Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ Not who you think I Am ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGen Z

Chapter 11: Not who you think I Am

Smoke rose from the deep pits around Trunks as he made his way through the Factory basement. He had to get out of the Metal Works, it was getting hotter by the second. Or so it seemed. Running down the rusted staircase before him, Trunks stopped abruptly. A raspy voice was breathing somewhere near him. And Lickers were the only things he knew of that could make that sound. Trunks popped some of his ammo capsules and reloaded his gun. Walking slowly to his left, he saw another staircase and an outline of a Licker. It wasn't until he turned the corner that he fully saw the Licker.

"What the hell?" Trunks looked at it in shock. No longer was it its' usual pink and red, this one was pure black. And his hands, instead of being partially clawed, were full complete blades. Flicking its tongue out and tasting the air, the Licker became aware of Trunks' presence. Trunks was surprised when the thing decided to jump at him rather then the usual lunge. But thankfully bullets worked just as well on this new Licker as they had on the old one...

Stepping over its dead carcass, Trunks continued down the stairs. When he reached the bottom he looked around. To his right there was a metal door that looked suspiciously like an elevator. Upon closer inspection and after pushing a few buttons, the elevator swung open. Trunks looked around cautiously before pushing the 'M' button.


Shots rang out as a couple skinless zombies fell to the ground. High heels clicked as Marron came walking around the corner at a brisk pace. Face set, she was constantly looking over her shoulder for Goten just in case. That had never been planned.

"Stupid Red Ribbon," she muttered, "can't do anything right."

Coming to a cold room used to refrigerate DNA, Marron stopped at a console and picked up the fuse needed to light up the main control back where the three paths met high above a very long drop, which led to the Metal Works. Walking back to the tri-path, Marron placed the fuse in the center which lit up the circular area immediately.

"Immediate evacuation and they still had time to take that out. Pffft."

Marron turned down the blue path, when she got to the end the heavy steel door shot up automatically. Across from the door their was a locked room. Reaching down to the hem of her skirt, Marron tore a hole big enough to take out her key card. Swiping it in the pass slot the door unlocked and opened for her. She had to get out of these clothes. Well if you could even call them clothes. A tiny little mini skirt and a practically see through top? Not the typical clothes of a special agent.

In the room were her spare clothes and weapons, from her brief time with Red Ribbon. Kicking off her heels and discarding her skirt, Marron opened her locker and slipped into her fitted navy blue dress pants. A white button-down dress shirt followed by a shoulder gun holster and her matching blue jacket. Her high heels were replaced by ankle high black boots.

Reaching into the top of her locker she pulled out her Glock 9mm, pulling back her jacket she set in her holster. With Trunks' Magnum in her hand she turned around and headed out of the room...


Stepping off of the elevator, Trunks came in to clearing. There was hall to the left and room up in front of him and to his right...the platform train!

Seeing this, Trunks ran to it. but coming to the door he stopped. It had been completely torn apart. Metal was ripped away from the sides and the remains of the door lay at Trunks' feet. Panic and worry now coursed through Trunks 'Goten. Marron' What had happened to them? And what could have done this? Were they even alive?

Seeing no signs of life here, Trunks checked the room off to the side. Nothing. Taking in a deep breath he went down the abandoned hall. The further he went the darker it became, lights had been either burnt out or broken out. When he got out of the hall, he was in what looked like a waiting room of some sort. Chairs and fake plastic plants were all around. At the end of the room was another hall and some weird platform looking thing. Upon closer inspection Trunks saw it said 'MO Disk required' whatever that was.

Down the hall and out the door, Trunks saw he was on some sort of balcony, there was a ladder leading up. Just as he was about to up he heard a snap and a gurgle. Looking beside him and up his jaw dropped. The entire left side of the building was covered in moss and vines. The vines were swinging back and forth. A big pink flower thing was perched in the middle, opening and closing. Little snapping plant heads were poking out of the wall too.

"What the hell were these guys doing?" Trunks muttered to himself before going up the ladder. Higher and Higher he went, until he came to the next balcony at least a couple hundred feet up. When he pulled himself up on the balcony, his instincts were the only thing that saved him. A hiss as his only warning, Trunks jumped back and narrowly avoided the steady stream of poison that was launched his way. In front of him a plant-thing got up. It's arms long and whip-like. Before it could get off another poison spit, Trunks shot at it repeatedly. It took longer to die than the Lickers, but it eventually dropped dead. It's gossamer arms twitching every now and then. shaking his head Trunks opened the door in front of him and found himself on a long path. White Lights surrounded the edges, he was on one of the three paths that met high above a very long drop. Walking to the centre he saw he had two choices. Red or Blue. He chose Blue and started down the corridor, when he reached another fork, he heard footsteps around the left corner. Trunks stepped back and waiting for the footsteps to get closer...

Jumping out from behind their corners, Trunks and Marron had their guns pointing at each other. Trunks let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, Thank Kami, you're alive."

"You too." They both lowered their weapons.

"Where'd you get the new clothes?"

"Uh, stationary locker," said Marron, "Do you honestly think I was going to be running in that skirt and shoes the whole time?"

"Guess not," said Trunks looking around, "Where's Goten?"

Marron let out a deep breath and looked away.

"What happened? Is he dead? The door to the train was completely ripped apart.

"He's not dead," said Marron.

"The what?"

"He...Goten was the one that ripped the door apart. Trunks he's not himself anymore, he's one of them..."

"A zombie?"

"Worse...a monster, he can still talk but I think it's only a matter of time until he...morphs again or he hasn't completed his transformation yet..."

"This started after he cut his hand," said Trunks.

"I think he must have come in direct contact with the G-Virus..."

"Which is what was on that glass he cut himself one," Trunks pressed his forehead to the wall, "it makes sense, when...Bra, told us what happened to her and Pan. Pan confronted Gero, he dropped a vial...Goten fell on it...the G-Virus..."


A/N: One review? For my last chapter only ONE?!?!?! I'm gonna cry, I have no encouragement...Is anyone even interested in the ending? Please REVIEW!

w00t: Thank YOU for your review, I love you lots!