Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ Stranger Things Part 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGenZ

Chapter 2

The STARS Alpha Team were flown into South Capitol City within the hour. Bravo team had now been out of contact for three hours. The same chopper that Bravo had taken landed a second time a top the Police Station, this time carrying the Alpha Team. Once it landed, Trunks and the others quickly got out and motioned for the pilot to leave. In a few minutes the silence of the night was the only thing the team heard. They were dressed in the standard black combat suits with the STARS logo on the back, guns hanging around shoulders.

"Kind of quiet out here isn't it?" asked Ben, "No cars."

"It's one o'clock in the morning," Rachel told him.

Goten made his way over to the side of the roof to look around, "Guys, come here, quick!"

The Team moved over to where Goten was standing, as he indicated downwards.

Lonni. Dead on the pavement below, lying in a pool of her own blood.

"What the hell?" started Trunks he looked down the street and anywhere he could see from the rooftop.

"Oh Dende," muttered Lunsj.

"Let's find a way down, come on," said Trunks leading them to the stairwell that Pan's Team had taken three hours earlier.


Down the stairs and through the bottom door they went. A silent, deserted hallway was what they came into. Papers were strewn about and as they moved further along, the Team found every window they came across boarded up.

"What happened here?" asked Goten to no one in particular.

There were red stains on the cold, marble floor that looked a lot like dried blood. When the Alpha Team came to two corridors they decided to split up.

"Lunsj, Ben, and Rachel take the left hallway, Goten and I'll go right," said Trunks as they separated, "radio every ten minutes."

Goten and Trunks continued their trek down the hall.

"What is going on here?" asked Goten.

"I wish I knew, dead end."


"That one."

They headed into a door on their left and found themselves surrounded by people.

"Holy sh- hey what happened he-" Goten was cut of as a 'person' lunged at him. He managed to throw him off. The others slinked their way over to the two and started throwing themselves at them. Gun shots were fired and the 'people' went down. Goten and Trunks knew they were in over their heads when the bullet riddled bodies started getting back up again.

"Let's find the others NOW!" said Trunks as he and Goten ran back out the door they came.


Lunsj and the others opened a door and found themselves ouside, in the alley by the station.

"Great we're outside," said Ben, "dead end alley too."

"Let's get back in," said Lunsj, "there's nothing out here."

The three headed back in and were attacked instantly. Two giant dogs jumped on Ben and Rachel snapping, snarling, and biting. Shots from their guns rang through the empty hall, Lunsj found herself back outside, having been pushed out the door when Rachel was knocked down and had her throat ripped out. Lunsj was up and running, the two dogs that killed her teammates were done inside and came charging after her. She turned abruptly and shot at them, she managed to kill one before the other jumped on her. She died screaming until the dog went for her throat and silenced her.


"This was the fork right?" asked Trunks as they came to the split in the corridor that they were at earlier.

"Yeah this was it," confirmed Goten.

The two ran down the hall trying to find the rest of their Alpha Unit. And they did. When Goten and Trunks rounded the corner they found Rachel and Ben's bloody mangled bodies. Lunsj was nowhere to be seen. The door to the alley was wide open, she could have gotten away outside, but if she was she was probably dead, seeing as how a giant dog with a blood drenched muzzle came inside and growled at Goten and Trunks.


A/N: I promise it will get better as soon as Goten and Trunks find someone who knows what's going on.

Disclaimer: DBZ belongs to Akira Toriyama and Resident Evil belongs to Bird Studios or Capcom or something.