Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Son Gokou VS The Evil Seamonkies ❯ Son Gokou VS the Evil Seamonkies ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(AN: Erm, this is my first fic, basically it's just Gokou fighting off evil seamonkies, 'kay? oO; Review if ya think I'm worthy, please don't flame, I'm just a hopeless baka who wrote this on a sugar high after eating several Pixie-Stix. ^ ^U)

Son Gokou VS the Evil Seamonkies

The married couple sat together on the couch, embracing each other into their arms. The man grinned; he liked being this way with her. She smiled as she leaned in closer; the man caught her intention and did the same. They continued until their lips were just inches, centimeters, millimeters away from each other. Much to their displeasure they were interrupted by the opening and closing of a door, the couple quickly moved away from each other, not wanting to arouse any suspicions.

"Hiya, Okaa-San, Otou-San," Gohan cheerfully said (AN: Gohan is around 8 in this fic, just kinda thought that would go with the story)

"Um.. Hey, Gohan! Eh-Heh," Both Gokou and ChiChi replied

"Hey why were you guys all clingy like that? Were you kissing?? Huh, huh, were ya???" Gohan starts making kissy-faces

"NO! We weren't!" ChiChi quickly stated, knowing Gohan had walked in on them one rather unfortunate night. "We were just--"

"Umm, hugging!" Gokou finished her sentence, expecting a glare from ChiChi, grins when she smiled approvingly "So, what'cha got there, Gohan?"

"Oh, this? Well, I bought this with my lunch money on the way home, ain't it cool!? Of course I had to skip lunch to buy it but it was worth it!" Gohan said as he holds up a small package with little pictures of pink and blue creatures on the front performing several activities such as unicycle riding, dancing, etc...

"You skipped lunch!? Don't you know that's the most important meal of the day!?" Gokou immediately shot up from his seat

'Umm, isn't that breakfast?"

"Yeah, that's what I said," Gokou blushed at his mistake

"Oh, well. Nevermind that. How did you do with your studies Gohan-Chan?" The obvious voice said

"They went great! Sensei gave me a sticker!"

"Really? Well I'm just going to have to prepare a special meal for my little Gohan!"

"What about me?", Gokou said, hurt

"Um, you too!" ChiChi smiles apologetically

"Yatta!" Both of the Son males were jumping up and down, grinning

"Oh boy..."

( AN: Well, that's all for now. I know it's a short chapter but I'm just starting this story. I'll update with the next chapter as soon as I type it up. n.n;; Erm, till the next chapter, I guess. =\)