Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Seperation ❯ Who's Coming?!!? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN- Here you go Chapter 3!

Disclaimer- I don't own anything, nothing STOP PESTERING ME!

Aakeido- o.O


Chapter 3-Who's Coming!?

The ship was packed, so they took the 2 seats closest to the window and door.

"That's the last of em lets get goin!" the guard shouted.

Bulma sighed and looked out the window her eyes meeting with Vegeta's. She put her hand up against the window and mouthed the words "I love you" before the ship shot off into space.

*** ~ 10 Years Later ~ ***

"Oh Kakarot he's adorable!" Bulma squatted down and ruffled Gohan's hair "he looks just like both of you! And I'm guessing has the strength of both parents" she said while looking up at ChiChi and Kakarot.

"So Gohan you remember me right? Auntie Bulma?"

The little boy grinned and nodded "yeah!"

"well at least he doesn't have a short memory, cause I only saw you last week" she said while grinning.

"And you remember Uncle Yammy-chan?" (no they ARENT married just a nickname)

Yamcha groaned "Bulma don't call me that!"

"Aww I'm sorry how bout Yammy-channy?" he glared and crossed his arms "that's even worse"

Gohan laughed and started parading around chanting "Yammy-channy Yammy-channy!"

"Aww Bulma now he's gonna call me that for his whole life!"

"Good" she stood up and felt 4 power level's coming.

Krillin also looked up "hey I think I feel Tien, Choatzu, and Piccolo coming………and I think Kami's with them!"

18 looked confused "why would Kami be with them?"

"I don't know maybe he wants to join the fun!" he said while grinning.

Soon the 4 landed and Kami instantly spoke up "I have important matters to discuss with you"

18 looked down at Krillin "have fun alright"

The older Namek spoke again "hello everyone, I know I usually don't come to any of your get-togethers but this seemed important. I have some news."

Bulma sighed "that's never good"

"Yes well it seems 3 aliens are coming to Earth at this very moment"

Kakarot looked very confused "but me and Bulma were aliens from Vejiita-sei and we were not evil"

Bulma's face saddened at the name `Vegeta………'

"yes I know that Kakarot but I'm getting bad vibes from them"

"well…how long till they land?" Piccolo asked speaking up

"I'm gonna say about 2 weeks"

"ONLY TWO!?" Bulma screamed

"yes they are on planet Callisto right now and I feel them coming closer and closer by the second"

ChiChi's eyes widened "great! Just great I'm gonna die at age 22!" Bulma sighed and looked at ChiChi

"don't worry no one's gonna die! Me and Kakarot are saiyans we can take anything!"

"I sure hope so………"

"Yeah and B-chan gave me her extra gravity room so me and Gohan can train in that" Kakarot said trying to cheer his wife up.

"right, well I must go now, have fun and I'm sorry to have disturbed your party" Kami said then disappeared.

"Well we better go"

"but why sis, what about the party" Kakarot said

"Kakarot you baka! We got to train!"

"oh………ya! I knew that"

Everyone fell over anime-style around the grinning Kakarot.


AN- I know that's short. The next chapter might be short too -.- I probably should have combined them both together but its fun to keep you guys waiting ^.^

Aakeido- don't worry she's evil like that

*glares * am not! Anyway REVIEW! And maybe I'll put up next chapter sooner!

