Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Seperation ❯ Arrival ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An- Hi again! I'm finally back with the 4th chapter!! ………sorry it was so late………Aakeido made me do it

Aakeido- DID NOT!!

Shutup, you did too………and I was on the Camp Hyrule 2002 which took up most of my time last week. But I won 3rd place for the Triforce badge which is for the camper that stayed at camp the most! Yay!

Disclaimer: I don't own it, get off my case


Chapter 4---Arrival

"Yamcha your so weak!" the blue haired saiyan threw another punch at the former desert-bandit.

"But Bulma! You're a saiyan and much stronger"

"poor baby! Then get out, I need to train!"

"fine" he glared and walked out of the gravity room.

"geez" she instantly started throwing kicks and punches in the air when he closed the door.

~ * ~

"That's great Gohan your power level is already 2500!" the small demi-saiyan smiled

"thanks dad!"

"no problem kid! But your mother wants you inside now!"

"k, bye dad" Gohan ran into the house smiling. Kakarot took out the GR capsule and threw it at the ground. A large circular dome appeared and Kakarot went inside.

"Hmmm what am I suppose to press again?" he shrugged and started pressing various buttons.

`Gravity now 600x Earth's normal gravity'

"uh………oh" Kakarot was instantly flattened on the ground "help………me"

~ * ~

Tien laughed as Choatzu ran around dodging the blasts from him.

"Choatzu how are you ever gonna get stronger if you keep dodging them!" the clown faced midget stopped running.

"Right Tien" Tien powered up and threw many ki balls at Choatzu who immediately got thrown into a nearby mountain

~ * ~

Piccolo sat meditating by a waterfall.

~ * ~

Yamcha looked at the gym sign `Tvirusky's Workout Gym'

"c'mon Puar" the floating cat smiled and followed Yamcha inside.

Yamcha started lifting weights of over 500lbs. Many girls came over and `ooed' and `ahhed' and Yamcha being the pig he is instantly started flirting with them.

~ * ~

Krillin grinned "what's wrong 18 am I to much for you?" he laughed

"as if!" they hovered into the air still punching and kicking each other. They had been longtime friends and Krillin had developed some feelings for her but was to embarrassed to say.

Figures that 18 also felt the same way. Krillin sighed "hey 18 wanna call it quits? Im getting hungry"



"I'm not gonna let these aliens mess with me! So come on and fight!" he dodged another punch

"hey!" she smirked and continued to punch him.

~ * ~

2 Weeks Later ~

Bulma and Yamcha landed followed by Kakarot and Gohan.

"I can feel them and they don't feel good" Yamcha looked up.

Tien, Choatzu, and Piccolo were the next to land and Choatzu the first to speak.

"These powers are enormous! And one of them is like 10 times the size of the other two!" Bulma sighed

"Krillin and 18 better get here soon cause we might just need there help!"

Right as Bulma finished her sentence the two mentioned landed

"Speak of the devil" Kakarot smirked

"Sorry were late, Krillin got hungry, I swear he's getting Kakarot's appetite!"

Everyone grinned, even Piccolo, and sat down on a nearby rock continuing private conversations.

~ * ~

Bulma kicked another rock "Damn it! Where are they! We've been sitting here for like 3 hours!"

"But Auntie B-chan it's only been 15 minutes!" Gohan protested


The little boy nodded, Yamcha laughed "your just worried that were all gonna die and………" he was cut off as the sound and site of a large spaceship came in view and it was landing right in front of them.

~ * ~

"Sir were landing" a female voice said "………in 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-" there was a loud noise and then a male voice spoke up "me and Tanti (yes yes I know, but I love being in my stories so just think of me as………an original character,ok?) will go out 1st to scout the area". The obvious leader scowled "don't be stupid I'll go with you I'm the strongest being in the universe I Think I can take care of myself." The two nodded "Yes sir"

~ * ~

"Here we go" Bulma took a few steps forward.

The ship open and 2 people stepped out, a girl with wavy red shoulder length hair and cold black eyes and a man with spiky black hair with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

Then a 3rd person stepped out in-between the first two and Bulma instantly gasped and dropped her fighting stance and started running towards him.

"NO! Bulma!!"

The blonde man looked up to see the blue haired woman running at him.


"Vegeta!! Will you wait up!" he sighed and turned to see his blue haired friend running at him.

"What do you want Bulma!"

---End Flashback---

"Bulma………" she finally reached him and threw her arms around Vegeta.

"VEGETA!" she backed up and smiled happily "Kami is it really you!?"

"Yea………" both Tanti and Aakeido starred at Vegeta and the girl like they were nuts.

"Tanti what's going on?"

The redhead glared at him "How should I know!"

Bulma frowned and pulled down a handful of his hair "did you dye your hair blonde? Or are you………you're a super saiyan too!?"

"Yeah!" he smirked proudly

"That's great!!"

~ * ~

"Kakarot! What's going on" 18 asked

Yamcha agreed "yeah why are they talking like they're old friends or something!?"

Kakarot smiled "its cause they are" he started to walk up to the ship too.

18 and Yamcha both looked confused "what!?"

~ * ~

"Vegeta I don't get it, I thought Frieza had killed you"

Vegeta smirked "the other way around"

She gasped "you killed Frieza?!!"

"That's right I'm the man"

"you just keep thinking that Vegeta"


"Hey Vegeta!" Kakarot called out


"in the flesh"

"is all grown up………and you still look the same"

"well so do you"

"hmph………is that your kid" he pointed at the little boy behind Kakarot's leg.

"Ya! This is my son Gohan!"

"………nice name"


"Kakarot he was being sarcastic"


Both older saiyans sweat dropped, Bulma sighed and turned back to Vegeta "well being the handsome saiyan prince that you are I'm sure you have a mate………is she your mate?" she asked pointing at Tanti.

Tanti & Vegeta's eyes widened, Vegeta almost passed out "me and Tanti!? No way! She's with the ugly spike haired freak over there"

"Hey!" Aakeido protested

"Well Aakeido you gotta admit that you need a makeover" Tanti looked at him

"Tanti! Vegeta! STOP IT!" Aakeido glared at both of them

"Bulma………I don't have a mate, that night you left I was going to make you my mate"

She looked up "w-what?"

Yamcha ran up to Bulma and pulled her back a little "Bulma what's going on who's this freak?"

The female saiyan pulled away from him "Vegeta is NOT a freak! He is my best friend and you will never call him that again, understand me!"

"yes………" he smiled meekly

"Prince Vegeta, I thought we were here to Take OVER this planet not make friends with it!" Tanti said

Vegeta whipped his head around and glared at her

"Take………over? Vegeta I thought you killed Frieza, so the saiyans don't have to take over planets!"

"Well I did, but………"

"but nothing you jerk! How can you still do that! It's horrible! You really are the `evil prince' aren't you!" she shook her head and shot off into the sky.

"b-but Bulma" he trailed off "Tanti! This is all your fault!!" she threw her hands up.

"Is not! You're the one who brought be here I was perfectly fine on my planet!!"

Yamcha growled "you freak look what you did!"

"yea well who are you? ………her mate?"

"no! Her boyfriend and your gonna pay for hurting her!" as soon as he said it he flew off after Bulma.

Kakarot grinned "well that wasn't to smart was it?"

"shutup Kakarot!"

"ok ok, but hey you guys are staying here for awhile I guess, right?"


"well you can stay with me and my family and Capsule Corp if you want"

"I'm so excited!" he said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Well ok then lets go!" he floated up and looked at the Z fighters and sweat dropped.

"Um………guys, problem solved you can go, home now!" they all looked at him like he was crazy but let it slide and flew in different directions.

18 on the other hand flew up to Kakarot glaring "Kakarot what do you mean problem solved! We trained for 2 weeks straight not doing anything else!" Krillin tried to calm his friend down

"18 just calm down! We didn't know they were good"

"so its KAMI'S fault!" she smirked and flew off top speed towards Kami's Lookout.

Krillin sighed "Kami I hope your packing………18 WAIT!!!" he flew after her quickly after waving to Kakarot.

"Kakarot your friends are physco"

"yea well I think your friends are a little on the odd side too"

"you know saiyan boy I should kill you for that comment" Tanti glared.

Aakeido smiled "believe me, I think the people on her planet were glad to see her glad and are probably thinking there safe now" this comment got Aakeido a smack upside the head.

Kakarot laughed and flew ahead so he was next to Vegeta "so where'd you pick those two up?"

"Well Aakeido was one of the remaining saiyans on our planet and we picked Tanti up a couple planets back since she's a sorceress, from Conna, and we could use that"

"a sorceress and a saiyan………that's weird"

"a human and a saiyan………that's weirder" Vegeta said in a mocking tone

"that's not funny Vegeta! Lets go!" with that they flew faster getting closer to Capsule Corp by the second.


An- ok finally go this chapter up! Yay! Might not be that long………but o well its good enough. ^.^

Teamwork people- Teamwork probably won't be updated for a couple days, cuz I still haven't written the whole thing yet, Im on a lil bit of a writers block! But don't worry Im almost 99% sure ill have it up this week!

Also I was checkin out some funny sites and I came across two sites that I thought were so stupid it was hilarious! Check em out!

http://www.verylowsodium.com/fanimutation/exuberance.php <<Join the Yatta lovin fun!

http://www.people.virginia.edu/~rdf7d/banana.swf <<Its Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Well that's it for not,

Ja ne!
