Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saiyan Sampler ❯ Seconds ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Pairing: Goku/Goten

Rating: NC-17

Warning: Incest, Lemony, consensual sexual contact with a sixteen year old (just pretend he's older if this bothers you)

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ and am making no profit from this. Entertainment only.

I would like to give a huge thank you to Zan who spent her precious time to help me find mistakes. Your help is always greatly appreciated.


A thin trickle of sweat ran down Goten's back as his thigh muscles flexed. His father was so close - just a little farther and Goten would have him. There was no sound as Goten sprang from the tree. Only a quick blur announced his position as he struck.

Muscled flesh hit muscled flesh as Goten's legs wrapped around his father's waist and his hands seized his father's shoulders. The force was enough to send Goku flying backwards, his son attached. Before he'd even registered who had attacked him, Goku was twisting, forcing them both into a roll that ended with Goten pinned to the ground beneath him.

Dark eyes widened as Goten grinned up at him, and Goku quickly sat back, releasing his son's shoulder so he was no longer completely pinned. Now only Goku's weight on his legs was keeping him in place.

"What was that for?" Goku asked, slightly perplexed.

In response, Goten's ki spiked sharply and he rolled so that his father was beneath him. The youngest Son then pressed his hips into his father's and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Tag. You're it." Goten's teeth flashed in a wide smile and then he took off.

The words took a moment to register because Goku's body was busy responding to the now absent pressure his son had applied to his groin. As blood pumped into his sex, the remembered taste of sweat and semen exploded across his mind, clouding it further. By the time Goku recognized the challenge and the invitation in his son's words and voice, Goten already had a good head start.

Surprise had given Goten a momentary advantage, but Goku could easily level the playing field. After pinpointing Goten's ki signature, Goku placed two fingers to his forehead and disappeared.

Goten was floating in mid air when he felt something brush his foot. He jerked it up and looked down, but there was nothing there. A few more seconds passed when he felt something brush his other foot. Goten had just doubled over to look at it when a finger quickly and lightly traced his spine. When he whirled around it was gone, but a moment later two strong and unmistakable arms embraced him from behind.

"You lose," was whispered huskily into his ear and then a wet tongue was tracing the sensitive shell. Goten's earlobe was tenderly seized between his father's teeth and soft lips closed around it. His hands tightening on Goku's arms, Goten rolled his head to the side to grant easier access to the sensitive flesh, while his father guided them toward the ground.

When his feet were firmly on solid earth again, Goku released his son's ear in favor of burying his nose in thick, dark locks, inhaling deeply and reveling in his son's strong, youthful scent. His member, already slightly erect, swelled even more, filling out his pants and pressing against his son's leg. Goten felt it and pulled away.

"I think you have something that wants to be found," said Goten teasingly, his smile widening as he pulled his father down so they were both seated on the ground. Goku was much more interested in tasting his son, but a gentle hand kneading his groin made him believe his interest could be momentarily delayed.

Nimble fingers moved over Goku's cloth covered erection. Goten continued his ministrations as he untied his father's belt. Then his father helped him push down the gi pants. For a moment his prize was revealed, but Goku quickly covered it with his hand.

"Your turn," Goku said playfully.

Goten quickly scrambled out of his pants. His hands then tried to return to the hard length at the juncture of Goku's thighs, but a hand was still in the way. His father's other hand captured his chin and pulled him closer. As soon as their lips met, Goku kissed him deeply, his tongue entering Goten's mouth and coaxing a low moan from the boy. Uncovering his sex, Goku placed a steadying hand behind his son's head and slowly lowered his back to the ground.

When he felt his father settle against the ground, Goten slipped out of his grasp, leaving a hand on his chest but otherwise kneeling beside him. One hand traced the satiny skin of Goku's chest, while the other hand smoothed the course curls above his sex.

Satisfied with his discoveries, Goten pressed forward and placed a loving kiss to the head of his father's member. That simple movement, soft and sweet and somehow innocent, threatened to snap Goku's control. He wanted to taste more of his son and he wanted to taste him NOW.

Goku grabbed Goten's leg and pulled him closer, Goten ending up sprawled half across him. He would have started pulling again but Goten still held his erect shaft. In an effective counterattack, Goten moved his mouth to the head of the bobbing erection in front of him. The tingling mouth on his sex caused Goku to freeze, and Goten realized that, while the grip on his leg had tightened, his father was no longer pulling him.

Releasing the organ from his mouth, Goten nuzzled the base and course hair tickled his cheek. Goku took advantage of the reprieve and started pulling his son's hips over to him again. Goten, however, was ready for just such a move. He had in fact been waiting for it, and countered once more.

This time Goten recaptured his father's sex and sucked fiercely, swirling his tongue over the head. The salty pre cum excited his taste buds.

After the initial wave of pleasure passed, Goku growled. His son was playing with him, and he wasn't playing fair.

Moving swiftly, Goku lifted one of Goten's legs, half lifting and half dragging his son until the boy's legs were on either side of his head. His son's position allowed him to execute the movement he needed in order to satisfy his craving. Goku pulled Goten's hips down and mimicked the boy's earlier motions. Goten's game stopped with a startled moan. Holding his son's sex loosely between his jaws, Goku gave him time to recover while savoring the flavor of his son's skin. Giving himself over to Goku's ministrations, Goten gripped his father's shaft and guided it to his mouth. Perhaps it was time for a new game.

As his father took his member to the base and slowly released it, Goten did the same. He mimicked his father's every movement, matching each flick and teasing stroke of the tongue. Goten knew the exact moment his father figured it out.

Goku lifted his hips ever so slightly, his body begging for more contact, as his lips tightened around the head of Goten's sex. Suddenly, Goten felt a light vibration as his father growled in realization. That was all the warning he received before Goku engulfed his entire shaft.

Goten arched into the unexpected heat with a sharp cry. Then, only a second behind, Goten followed suit and swallowed his father's member to the base. To let Goku know that particular game was over, Goten swallowed around the large member and pulled back, scraping the sides ever so lightly with his teeth. Enclosing his father in wet heat again, Goten began a series of long strokes with his tongue.

Short, curly tendrils tickled Goku's nose as he sucked at his son's sex. Goten's scent was strong, eager, and altogether intoxicating, and Goku responded to it, tongue and hands working the boy toward completion. Goku had his own goal as well - to sample his son's sweet essence once more - and he was very close to accomplishing it.

Goten's vocal cords worked in vain as short, breathy gasps were pushed past his lips, and his thighs shuddered on either side of his father's head as salty-sweet semen pulsed into Goku's mouth. The flavor exploded across his taste buds and Goku felt a delicious tightening in his own groin followed by a warm, liquid rush. His fingers tightened, pressing into the flushed, round globes of his son's ass and holding him in place. Goku didn't want to lose any of his son's essence and was intent on savoring the precious, delicious fluid.

After swallowing most of it, Goku allowed his son's organ to slide from his mouth, swiping along it with his tongue. A similar activity was taking place along his own shaft as Goten nuzzled and licked at it. When Goku was finally done with his cleaning he placed a careful kiss at the base of his son's shaft and lightly ran his hands along Goten's thighs.

Choosing that as a good time to move, Goten shifted to one side of his father and turned himself around. He nestled securely against Goku's side and tilted his head up to look at him.

Goku smiled lovingly at his son and gently stroked his hair. When Goten looked up at him, a last thought ran through his mind. Raising his head, Goku laced his fingers through ebony strands and guided their mouths together. His tongue slowly ran across his son's lips before beginning a languid probing. He licked and stroked his son's mouth, once more sampling the delicious flavor that was Goten this time mingled with that of his own briny fluid.

When they finally parted, Goku hugged Goten close thinking that this taste, his essence mingled with his son's, was the sweetest taste of all.