Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saiyajins Return ❯ Siblings: Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Tanx to my first (and only <sigh>) reviewer, Winged Revenge for the encouraging comments. And to answer your hope, No, this will NOT be an incest fic. I think, originally it might have been, but it really didn't want to go that way. So, no worries. ^_^

Kurai: Get on with it already! You've made them wait long enough.


<Blah Blah> indicates Saiyago

Bladdie Blah Indicates thoughts/ telepathy

* * *

The sun shown brightly and the wind blew slowly through the forest, tousling the two warriors' hair as they faced off intently. Onyx eyes on fire, they charged each other. Clashing fist to fist in midair, they each threw another punch with the opposite arm, which again connected on the other's knuckles harmlessly. Untangling their limbs, the two men grabbed each other's hands, biceps straining. After a moment, neither fighter winning, they backed off just a little, grinning at the adrenaline rush of a good spar. The smaller of the two charged again; kicking out with his right leg, he hit the taller warrior's corresponding arm. In response, his wild haired opponent lashed out with a left hook, catching the other in the jaw.

The spar continued on in similar fashion for over an hour, the air occasionally smelling of burning ozone as ki balls passed between the two combatants. They stopped when the clouds suddenly turned black, their undersides tinged a sickening green.

"Hey Vejita, you ever seen clouds like that?" the tall male asked his partner.

The man just grunted, scowling up at the sky.

Lightning ripped through the air, the clouds swirling over on the far side of the distant mountain range.

"Do you think it could be the Dragon Balls?" Vejita's companion asked.

Before the shorter man could respond, a thin beam of solid light shot from the center of the clouds, illuminating the entire region. And as quickly as the entire display had taken place, the clouds dispersed and the sky returned to its natural afternoon appearance. But two distinct power signatures could be felt in its wake.

"Come Kakarotto!" the smaller, flame haired male yelled, taking off in the direction of the now dissipated light.

"Oh! Yeah, coming `Jita!" the wild haired man leapt into the air, following closely.

* * *

Her head throbbed, fire and needles racing up and down her spine. Storm colored eyes cracked open. Sitting up slowly and holding her head, Kurai let her eyes adjust to the unaccustomed brightness. After a moment, she opened her eyes all the way and looked curiously at her new surroundings, wondering what the Hell had happened.


"Ugh, hai?"

The brunette laid back on the ground and, head upside-down, looked behind her.

"Hello!" she chirped happily at her groggy looking brother.

He in turn grunted, annoyed. Looking around he sighed. "I guess…we got teleported somewhere."

"Well, where are we?"

The male Saiyajin glared at his imooto. "How the Hell should I know?"

Blinking, Kurai crawled over to him and sat, staring at him.

Raife blinked at her. "Nani?"


The little female smacked her niisan upside his head.

"OW! Oh, Kami, what was that for?!" he howled, rubbing furiously at his head.

"That," she answered, "is for being stupid enough to keep the teleporter hooked up during a thunder storm!!" hitting him on the head again for good measure.

Raife pouted at Kurai, intent on making his sister pay for her abuse, when something caught his eye.

Dark emerald orbs wide, the tall male pointed to his sister's side. "You got yours back!"

The brunette was confused for a moment and looked to where her brother pointed. At her side, thumping happily, lay a tail…her tail! Its fur was a deep chestnut/auburn and streaked with red, like her hair.

"Wow…" she said dazedly. Getting up, Ray held out his and helped his sister to stand. Immediately she wrapped her new appendage around her left thigh.

"No, come on, let it out behind you. It'll help you balance better," he admonished.

Kurai looked around nervously. "But…someone could grab it…" she whispered, as though afraid of prying ears.

He sighed. "There's no one here chibi. And if there was, we'd be able to sense them. Now, unwrap it!"

She did so, reluctantly. Turning away, Ray walked to the middle of the meadow and stood there, motioning for his little sister to join him. The brunette hesitated, uncertain of whether she really wanted to do this. If she wanted, all Kurai had to do was plop down on the ground and refuse to move. Ray would give up shortly after.

"Come on brattling. Just walk like you used to when you were little."

Kurai sighed and took a few small steps forward…and fell on flat her face.

Raife stared at the scene for a moment, but couldn't help himself and busted out laughing. His little sister lifter her head up from the ground and glared at him, dirt smeared across her nose. The male clutched at his sides, his breath coming in raged gasps. The little female growled and launched herself at her niisan with a blast of her ki. But the 19 year old wasn't going to have any of that.

As Kurai flew at him, Ray stepped to the side avoiding her. She was unable to turn fast enough, the addition of her tail throwing her balance off, and the male giving a feral grin as she passed, grabbed the appendage. Immediately, Kurai felt the energy drain from her body and she fell back to the ground. Ray squatted by his sister's side and chuckled.

"Now, now, Ku-chan." He lightly squeezed the pelted extension. "No need to get all riled up."

Kurai could only whine in the back of her throat. And then something smashed into her brother's face, sending him flying across the meadow and crashing into the far tree line. The stunned female craned her head around and stared up in astonishment at the flame haired man who stood over her.

* * *

Kakarotto and Vejita flew for several minutes toward the ki signatures before halting in mid air several miles away and landing. Masking their own energy signals so as to have the advantage if the situation should prove dangerous, they ran quickly through the forest. The two men halted at the edge of a clearing the held the two unknown signatures and searched the area quickly. The smaller man spotted the two figures in the center of the clearing and he gave a small gasp of shock.

Kakarotto looked at his companion questioningly.

Vejita gestured and the taller man took in the scene before him. "Is that…a tail??"

The flame haired male gritted his teeth, memories of his childhood flashing through his mind. A rage burned in his cobalt eyes, and then he heard the pitiful whine and snapped. Vejita blasted off. Reached the grinning youth and, not even waiting for him to realize that another was present, smashed his right hand into the side of his face. The blow sent the tall male careening into the opposite tree line.

The enraged man growled as he stood over the prone Saiyajin, his breath moving through his clenched teeth. He registered Kakarotto's presence, the other male having gone to stand just behind him. Glaring, Vejita stalked toward the unconscious teen, his power flaring along with his infamous temper. Ki flared behind him, stopping his progress as the unknown Saiyajin flew past him. He was surprised when the newly appeared alien took a defensive stance in front of the slowly recovering boy. Shock quickly became his dominant emotion when the Siayajin faced him and he realized it was a female.

"What!?" He couldn't stop the shout from escaping.

"Hey wow! You're a girl!" Kakarotto exclaimed.

"No SHIT Sherlock! <Dumb ass.>" said female yelled.

* * *

The tall man at whom the insult was directed looked totally confused, while his shorter companion just glared. Kurai backed up, still in a defensive crouch, until she was at her brother's side. Not taking her eyes from the two aggressors, she knelt and slung Raife's right arm over her shoulder and helped him up. The half conscious male blinked slowly and looked around, blood trailing freely from his nose.

"What the Hell happened?" he asked, speech slightly slurred.

"Those two bakayaros attacked you." The little brunette growled, gesturing with her chin.

Ray forced his head up; looking at the two men his eyes widened and his face paled considerable.

Kuari frowned and nudged him. "Hey, what is it?"

"Ou…Ouji-sama?" He made a move as though to go to the others, but his dark emerald eyes clouded suddenly and rolled up into his head as he lost consciousness.

* * *

A/N: `Kay. That was shorter than I really intended it to be, but I was having trouble with the way it was going, so I just stopped it here. Hope it was OK. I didn't want things to go too quickly, but some things just have to get done soon. Anyway, things will pick up in the next chapter as we see how Kurai deals with a hot tempered Ouji and an unconscious sibling.

Kurai: What about Kaky?

He gets a bigger role. He really is a central character, he just didn't do a whole lot this chapter. In any case, please review! NO FLAMES; constructive criticism is always welcome.

-Later Dayz & Tanx!! ^_^

Gemi & Kurai