Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Seperation ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN- A Totally new story! I've had this idea in my head for a while and finally got around to uploading it! Unfortunately this story will NOT be updated as much as Highschool Life was. Probably once every 2 weeks, 1 week at the least.

Here's a short summery for this story.

-*- Bulma (a saiyan) and Vegeta grow up as best friends on Vejiita-sei, but now right as their friendship is starting to go deeper they are roughly torn apart and Bulma and her brother Goku are sent to Earth, permanently! Now 10 years later 3 evil forces are on their way to Earth. But what happens when someone else much stronger then the 3 and the Z-gang put together come to Earth also?

….Now I know that Goku is not really Bulma's little brother but in this story he is, and yes Bardock is their father! Besides that everything else is the same, Vegeta is still the Prince though right now in the story he's a little OOC. Enjoy!



The blue-haired saiyan, Bulma, walked through the Vejiita-sei high school hallway with her best friend Vegeta at her side.

He frowned "why the hell is every fucking girl starring at me like they're love-sick puppies!" he looked at Bulma and she laughed

"It's because you're the hottest and most popular kid in school"


"You really are a dumbass" he smirked

"Only around you"


"Your one lucky bitch, if you weren't my best friend you'd be 6 ft under the ground right now!"

She grinned "well i'm special like that" her smiled turned to a frown as Justin Telz, the world's biggest player wannabe came up to her.

"Hey baby! Why don't you ditch princey here and come with me ill show you a real good time" he said as he winked

She glared "you know I would but….I think I prefer staying with my boyfriend Vegeta more" the Prince was about to protest but was hugged by Bulma tightly as she squeezed the air out of him.

Justin stuffed his hands in his pockets "damn bitches all taken" he sighed and walked off

Vegeta instantly pushed her off "Bulma WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT"

She smiled and turned to continue walking "sorry that idiot has been hitting on me since out 1st year in training school, I just had to use the cute princey to make him back off"

He growled "don't call me cute princey"


He grinned "well I was thinking since i'm the `hottest kid in school' and you're the `hottest kid in school's' best friend maybe we could make what you said to the idiot true"

She cocked her head to the side "are you asking me out"

"Well..ya I guess"

"Ok, sure" he smirked and put his hand in his pocket then took it out and grabbed Bulma's hand catching her by surprise.

"Well, lookie me I got myself a girlfriend" he dropped her hand and started running while laughing hysterically.

"What the…" she looked at her hand to see slimy black goo all over it.

Her blue eyes narrowed as she soon started chasing him screaming death threats.

Everyone in the hallway watched in shock (they looked like this O.O practically) as the Prince of all Saiyans and his best friend ran around the school.


AN- So how do you like it? Should I continue it? Please tell me in your reviews! And I know your all gonna review….right?

Ja Ne!
