Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ She's Who? (possible revision) ❯ Part 9 ( Chapter 9 )
She's Who?
Part 9
Lots of thanks to anyone that happens to read this far in the story. I know that it's a slow moving story and I'm hoping I can get to the more dramatic part this century. Would you believe I have a, 13 year old, son that reads this and says, "Mom, you really should post your story. I bet you'd get some good reviews."
YAHOO! Tax time is over! I can take off my rose-colored glasses now and go back to my regular ones.
Be glad I don't own DB/Z/GT; it'd still be going and probably not past Nameck.
And now, Part 9…
Miranda went to bed and suddenly she had a thousand and one questions going through her mind. She had no idea why she had married Goku except to get away from her "father." Goku had seemed like a nice and sweet kind of guy with eyes she could get lost in but she didn't want to be the one to ruin his home life. ChiChi had seemed nice and polite and seemed to support her husband having a second wife. But from what she just heard, she doubted that. And Goten, what did he think of all this? Then, what about the people at the reception? Would she have to find a way to hide from them too? A lot of them were built like brick shit houses and she'd bet a few were even stronger than that, including her newly acquired husband and stepson. ChiChi looks like she could've held her own when she was younger. Vegeta and Trunks look about as strong as Goku and Goten, Gohan probably, maybe. Bulma and Bra by sheer will alone, they didn't look like fighters, but Bra was still young that could still change. Pan, she adored her. Miranda could tell she would one day be a force to be reckoned with. But after that last thought was her last as she drifted off to sleep. Morning would be a trip.
Upstairs in the master bedroom, it wasn't near as quiet. As soon as he entered the room Goku admonished ChiChi. "Why are you acting this way?" he asked. "I don't know," she started, "I was fine with the idea of another in the house, I guess I was kind of thinking of her, maybe, as a daughter we never had or as a permanent house guest. Not until, she paused, when I saw you kiss her at the wedding and later dance with her at the reception, I guess it really pulled at my heart. I suddenly realized I have to share you, possibly in ways I never wanted to. It's scary to me. I'm going on 50 and you marry a girl that's half my age. She's beautiful. She's polite. She's a fighter. She's got the figure that I had when we got married. I guess I am worried that now that you have a young, beautiful, strong and willing second wife that you'll forget about me. I couldn't stand losing you in a fight again, it'd kill me on the inside to lose you to another." "Oh, ChiChi," he said as he came up behind her, put a leg on both sides of hers and hugged her from her spot on the bed, "you're not going to lose my love or my wanting to be by your side, not to her or anyone. I married you first. Don't ever forget that." "Okay," she mumbled. Then he pulled her down onto the bed. She fell asleep with the love of her life holding her and, at that moment, all her demons at bay. He held her not wanting to go to sleep till he knew she was sleeping. Then he stared at the far wall, wondering what tomorrow will bring, at least till he too fell asleep.
The next morning, everyone woke to the wonderful smell of food. Then jumped as someone tried to break the door down. Goku shouted, Damn! I forgot I promised Vegeta I'd spare with him this morning!" "I'll get up and get breakfast," said ChiChi. "I think someone beat you to it," said Goku while licking his lips. Chichi looked confused for a moment the thought maybe Miranda tried to make breakfast. 'Too bad the girl has no idea how much my family eats,' she thought. Both dressed and went downstairs.
Downstairs Miranda was working furiously to make a good impression. She'd made "Biscuits and Gravy" then decided that probably wasn't enough after seeing them eat yesterday. So she woke Goten to ask him where things were in the kitchen. He had mumbled, "Ask Mom," I his sleep but she had explained that she wanted to prove to ChiChi that she wouldn't be a burden and could help around the house. Goten suddenly remembered his mother's rant the night before and thought maybe his Mom would lighten up if she did prove herself. Then he mumbled, "Okay just let me get dressed." She then left his room to wait for him in the kitchen.
When Goten got to the kitchen, he promptly started drooling. He hadn't even considered her as a cook. "What's that?" he asked. "Biscuits and gravy," she answered. "Can I try?" "Sure." After he had taken a couple bites she asked, "Is it okay?" Goten gave her a thumbs up. "Okay, so what else should I make?" "How about bacon, pancakes and eggs?" answered Goten. "Okay, where's the bacon?" asked Miranda. "Bottom shelf." "Eggs?" "Door." "Buttermilk?" "Buttermilk? What for?" asked Goten. "The pancakes," answered Miranda. "Just use the mix, Mom does," shot back Goten. "I've never used a mix, is it good?" "Yeah I guess it is," said Goten, "If buttermilk is in there, it's on the top shelf." "Great, thanks Goten. I know where everything else is," said Miranda. "No problem, as long as I can be taste tester," answered Goten. Miranda promptly stuck her tongue out at him and she turned around to start again on breakfast.
She was just finishing the bacon and pancakes when someone started banging on the door. It had made her drop two pancakes. "Ugh!" she said and stooped down to pick them up to put in the trash. When she brought herself back up, she dropped them again because now she had four sets of eyes on her. Goten, Vegeta (who had been the one at the door), Goku, and ChiChi were all just staring at her. "Uh, any one hungry?" she queried. She got nods all around. "How do you want your eggs?" "Scrambled," said the three men. "Poached," answered ChiChi, "and I'll make them the way I want." "I know how you feel. I like mine over-medium but no one ever gets it right. There's always either the white still runny or the yolks too done," she said trying to make small talk while scrambling about two- dozen eggs. "So, how did you know to make this much?" asked ChiChi. "Well, I watched everyone eat at the reception yesterday, except I wasn't expecting Vegeta. Do you think there will be enough?" "Good possibility. How'd you make so much? I didn't remember having this much in the cupboards?" answered and asked ChiChi. "Oh, well my Mom taught me how to make just about any and everything out of flour. If it has flour in it I can probably make it," stated Miranda. "HaHa! That's good," giggled ChiChi. "No, I'm serious." "Oh."
"Are you two going to chat all morning or are you going to feed us so we can get to our training?" states Vegeta. "You're waiting on the eggs?" asked Miranda. "Yes, I don't recognize anything else," says Vegeta. "Why not? It's not burnt or underdone. I watched it. I just don't know where the syrup is for the pancakes?" says Miranda. "I'll get it," said Chichi. "Well, what is this stuff?" asks Vegeta as he puts his finger in it. "Hey, no reason to be rude Vegeta. Just because we don't recognize it," defends Goku. "It's actually pretty good. She called it Biscuits and gravy," pointing to Miranda, " I already had some," said Goten while munching on a piece of bacon. "Really? It looks gross," said Vegeta. "Oh, give it a chance Vegeta. Just because it didn't come out of a box, you look like it might kill you," states Goku. "Ya never know," mumbles Vegeta. Getting a plate and not knowing how it was to be eaten he spooned the gravy into a bowl and ate it with a spoon and ate the biscuit out of hand. "No Dad, here I'll show you. This is how she served it to me." "Why is it he gets served while I sit here wondering what this stuff is?" demands Vegeta. "Guess, early bird gets the worm? Plus, he helped me find the stuff to make the rest of breakfast. Here you go, done," answers Miranda.
"What would you like Vegeta?" asks Miranda. "Eggs, oh just put something on a plate." "Sure," says Miranda with a smirk and prepared his plate. "How about you, Goku?" "I'll just take some eggs, got the rest already." "Okay." Next at the table was Goten, "Already got it Miranda. Thanks though." "No problem," she says and asks the last person, "How about you ChiChi?" "No, I'll serve myself." "Oh okay," she says as she turns around to start cleaning the kitchen. "Aren't you going to eat, Miranda?" asks Goku. "Yeah," she answers. "So, make a plate," says Goten. "No, not yet," she says. "Why not?" asks Goku? "You mean I can eat now?" she asks in a confused voice. "Yeah, why not?" ask Goten. "I just thought that women had to wait till men and children are done to eat. I mean ChiChi isn't eating," she says pointing to ChiChi just as Chi Chi's sticking a fork in her mouth. "I am now," says ChiChi, " my eggs are done." "Oh," says Miranda as she gets herself a plate and makes sure to take small portions, to make sure there is enough.
Well, there's part 9. Hope it's not too disappointing. Everyone have a great week. I'll try to update this story Friday. If not, next Friday for sure.