Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ The G-Tyrant ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: Next GenZ

Chapter 12: The G-Tyrant


A muscular arm swung out at the wall piercing it with its sharp claws. Goten-Tyrant's body began to jerk as he again swung at the wall, embedding more deep scratches into the metal. Muscles knotted, bones broke and rearranged. The G-Tyrant's body shifted and grew taller as its claws became even more sinister looking. The monster's face contorted into a black and red mess with piercing yellow eyes and a mouth full of pointed teeth. A tail broke out of the ripped pants as the G-Tyrant took on its final shape.

"Ruh, Grrrrr....ahhhh...." the G-Tyrant shook itself off before tearing at the steel wall creating a hole large enough for it too fit through. With that done it stalked out, upright on two feet.


"Did you hear that?" asked Trunks.

"I really didn't want too," said Marron.

"There has to be a way out of here....there was an elevator back on the main floor, it leads to some sort of...liquid metal factory or something."

"Liquid metal? Probably a Red Ribbon cover Op?"



Trunks and Marron turned around, "What was that?"

"Maybe nothing..."

"You and your maybe's."

The two stayed quiet for a moment and tensed, waiting to hear more. When no other sound was heard, they turned back around and continued to through the hall.

*clunk* -oopsie!-

"What was that?" asked Marron.

"Or more 'who' was that?" said Trunks taking off in a run back down the hall. Marron followed when she heard a scream and more running footsteps. The woman got through the blue door and was heading back to the main triad when Trunks managed to grab her arm and spin her around. He was met with long blue hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hmmm, oh, you caught me!"


"Oh, wait, there was something I was supposed to do." The woman furrowed her brows together like she was thinking very hard, "oh yeah! Now I remember!" She ripped out of Trunks grip backed up a few steps and took out a gun.

"You two killed my husband!"

Trunks and Marron sweat dropped at the crazy woman.

"Okay who are you?" asked Marron.

"I am Maron Gero and you killed my old, rich husband!" squealed the blue haired ditz.

"Your husband was Dr. Gero?"

"Of course do you know any other Gero's?"

"So your husband is responsible for what's happening here?"

"Well you don't have to be so accusatory, it was an honest little accident. If Red Ribbon hadn't of sent assassins after my poor Geraldie-bear none of this would have happened!"


"Hmm....yes just a little more..."

Dr. Geraldo Gero was in his lab preparing a very long needle to stick into a rat that he had tied down to the table.

"This won't a bit my little rat friend..."

The rat squeaked and fought as Gero brought the needle closer until it was embedded in the little rat's body. Once the virus was in the rat started to convulse and mutate. Gero unstrapped the rat and threw it back in its cage. when the mutation was done, the rat was twice its normal size, all its hair was shed and its skin looked sickly and burnt. The rat growled and lunged and the cage door, it's little feet were taloned claws.

"Interesting," said Gero picking up his tape recorder, "when injected with the pure G-Virus sample, the subject begins to morph into a tyrant like state, whereas if the virus is diluted and inroduced through a wound or bite the subject takes on the more zombie like qualities of the T-virus..."

"Oh Geraldy sweetie!" yelled Maron.

"Not now woman, I'm on the verge of a scientific break through!"

"Oh well, I just thought you should know that your friends from Red Ribbon are here!"

"What? Friends? What friends?"

"Oh well a couple of men dressed all in black with big, weird looking face mask thingies are at the door."

"The virus, they want my virus..."

"Dr. Gero?"

"Hey," whined Maron, "I thought I told you to stay in the waiting room!"

"Doctor we're here to collect the G sample."

"No you can't have it I won't let you!"

"Sir..." started the RR special ops. leader

Gero's paranoia etting the best of him he grabbed Maron by the hand and started to run, grabbing the G samples vial, he hit the emergency release mechanism, that let out all the infected rats and prized experiments.

"Run Maron, run!"

Gero was so caught up in getting away that he didn't notice the G-rat spitting up little cockroach like larvae, nor did he notice one of them attatch itself to Gero's hand and burrow in...

"Stop them!"

Gun fire started, which once started aimed at Gero and his bubbly wife were now aimed at the rats, G-rat and Gero's prized Licker who sprang forth from its high perched cage to massacre the RR team. Screams and gunshots followed Gero and Maron to Gero's secret sewer hatch.


"But Geraldy had to go a different way so he told me to go back to the Factory and wait for him! But he never came back! My beloved husband is dead and its all your fault!"

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he was killed by one of his own creations?

Maron looked at Trunks blankly, "No, it didn't, but I'm sure those little cuties would never turn on their daddy."

This was going nowhere, the only thing they learned was how Gero let everything out, the paranoid schizophrenic...everyone after his work...biological warfare, because of this Trunks' entire unit was dead, his friends were gone, his sister's body was lying in the runes somewhere and his best friend was mutating into god knows what. This had to end. But for that to happen he'd have to get the gun away from Gero's crazy wife without her shooting him, he was sure he could...

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" the G-Tyrant appeared in the central triad just behind Maron. Her wide blue eyes blinked twice before she turned around to see the pinnacle of her husband's work. the reason for the G-virus' creation. To transform a human into the ultimate bio-weapon. The G-Tyrant growled before it lunged at Maron, embedding its taloned claws right through her torso before flinging her over the rail to the level below.

As soon as Trunks and Marron saw the G-Tyrant they immediately began backing up, when it skewered the insipid blue-haired woman, the two were running back to the blue door.

"Where the hell are we going?" said Marron.

"How should I know?"

"Then stand and fight!" With that Marron took out her magnum and glock and opened fire at the G-Tyrant, Trunks followed suit. The Tyrant growled and lunged. trunks ducked and rolled under its arm and Marron was forced over the side. Sliding backwards to put more distance between himself and the Tyrant. Trunks again fired at the monster. After a couple more shots the Tyrant was swaying and dived over the side of the platform leaving Trunks alone...

Looking up at his surrounding, he noticed his blonde companion was missing, only to realize that she went plummeting to the ground below...


He heard his name being called from the side. Rushing over to where Marron fell he saw her hanging onto the bottom rail.

"Would you pull me up already!"

Relief washed over him as he pulled the blonde back up onto the path, once back on solid ground Marron collapsed onto her back.

"I thought you fell."

"I did, just not that far."

A small smile graced his lips as he lied down next to her.

"That was some pretty shooting for just a secretary."

"I worked in a police station..."

"Oh yeah," said Trunks, "you've come a long way since we first met..."

"From running from dogs and screaming..." started Marron

"...to telling me when to fight..." finished Trunks, "what the hell was that thing?"

Marron looked away from him, "Trunks...that was Goten..."


"And it looks like he's done his transformation..."

"Goten...I, he..."

"He's not a person anymore Trunks, he's not the man you knew."

Trunks sighed and stood up, he walked over to the side and looked over into the abyss.

"You know I keep wondering, why is this happening...my team, my best friend, my sister...they're all dead, this whole city is dead."

"We have to get out."

"I know, "said Trunks, "let's go."


"Well there's nothing up here so let's head down..."


Through the white and down the ladder they went, the two wandered until they came across the Factory's Lab. Vines were growing everywhere, tubes were broken and cracked, cages were ripped apart and others were wide open.

"Looks like a dead end," said Trunks looking around.

"When you got off the platform train where'd you go?"

"Oh uh, I fell down some vents and I fell into the basement or whatever."

A flash of something purple caught Marron's eye, she edged away from Trunks to investigate. The blonde reached the counter and lifted some papers off of a vial, Marron's eyes widened as her heart sped up a little. She looked over in Trunks' direction.

"What was that?" she asked.

"What?" asked Trunks.

"Over there," she pointed at something that would take Trunks' attention away from her. When his head was turned Marron picked up the vial and set it in a special compartment of her gun holster.

"I don't hear anything," said Trunks turning back to face Marron.

"I'm probably just hearing things, what with everything that's happened," she said leafing through the papers she found near the unbroken G-virus sample.

"Right, did you find anything?"

"A whole lot of nothing, or maybe something but I don't understand any of it. It's like a foreign language. Did you notice anything in the basement that might get us out of here?" asked Marron changing the subject.

"I don't know do you think there might be?"

"We've been all over this place so we might as well check."

"Let's go."

Walking out of the Lab, the two made their was down another hall back past the platform train and into the elevator. Once they reached the bottom, and the doors opened they were hit by the heat.

"It's hotter than it was before," said Trunks.

"Wow," said Marron looking around at the gigantic mess of twisting metal and heat.

The two walked deeper into the labyrinth before a deep growl was heard. Trunks and Marron twisted around to face nothing. Their confusion was short lived as the G-Tyrant jumped down to their level from its perch on the wall. Letting out a deep roar it started after them. Trunks and Marron ran to the end of the metal rail before running up the stairs at the end. Before they could reach the next flight of stairs, the G-Tyrant jumped the level and landed in front of them. Looking around, Trunks spotted some metal boxed to the side. Pulling Marron over to them, the two started to climb. Trunks went under the rail at the top and moved to help Marron up, halfway through she stopped.

"My jacket's caught!"

"Take it off!"

Marron squirmed out of her jacket, the jagged metal it was caught on took her right sleeve with it, they ran up more stairs until they were near the top. A heavy metal door was right in front of them. It proved to be impossible to open.

"Open dammit!"

"You need a key!" shouted Marron pointing at the hole in the side.


Spinning around they saw that the G-Tyrant had caught up to them. Trunks looked over the rail. There was a drop about 15 feet to the platform below them. They could make it.

"Go over the edge!" shouted Trunks.


"Jump over the edge, I'm right behind you!"

The two made it over and down as the Tyrant lunged at them and shoved its claws through the door that was behind them. Once it got its claws out, it followed Trunks and Marron's jump down to the next level.

With G-Tyrant was right behind them, Trunks and Marron started to run from it but then stopped dead in their tracks. Heavy footfalls sounded as Mr. X moved forward to block their way. The G-Tyrant behind them, Mr. X in front of them, and a pit of liquid metal to their left...


Pronunciation: Geraldo --> Her'all'doe

And Maron Gero? Remember Maron, Krillen's old girlfriend? Yup, that's her! Starring as Gero's wife in this fic!

A/N: Sorry for the long delay, I've just been really lazy over the summer. And not to worry I have NOT given up on this fic, it WILL be finished. I have given myself a strict code to follow. Ever story I write will be finished, no matter how long it takes. I will finish. I start something I finish it.

I'm also a review junkie, I like reviews they fuel my writing passion. But please I want your opinion. What did you like, was there anything you hated? Where could I improve? Do you have any predictions as to what's going to happen? I love reading what you think, and fell about my story. Thanks so much to you reviewers for keeping this fic alive! If no one reviewed I would have killed it back in the beginning. But then I got 3 reviews so I decided to continue and see where the story headed. There is only 1, maybe 2 chapters left in this story. I also have my story hosted on mediaminer[dot]org. Just replace the [dot] with the usual [.] I have no reviews there. It's quite sad actually. Thanks to all you reviewers though! Love you guys!

w00t: After I read your latest review I started this chapter immediately, you gave me the push to get this out. Knowing that there are some people who want to see this story finished and actually like it gave me the will to sit my ass down and type it out!

Lil Melfina64: You do encourage me too:) I just didn't hear from you for a while and that made me sad T_T. But I'm glad that you're still with me.