Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ Stranger Things Part 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGenZ

Chapter 3

The dog stood over Rachel's dead body. It sniffed and snarled at Goten and Trunks before turning and walking out the door.

"Okay now I'm confused," said Goten. They both had their guns trained on the door.

"Come on back up," said Trunks.

"They're dead," said Goten, "we're the only one's left."

"Maybe some of the Bravo team survived down here."

"We haven't been here twenty minutes and our entire unit is dead Trunks."

"I'm not leaving until I find Bra."

"Me neither man, and Pan."

"They're both strong, they had to have survived," said Trunks looking around

"So what do we do?" asked Goten, they looked at each other.

A couple minutes later the duo found themselves back in the main Hall. The two saw nothing on their way back, no zombies, no dogs, no nothing.

"There is something very wrong going on here."

"Thanks for pointing that out Mr. Obvious," said Trunks, "you know that we'd……"

"……cover more ground if we split up, I know," said Goten uncertainly

"Is your radio working?"

"Yeah it's good, we keep in touch if anything happens contact the other no matter what."

"Okay so I'll take the rest of this level," said Trunks.

" Yeah and I'll, hey, do you remember that ladder being down before?" Goten pointing to the upper level behind the counter, a ladder had been dropped.

"No but it looks like you get the second floor. Good Luck."

"You too."

Goten headed up the ladder, while Trunks started trying the other doors on the first level.


"Why'd we spilt up again? Splitting up is bad I should know that, it's what we all did and now 'we al'l is only me and Trunks, me and Trunks that's it, we're the only ones still alive down here," muttered Goten as he walked along the upstairs corridor. It was darker here than most of the other hallways. The lights were dimmer and the only sound was Goten's breathing and the broken glass under his feet.

"Ah man," he said as a dead body came into view. It was lying face down beneath the large window, "please don't move, please don't move, please don't move, and if you do don't be a zombie……"

As Goten got closer to get past it, he noticed it had little holes all over. The man looked like he had been pecked to death……


"If we split up we can cover more ground, yeah right," said Trunks out loud, "We won't be covering anything if we're dead."

He was moving down another hall, having found a security key card by the desk computer. Down the hall he could see a power box that had been ripped apart. It was still whirring pathetically, little blue sparks of electricity bounced out of the severed wires. The windows down here were boarded as well.


Chunks were missing here and there like something had tried to put an arm through.


The walls were riddled with bullet holes, some of them looked like it could have been from a shot gun judging from the size of wall missing.


"Is there a water leak somewhere?" said Trunks to no one in particular.

Turning his head to the right he grimaced and slowly made his way over to the corpse. His head was missing, it looked like it had been torn off.


There was a pool of blood where his head should have been and the drip was coming from……above……and what was that rasping noise? Trunks looked up and froze.

A Thing. It looked like a person with his skin on the wrong side, but the face. No eyes and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. The Licker lashed out with is tongue to taste the air before it dropped down in front of Trunks……


"That's it I am now officially 100% crazy, Dad was crazy it was only a matter of time before it happened to me too," said Goten, "killer birds yeah right."

He stepped past the body and continued down the hall.


"You're losing it Goten, now you're paranoid and hearing birds, and talking to yourself, it's not a good thing."

Squak. It was behind him.

"Okay you want proof? I'm just going to turn around and prove to my mind that there are no birdsaaaaaaaah!"

Goten turned around and saw a militia of black crows sitting on the windowsill, the body, and there were even a few flying around.

"Okay: killer people, killer dogs, so why not some killer birds?" he asked just as they flew towards him.

"And now you all die," he said raising his run and shooting.


The Licker rasped at Trunks before swiping at him with its clawed hand. He barely had time to jump it when the Licker pounced, knocking him to the floor. Trunks' gun skidded into the corner.

The Licker bent down to bite, when he got his foot under the monster. With one good kick Trunks sent it flying off of him. Scrambling back to retrieve his dropped weapon, Trunks picked it up and fired at the Licker as it jumped again. A few growls and gunshots later the thing dropped to the ground seizing before it finally died.

"People, dogs, and monsters, Did someone's science project go wrong or something?!"

Taking a deep breath and trying to shake off the encounter Trunks walked slowly passed the creature and down the hall. He didn't take his eyes off of it until he got into the next room.

Closing the door to the Licker Room behind him, Trunks started down this hall hoping nothing else would happen.



"D ammit," screamed the blonde as she tripped over a box, she could hear the nails and growling barks behind her. Picking herself back up, the secretary ran through the halls throwing anything she could at the dog behind her.

She opened the door in front of her and slammed it shut, she was sent flying back into the alley when the dog launched his full body weight against the door. Ignoring the pain in her arm, the girl took off running into the dark.


"Why did I join the police?" asked Trunks to himself, "Why I ask myself? Because Dad was and of course, me, the son, just had to follow in his footsteps. He was a STARS so I just had to be one too didn't I?!"

He rounded a corner carefully and sighed thankful that there wasn't anything waiting for him. He leaned against one of the boarded up windows.

"Can this get any worse?"

Kwoomph! Arms shot out of the boards behind Trunks and held on to him. He yelled in surprise and tried to shake them off. Dead flesh against the living, their pasty hands grabbing onto anything to pull him through. When Trunks finally got them off he shot at them until they were gone, despite their sickening moans.

Gun raised, he backed up slightly panting from the strain. He blinked a few times and shook his head to regain some of his focus. Trunks dropped his gun to the side and let out a deep breath. A deathly silence once again filled the air, but it was quickly broken by a high-pitched scream……