Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Secret Spot ❯ prologue? ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1
Marron sighed as she looked at the 3 boys playing Frisbee she sighed longingly at them. But her thoughts were focused on a certain lavender haired boy. How much had she dreamt about him ever since they broke up. She sensed Bra coming towards her (she may not be the strongest fighter but she still can kick butt) she knew Bra very well and knew she was feeling down in the dumps right now. Bra was wearing a 2 peace bathing suit her top was really skimpy and left little for the imagination it was a baby blue and matched her eyes and hair. Bra Sighed " come on Marron cheer up!, you had him eating from the palm of your hand before you can do it again anytime now" Bra tried to re-assured her, Marron nodded and smiled as if trying to say a 'thanks' but on her own little way. "Come on, Chi Chi must really need help you know, cooking for so many saiyans must be hard work you guys seemed pit less" Marron joked around while Bra pouted "we do not" she argue while trying to keep Marron's mood positive. They walked inside oblivious to the fact that some one was watching them. Gotens and trunks were arguing about who knows what, Uubu was thinking of a certain blonde haired teen. He sighed he had always longed her the first time he laid eyes on her until now all he could call it would be physical attraction, but later realize that it was simply love. How he wished that she loved him as much as he loved her. The only reason he came was because Marron was coming. Truth was there he met her in the martial arts tournament and they became good friends. Some people didn't give it a second thought when Uubu seemed to always stick up for her, neither did she. no one notice that he seemed awfully nice to her and always seemed to have time for her, that smiled at her and never gave her a bad or crude remark (unlike some saiyans we know) So right now here he's longing one of his past childhood friend while he knows very well that he can't win her heart 'cause it's already taken by a lavender haired freak! Can't she see he loves her! Uubu growled in frustration he was angry with the freak but couldn't do anything about it, Marron's heart was taken by him and only him he would never do anything to hurt her nothing...

In the kitchen…
"Wow grandma, mom, Mrs. 18, Bulma that's some dinner you did! And it only took you how much oh yeah! The whole day to do it!" Pan said cheerfully but a little sarcasm came with it all, of the elders glared at her and she sweat dropped "uh…" she said rather nervously "I'll uh see you guys later!" she said and quickly came out of the kitchen

At dinner…
Everyone was in the kitchen and the weirdest thing is that everyone was eating civilized no rude burping or stuffing their faces with the food in front of them (well mostly all of the saiyans) and no one was fighting or screaming their heads off, mmm must be that the girls told the guys to actually eat civilized or else).
" wow girls you really out done yourself" Goku said while all of the z- girls beamed proudly

After dinner…
All of the z fighters and mates (wives) went to different places to have some little 'talk' with each other. So all of the next gen. Guys/girls had to stay behind and had to have a little game with themselves
" so what do you want to do?" Bra asked rather bored
" we could go to bed and wait until tomorrow…" Pan offered at first but quiet down when she saw everyone glaring at her "never mind" she mumbled
" we could play truth or dare" Uubu said
"yeah!" Bra said and everyone seemed to liked the idea " okay we need the rules" she said mostly to herself
" okay here are the rules first if you picked truth and you are caught lying then you will have to do a dare, second the dare is made by someone of the opposite sex, optional if you want to, so if I start then I have to pick a guy or visa versa." Bra said " next you WILL do the dare no matter what no backing off" Bra finished while everyone looked unsure of themselves " well if it keeps me entertained for a while I'm game!" announced Pan "me too" Gotens said after these 2 said everyone accepted except for Uubu "come on Uubu it's going to be fun!" Bra said " yeah!, besides it was your idea" Pan
announced "pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeee?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Marron asked giving him her best puppy eyes look, even though she didn't really know why was she making so much fuss over him. Uubu looked down and blushed he wasn't really used of attention especially since it came from the girls "fine" he sighed (In the background we see a fuming Trunks and Gotens)
"okay I'll start!" said Bra " Trunks truth or dare?" she asked, " I'll take umm uh truth!" he responded " who's the girl of your dreams?" Bra asked with a sly look on her face and grinning evilly at him, all that Trunks could do was paled and glared at her " she is…" he hesitated at first and gave a look to Bra that said 'you know who the girl of my dreams is don't make me do this!' and then she continued "it's Pan" his face turning 6 different shades of red, silence and shock Bra was only teasing Trunks she was expecting him to lie the first to get his composure was Uubu who said " that was a really nice peace of information" pan was still dumbfounded about Trunks liking her. " okay next! Trunks since you were picked last you choose who is the next victim" Marron said trying to keep a straight face she was really happy for Pan but the other part of her heart was breaking into tiny pieces that seem like impossible to repair. Pan only nodded "um.. Uh Bra truth or d-dare?" he asked kind of shyly " I'll take the dare" she said as if she wasn't affected by what Trunks had said "um okay I want you to uh kiss the boy that you love on the mouth no little peck a real one!" Bra just turned crimson, but surprise everyone when she stood up her face was expressionless and moved next to Gotens bent down and kiss him full time on the lips everyone was shocked (2nd time that evening) they stood like that for some time and were kissing like there's no tomorrow. They would have continued until a soft sobbing was heard, everybody saw Paris sobbing in the corner "I'm sorry Paris I..." "save it Gotens I don't want to hear it!" she said/screamed "I'm leaving!" she turned around and left the gang all shocked " umm I don't want to be a party pooper but I think we should stop" Uubu said and everyone agree both Gotens and Bra were still blushing since their kiss