Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Son Gokou VS The Evil Seamonkies ❯ "... Damn, I need a fix... " ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(AN: Well, here's the next chap. )

-- Bejiita's thoughts

// Gohan's thoughts

~~ ChiChi's thoughts

"...Damn, I need a fix..."

"Alright who should we get to help us?", Gohan asked his father

"Well, we can't ask Kuririn,I heard he finally got a date!" (AN: Maron, remember? Or is it Marron? Anyway... )

"C'mon really?? Kuririn? The bald, short guy that even I'M taller than?"


"Whoa... Anyway, what about Piccolo-San? I'm sure he's available! He's a lonely guy.." Gohan teared up at his friend's lonliness "He just needs a hug!!"

"No-can-do, son. Piccolo's at Kami's Lookout. You know helping out. Sure is nice of him. We can't ask Yamucha,either. He's just such a creepy fellow." (AN: Sorry to people who actually like Yamucha, but, you have to admit it's kinda true. n.n;;)"I can't think of anyone except... Bejiita," Gokou wondered if Bejiita would actually help him fight Seamonkies.

"BEJIITA!? But he'd never go for it!" Gohan exclaimed

"Well, we have to try! It's the only way! Besides, I'm a wreck without my Chi-Chan!" Gokou starts crying like a little school-girl

"Dad, dad! C-A-L-M D-O-W-N!!!!!"

"I can't!"

"Ohh, man..."

3 Hours, 5 Minutes and over 500 Kleenex tissues later----

"Sorry, son. I just needed to sit down and have a good cry," Gokou admitted

// Ohh, Otou-San.. I'm so ashamed...// Gohan thought for the second time in his life (AN: He said thought it once in the Furiza Saga, when Gokou was all jumpy 'cause he thought Bejiita was gonna give him a needle. )

"Alright, let's go to Capsule Corp., son. The sooner, the better. That Bejiita's such a grumpy guy."

"Piccolo is, too. But it's nothing a hug can't solve!", Gohan told his father

"Boy, you really wanna hug that guy, eh?" Gokou sounded worried at his son's wanting to hug Piccolo so badly.

At C.C.-----

---Hmm, where's that woman with my hoagie? The Saiya-Jin no Ouji likes his hoagies promptly. Yes, he does doesn't he?--- (AN: I always pictured Bejiita thinking that in one of those rare moments when he actually stops talking. o.o; )

"Here ya go, Bejiita," Bulma said as she handed him a plate with a hoagie on top

"It's Prince Bejiita! PRINCE!" Bejiita corrected

"Prince of what!? You have no planet!!!" Bulma snapped

"Umm....Umm... Ummm... SHUT UP!!!" // ...Stupid Onna //

"Hmph." Bulma simply walks away

Just as Bejiita goes to take his first bite the doorbell rings

"Onna!!! Shut that infernal racket NOW!!" Bejiita shouted

"It's a doorbell! And one more thing.. Do you HAVE to say that EVERY time it rings"

"Yes, yes I do..." // ...Stupid Onna // Bejiita added in his thoughts

"Ugh..." Bulma goes to answer the door. "Oh. Hi Gokou. Gee, why didn't you say you were coming, I would've cleaned up a bit. Oh, is that Gohan!? Wow, he's gotten so big!"

// Bakarotto!?AND his brat!? Oh, no!! They're gonna come in and eat all my food! I gotta hide this! // Bejiita scrambles around C.C. trying to find a sufficient hiding place, but decides to just eat it instead and returns to his seat.

"Heh, yeah, he's a chip off the old block! Anyway, is Bejiita here?" Gokou asked

"Yeah, he's on the couch, I believe," Bulma said as she started to walk away toward her current project

'' 'Kay, thanks." Gokou walks toward Bejiita. "Bejiita.. There's a favor I need to ask of you."

"Hmph, what do YOU want?"

"Well umm, it's hard to explain but.. There's this Giant Seamonkey and he's kid-napped my precious Chi-Chan and I--I--" Gokou starts to cry again "I miss her soooo much!"

"There-there, father. Everything gon' be a'ight, foo'!"

Both Gokou and Bejiita fell over backwards

"Umm, I mean.. Uhh.... Damn, I need a fix..." Gohan plopped down on the couch

"Uhh... Yeah..." Gokou said. "Anyway, will you help us??"

"Iie," Bejiita responded



"Pwetty-please with sugar on top and marshmellows and.. FUDGE!!"



"NO!-- Wait, did you say Seamonkey?"

"Hai," Gokou sounded hopefull

"Oh, in that case..."



"Hmph, fine. Gohan.. The plan we discussed.."

"Yes, sir!" Gohan exclaimed as he walked toward Bulma's laboratory. "Umm, Bulma? Ma'am?"

"Yes cutie?" Bulma responded, making Gohan blush

"Well umm, there was this giant Seamonkey that kidnapped mom, and dad's a WRECK! I mean you should see how many Kleenex's I had to throw out! And Bejiita won't help him and it's gonna make me cry!!" Gohan's eyes filled up with tears

"Won't help you, huh? Well, I'm gonna MAKE him help you. C'Mon, sweetie," Gohan blushes again

Back at the living room---

"Bejiita! How could you do such a thing!? Refusing to help poor Gohan and Gokou! If you ever want to use the gravity room OR continue to sleep with me--" Bulma winked at that part, Gohan kinda frowned and a tear dropped out his right eye since he knew couldn't get some. "-- You'll help them!"

"Agh! FINE! I'll help them, damn woman!!"

"Yatta!!!" Gokou celebrated.

"Yeah, cole me down on the panty sty!!!" Gohan yelled, making everyone except Bulma, who winked at him, sweatdrop.

Meanwhile at the Seamokies Hideout---

Scores of purple seamonkies gathered 'round a cage, inside was a woman, crying her eyes out..

~~Oh, my Gokou, please rescue me soon.~~

(AN:That's it for now. ^ ^;; Sorry it's so short. I'm just so sleepy... But what will happen next chap.? Will Gokou rescue ChiChi!? Will Bejiita stop reffering to the doorbell as the 'infernal racket'!? Will Gohan ever get his fix and/or Bulma!?Will Piccolo get a HUG!?? Ehh--- Just be here next chap.)