Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ REPRISAL UNBOUND ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Imajineer 
Trunks arrives home from school to meet a very pissed Saiyajin no Ouji who challenges him to a sparing match.
As the battle commences he realises that his father does not plan to mess around.
How will the little demi-Sayajin fare?
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Drama /
Hentai |
Type: Revenge Fic |
Uploaded On: 01.01.2003 |
Pages: 3 |
Words: 2.4K |
Visits: 400 |
Status: Work In Progress
AN: First I apologise for the slight shortness of this instalment.
Also there seems to be some confusion as to the identity of the `Bulma' in the last chapter.
I just wanted to clear it up that the `Bulma' interacting with Vegeta is NOT the clone.
Now I know I've opened myself for some beat stick about the `belly cramps' but this is my flipping story and I'm putting my damn foot down. I mean, come on, it's only first fanfic…and I bet none of you guys knew that, ne?
Anyway, enough of my waffling and on with the story. Hope you enjoy!
"FINE!" The voice he used was almost unrecognizable as his own, as it was distorted with so much hate and violent resentment. He roughly shoved her away and Bulma landed with a hard thud on the kitchen floor.
She stayed where she had fallen and silently watched as he stomped out of the kitchen and away from view. Using a counter as support, she pulled herself up to stand on legs that by some miracle held her up even though they felt as sturdy as a rickety old bridge.
Still trembling, Bulma subconsciously moved her arms to hold herself, but simultaneously sounded a small cry of agony as she removed her hands. Looking at both arms in turn she saw two very ugly bluish purple bruises, both as big as Vegeta's large hands. Lifting her arms she realised that the bruised travelled all the way to the back and to the inner side. They almost formed a ring as if they were some kind of decorative, identifying armlets. Bulma almost released a short burst of embittered laugher at the irony.
They were HIS identifying marks alright! However she couldn't hold up the strong front for another second more. Her face crumbled as did her body as she collapsed back down on the cold floor, her legs landing in uncomfortable angles. The tears fell freely and Bulma brought up both hands to cover her face as she sobbed bitterly in pain.
The lavender haired demi-Saiyanjin sped through the sky on his way home from school. He made it a point to skim the bordering area that lay between the troposphere and stratosphere, immensely enjoying the sensation of having the hot above and cold below. The sensations it sent through his body was absolutely thrilling.
He knew how often his mother and grandmother had often warned him about showing off his powers for the world to see, but that was not the only incentive to be careering at such high altitudes and even higher speeds.
It was the excitement, the dynamic freedom that was experienced with it. Ever since he could first take to the air he had long since conceded to finding words to accurately describe what transpired with the mind, body and soul of the one that soared.
Upon seeing a large patch of what looked to be heavy rain clouds Trunks decided to climb towards the upper portion of the stratosphere to avoid it. The sudden onslaught of amassed sunlight heat courtesy of the ozone made him wish that he decided to wear his t-shirt instead of the thick sweater that his okaasan had made him wear.
Beads of sweat began to break out upon his forehead and Trunks wiped them away with his sleeve. Then after a few seconds later, more perspiration came and Trunks wiped them away also. By the fifth wipe Trunks pulled his sweater off, making sure his vest stayed on and let the infernal body heat insulator fall through the thick clouds below and towards the surface.
When he left the area of rain clouds far behind him, he lowered his altitude once again so he could fly between the heat and cold. Trunks then suddenly nose dived, increasing to inhuman speeds. The farm land that was below seemed to proceed towards him in the same time it would take the eye to instinctively blink. Then literally at the last second or rather the last metre he changed his body alignment so that it came parallel to the ground as he flew along it for several yards and then propelled back towards the sky.
Trunks hooted wildly. He had come so close this time; he had felt the short blades of grass graze his bare knee caps left uncovered by his school shorts.
How Trunks revelled in these death-defying aerobatics. He never dared to perform such stunts before his okaasan or grandmother. It always scared the living daylights out of them. His grandmother would often scream, while only his mother managed to contain the true fear she felt. But he would always see it in her eyes whenever she's castigate him, and he felt like such a heel to see the worry and pain in her face that he caused her then, with his childish antics.
But oh how he loved the buzz it gave him. So he had acquiesced to engage in such hazardous hobbies whenever he was not in her presence. Looking at his watch, it read 16:41 and he knew it was about time he actually went home. He had quite a lot of home work to catch up on.
~ It's amazing how much time goes by when your batter a fellow Saiyajin! ~ He thought to himself remembering the sparring sessions Goten and himself had gotten into every afternoon so far this week.
He smirked then, not realising he was now looking like the spitting image of his otousama, excluding the colour variation.
~ But all this study cuts into my fun time! ~ A frown then came upon his young face. But he knew he'd be lying if he said he wished he never wanted to study again. He loved the mental challenge it brought him almost as much at the fighting brought the physical challenge. ~I guess I get that from kaasan.~ He mused.
He increased his speed with a blast of his purple aura and turned in the direction of home.
Vegeta blasted the last of the battle drones into oblivion, not feeling one little bit satisfied.
~The sluttishlittle cock teasing bitch!~ Vegeta on panted lightly, not even coming close to full exertion. ~How dare she arouse me and then suddenly decide to not allow me to have the release?!~
"…Whore!" The venom in Vegeta's voice drew out the word slowly and very clearly, as if he unequivocally meant it.
However, if Vegeta had remembered who exactly had initiated the erotic contact, it may have calmed him down, some. He may have made him a little reasonable, but instead his rage was fuelling him, and he allowed it to. It didn't even occur to him that he was acting way more aggressive than within his personality parameters.
It had been hours since the scene in the kitchen. After…`depositing' Bulma on the floor, he had stormed out in vexation and shut himself up in the gravity chamber, using his rage to fuel his training in hopes of ridding himself of it. But he didn't seem to be accomplishing what he desired. It was almost as if the longer he stayed in the intensified gravity and breathed in the increased pressurised air, the more so his rage rose.
~I should teach that little tramp that she can't play with fire without getting scathed.~ Vegeta's irrational fuming was interrupted when he sensed the speedy approach of his son. ~Finally! Someone who can last longer than those pieces of shit mechanical failures that the wench creates!~
Vegeta stomped towards the chamber door and shoved it open with such a force that he almost broke it off its hinges. He walked towards the front door and waited for his prepubescent son to open the door.
Trunks reluctantly opened the front door knowing he'd have to go straight to his room so he could have a good head start on his homework. He had only stepped over the threshold, closed the door behind him, and turned around before he froze. There before him stood the very angry Saiyan no Ouji who was his father.
Vegeta did not return the greeting but just continued to glare at the boy.
"I can see you're not in the best of moods right now so I'll go upstairs and do my homework." He quickly rattled out, but was not given a chance to take a single step.
"Gravity chamber. With me. Now." He spoke with a voice that belied how much effort he was using to control himself. Then Vegeta spun on his heels and took off to his destination.
It took a good couple of seconds for Trunks to find his voice, "But otousan, I have to…" He began but immediately ceased speech when his father turned his head to look back at him.
The look that Vegeta had in his eyes dared Trunks to disobey him, thus having to face the inevitable punishment. When he saw the boy's eyes slightly widen and he gulped down air, he knew Trunks would not hesitate any further. So he turned back around and resumed his steps to his most frequented training facility.
Trunks quickly followed behind, wondering what had angered his otousan so. With all his soul, he did love and admired his father, but Vegeta had also managed to instil a healthy kind of fear of himself in the boy. Trunks knew that his father was a dangerous force of nature when his temper was tried, let alone broken. So needless to say, being on the receiving side was something he never ever wanted to experience for the entire duration of his life.
~I bet he's been fighting with okaasan again.~ Trunks concluded, and he sighed inwardly, the very thought making him feel miserable.
Father and son entered the gravity machine then Vegeta closed the door behind Trunks with a heavy slam. The resounding clash of metal on metal engulfed the small demi-Saiyajin as the tolling of the bells that signalled the beheading of a Guillotine victim. When the electromagnetic lock switched on and the steel blots were driven home, the realisation that Trunks was now locked up alone with his otousan while he was in this…`dark'…moods, almost made his shiver. In stead, the boy called upon his resolve as he jumped back and stood in the centre or the chamber. Levelling his vision with his father, Trunks couched down in combat stance and readied himself.
~That's right brat…Prepare yourself… ~
Vegeta calmly stalked towards his son. His toned body deceptively unperturbed, his shoulders straight, his hands relaxed and opened, while naturally swaying at his side. His strides were even and almost graceful. Trunks steadied his breathing instinctively and his eyes never left his father as he followed his every movement.
Several seconds later and Vegeta was still making his way over to his son comfortably. Trunks narrowed his eyes warily. He in no way liked the way his father was drawing out the initiation. Under normal situations Vegeta would have told Trunks to attack him, or would have started with a strike that wouldn't have been too difficult to block. But it seemed that this time, Vegeta would engage in none of the above.
~Why won't he attack me? What the hell is he trying to do?~ Trunks wondered to himself. ~Frighten me?!~
Trunks refused to concentrate on the very real fact that if that indeed was his father's intension; he was half succeeding in it.
Suddenly, without warning, Vegeta dashed at high speed towards his son. For a split second Trunks betrayed his surprise by not only blinking but also hesitating to defend himself. Even more surprisingly, Vegeta didn't make use of the opportunity that Trunks presented him with. Instead, just as he reached the area right in front of Trunks, he phased out, leaving an after image of himself. Trunks head whipped from left to right, trying to find his father. The next thing he felt was the stabbing pain of a large solid fist in his back, causing him to cry as his back arched. He didn't even the see the laced together hands that came down in the form of a hammer punch connecting solidly with his chest sending him crashing to the ground.
Trunks slowly opened his eye to see a more than irate Saiyan no Ouji looking very condescendingly down at him.
"Pathetic! You're not evening trying." Vegeta mocked him. "Get the fuck up!"
The little demi-Saiyajin was stunned! It wasn't that his father never swore, but he never intentionally did so in front of him or when he knew he was within hearing range. Let alone at him!
Trunks' dazed expression melted away to one of anger. Turning over so that he was kneeling on hands and knees, Trunks pushed a sudden blast of energy through his hands onto the floor. The force of the beam launched him high into the air and Trunks quickly fired another blast straight towards Vegeta.
The no Ouji easily dodged it and flew up in a direct line towards his son. At the last possible moment he swerved to come at Trunks from behind. Trunks quickly ducked a backhanded punch from his father and used the immediate opening provided to land a heavy kick in Vegeta's stomach. He watched as his sire reeled back, but only for a couple of meters or so. Trunks hadn't used his full strength with that blow, but the look that Vegeta had in his face, made him wish he had. It was sardonic; it bordered on malevolence and held a voracious lust for battle where no quarter would be taken or given, even, towards his very own son.
Trunks found it impossible to keep the horror and fear from upon his face and his blue eyes became as wide as saucers. He knew, somehow he just knew that he was about to face the Vegeta he thought he had been privileged, no, was blessed never to meet. He was about to enter into mortal combat with the dark Saiyajin no Ouji.
Trunks subconsciously backed off and readied himself for his father's next attack; all the while praying to Kami Dende himself that he'll survive this conflict.
Well like I said, a tad bit short. But please let me know what you think through your reviews!