Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chance for Love ❯ Adventures by Moonlight ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Murasaki Rose
Email: murasaki_rose@dbzmail.com
Archive?: Go for it! Just be sure and let me know where so I can link back to ya!

Title: Second Chance for Love
Genre: AU/Romance
Pairings: Goku/OC
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
A/N: "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, --text-- = telepathy


Part Seven - Adventures by Moonlight

'Tomorrow's the day,' Goku thought pensively. Tomorrow the whole gang was getting together, then he and Debra would tell their friends and family about their relationship. The whole thing had his stomach in knots. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear his mate coming up behind him.

Debra slipped her arms around his neck and pressed her soft curves against his back. "You're worried aren't you?"


She moved her hands to his shoulders, massaging the tense muscles, "I am too koishii. But there's no use getting worked up over it now."

"Aaa," he replied, allowing Debra's skilled hands to ease the tension from his body. He purred lazily and leaned his head back to rest on Debra's shoulder. She smiled down at him, he looked like he was about to fall asleep. So it caught her completely off guard when Goku suddenly turned and grabbed her, kissing her passionately causing her to moan into his mouth as his hands roamed her body.

With all her will-power, Debra pushed him away, "Not yet love. Remember, tonight's a full moon."

Goku pouted in response. She was right though, it was far too early for them to start today. "Okay, I'll go spar with Vegeta until sunset."

Debra couldn't help but laugh, he looked and sounded like a sulky child. "Oh Goku-kun. Don't look so disappointed!" She smiled seductively, "You'll have all night to make up for it."


Debra laughed breathlessly into the wind. Behind her, tangled in a thick mass of vines and trees was Goku. She'd led him right into the natural trap and now was leaving him in the distance. 'I bet he's regretting teaching me how to fly,' she thought, chuckling softly to herself.

Growling, Goku struggled his way out of the vines that clung tenaciously to him. 'She's getting better.' A proud grin came over his handsome features as he powered up to clear the remaining greenery from his body. "Much better," he said aloud, his tail swishing excitedly. Transforming to SSJ2, Goku sniffed the air then shot after his mate. He could have used Shukan Idou, but that would have been too easy. Debra could go no higher than super-ningen one, so it wouldn't take him long to catch up.

Sensing Goku's approach Debra began gathering her ki. When he got within thirty feet of her she threw the green, baseball-sized sphere of ki. "Nichibotsu Tama!!"

"Shimatta!" Goku exclaimed, spotting the little ki ball heading straight for him. It didn't look like much, but he knew it packed one hell of a punch. BOOM!!! The resulting explosions took out much of the surrounding area and most of Goku's gi. Goku shook his head to clear it, his ears ringing. "Brat." Grinning, he suddenly teleported straight into Debra's path. His lovely human mate collided with him and Goku wrapped his arms firmly around her, flying them both to the ground. Debra's clothes and the remainder of Goku's gi were off before they touched ground leaving the couple with no obstructions to their explorations of one another's bodies. "You're gonna pay for that little trick," he growled at Debra nipping her neck and shoulder rougher than usual. Debra arched her neck for him, welcoming his wild behavior.

"You promise?" she asked breathlessly. Goku's only reply was a low growl as he lowered his head to take a nipple into his mouth, licking and nipping at the sensitive bud. The auburn-haired senshi arched her back to give him better access, but her hands did not remain idle. While one hand held Goku tight against her, the other slipped down to his tail which was currently wrapped round her upper thigh. Goku's eyes shot open and a rumbling purr began in his throat when she ruffled the fur on it. Debra smiled at her mate through half-lidded eyes, she knew how much he liked this. Goku's head drooped and on an ordinary night he would have been helpless to her touch, but this night had a full moon. Growling low the large saiya-jin grabbed his mate's hands and pinned her down, this was HIS night to be in charge. Debra pouted then gasped when she felt ki rings securing her wrists. "Cheater."

"You should talk," he countered before returning his attention to her breasts, this time focusing on the other one. Debra moaned and strained at the bonds, frustrated at her inability to move and drowning in bliss simultaneously. Moving down, Goku alternated between licking and nipping at his mate's skin, hard enough to leave red marks in his wake. When he reached her womanhood he bought his tail up to tease her breasts, leaving his hands free to hold her still. Debra's wild cries of passion echoed into the night as her mate suckled her clitoris bringing her to an overwhelming climax that left her shaking. Even as his mate lay there recovering Goku continued to tease and caress her body, so it didn't take long for her to be ready again. "All mine," he whispered possessively, stroking Debra's soft hair.

"Then claim me," she whispered into his ear, daring him to let his primal side free. A deep, resonating growl was his only warning to her before he thrust into her body, making them one. Debra's arms and legs clamped around her mate pulling him deeper inside her with every thrust. Unbridled passion drove them to new heights of pleasure, their ki increasing each time their bodies met. Their ki spiked simultaneously and each warrior ascended to the next level, screaming their pleasure to anyone who might hear. Exhausted, Debra raised her hand to brush against Goku's cheek, her eyes warm and loving. Goku leaned into her touch, purring softly and nuzzling her palm making her giggle which quickly turned into a moan as his hands began roaming her body once more. Debra sighed happily, full moons were so much fun!

December 27, 2001


Disclaimer: Here we go. I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are all the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc. However, all the other characters in my stories are mine. I'm not making any money off of this, its just for fun. And to top it off I'm a college student who works for the school system so you know I don't have any money. So if you sue me you won't get anything.