Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ Outskirts of Town ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: Next GenZ

Chapter 13: Outskirts of town


Spinning around they saw that the G-Tyrant had caught up to them. Trunks looked over the rail. There was a drop about 15 feet to the platform below them. They could make it.

"Go over the edge!" shouted Trunks.


"Jump over the edge, I'm right behind you!"

The two made it over and down as the Tyrant lunged at them and shoved its claws through the door that was behind them. Once it got its claws out, it followed Trunks and Marron's jump down to the next level.

With G-Tyrant was right behind them, Trunks and Marron started to run from it but then stopped dead in their tracks. Heavy footfalls sounded as Mr. X moved forward to block their way. The G-Tyrant behind them, Mr. X in front of them, and a pit of liquid metal to their left.

"Now what?" asked Marron looking at their situation.

"Well this isn't good."

Trunks and Marron stood back to back, Trunks facing the G-Tyrant and Marron facing Mr. X, what a position to be trapped in. Trunks was looking around wildly trying to find something to get them out of this. But so far all he came across was the word: hopeless that was screaming circles in his mind. Trunks looked to his right, over the liquid metal it was...a lower platform...tracks...beside it, oh Kami there were train tracks there was a way out! Far over the pits of metal, the lowest level of the factory, a platform, a door, and track on one side...covered in high metal fences but what do you want to bet was through the door? There had to be a way to it, he just couldn't see it from here. And then there was the little problem of being surrounded...

Marron looked back up to Trunks, he was staring off into the distance, following his gaze to her upper left and down, she could make out another platform and door...he couldn't be thinking...it was too far, they'd never make it...

"You see it?" asked Trunks.

"We'll never make it..."

Whether they could make it or not was the least of their worries as the G-Tyrant lunged towards them.

"Trunks!" Marron saw it coming first, Trunks' head snapped around. He pushed Marron out of the way and took the Tyrant's full blow. He was back handed into a circular pillar of metal, sharp pieces cut into his back, arms, and face as he fell onto a circuit board and crashed to the floor. Sparks lit up the pillar as electrical currents shot up its center, lighting up the whole basement factory, the ground shook as a female voice recording came on the speakers:

"Warning, the self destruct sequence has been activated. All employees please proceed to the car at the bottom platform, this sequence cannot be aborted. All employees..."

Marron looked up at the voice, Trunks had pushed her into the rail, looking at where everyone was, she saw Mr. X heading towards her. Looking ahead, she made a decision. While Mr. X was picking up speed and running towards her, Marron ran towards the G-Tyrant, when he turned, she ducked. Seeing Mr. X lunge towards him, the G-Tyrant let out a roar and swung at Mr. X. The force of the hit, send him flying into the rail, breaking it and sending Mr. X into the liquid metal below. The G-Tyrant cracked his neck and looked towards the humans.

Marron was crawling towards Trunks when she found herself knocked flat on her back with a heavy foot in her stomach. When she looked up, the G-Tyrant was growling right above her. Then without warning, she felt a searing pain spread through her left shoulder.

Trunks, shook off his dizziness when he heard Marron's ear splitting scream. Looking up he saw the G-Tyrant had shoved one of his claws straight through her shoulder. Keeping its foot on her stomach, the G-Tyrant slowly slid his claw out and then tilting his head to one side, he kicked her across the floor, which sent her rolling into the metal rail.

Seeing the Tyrant move towards Marron, Trunks forced himself off the ground and into a semi-standing position, as he lent back into the control circuit, a jot of electricity singed his hand. Looking back at it and then to the G-Tyrant, he got an idea. Taking his gun, Trunks threw it as hard as he could at the monster. It hit him hard in the head. Snorting and growling the Tyrant turned back to Trunks who stood defiantly.

"What are you waiting for?"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The G-Tyrant lunged at Trunks, who got out of the way just in time. The G-Tyrant's claws sunk into the control circuit. Electrical currents ran through its body as it screamed out an unholy roar. As the currents started to get stronger, the entire place was shaking, metal and concrete were falling from the ceiling. One of the triad platforms came crashing down from its high top perch. Falling right over the platform fifteen feet above Trunks, metal and twisted debris flew everywhere. A deep rumble was coming from beneath them. The liquid metal below them was hissing and bubbling in turmoil. They had to get out of the Factory, and they had to go now.

Racing over to where Marron lay, Trunks helped her despite protests.

"Come on we have to move! Get up!"

Below the rail where Marron was thrown there were more heavy metal boxes. Ignoring his injuries, Trunks went down first and helped Marron . Her shoulder was throbbing painfully and she had no doubt that her stomach would be bruised from where the G-Tyrant's foot had lain. Trunks looked ahead of him among the rumbling chaos around them, trying to find the train platform again, it was ahead and too their left. Making their way, half running and half limping. Up steps and over edges, they finally came to the other side of the factory.

"We have to jump again," said Trunks. The floor they wanted to be on was at least twenty feet down.

"This sucks," said Marron, "why us?"

Climbing over the rail, they both made a jump for it. Bending his knees and then rolling, Trunks hit the metal floor with a grunt of pain and turned on his back. He could feel the blood from the cut above his eyebrow running once more down the side of his face. Remembering about Marron, Trunks turned to his right. He saw her moaning and trying to lift herself up. Staggering over to her, they helped each other towards the door.

Once through it, the train was in clear view. The two of them ran down the corridor to the front of the train, the compartment doors swung open as the ran inside. There were stairs leading to the control car to their left. Trunks ran as quickly as he could up the steps. As the doors swung open, Trunks knew something was wrong. Pressing buttons and flipping switches he knew what it was...there was no power.

Cursing and coming out of the control room, he found Marron breathing deep and clutching at her shoulder. Her ripped up white bouse was stained with blood.

"What's wrong," she said looking at him, "what is it?"

"There's no power," said Trunks, "we're stuck, I'll have to go back."

"Back where?"

"The circuit breakers, or power grid has to be back there somewhere."

"You can't go back alone," she told him as he uncapsuled some bandages and wrapped them tightly around her shoulder; to somehow stop or at least slow the bleeding.

"I want you to stay here, I'll be back soon."

Over the loud speakers, the female voice recording came on again, as a loud explosion was heard in the distance:

"Self destruct in T-minus five minutes and counting."

"We're not going to make it."

"We'll make it, I'll be back," he said and then, almost unable to stop himself, Trunks pulled Marron into a hard kiss. "I promise."

Looking straight into her yes, Trunks turned and left the compartment. A bit dazed from the blood loss and then the kiss, Marron slid down to the floor and fumbled with the compartment on her gun holster. Feeling the cool glass of the vial. The G-sample remained unbroken.


Trunks ran along the length of the corridor back to the metal factory, his lungs burned and his back screamed at him as he pushed himself forward. The power grid had to be close. There was absolutely nothing around. The only thing there was the door that led to the factory. Praying that there was something he missed, Trunks opened the door and went in. The temperature had risen drastically, more things were broken then when he and Marron had left. Cords and wires were broken, metal hung from half broken rafters, the steam that rose from the liquid metal was quickly turning into thick grey smoke.

Looking straight ahead, Trunks let out a sigh of relief, running across the platform Trunks found the power grid. The interlocking plugs were right next to it in a sealed compartment. Pressing one of the buttons the compartment slid open. Taking the plugs he set them up in the correct sequence. The grid lit up and hummed with a newly imbued life. Double checking to make sure everything was right, Trunks turned to head back to the door.

He was half way there when the metal pool beside him started to bubble rapidly. Out of the metal, a large, twisted, clawed hand slammed down onto the floor, slicing through it like butter. Trunks stood wide eyed as the former Mr. X jumped out of the metal pool. Thick sinewy muscles ran all over his body, his hands were like long knives, he was completely changed. Mr. X had become a 001-Tyrant.

"Oh hell," said Trunks breaking into a run. He made it out the door before the 001-Tyrant had a chance to recover from its rebirth into a superior being.

Through the door and down the corridor, Trunks pushed his battered body as far as it could go. He reached the Main compartment door before running ahead towards the gate. In a few seconds it was opened, behind him, Trunks heard the door to the metal factory rip away. Running into the train, Trunks wasted no time in starting it up. buttons were pressed, levers were pulled, and the Train jerked forward. As it picked up speed Trunks made his way back down the steps to Marron.

"Told you I'd make it," he said collapsing down beside her. His heart was beating erratically.

"We made it," said Marron pulling him closer and leaning their heads together.









The train jerked forward, and Trunks and Marron flew across the compartment.

"What the hell?"

"This car will self destruct in three minutes, due to a biohazard breach," came a cold metallic voice from the speakers.

"Breach?" said Marron, "What breach?"

"We have to stop the train..."


"What was that?"

Trunks got up and moved towards the rear car door, he couldn't see anything out of it, it was all black...Trunks was thrown back violently as the door was forced off its hinges. A huge black, scaled mass demanded entrance. The G-Tyrant had once again morphed. It's body was too big for the door, its mouth was larger than ever and full of rows upon rows of jagged teeth. Spiny black tentacles forced their way into the main compartment, whipping around, putting dents in the metal walls wherever they struck.

"Oh Kami..." said Marron, slowly backing away from the flailing beast. turning around she found that Trunks had been thrown, up the steps and into the metal door of the control compartment. He was struggling to get up. While Marron was preoccupied with Trunks she didn't notice one of the G-Tyrant's tentacles wrap around her leg until it jerked her onto her back and started to pull her towards him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Marron screamed and looked for something to grab onto, anything to stop from getting closer to that mouth. It was going to kill her. She was going to die. Another distant explosion from the crumbing factory could be heard in the distance. The tunnel which the train was running through shuddered violently as pieces of debris fell onto the train. Some were so hard that the light fixtures on the roof sparkled, cracked, and shattered. Glass rained down as some metal fragments and rock came through the roof.

A thin metal rebar was close to Marron's hand, she made her decision and she grabbed it. She was not going to die here. She had a job to do, and the rest of her money to collect after all. Grabbing the rebar, Marron forced herself up and stabbed it through the G-Tyrant's tentacle. The creature screamed in agony and let go of its hold. While it was momentarily out of it, Marron scrambled up to Trunks' side. He was already standing again and pushed her into the control compartment.

"Where is it? There has to be something to stop this thing."

"There!" said Marron, she hit a button on the side and she and Trunks were jerked forward as the train was slamming to a halt. The G-Tyrant was wailing its rage behind them.

"Let's go!"

Trunks and Marron ran out the side door, down the tunnel, and away from the train.

"There's light!"


"Keep moving!"


As the final second counted down, the G-Tyrant roared once final time as Goten could now find peace.


Trunks and Marron made it to the end of the tunnel and ran out into the daylight.


The train's explosion rocketed throughout the tunnel, the aftershocks pushing Trunks and Marron off their feet and to the ground. The tunnel collapsed and all that was once behind it, The Factory, and the last way in or out, all fell into ruin. explosions and tremors shook the ground.

Trunks made his way over to Marron, while staring off towards the newly blocked tunnel entrance. The sun shone down upon them, and a light breeze blew a few strands of hair from Marron's face.

"That's it," she said.

"It's over."

Trunks turned her head to face his and ran a finger down her cheek. They were both bruised, and tired, both covered in drying blood. The two collapsed onto the earth, letting out a sigh of relief. Looking up into the clear blue sky, there was nothing more beautiful in the world. Trunks turned his head to look over at Marron, her eyes were closed and she was breathing evenly. For the first time since they met he really saw her. She was a survivor, they got through this together. And she was a lot more beautiful than the sky.


A/N: Okay I needed a little T/M sap, I hope it fit okay. Well this ends chapter 13, but wait is this the end? It sure seems that way but...NO?! There's an epilogue yet to come?! Whatever shall that be about? Is there another sinister plot rising? What's with Marron and the G-Virus? Can you guess? Maybe...maybe not...