Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Bite ❯ 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Bite-Ch16

By Elbereth in April

"My name is Brolly," the strange Saiyan said. "And I vowed vengeance on the Vegeta Royal Family. One way or another, I'm going to kill you all."


"King Vegeta wanted to kill me just after I was born because my power level was so high he considered me to be a threat. My father smuggled me out of the palace before they could execute me." He stepped a bit closer to Vegeta, staring him in the eyes. "My father was declared a traitor and we were both to be killed on sight. Father began our plan for revenge. First, he had your mother poisoned." A smirk.

Vegeta's insides frosted over. A sick feeling rose in his throat and a rushing filled his ears.

"Unfortunately, he couldn't get close enough to either of you. Then you got shipped out to Frieza. Father stayed on the planet with the King and sent me off to Frieza, too. I was to get you, he was to get your father. But Frieza didn't let me get anywhere near you. He had me live on his base planet and whenever he sent you there, he sent me on a mission!" The frustration showed clearly on his face. "Then one day he let me take some time off to visit my father on Vegeta-sei. And Father had come up with an idea." His gaze shifted to Hito, who had moved to stand beside Vegeta. Goku watched them from the sidelines.

"Who did King Vegeta trust? Not too many people. But one was his Army Commander, Bardock. Father had been learning the art of how to take over people's minds. While I was there he started teaching me. When Bardock came back from his latest purging mission, Father was waiting on him. He'd been injured and seemed kind of dazed, so the timing was perfect. He kept babbling about getting cursed, and seeing the future, and Frieza being our enemy." Brolly shrugged. "So he was right; that's not the point. The important part is, he and Father fought. And Father should have won." His hand clenched. "But my guess is whatever had happened to him when he was cursed affected his mind in other ways. His mind was like a kaleidoscope, swirling and chaotic, but incredibly strong. I tried to help, but in the end I was pushed out and they clashed, so strong. . . somehow, they killed each other."

Brolly looked back at Vegeta. "And five minutes later I found out that Bardock had been right. Frieza was in orbit around Vegeta-sei, preparing to kill us, right then. To be honest, I didn't care what happened to the planet. It meant that King Vegeta would die, and that's all that mattered." He grinned. "And so he did."

There was a short pause. "How did you survive?" Piccolo asked quietly.

"I formed a ki shield and deflected the blast from around me. Then I floated through the air until I reached Frieza's ship, and they let me aboard. I immediately looked for Vegeta, but he was away on a mission of his own with Radditz, Nasu, and Nappa. Apparently Frieza didn't dare let them know what had really happened to their planet." He sighed. "Anyway, I waited. Finally, Vegeta came back, and Kakkarot was brought on board. My first plan had been to start a fight with Vegeta and kill him. I could have done it easily. But then another idea occurred to me. Wouldn't it be poetic justice to use one of Bardock's sons for my revenge? After what had happened to my father?" He glanced over at Radditz, who was staring at him with hatred. He grinned at him. "I could never get Radditz alone. But then I got a lucky break. Zarbon and Kakkarot were going purging. I took a space pod and followed them down to the planet. I knocked out Zarbon and erased the whole thing from his memory. And then I took over Kakkarot's mind." He sighed in dreamy satisfaction, eyes half-closed. Then he laughed and looked at Vegeta again.

"After that, it was easy. I deliberately kept my distance from the rest of you, and got a post on Frieza's scouter ship-you know, the one that flies ahead of his main ship, and makes sure everything's safe for him. So I stayed close enough to maintain my hold over Kakkarot, yet stayed hidden and let him do my work for me. A very fitting revenge, I thought, better than just killing you outright. And he truly did want you, it wasn't all me. And he came so close! But now, he has failed me, so I'll just go ahead and kill you, after all. And while I'm at it, I might as well kill that other Vegeta and his son."

"I don't think so," Hito said.

Brolly ignored him. "No hard feelings, Radditz. Over the years, I've pretty much gotten over my father's death. Most of my feelings for him vanished with his death, in fact." A shadow passed over his face as he added in a near whisper, "I suspect he may have practiced his mind control on me." A pause, then he grinned brightly and a bit psychotically. "Still, I enjoyed the fact that it was Kakkarot that I took for my slave, even if I don't really hold anything against Bardock anymore. And after all, I never did anything to you personally. So stay out of my way and I'll let you live."

"Can you go to Level Three?" Goten interrupted.

Brolly smirked. "Levels have no meaning to me."

Trunks and Radditz came forward and stood next to Vegeta and Hito. Nasu, Gohan, and Goten fell in behind them. Piccolo, Tien, Krillen, and Yamcha stood at the back.

"I don't accept your offer. You helped kill my father and corrupted my brother. You want to kill my best friend and my Prince. For all that you must die," Radditz hissed at him.

Brolly shrugged. "If that's how you want to interpret it."

Trunks gave Vegeta a worried glance. His expression was deliberately, carefully blank, but he was shaking with emotion. Trunks wondered what he was feeling.

Hito sneered. "You can't beat all of us. Even with him helping you," indicating Goku.

"You have no idea how strong I am," Brolly laughed. "Here. Let me show you."

His power up was quick and explosive, literally. The ground cracked and rock burst upward around them and fell away beneath them. Trees were uprooted and toppled over. A wind whipped around them.

"He's good," Krillen gulped, swallowing hard.

Vegeta watched him, emotions a churning miasma. A voice, singing. A hand, reaching out to him. Long brown hair being brushed in the moonlight. A hug against armor, feeling slightly crushed, but laughing in delight. Oh, kami, Mother. . .

A curious, over-excitedable boy, hair sticking up in all directions, following Radditz around. Eyes always shining, smiling much more than Saiyans usually did. Then going purging, and coming back. . . changed.

Shining eyes, gloating. "You're mine now, Prince." The feel of teeth against his shoulder, his mind exploding.

He made a strange noise in the back of his throat, and Radditz looked over at him, then back at Brolly. He'd never truly hated anyone before this day (although Frieza had come close). But now rage filled him, and power coursed through him. He didn't transform, but his energy level did increase enormously.

Not that it seemed he would be able to make much difference against that. Brolly's power just kept going up. And up. Then he stood before them, glowing golden with a strange hint of green, very much a Super Saiyan.

Hito scowled. This baka had no right to be this strong!

They all closed ranks and prepared to fight.

Hito led off, closing rapidly and kicking Brolly in the face. There was not much reaction. Brolly was huge-tall, bulky, all muscle, like a tank. Obviously they were going to have to hit him pretty hard for him to even feel it.

Trunks followed his father, coming in from Brolly's side and grabbing his long hair as he kneed the giant Saiyan in the stomach. The teenager used his hair to throw him to Radditz, who karate-chopped him in the back, then Nasu darted in to elbow him in the face. They moved back just in time for Vegeta to hit him with a super-charged wave of ki that slammed him backwards and into Goku, who had been hanging back and watching.

Both Saiyans ended up impacting against the ground with excessive force, Goku on the bottom. More of the landscape shattered beneath them. Goku lay still for a moment, but Brolly simply got up, seemingly unharmed. And smirking.

Goten and Gohan began firing bolts of energy at him, ending up with their traditional kamehameha's. Again, Brolly shrugged it all aside. And began attacking back.

He raised one hand and a green globe of light formed there, which he tossed at Vegeta and Hito, who both crossed their arms in an "X" and blocked.

The green light exploded outwards, seeming to fill the entire clearing, the entire forest. There was the noise of the concussion, and the ground rumbled. Dust filled the air.

When the debris had cleared, Vegeta took stock. No trees were left standing around them. The area was a smoking ruin. Yamcha, Krillin, and Tien were stretched out on the ground, unconscious. Radditz, Nasu, and Piccolo were on the ground, too, bleeding but not yet out of it. The other Super Saiyans had been on the ground, but were sitting up, moaning a bit, but looking rather vengeful. The fight wasn't over yet.

But Goku was standing again, and Vegeta had to admit that things didn't look good. His other self let rage and pride blind him to things, but he himself usually managed to keep a clear head. And although his rage and pride told him to stand up and kill this murderous rat, this treacherous maniac, this thing, his head was telling him quite plainly they didn't stand much of a chance at actually accomplishing this. They needed a strategy.

Except he couldn't think of one.

Then Goku floated upwards and threw a blast down at Radditz, Nasu, and Piccolo, who found enough strength to scatter. Gohan and Goten rose up to meet their father. Piccolo slowly joined them.

Trunks and Hito looked at each other, then launched themselves at Brolly, both punching him in the abdomen at the same time, then Hito kicked him in the head, and Trunks swept his legs out from under him. They jumped back and Radditz, Nasu, and Vegeta hit him with various attacks at the same time.

He threw up an arm and batted them away as easily as one would shoo at a fly. He held up both hands then, and let loose two more green balls, one for Trunks and Hito, one for Vegeta and his friends. They jumped to escape, but the balls expanded and followed, then detonated, once again seeming to fill the whole clearing.

Goku and his sons were above the blast, but Piccolo was clipped by it and fell to earth. Nasu and Radditz tried to help each other to stand up, but had to fall back down. "How does he do that?" Nasu groaned.

Trunks had dropped out of Level Two, and Vegeta wobbled on his feet. Hito looked beside himself with fury. "Calm down," Vegeta muttered to him. "Help me come up with a plan." Hito looked at him, and the anger on his face faded as he thought.

"Purple hair," Brolly said suddenly. "You're not a true Saiyan. You're more of an outcast than me. Half-breed. Die!" He fired his green ki again.