.
"Easy Chichi, I'm right here, there's no need to scream my ear off."
"Sorry." She apologised and spoke more calmly. "How are feeling, when did you wake up?"
"What! And only now you're phoning me?! Do you know how worried I was?! How worried Goku was?!"
"I'm sorry Chichi." It was Bulma's turn to apologise now, and she resisted the strong urge to remove the receiver from her ear. "But I'm fine now, just suffering a very painful stomach cramping period."
"Yeah," and she abruptly sucked air through clenched teeth.
"Nah, only a few more days left, no biggy." She reassured her friend. "I just had a really good idea!"
"Really?" she asked. "What is it?"
"How about get together barbeque for all the gang, my place?" Bulma said, running her idea by her. "The weather's gonna be really excellent for it."
"Yeah, sounds great! When shall we have it?"
"Is next Saturday alright for you?"
"Yeah, sure." Then Chichi frowned on the other side of the phone line. "But I'm not quite sure we'll be able to get everyone together. You know Tienchinhan and Chaotzu (AN: Please correct of the spelling if incorrect.) are extremely hard to get a hold of and Piccolo has a real solitude thing going."
"Just get Gohan to get Piccolo to come and I'm sure Son Kun can persuade Tien and Chaotzu to come. No real problem there."
"Good point." She agreed. "Alright, sure, I tell them."
"Thanks Chichi," Bulma said happily. "And I'm really sorry about worrying you an' all."
"Ah! Don't let it bother you. I'm just glad you're okay, and Goku will be ecstatic when I tell him."
Both women hung simultaneously. Bulma grimaced as a sudden intense cramping pain seized her abdominals. Uttering a small cry she began to fall forward, but never had a chance to meet the kitchen floor. Looking up to see what had prevented her from the hard fall, she saw it was her Saiyajin mate that held her in a strong protective embrace from behind against his body; a concerned expression not so completely hidden was grafted on his face.
"What wrong with you?" He asked her, his voice deep and steadily.
"Nothing Vegeta, just belly cramps." She noticed he was wearing a pair of black spandex shorts and was sporting a sweaty but god-like chest. "I'm fine."
Turning in his arms to face him, she gave him a gentle loved filled kiss. And taking her word Vegeta returned it as one of his hand moved up from her waist to hole her face.
"You better go lie down for a while." He told her when she pulled her lips away.
"You do not tell me what to do and when I should do it." She said without any real venom.
"Yes I do…" He said as he moved to capture her lips again for a much fiercer kiss compared to the first.
Bulma made the mistake of moaning as her body began to mould to his. It was then that his hands began to roam the terrain of her body through her clothes, subconsciously trying to get under them. Vegeta moved one of his hands up her stomach under her top and took one bare breast in hand to sensually massage it. A minute later he began to bunch it up until it finally was gathered at her upper chest, revealing both full breasts to Vegeta great excitement.
Bulma gasped loudly when his mouth closed around a nipple and areola. He continued to suck slowly and ever so deeply. She felt him ground his hips against hers, yearningly, desperately; the Dark no Ouji, needing to become one with her.
She even heard what she though was a soft small whimper like sound rumble in his throat. The little voice screaming inside her head, telling her that she shouldn't be doing this now and in her kitchen suddenly grew in volume exponentially. When she felt Vegeta's hand unbuttoning her shorts and start to pull them down. As much as she wanted him too, she couldn't let him take her now.
Bulma began to push against Vegeta for him to stop, but he didn't seem to get the message. So she had to battle wholeheartedly through her lustful haze to find her voice.
"Vegeta-sama, please, no." Her hand rested on the hand that was just on the helm of her panties ready to pull them down. It was then he stopped and looked into her flushed aroused, but pleading face.
Vegeta looked at her a while longer before kissing her gently while he pulled her shorts back up and refastened the button. He then looked lovingly at each breast. ~ Beautiful. ~ Vegeta tenderly kissed each one, much to the bewilderment of Bulma, and she continued to watch in silence as he pulled her top back down and then smoothed his hands down sides.
They stood there in comfortable silence; Bulma's hands resting on the no Ouji's chest and his hands lay fingers spread, lightly gripping her hips. Feeling the sudden need to just be simply held by him, Bulma closed the gap between their bodies and just rested her temple on Vegeta's chest, sighing in somewhat contentment.
One of Vegeta's wrapped around her lower back while the other encircled her upper back and shoulders, somehow understanding that she needed this. The angle of vision he had, giving him a glorious view of her neck. Lowering his head he began to kiss affectionately along it.
"How…much longer…until we can…?" He didn't finish his question as he busied himself with the incessant kissing of her soft skin. Not that he needed to. Bulma knew what he was asking her.
"Another…four, three…days." She answered breathlessly.
"Four, three days…too long!" With that said his hands moved out of the protective embrace from which they held her in and once again moved with the purpose to remove her clothing.
Bulma opened her eyes wide in anger; he obviously wasn't going to pay any attention to her wishes. She then started to try to push away from him in earnest, but his arms had now become like immoveable restraints. She next tried to strike at him but only succeeded in tenderizing her own hands.
"Ve…" She tried to speak but was abruptly silenced with his mouth on hers. When he finally pulled his lips away she managed to get a slap to contact with his face. But Bulma knew it was mistake from impact, and it wasn't just the painful sting that radiated from her hand that told her either. It was the expression that had come across Vegeta's face.
An instant fear gripped her, freezing her as she noticed the amount of rage and hatred she saw. She saw his hand move in the corner of her eye and thought he was going to strike her back. But it was as if her entire body had congealed and she couldn't tear her eyes away from his obsidian orbs, which looked ready to give her a death sentence. She jumped when she suddenly felt his fingers dig into the flesh of her upper arm like tent pikes being hammered into the ground, but her fear kept her from vocalising her pain. She knew if Vegeta was to apply only a few nanograms more of pressure he would crush her arms.
Vegeta brought her face close to his own and he could see her visibly trembling.
"FINE!" The voice he used was almost unrecognizable as his own, as it was distorted with so much hate and violent resentment. He roughly shoved her away and Bulma landed with a hard thud on the kitchen floor.
She stayed where she had fallen and silently watched as he stomped out of the kitchen and away from view. Using a counter as support, she pulled herself up to stand on legs that by some miracle held her up even though they felt as sturdy as a rickety old bridge.
Still trembling, Bulma subconsciously moved her arms to hold herself, but simultaneously sounded a small cry of agony and removed her hands. Looking at both arms in turn she saw two very ugly bluish purple bruises, both as big as Vegeta's large hands. Lifting her arms she realised that the bruised travelled all the way to the back and to the inner side. They almost formed a ring as if they were some kind of decorative, identifying armlets. Bulma almost released a short burst of embittered laugher at the irony.
They were HIS identifying marks alright! However she couldn't hold up the strong front for another second more. Her face crumbled as did her body as she collapsed back down on the cold floor, her legs landing in uncomfortable angles. The tears fell freely and Bulma brought up both hands to cover her face as she sobbed bitterly in pain.
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WELL?! What do you all think?! I really want to know! Come on tell me with your comments?!!!
Eagerly awaiting your gracious reviews!!!
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Contact e-mail = imajineer@hotmail.com