Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Son Gokou VS The Evil Seamonkies ❯ Dinner Time ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
( AN: Well, here's the next chapter. Don't worry, I'll get to the seamonkey part soon. )

Dinner Time

ChiChi hums happily as she prepares the day's dessert: A rather large Chocolate Ice-Cream Cake, with the little edible roses on top that all three of them fight over who should eat them . She had been so proud of her little boy getting a sticker from his teacher that she just had to reward him. She hid the cake inside the freezer, wishing to Kami that their Saiya-Jin sense of smell wouldn't discover it. And as for the special meal she'd promised Gohan-- Gokou since she thought he looked too adorable with his hurt, pouty face on-- She placed a large fish atop the plate on the table, around that plate were scores of small dishes with around 2-3 pieces of sushi on each. Then it was time to break out the extra tables, she pulls a HoiPoi Capsule out of her pocket, (AN:BOM!... Sorry, I just had to do that. u.u;) out of it appeared several full-sized tables, The selection was, according to their favorites: Bar-B-Qued Ribs, fried Chicken, roasted Phterodactal meat and grilled Wolf meat.

"Whew.... I just hope that lasts them..." ChiChi exclaimed, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead. As soon as she said that two figures rushed into the dining room.

"I smell.. Uhh, we smell... FOOD!!!!!" Both father and son rushed toward the table only to be stopped by ChiChi glare, Frying Pan of Doom™, in hand.

"Now just wait one second.." She starts to advance toward the two, making them pace backwards in fear. "... I spent a lot of time on this meal! I don't want you two to run in here and eat it all up in seconds as if I made it in 3 seconds! And you Gokou, when YOU finish eating don't you dare ask for seconds! This is Gohan's special meal for getting rewarded by his teacher--"

"Um, but I got a sticker, too! See?" Gokou interrupts, holding up a sticker that had 'World's Greatest Dude' written on it.

"Yeah, whatever." ChiChi and Gohan sweatdropped. "So as I was SAYING, I don't want you to to breeze past this meal, I put a lot of love into it and if you don't appreciate it I'll, I'll--" ChiChi starts to cry on command to guilt the two into obeying her.

"Fine, Chi-Chan, we won't, just stop crying," Gokou frowned

"Okay!" ChiChi said cheerfully. Both Gokou and Gohan fall over backward.

The three, well the <i>two</i> actually, enjoyed the large meal. As ChiChi instructed them to, the two of Saiya-Jin blood ate at a normal pace while ChiChi had own dinner.

"Okay Gohan, I have a surprise for you!", ChiChi informed her son joyfully

"Really!?", Gohan nearly shouted as ChiChi walked to the freezer. "Okaa-San, you know I love surprises what is it, what is it, wha-- Whoa, that's a big 'un," Gohan and Gokou looked at the cake with huge eyes. ChiChi placed the cake on the table.

"Dibs on the edible roses!", She shouted making the two pout and 'hmph'. (An: Yeah, I know that was cruel, but why don't YOU tell her that? oO ) She grabbed each of the roses, 17 in all, and saved them for later, knowing this would get them both rather irratated. To get back at her the two split the cake in perfect halves, thanks to Gohan's calculations, and gulped them down in the two portions' entirety. This now made ChiChi 'hmph'.

"Blah!" The two stick out their tongue's and pull down their right eyelids.

"What was that!?", ChiChi shouted, venom in her voice and flames in her eyes.

"Nothin, Ma'am!" "The two, terrified in fear, shut up. ChiChi holds her head up high, victorious. "May I be excused, Okaa-San? I wanna get to my room and put the Seamonkies in water. It'll be so cool!", Gohan grinned.

"Yes, you may, Gohan-Chan." ChiChi replied

( AN: DUM! DUM! DUM! Alright next chapter the Seamonkies will make their first appearance. As well as a few people of royalty who shall remain nameless *Cough-cough-"Ouji"-Cough-cough-"Gyuu Maou" See ya next chapter.... Please? ='( )