Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Bite ❯ 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Bite-Chapter 17

By Elbereth in April

"Purple hair," Brolly said suddenly. "You're not a true Saiyan. You're more of an outcast than me. Half-breed. Die!" He fired his green ki again.

Everybody moved at once. Nasu and Radditz dived out of the way. Trunks tried to do the same. Vegeta and Hito both sped over to try to help him, but they were behind him and they couldn't get in front in time. Goten wasn't any stronger than Trunks, but he didn't stop to think about that. He just wanted to protect his friend. He dropped straight down.

The blast hit just as Goten landed in front of Trunks. He absorbed most of it, with Trunks getting hit by residual energy. They both slammed into the ground hard enough to break bones and shatter the earth underneath them. Vegeta and Hito flew over at once.

"Are they OK?" Vegeta asked, voice shaking.

"They're still alive," Hito replied quietly. "They're stronger that the demon gives them credit for."

Then power exploded around them as Gohan finally lost his temper and went Mystic. His energy bolt plowed into Brolly and knocked him back about a dozen yards, inflicting actual visible damage. Gohan phased out and reappeared over Brolly as he struggled to stand back up. He punched the larger man under the chin, causing him to stagger backwards. But his kick to the ribs was blocked by Brolly's arm.

"Goku!" Brolly snarled. "Can't you control your brat?"

Goku blinked, then abruptly materialized behind Gohan and grabbed both his arms, pulling them backwards. "Dad!" Gohan cried as he felt the strain on his shoulder and elbow joints.

Goku ignored him and grinned at Brolly, who smirked back and hit Gohan in the stomach.

"OK," Vegeta said, turning to Hito. "What was that whole fusion thing you were telling me about?"

Hito's eyes suddenly gleamed. "That's it! You and I will fuse. Then that traitor to the Saiyan race will learn the meaning of pain and defeat."

"How do we do it?"

Hito looked uncomfortable. "Well, we have to do this stupid little dance." He looked over at Radditz and Nasu. "Maybe no one will notice in the confusion."

"Hito-anything that lets us win is not stupid. Show me, and let's do it."

Trying really hard not to blush, Hito showed him. Vegeta half-smirked. "You're right. That looks pretty stupid."


"I'm doing it, I'm doing it!"

Trunks sat up slowly, pulling Goten up with him. "Are they fusing?" Goten whispered. Trunks nodded. They heard Gohan scream and quickly turned their heads. "Dad's beating up on Nissan!"

"That really sucks."

"Fu. . . sion. . . ha!"

There was a burst of light. Trunks stumbled to his feet, leaving Goten on the ground. Nasu motioned to Trunks and he helped her and Radditz stand. The light faded.

They all looked at where two Saiyans had stood. Now there was only one, who was curiously looking himself over. Trunks squinted at him. He was lean, muscled, of indeterminate age, and had a tail. `His face is young,' Trunks decided. `But his eyes are old. Warier than Father's. But more arrogant than Vegeta-chan's.'

"So what do you call yourself?" Trunks asked.

He raised his eyebrows. "Prince Vegeta. What else would my name be?"

Radditz and Nasu laughed.

"Oh." Trunks looked at Goten, who grinned and shrugged.

Vegeta faced Brolly, his eyes narrowing. "Now, to take him down."

"Pound him into the ground, Vegeta," Goten encouraged.

Trunks said, "I'll go help Gohan."

Goten tried to get up, but his leg collapsed under him. He hissed in pain and stayed sitting, frowning with worry.

Vegeta rushed over to Brolly. Nasu and Radditz followed slowly, hanging back on the sidelines in case they could help.

Brolly turned away from Goku and Gohan to meet Vegeta's attack. His eyes widened. "Which one are you? What is this?"

"They fused together," Goku informed him, letting go of Gohan as Trunks entered the fray.

"Fused?" Brolly's forehead wrinkled in confusion. Goku didn't answer because Trunks had shouted, "Final Flash!" and released a huge burst of ki. Only Instant Transmission saved Goku from being hit by it.

Trunks and Gohan gave chase as Vegeta concentrated on Brolly. They came together in a flurry of punches until Vegeta finally reached out and grabbed Brolly by the hair, spun him around, and then threw him into the ground.

Brolly landed in a previously-formed crater, deepening it further, causing dozens of thin little cracks to spread outward, some for miles. He drug himself back to his feet, shook his head a bit to clear it, then looked back up at Vegeta with blazing eyes. He half-smiled, a particularly vicious, insulting sort of smile. "Your mother," he said. "I bet your daddy didn't let you see your mother after she was dead. That's because the poison we gave her made her real ugly. Her body swelled all up and her eyes got kind of glassy and strange, and her lips and tongue turned black. . ."

For a few seconds, Vegeta honestly couldn't see anything but a sort of haze of red and grey. Anger consumed his soul in flames. He would avenge his mother. He must.

His nerve endings felt like they were on fire. His whole body seemed to flush, then tingle. Hair suddenly spilled down his back, and some strands got into his mouth, making him blink, and reach his hand up to run those strands through his fingers. He blinked again.

< "We're Super Saiyan Three," > thought the part of him that was Hito.

< "Good," > the part that was Vegeta thought back with savage satisfaction.

Vegeta's gaze met Brolly's, and there was death in it. He spoke in Saiyago. "For your crimes, the penalty is to be executed in front of these witnesses. I, your Prince, judge you. Now I will carry out your sentence. Prepare yourself for the next dimension." He looked at Radditz and Nasu. "Witness it."

"Kiya namen," they replied. So be it.

With a yell, Vegeta attacked.

______________________ ___________________________

A/N: I know that was short, but I wanted to give you something to tide you over the weekend. More will be forthcoming.