Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Stealing Time ❯ Everyone has Issues ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Stealing Time

Chapter three

Not wanting to leave Vegeta alone in his condition, Goku stayed at C.C for almost a half an hour worrying. He paced the hallways hearing nothing but the loud music as it continued to play a different rock song every few minutes. He'd knocked on the door twice but got no answer. He called through the door hoping to be heard over the noise but Vegeta remained muted. Tired of pacing, Goku headed back downstairs to the kitchen for food. The initial time for lunch was already passing and he needed to refuel.

"Maybe this'll get Vegeta to come out. Everyone needs a good meal to make them feel better." The hungry Saiyan fished through the refrigerator until he found something he liked, left over roasted chicken that was already prepared from one of the city markets. He unconsciously licked his mouth at the sight but shook his head clear. 'No that'd be too much for the afternoon.' With a bit of disappointment he settled on a nice simple salad, since he knew Vegeta wouldn't go for the more fatty foods he enjoyed. Goku pulled out the pre-made bag of fresh garden green salad. Grabbing a few more vegetables and some dressing he went over to a counter. "This should do it."

He went to work getting the meal ready in two nice sized bowls. He chopped the extra ingredients to add then put the materials away. Getting two bottles of mineral water he tucked them under one arm and carried the bowls, one in each hand, up the stairs. He didn't actually notice that the music had stopped blaring through the house until getting to the top of the stairs. "Whoo! That's a relief." He got up to Vegeta's door and, unable to knock with his hands, tapped at the door lightly with his foot. "Vegeta, are you alright in there?"

Inside the bedroom Vegeta was still puzzling over the nightmare he'd just had. Wanting to know why his mind was playing tricks on him, why it all seemed so real and not just reoccurring bad dreams. He'd been sitting on the floor against the door for some time gripping his hair trying to ignore the voices that continued taunting him. Eventually they went away as he focused more on the annoyingly loud music. Once he was positive he didn't hear anymore talking he stood on stiff legs, from not having moved in so long, and went over to stop the radio.

Dropping down into the larger than himself arm chair he lied his head back against the soft black cushion. 'This is insane. I'm going to go insane if it continues.' His eyes closed briefly before snapping back open at the sound of Goku's voice from beyond the door. 'He's still here. Perfect! This is the last thing I need.' Vegeta stood from the armchair and walked to the door pausing in front of it. 'Wait. I can't deal with Kakarot right now, not like this.'

"Vegeta did you hear me?" The concerned voice came again.

Vegeta knew Goku was worried but he didn't have the strength or mental stability to deal with the man at the moment. 'How can I get rid of him? ... ah of course.' With a plan in mind his ungloved hand reached for the knob. When the door opened a startled Goku jumped back a bit. The two remaining Saiyans eyed each other for a moment. Vegeta turned his vision to the items in Goku's hands. Said carrier noticed the action and explained himself.

"Oh right, I thought you might be hungry so I made lunch." He tensed for whatever Vegeta might say or do next.

"Thank you,"

But he wasn't ready for that! "Huh?"

Vegeta continued ignoring Goku's stunned expression. "but I'm not hungry." The Saiyan prince paused. "I... I'm not feeling well. So if you wouldn't mind I'd like to be alone." His usually brash voice came out quiet and soft, highly unusual for Vegeta.

Goku stood puzzled at the sudden change of attitude in the other man. It's a wonder he'd heard him at all.

"Kakarot?" The prince questioned, becoming a bit impatient.

"Oh uh... sure i-i-if you're sure you want to be alone." His words stumbled over his tongue.

"I'm sure. No need to be concerned. I just haven't slept well and as I said I feel ill." 'Hah! if that doesn't convince the buffoon I don't know what will.' He sneered inwardly at his acting skills.

"Well okay.... if you need anything." Vegeta nodded already knowing what the younger Saiyan was going to say. Goku slowly turned away from the smaller man and headed down the hall but paused glancing back over his shoulder. "Don't worry about the food, I'll take care of it."

'Of course you will.' With another nod Vegeta's brows furrowed as he silently hurried the younger Saiyan along.

"See ya later- oh and get some rest." Once Kakarot was out of his sight Vegeta went back inside his room leaving the door open this time.

"About time." He returned to the armchair and checked the clock beside him. 12:15 p.m. 'Sleep is the last thing I need. I have to stay alert and keep my mind focused.' He stood again. "No one will know anything's wrong if there truly is something wrong at all. I might just be delusional." Deciding a little training would be good to sate his fatiguing mind and body and keep him awake he left for the isolation chamber. The prince mentally promised himself he'd never let anyone see him in that weak condition again. They'd think he was losing it for real. 'I just hope Kakarot keeps his mouth shut and forgets everything. I won't be ridiculed by anyone.'


"Sure you don't wanna stay awhile, have dinner with me and my dad.... maybeee help me with this homework?" Goten glanced sideways at the solemn boy walking next to him.

"Maybe another time, it wouldn't be fair to Vegeta if I left him to fend for himself. Probably just make him angrier."

"Hm." Goten stuffed his hands deep into his pockets and stared at the ground while he walked. All through school, when he saw him, Goten noticed Trunks was still in a somber mood. When they'd first started dating things were always great between them. Happy and simple. Not that they weren't still happy and having a good time but the simple part seemed to be slowly vanishing. Goten wasn't sure when it started or if it was always there and he failed to notice but, Trunks was becoming a downer as the days went by. He knew the lavender haired boy just wanted a connection with his father but Vegeta wasn't on the same playing field. This was making things harder on Goten because he wasn't sure how to help Trunks or what to say to him to make the situation even slightly better.

Suppressing a sigh, Goten kicked the next rock that came in contact with his sneaker. As if sensing his mental turmoil Trunks nudged the other with his elbow forcing Goten to look up.

"Hey don't worry about me. I'm fine really. I know I haven't been much fun lately but I'll make it up to you."

"No, you don't have to do anything. I understand what you're dealing with, I just wish I could help." Goten looked forwards again down the path they walked.

"You're always helping 'ten just by being here." Trunks slipped his arm around Goten's, since the other boy still had his hands hidden in his pockets. Goten smiled briefly as they walked the dirt path towards his house, arms linked. A pleasant silence fell over the two. Nothing but the sound of wind playing in the trees rustling fresh spring leaves. Birds hopped along the ground searching for their next meal. A short distance from them you could hear the babble of a stream, one the lovers often sat by when they wanted to be alone and just relax. They'd lie down by the water quietly exchanging words about this and that or just lying in the quiet comfort of the clear liquid sloshing over rocks.

It was a perfect afternoon that would soon meld into a beautiful evening. Goten, quick to let the bad stuff pass, felt better already and enjoyed the fresh air and being in his boyfriends company. Trunks on the other hand was still inwardly wallowing in self pity.

'I've gotta get it together and stop dragging Goten down with me.' He took another look at the happy-go-lucky boy beside him. 'It's not fair for him to feel the affect of my problems with Vegeta.'

"I was thinking, maybe Vegeta doesn't know he's upsetting you." Trunks was brought from his thoughts by Goten's sudden words. "I mean maybe you have to tell him what's up and things'll start to sink in."

Trunks smiled out of nowhere despite the gloominess lingering inside of him. He slipped his arm from out of Goten's and hugged the boy causing Goten to sway a bit. "See what I mean you're always a big help." He released him and patted the boy on the back feeling slightly better already. "I bet you're right too. I never even thought of discussing it with him. Guess I was always hoping he'd just come around on his own. Maybe I can bring it up during dinner."


The two could see the little cottage house Goten shared with his dad just a few feet away now. "Maybe I will stay for a little while and help you with that homework." Trunks threw in out of nowhere.

"Really?" Goten asked surprised by his boyfriends sudden change of mind.

"Sure, I mean you helped me right, might as well return the favor."

"Awesome." Now it was the spiky haired teens turn to smile. "Come on I'll race ya to the house." With that Goten took off not even waiting for the others go ahead.

"Cheater!" Trunks took off after him seconds later. Their book bags flapped against their backs as they ran dust kicked up at their feet from the dirt path. Stopping at the door first, Goten pulled the house key from his pocket. It was a little worn brass key attached to a small gold chain that he'd taken from a pair of jeans months ago. Sticking it in the keyhole he turned, pushing the door open at the same time.

"Dad I'm hooome!" He stepped inside, Trunks right behind him closing the door. A rush of cool air greeted them upon entering along with silence. The boys headed into the cozy living room and dropped their bags on the cushy red couch. "Dad?" Goten called again. "Huh, guess he's out." He said turning to Trunks. "All the better for us right?" He smirked with an implying glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, we won't have any distractions getting the work done." Trunks replied knowing that's not what his best friend was getting at. He smiled at the frown plastered to Goten's face.

"Very funny. Hey you hungry, I'm gonna get a snack before we start."

"No thanks but don't take forever."

"Yes sir." The younger boy saluted on his way into the kitchen missing the quiet laughter of the other. Once Goten was gone Trunks put their bags on the floor and sat himself down. He looked around the little space of their living room and sighed. Even though it was just Goku and Goten sharing the space, since Gohan moved out, it felt more home like than Capsule Corp ever would. The whole place was done in warm browns and red bits of orange just like the leaves of autumn. They had family photos hanging from the walls, small pictures on tables of them and their friends. Goku even kept a clay sculpture Goten had made in school once when he was younger. Trunks was always too afraid of what Vegeta might say if he ever gave him something like that. No matter how proud Trunks himself was of his work he'd keep it to himself.

Most of his childhood he'd spent trying to please his father by being just like him. He'd even bossed Goten around for months hoping for the older Saiyans approval. Eventually Trunks realized nothing was working and he got tired of trying to be someone he wasn't. Which was good, because he liked the person he was now no matter what his father thought of him. 'But still... it'd be nice if just once he-'

"I got you a soda just incase." Trunks turned his head to the sound of Goten's muffled voice approaching. He smiled shaking his head lightly at the sight of the boy carrying more than one item for his "snack" one of the many hanging from his mouth. "Here ya go." He sat Trunks' soda down on the table and carefully unloaded his treats onto the table as well. Pulling the twinkie from his mouth he sat beside the lavender haired teen. "Alright lets see what's on T.V."

"Goten." Trunks spoke sternly.

Goten held up his hands in defense. "Okay, okay just kidding." He finished off the cream filled desert and started pulling his school books from the bag. Trunks glanced at the clock for a second while Goten was busy.

'I wonder where Goku is?'


The younger Saiyan wasn't sure what to make of Vegeta's well... disturbing, was the only word he could think of, behavior that afternoon. His mind continuously wandered back to the ill ridden man. 'I hope he'll be alright until Trunks gets back from school.' The thought of going back to the hospital to get Gohan to check Vegeta out had passed his mind but he just couldn't get himself to do it. For fear of Vegeta's reaction and not wanting to disturb his son at work twice in a day. So he'd passed the last few hours working out on the cliff where he and Vegeta had been almost training that morning.

With his head now clear, putting the days events behind him he lied out on the grass napping. Opening one eye then the other Goku yawned, mouth wide open, as he sat up. Stretching his arms over his head, he glanced up at the suns position. "School should be out by now," He spoke to himself. "I'd better head home." Standing fully now he gave his legs a quick shake before taking off. A flash of light streaking the sky after him.

The trip home wasn't very long at all given the speed Goku was going in. Once he spotted the little stone white house he landed a few feet from the door. He could already hear voices inside as he approached. A smile came to his face upon entering and seeing the two boys together on the couch hovering over, what he assumed to be, homework. It was one of the many sights that filled his heart with happiness and sadness at the same time.

'Me and Vegeta, what was I thinking. Maybe it was a blessing that he woke up the way he did or I might have embarrassed myself for life and with a Saiyan life span that's a long time.' He walked further into the vicinity heading for the kitchen unseen or heard.

"Uugh! This is stupid." Goten whined slamming his hands on the lined white paper in his open notebook. "Why do I need to know any of this stuff anyway?" He whined.

"Ten you can't get angry every time you get a problem wrong."

"Says who?"

"You need to calm down and think it out first before giving up."

Goku entered from the kitchen a tall glass of red juice in hand. He replayed the words Trunks had just said in his mind. 'Think it out before giving up. Yeah, maybe.. maybe I shouldn't quit on Vegeta. Who knows what'll happen.'

"But I don't get it even when I am calm." Goten continued arguing his side.

"Hey guys." Both boys looked up and behind them to see a chipper Goku standing in the kitchen entry. He made his way over to them.

"Hey dad. Will you tell Trunks not everyone's as smart as he is." Goten mocked his boyfriend.

"Haha, that's true but you can't use that as an excuse to give up learning son."

"You see. Thanks Goku."

"You're taking his side? I'll never win." The other two laughed at poor Goten's defeat.

"Oh hey Trunks," Getting the boys attention Goku went on. "You haven't been home by any chance?"

"No. I came straight here after school, why?"

"Well something might be wrong with Vegeta."

The lavender haired boy sprang up from his seat immediately. "What?! I-iis he hurt, did something happen?"

"No, no, it's nothing serious I don't think. Said he wasn't feeling well and he'd been acting really strange all day."

Goten could see the instantaneous look of worry on his boyfriends face. "You'd better go see him Trunks, I can handle the homework on my own."

"Thanks Goten." Trunks replied already packing his belongings into his book bag. He headed for the door but stopped after opening it. "We're still on for that movie tonight alright. Don't forget." Getting a brief smile from Goten and a wave he left for home.

Goku observed the look on his sons face, his eyes peering at him from over his juice glass. "Something going on with you two?" He asked after swallowing the last of the liquid.

Goten looked up at his father. "No, nothing." His words, however, were betrayed by his expression but Goku thought it best to leave the subject alone. If there's one thing he learned about teenagers, from raising Gohan, it's to know when to leave well enough alone. Besides his boys always managed to come to him when they were ready. Even Trunks had found himself falling into the habit.

"Well alright. I'm gonna go wash up before dinner."

"Sure, thanks dad." Goku placed his empty glass on the coffee table near Goten's assortment of snacks. On his way by he patted the boys head then disappeared down a thin hallway towards the bathroom. Goten sighed once alone and let his body fall back against the cushion of the couch.


Trunks barreled through the front door of Capsule Corp and ran into the living room and kitchen checking for Vegeta. Finding both areas empty he ran upstairs hoping, if he was in fact sick, that his father would be resting.

"Father?" The room too was empty so the frantic teen ran into the bathroom smacking right into the man he'd been searching for. His butt came in contact with the floor behind him. Vegeta turned his eyes down at the boy sitting before him.

"Hmm," A sound of annoyance came from the tightly shut lips. "What are you doing?" He asked. Seeing that his father had just been in the bath or shower Trunks relaxed himself and stood up.

"I was... well Goku said-" Stumbling on his words a bit nervous and slightly uncomfortable at his fathers lack of clothing Trunks turned his eyes to the floor.

"Kakarot again. What lies has he been spreading this time?" Vegeta moved past his son and pulled the towel from his waist revealing all and everything he had to offer. He casually went to his closet and searched for clothing. Not turning around for fear of what he'd see, Trunks spoke to his own image reflecting from the bathroom mirror. It's not like he'd never seen his father naked before but then he was a child and it never mattered. Now he was mature enough to know what went on with those private parts between two men having done some of them himself after realizing his personal preferences in sexuality. And of course it was no big secret that Vegeta was quite handsome and well... well endowed.

Clearing his throat, Trunks spoke trying to keep his embarrassment from being heard. "He just said that you weren't feeling well so I-"

"You were worried, how nice but there's no need I'm perfectly alright." Vegeta's voice was closer to Trunks then before so he assumed it was alright to turn around and did so. To his relief his father was in fact dressed now in a regular pair of blue jeans, something he didn't wear often, and black tank top. He watched the smaller man walk around the room and pick up the towel and other discarded items on the floor, putting them where they belonged.

"That's not all I was worried about. Goku mentioned you acting strangely this morning."

Vegeta froze for a split second it went unseen by his son. In that time his mind flashed back to half an hour ago in the isolation chamber where he'd been training. Always alone.. as you should be. Punching at the mechanical man in front of him with more vigor, Vegeta forced himself to ignore what he'd just heard. Things had been running smoothly the rest of the afternoon since Goku had left him. He headed outside to the separated dome of C.C that was built specifically for his training. He even stopped briefly to take in the fresh air before entering. He wasn't going to let things fall down hill now but as always it was out of his hands. Don't trust them... don't let them in. "Rrr." He punched harder and harder the dummy began tilting backward on its stand with every blow. They only mean to hurt you to make a fool of you. They want to break you down and chip away at your pride.

"Shut up, shut up." He stopped hitting the fighting dummy and backed up beating the palms of his hands against his head. "No more of this nonsense." The voices silenced but were replaced by pain, sharp headache pains. "Uuh." Vegeta crumpled down to the cold floor on his knees. His head pounded viciously from inside. The Saiyan felt like his brain might explode. His breathing picked up hard and heavy until the warrior just passed out. Vegeta didn't know what happened after that. All he could remember was waking up in the house on the couch. The only thing he could do was pretend nothing happened at all, so he went to take his shower.

'Damn him, I should have known Kakarot couldn't keep his mouth shut.' Turning to Trunks, Vegeta gave him a hard stare making sure his words were heard and obeyed. "Whatever he said is wrong. So drop it." Without another word he left the bedroom leaving a bitter Trunks behind.

"Yes sir." He replied through grit teeth and left the room shortly after. Instead of going downstairs to join Vegeta Trunks went to his bedroom instead. It was a good thing because the phone began ringing seconds after his entering. Going over he lifts the receiver from its base. "Yeah?" His tone was harsher than he'd have liked it to be.

"Geez what crawled up your ass?" It was Goten, of course.

"Oh nothing just another father son moment." Trunks replied trying to bring his bitterness down.

"Oh. Is he alright?"

"He's fine, so what did you need?"

"Nothing really. Just checking in." Trunks heard the disappointment in his boyfriends voice as he spoke. It was obvious to Goten that Trunks was in no mood to talk right now. "So if everything's good I'll just-"

"Don't hang up." Goten tensed from his side of the phone. "I'm sorry about all this really. I'm just very- you know frustrated." The blue eyed boy tried to explain. He didn't want to hurt Goten's feelings or make the boy feel unwanted. 'Another victim in the whirlwind of Vegeta.'

"I understand, but hey you're gonna talk to him about this right?"

"Yeah I didn't forget. I just hope I live through it." He half laughed.

"You'd better we still have a date tonight and you're paying." Trunks laughed fully this time at his boyfriends blunt comment.

"You have no shame." He said after the brief chuckle died down.

"Yup and no money either."

"I'll be there don't worry. Better get this homework over with then. See ya Goten."

"Yeah bye." After a short hesitation both boys hung up their lines. Trunks stared down at the phone, the hand he'd held it with was still clamped down on the object.

'Right, I'll make Vegeta listen. Not just for me but Goten too and who knows it could turn out alright.' Determined now to get his voice across Trunks hurried to get to his work done so he could begin dinner and let things play out from there.

Downstairs Vegeta had just made it to the bottom of the stairs when a sharp pain shot through his head. "Ah!" He held onto the railing as he felt the room swirling around him. "No. I can't let this happen again." He squeezed his eyes shut tightly forcing his breathing to come out evenly. For a moment it seemed as if his body had shut down completely. Other than the rise and fall of his chest he made no movement or sound. A minute later he stood slowly, a smile appeared on his face. Had anyone seen that smile they'd have thought it to be sinister almost. Continuing to his destination of the living room the Saiyan prince seemed different somehow, his movement his posture. Something about it just wasn't right.