Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Royal Namekian Blues ❯ Trunks has met his Match? ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Dragon Ball Z. Toriyama does. This is a work of fan fiction that I get no pay for writing. I only own Dr. Stellari, Chablis and other minor fan characters. Toei Animation Co. Ltd, Shonen Jump, Shuisha Bird Studios owns the Manga and Anime.
Royal Namekian Blues
Trunks Meets His Match
A strange thrill filled Dr. Stellari at the sensation of Raditz' strong arm clutching her under her knees and back. Yamcha had always carried her at his hip so she had to wind her arms around his neck. Raditz carried her love-cradle style, his gloved hands keeping her in a relentless grip while her face pressed to his armored shoulder. White ki formed an envelope around both to protect Stellari from the ravages of traveling at twice the speed of sound. She glanced underneath at the ocean swelling and bobbing in small choppy waves under them, realizing their destination.
"At least you have some sense that most males on this planet don't," she said. Stellari wasn't used to any warrior except Yamcha carrying her around. Most of the time she'd have to fly one of Bulma's craft if she wished to follow him. Only recently had she learned to fly, something that Yamcha and Krillin had taught her per her request.
"Which is?" Raditz asked.
"Valuing bubble headed blondes with twig like bodies and little girl features over mature women, who know what the hell they're doing," she snickered.
Before long, an archipelago slid into view, strikingly familiar. They must be headed towards Master Roshi's private island. Just why Nappa had chosen this place to take his captive was a mystery to her, but she hoped that she would soon have answers they could all live with. Dr. Stellari had only been to Kame house once, and that was because someone had fixed her up with one of the Z warriors as a last minute date.
"Female, why should I not select one such as you that has an ideal body structure for bearing young? Honestly, it's only logical. As you have no wild hair colors and you're highly intelligent, it is likely the process of carrying a Saiyan whelp would be something you'd survive far better then the other weaklings," he said with a small lascivious grin that caused tingling from head to toe. Dr. Stellari suddenly remembered just who had taken her last to Master Roshi's island. It had been Yamcha who had taken her because he enjoyed spending time with her two boys. The Desert bandit whom the warrior who now carried had been working his oily charm on her. Now this alien pretty boy had brought her to the same destination without knowing the odd connection. Was this Raditz of the same mind as Yamcha? Was he chasing Stellari down because she was intelligent and `safe' compared to more `attractive' females?
"If you're asking me to bear your children, I'm going to think you're either joking or something else," she blinked. "I don't KNOW you. You can't just go up to a woman, grab her and… you know. That might be the custom on your planet, but on Earth that hasn't happened since the Neanderthals!"
"So, you do have something in common with us after all," he smirked. "Very well. It's this simple. Every Saiyan male must attain to carry on his family line because females are a limited commodity."
Dr. Stellari shook her head. Yamcha's motivation for choosing her had been far more annoying. He had said often enough, "Most women are beautiful, but they don't have a whole lot upstairs. But it's not often you meet a girl who has a pretty nice body and a brain in the package. And you're pretty good looking with two great kids, so I figured what the hell?"
She had agreed, to meet his challenge. Having a handsome piece of beefcake on her arm was a status symbol. Somehow though dating Bulma's ex boyfriend had its disadvantages, and she kept it on a platonic level. He was a nice guy, but his games were all too clear.
"I know all about that passing on the genes. Figures that you idiots are almost extinct if you don't have any WOMEN to show you common sense!" she glared at him.
This statement evoked a confused frown from the Saiyan. He blinked behind his green lens of his scouter, graceful black eyebrows lifting in question, "Excuse me?"
"You males are notoriously good at some things but total imbeciles when it comes to practical matters," she glanced at him.
Touché, Raditz thought with a chuckle. From his reaction, Stellari sensed he was surprised and impressed by her verbal jab. Especially when he then commented, "Got quite a tongue on you. Well that's fine. I happen to enjoy a female who can fight back. But have a care, I have little patience when I've made up my mind, so don't push your luck."
His last statement ended in a frown. Punctuated by the increased pressure of his hand enclosing on the backs of her thighs. A dangerous gleam sparkled in his dark eyes, reminding her that he meant business. Powerful energies sparkled around her, sizzling every inch of her skin but not harming it.
"Or you'll kill me?" she rolled her eyes. "Real original."
Raditz shook his head, blinking down at her. He asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"
"One, I've got two kids who try my patience on a daily basis. And two, most males are overgrown kids anyhow, and three, anything you can do to me can't possibly be ANY worse then the shit I had to put up with before. So don't flatter yourself by trying to make me think you're mister badass caveman. I know that game, so pack it in and get down to it," she glared up at him.
Although he smelled her fear, Raditz knew the reason for her calmness. The female was a widow and a mother. Most females who fit this category on Planet Vegeta were impossible to push around because they'd learned the true power over males that most tried to make them forget. Raditz gave her a lascivious grin. "All the better for you. I don't like weak pushovers. I think you should strongly consider my offer. Because not every female would be suitable."
"Do you guys screw every female you can?" she asked, hoping that it wasn't the case.
Raditz gaped at her as if she were insane. "Saiyans tend to be monogamous when finding a breeding partner. You humans aren't?"
"Most males aren't, despite what society wants us to believe," she glared up at him. "Don't tell me you're so smitten with my sparkling wit and feminine charms to forget chasing others?"
"Most Saiyan males enjoy the chance to bond with a widow who has young. Because she already knows how to please a mate. And that makes for a better match because she's survived childbearing," Raditz reassured her. Shaking her head in disbelief she clenched to him as he dropped for a landing.

Raditz black booted feet touched down on the ground not far from where Nappa crouched on one knee. In the shade of a tree reclined Lunch, who was brassy and blonde, but strangely calm. Palm trees soared overhead, not far up the beach from the small pink hut where Master Roshi lived. Lunch knelt next to Nappa, fingering the muzzle of a machine gun that was trained on the huge warrior's chest.
Fearlessly she clung to Nappa's shoulder with one hand while holding her machine gun with the other. Her blonde hair whipped into his face, while his strong hand rested lightly on her back. She had to admit Nappa was quite a hunk compared to Tien. Slowly she wondered what she had seen in the three-eyed warrior that this alien Saiyan couldn't provide. For starters it was nice to be swept off her feet instead of having to do all the chasing. Maybe having an aggressive male to push back was more desirable. She was no idiot for she had guessed Nappa's interest in her was more then as a hostage.
He had not harmed a hair on her head. Simply had knocked her out and carried her off to a place that was remote and isolated. That was after Vegeta landed with Bulma, and demanded he follow. Bulma suggested Kame House, because she thought Master Roshi and Krillin might be there, and provide bodyguards if Vegeta turned. Strangely her Prince had berated his warrior and forced him to bow and swear allegiance. Bulma had waited tense moments as Nappa tried to explain his position and Vegeta had reprimanded him
The sight of Prince Vegeta standing on the front porch of Kame House roused Lunch out of her reminiscence. Not far from him Bulma clenched his gloved hand reflexively. Vegeta wrapped Bulma's arm around his wrist, forcing her to stand directly at his side. Fiercely he whispered into her ear to behave herself and act the mate of a true Prince so he could gain full control over his two warriors. Raditz gave a shout of surprise, swinging his hand from under Dr. Stellari's legs. She yelped, swinging down alongside him till his hands readjusted her to hold her at one armored hip instead. Still her high heeled pumps dangled at least a foot off the ground.
"Raditz, kneel quickly!" Nappa ordered, motioning him with one hand quickly to his side. Raditz complied, carrying his woman under one arm by his hip like she weighted nothing.
"There you are! I wondered when you'd show up, idiot," said a familiar voice. Glancing at his long lost prince, Raditz genuflected with one hand over his breast and the other still clutching the waist of Dr. Stellari. His large hand forced her gently to kneel at his side. The scientist felt the sand against her knees, mumbling about the sudden jarring in her stomach from their abrupt landing.
"Your Majesty!" Raditz exclaimed in delight. Vegeta glanced down to see Bardock's elder son with joy written across his features. A light wind billowed Raditz long hair behind him, hitting Stellari in the back of her own head. Half of her own dark hair flapped in the breeze, falling out of the braided bun she normally pinned it up in.
"Vegeta, better let the whelp explain. He's the one who can't shut up. Gets it from his old man," Nappa said from his crouch.
"Well, what do you have to say for yourselves, huh? Interrupting my training like this! Honestly I'm wondering why I shouldn't blow you two clowns into the next dimension," Vegeta glared at them.
"Sire, I know I've failed you in the past, but please hear me out. My little girl is responsible, and she's got every right to be…" Nappa said.
"Don't beg. It doesn't become a Saiyan warrior," Vegeta snorted in disgust.
"You should kill them," Bulma mumbled quietly. "They scared the hell out of half my staff!"
"Hey, they're just men. I can handle this one," Lunch interrupted, leaping out of her chair and wandering over to grab Nappa's ear and tug it. "We can use 'em against those androids!"
"True, very true," Vegeta mused. "But you two have a LOT of training to do if you're to be ANY use to me. And first if you're going to blow ANYTHING up, you consult ME first. Or else you'll find yourself BACK in HFIL, got that?"
"Yes sire," Nappa nodded. "I swear you'll not be disappointed."
"I promise I won't fail you, your Majesty," Raditz said.
"You'd better not disappoint me. I was less then happy with your last botch up," Vegeta glared at them.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, your MAJESTY?" Bulma glared at him.
"Sire? Should I punish her for lack of respect?" Nappa asked.
"Don't you dare, you! She's my friend, and unless you want me to pump you full of lead, or sic Tien on you, you'll behave!" Lunch shouted at Nappa, pulling his ear. He grinned back at her.
"I think I'd enjoy seeing you try, woman," he laughed.
"Sounds fun, but don't tempt me!" Lunch yelled. Both Saiyans winced at the shrillness of her harsh voice. Nappa suddenly snaked out his arm and tugged Lunch closer to his side. Lunch saw Bulma clinging to Vegeta's arm, and decided to play along despite her annoyance.
Where was Tien when you needed him, Lunch inwardly groused. She was glad Nappa had not actually harmed her. His roughhousing was practically flirtatious. So starved for attention had she been that this huge boar of a man actually seemed cute, make that handsome. Two and two added up in her mind, and a slow smile crossed Lunch's face. Well, if Tien wanted to take his time `rescuing' her, he could stew a bit to see her in the arms of a so called `enemy', Lunch chuckled to herself. IT would be fun to see how badass this Nappa was. Something about him struck a chord in her. So Lunch knelt next to him, letting her hand wander over to the large spandex covered backside of Nappa. Simultaneously she felt something unhitch from his waist and wrap around hers. She cocked a brow to see Nappa's long furry tail wrapping around her hips teasingly tickling her ribs.
, Lunch inwardly groused. She was glad Nappa had not actually harmed her. His roughhousing was practically flirtatious. So starved for attention had she been that this huge boar of a man actually seemed cute, make that handsome. Two and two added up in her mind, and a slow smile crossed Lunch's face. Well, if Tien wanted to take his time `rescuing' her, he could stew a bit to see her in the arms of a so called `enemy', Lunch chuckled to herself. IT would be fun to see how badass this Nappa was. Something about him struck a chord in her. So Lunch knelt next to him, letting her hand wander over to the large spandex covered backside of Nappa. Simultaneously she felt something unhitch from his waist and wrap around hers. She cocked a brow to see Nappa's long furry tail wrapping around her hips teasingly tickling her ribs.
"Vegeta, are you NUTS?" Bulma screamed at him.
"Woman, shut up!" Vegeta glared at her. "You doubt my ability to control my own warriors?"
"No, but you can't expect the other Z fighters to go on with this!" Bulma snapped.
"This isn't your business. And I remind you NOT to mention my name and that of those weaklings in the same sentence, Bulma!" Vegeta snarled at her. Nappa and Raditz glanced oddly at one another at the familiar use of the Prince's name. Because Nappa was elite only he could be so familiar with Vegeta. A yellow scarf fluttered in the breeze, partly obscuring Bulma's neck. Flaring their nostrils, both males guessed the situation between them.
"Crap, bite my head off," she glared at him.
"Remember your place, Bulma," Vegeta growled at her. "Now, you idiots listen to me. You're going to follow me right to Capsule, and you will NOT I repeat, NOT blow anything up. And you are to take the females you've captured with you. I will NOT allow you to make asses of yourself and jeopardize my position here."
"As you command," both bowed to him.
"Aren't you FORGETTING something?" Bulma glared sidelong at Vegeta. She stood in an identical stance, arms crossed over her chest with both feet spaced at the width of her shoulders, back slightly turned to him. Raditz smirked knowingly at Nappa, whose moustache twitched. Both thought the same thing at that moment that their prince had finally found a mate worthy of his Saiyan heritage. This female was every inch a princess. Especially since she was the daughter of the founder of the largest company on the planet.
"You are to obey the orders of Bulma as if they were my own, if I am not here, and you will protect the Capsule Corporation with your lives," Vegeta said quietly, glaring at both of them. "And that means don't kill anyone even if they piss you off. That honor is mine and Bulma's."
"As you command," they nodded. Promptly Bulma's mouth dropped wide open in shock at the admission Vegeta had made before the two murderous minions.
"Now, what was this about your daughter, Nappa?" Vegeta asked sharply. Nappa's face jerked upwards.
"Sire," he said, averting his gaze. "We meant no harm to Dr. Briefs. We weren't sure that our information was correct, but my daughter has been watching you for some time, in disguise…"
"Oh really?" Vegeta asked, feeling Bulma's grip tighten on his arm. He motioned her to silence before his mate could let loose a tirade of outrage. Patiently Nappa explained everything to them, causing Bulma to feel both relieved and outraged at once. Many questions were answered, while others were generated. The whole story of how his daughter had gathered the dragon balls painstakingly and made her wish became clear, answering several of Bulma's unspoken questions. She had relied on the Namekian dragon balls to bring the other Z warriors back since the Nameks had left to settle their new world.
So when the opportunity to gather the dragon balls on Earth had arisen, she had neglected to use them, except as a last resort. Now anger again swelled in her stomach at the realization that Nappa's daughter had deceived them all. Even if it was for a good cause, she was dying to know the entire story, and somehow find a way to teach the girl a lesson in messing with the Briefs family. Nappa's daughter had fooled them all, just to help Vegeta.
Why keep the prince in the dark instead of simply admitting to him why all this was necessary, she wondered. As this thought crossed her mind, Vegeta's grip on her wrist tightened. His black gaze met her azure one, his eyes holding the same questions. Unspoken communication passed between them, as understanding filled his face. Slowly he nodded, his eyes holding the promise that she should listen and get the truth from Nappa's painstaking explanation.
As Vegeta was reunited with his two soldiers, the world had turned red and black for Trunks as he shot backwards. Against his back a solid surface slammed, then crackled. He inhaled dust, his head ringing like a gong. Blinking up he saw Chablis with extended arms, powering up with a loud shrill scream. Lighting surged around her as the atmosphere ionized. Something about her reminded him of tapes he had seen of Vegeta and Nappa fighting those years ago.
Zipping away, he suddenly extended his arms, and stood before her, his eyes narrowed. "No more games. I don't know why you're here, but you won't hurt my mother. And you won't harm anyone got it!"
"I wouldn't dream of it. I want to fight you, Trunks Vegeta Briefs. You are truly the son of the Prince of All Saiyans. Show me your power!" Chablis shouted.
"You asked for it," Trunks said. "You're about to see a real Super Saiyan…"
"Show me," she said quietly. "If you DARE to claim familiarity with the Legendary."
Her eyes widened at the sight of his arms thrown back. Around him currents of air swirled, dust streaking past to whip through her hair. The very atmosphere charged with ki, surging from all around her and every corner. Buildings cracked in the vicinity, the crumbled masonry levitating in Trunks field of gathering power. Blue ki crackled over his form, his voice rising in pitch with his cry. Lavender hair stood on end, and the sheer beauty of his eyes flickering from blue to turquoise transfixed Chablis. Indigo power flared bright gold; his very being glowing with sunlight that seared her sensitive eyes. Standing on end his gold hair gleamed with inner light as his muscles increased in size and strength. That look in his teal gaze burned with anger and something else that shivered her all over her body. At the base of her spine she felt that ache, and knew that she was smitten.
"Amazing," she whispered. "I had thought only the Master capable. But you are truly one of the Elite… of legend."
"So, now do you want to play for real?" Trunks asked her.
"I would be a fool to tangle with you," she said quietly. "I'll tell you all you wish to know, if you land with me now. Your mother is in no danger. Nor your father."
"You know about me?" he asked warily, his gold brows narrowing.
"I know much about you, Trunks. Because I've been watching your mother Bulma for a long time. I heard the rumors around Capsule, that you were her son. Then I saw Mrs. Bulma spending much time with Prince Vegeta. And then I realized he'd marked her, and that there was only one possibility. You were the result of that union in another time," she said.
"You'd better explain yourself," Trunks said, zipping out to suddenly appear near her. His arms grasped her tightly from behind.
"Land with me, and I'll explain more. It's a long story, your Majesty. And know now that my family is sworn to serve the Royal House, the true rulers of the Saiyan race. My father before me, and his parents before him," she said.
"Who's that?"
"My father Nappa, and my mother Cabernet," she said.
"Nappa… wait he's your DAD?" Trunks spluttered teal eye wide with shock.
"Yes. Why do you think I wished to bring him back? I love my father, and even though he did many bad things under Freeza, I missed him. And he's loyal to the Prince. And as for Raditz, my father needs his intelligence. For even though my father is a great warrior, I didn't get my intellect from him," she sighed.
"This is too weird," Trunks shuddered. Letting her go he dropped to stand near the entrance to his home. Chablis backed away, dropping her power levels to nothing. Trunks released his Super Saiyan transformation, gold leeching from upward spikes. Lavender hair obscured his eyes partly, and he leveled his azure gaze at Chablis.
"So, you're Saiyan? And you said that my Father was wrong when he said all Saiyans had dark hair?" he asked. "Won't he be pissed?"
"It's VERY rare, but some females are born with blond or lighter pigmentation. Some Saiyans have brown or blue hair. Some of us are not full blooded, and have interbred with Idsarjins. But your father was correct when he said Saiyans had dark hair, because he meant male Saiyans. Only females have the variance in light pigmentation. It's recessive. When I was young, I dyed my hair black to be like the other females, or shaved it. My mother's hair is the same color. When she courted my father, she shaved her head like his to catch his eyes, only leaving a lock in the back," she laughed.
"Seriously weird," Trunks mumbled, feeling the heat of her gaze. While Trunks had previously watched her with great interest since she first arrived, he had felt that there was something unusual about her. Yet as many times going through the halls of the company it amazed him that a female Saiyan had lived under his nose. Obviously her tail must have been cut off.
"I still have the scar, like you do," she said, turning around. Her low rider jeans slid up a bit as she pulled off her lab coat. He saw the hint of a furry brown spot in the right place.
"I believe you, you don't have to show me," he chuckled, seeing the tattoo that covered the area artistically in a half belt.
"Thank Lord Bok Choi for that," she cursed.
"Lord… Bok Choi?" Trunks asked. Noticing the intense sour look as if she had swallowed an entire lemon, he could tell this character was at the top of her get even list.