Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ Going Down? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGen Z

Chapter 10: Going Down?

Broken bits of concrete and wood covered her clothes, a massive pool of blood surrounded her head. Trunks put his hand under her head to check how bad the damage was. He jerked his hand away, it came back stained red. The entire back of Bra's skull had been crushed during the onslaught. Her shoulder's looked bruised and dislocated. Trunks fell back into a sitting position and looked away from Bra. Tears falling down his face, he coughed to force back a strangled sob. Breathing heavily he knew he had to get up. Goten was going to be next if he didn't, his best friend was going to die or mutate without a cure of some sort. And Marron? He barely knew the girl, but he couldn't let anything happen to her.

Trunks looked to the ceiling and closed his eyes. Then, hanging his head and one last look at Bra, he got up.


"Trunks," said Marron glancing up.

The door had swung open and Trunks came walking in slowly. He glanced over at Marron and Goten and seemed to spring to life.

"Oh god, what the hell happened to him?!"

When Trunks had left Goten had only a few black lines, but now they covered almost all the skin on the right side of his body. His right eye was smokey white, the pupil completely gone..

"Fuck, Goten?"

"He's been in and out of consciousness for the last few minutes."

Trunks got up and went over to the computer console, inserting the key he had found and pushing a few button, a deep rumbling sound from outside could be heard.

"B-ra?" muttered Goten weakly, "Trnks, Bra...no..."

Marron's eyes widened and she turned to watch Trunks approach. Sliding Goten's arm around his neck and grabbing his best friend's shirt, Trunks helped Goten get into a standing position.


"She's dead," said Trunks, "we had a run in. Help me with him."

Marron took Goten's other arm and helped Trunks get him outside. When they reached the platform, a rusted yellow Train was where the hole once was. Climbing up the stairs the three entered the Train cabin. there was a small cot in there that they carefully placed Goten down on.

Trunks exited the cabin and experimentally pressed a few buttons on the control panel in front of it. Alarms started blaring, as the platform hatches started to release. Quickly getting back inside the Train hissed and started its journey down.

"Where will this take us?" asked Marron.

"Hopefully to a way out."

"We'r skrood," mumbled Goten, "Trunks, 'bout, 'm sorry."

Marron looked down and bit her lip, "I, um...."

"I lost two units," said Trunks, "Two units...ten people, ten good people. You know Michael and Lonni had kids?"

Trunks leaned against the door and slid down to a sitting position, "Too many people..."

"Pan n' Bra...I," Goten's mumbling was cut off by a violent coughing fit. Leaning over the side of the cot he spit out his own blood.

"Goten?" Trunks slid over to his friend.




Trunks checked his pulse, "He's unconscious."


The train lurched and stopped its downward decent abruptly.

"Why'd we stop?"

"I dunno."

Trunks got up and walked over to the door. He unclipped his gun from his belt and walked back over to Marron.

"If anything happens..." he said handing it to her.

"What about you?"

"Always be prepared."

Taking a capsule out of his pocket, it puffed into another gun immediately.

"Be careful."

Trunks nodded and went out the door.

It was dark, the sun having set a while ago and just by the heavy metal enclosed around him. Looking up, Trunks estimated that they had gone down maybe 400-600 feet. Walking further from the train compartment, he glanced around for anything that may have stopped their descent, or anything that looked suspicious. Trunks saw an opening in the metal across from him, walking over to it, he examined it. It looked like an air vent, it looked big enough...

Clipping his magnum to his belt, Trunks crawled into the air duct. He was only a couple feet in before he heard the metal beneath him start to groan under his weight. Before he could get out, the bottom collapsed. Trunks was sent spiraling down another vent. Slamming into the curved walls as the ducts turned sharply. Trunks finally hit a metal grate.

Moaning he looked at what he hit. He was face to face with a couple of rusted metal bars, taking a minute to get rid of his dizziness, Trunks turned himself right side up, so that his feet were resting against the grate. He looked up from where he fell, it was way too steep for him to climb back up and out. Shaking his head, Trunks decided to kick the grate out and get out of the air vent. A couple minutes and kicks later, the grate and Trunks fell to the ground ten feet below. The former STARS leader sat down and leaned back against the wall.

A deep rumble was heard and Trunks' head shot up sharply as he finally recognized it. The Train had started to descend again. Goten and Marron were on their own. Trunks cursed and looked around his surroundings. There was a passage to his left.

"No time like the present, right?"

Trunks walked along the corridor and opened the metal door at the end. It was like he had walked into an inferno. The air was hot and humid. Liquid metal was still being heated in a pool on his far left, smoke rose from it.

Trunks walked along the metal bridge he was on, finding the stairs he made his way down. He needed to find a way out of here. How far down had that vent taken him?


"Great he's gone," said Marron. The Train had started to decsend and Trunks was nowhere to be found. The blonde ripped a scrap of cloth off the bottom of her small tank top, and used it to tie her hair into a high pony tail.

The Train finally came to a halt.

"Think we made it to the bottom?" She looked behind her at Goten and froze.

His left arm was hanging over the side of the cot, but it didn't look human any longer. His entire arm was covered in thick black scales. His fingers had become long, sharp nails.

His now open eyes were pale blue.

As Marron edged away from him and made a run for the door, Goten sat up and smirked.